Disabling Dips
Howdy all, I've been playing Civ 2 for years now, but until I found this site, I had no idea of all the nuances I was missing, great work!
Now on to my current question. My friends and I have played a number of multiplayer games, and we've found that embassies are crucial in determining strategy and outmanuvering opponents. So, we decided we wanted to try a game without embasies, play it blind as it were. To do this we decided to take out diplomats and spies from Rules.txt. Instead of deleting those lines, I put a semi colon ( ; ) in front of those lines (it looked like that was the comment character in the rest of the file). Well this did prevent us from producing diplomats, and it does give the game more excitement, not knowing where you stand, and having to glean intel wherever you can (top 5 cities can be a treasure trove of info, who's celebrating, who's pissed off, who's got invention...). But I errored in rules.txt because caravans, freight, and explorers were in slots below dips and once we got the techs those units were inaccessable. so apparently ( ; ) ends the the unit list and is not a comment. Anyway, my question is, to disable just dips and spies and keep the other should I just delete the lines themselves, or does anyone know if the actual slot number is important? Has anyone run into this before?
Oh, also, I tried to ; out Marco's and UN, but that doesn't disable them. It just changes their name in the build window to start with a ; (I'm guessing I should make their effects expire when their techs are discovered then)
Thanks all, and good civin'
[This message has been edited by Captain Psquire (edited December 08, 2000).]