Okay, large update on #26-50 (and yes I worked on your profile Chris

Not every 26-50 idea has been fixed but all of Stefu, Colon, and Jay Bee's ideas were added as well as additional comments.
Oh, heres 1-10; the files got too large:
<b>10. Urban Ranger</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: Chinese
Lives: Hong Kong
Registered: 1999
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III
Posts often in the Civ III and Off-Topic.
<b>09. *End Is Forever*</b>
Former Usernames: (Iain Lindley)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Iain Lindley
Age Group: 17-22
Nationality: British
Lives: Great Britain
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Off-Topic
Referred to Apolyton by Stewart Spink, Iain has mostly posted in the Off-Topic and rarely in the On.
After visiting Apolyton he began to play Civ III more often, but never was a major Ontopic poster.
<b>08. Michael the Great</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Michael
Age Group: 30-46
Nationality: American
Lives: Tijuana, Mexico
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: OT Moderator, Debates
For a long time MtG was a poster at Apolyton in the OT, then in December 2000 his wife had a baby and he took some time off from Apolyton.
In June 2001 he became Off-Topic Moderator when Ming 'semi-retired' and has moderated the forum since.
He is an avid poster and used to be one of Apolyton's great debaters.
He came to Apolyton from the old .owo Alpha Centauri forums and ACOL, where most posters now flame him since he became an Apolyton Moderator
<b>07. Narck</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: ?
Lives: Houston, Texas
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Apolyton Birthday List
He is best known for his creation of the Apolyton Birthday list which listed all previous username logins and ICQ's and Apolytoners birthdays and ages.
He has not posted much since November 2000.
<b>06. Provost Harrison</b>
Former Usernames: (AI)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Richard Harrison
Age Group: 18-24
Nationality: British
Lives: Great Britain
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Off Topic, Debates
Major contribuitor to Apolyton, Apolyton's newest Deity, Provost Harrison has posted heavily in the Civ III and other sections of the site during his career.
He is a student Scientist in Britain and has met a number of British Apolytoners, Iain Lindley, Stewart Spink, etc.
He used to be a major debator in all types of threads, but has since abandoned Religious threads and has tired of debating the same old threads year after year.
He is a PhD Biochemist
<b>05. Alexander's Horse</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous Titles: (Apolyton Troll, GigaTroll, MegaTroll, Apolytoner of the Season)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 30-40
Nationality: Austrailian
Lives: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: PROT (A Delphi-Based Forum)
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Off-Topic, Spam, Trolling
A notoriously spammy Deity, Alexander's Horse has started numerous "Troll" topics in various forums, saying things just to get a response.
He spammed his way to deity, posting one word posts for nearly 2000 posts, but the majority of his 10000 posts were useful Civ III questions and Off-Topic debate subjects.
He was banned once for insulting Lancer and caused the entire population of Area 25 to be banned when he reported their rules violations.
He was once the Apolytoner of the Season winner.
<b>04. MarkG</b>
Former Usernames: (MarkG)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Markos Giannopoulis
Age Group: 18-25
Nationality: Greek
Lives: Greece
Registered: 1st to register
Had/Has A Website: APOLYTON CIVIZATION SITE; (before that: The First Greek Civilization Site)
Contribution to Apolyton: Apolyton, Civ III
One of the creators of Apolyton, MarkG is now a deity. He has created numerous Civ III threads and maintains the site and forums.
He has done much work to benefit the Civ III community and deserves much thanks.
Thank you MarkG!
<b>03. Imran Siddiqui</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Imran Siddiqui?
Age Group: 16-18
Nationality: Pakistani
Lives: New York, America
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III
ACS News Editor as of June 2001, he and Snapcase now control all news on Apolyton.
Before that time Imran debated and argued with Red Trotskyte and more recently, anyone who opposes George Bush Jr.
He is a diehard Republican and is one of Apolyton's more colorful members.
He also argues a lot with n.c. a Democratic American poster who hates George Bush Jr.
<b>02. Mao</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: American
Lives: America
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: May 1999
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Spam
Most people hardly ever see a post by Mao. He is the master of spammy posts, posts with little content and that just seem to fade into the background.
Mao is a poster of few words.
I first heard of Mao when he reached Deity level (the first time) and was disgusted, I posted on all on-topic forums except for the CTP ones and I had never seen a post by him at all. Then I discovered the Off-Topic.
He lost his Deity status first when a PCR of 1000 posts hit him (or 10%) then he regained it and a forum bug reset his #of posts to 0. Mark fixed that and returned to him 10100 posts and he was a deity once again.
He posted for a while, then disappeared to "The Frontier" an online story forum with "Chairman Milo" and "Shadowstrike" as well as other Apolytoners.
His username was chosen because Mao was an ally to him in a Civ II game.
<b>01. Ming </b>
Former Usernames: (none)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Bill
Age Group: 47 in October (10-??-1954)
Nationality: American---> german/italian/irish
Lives: Chicago, Illinois, America
Registered: Registered originally at the Original Greek Site... and just continued at Apolyton when the merger occured.
Had/Has A Website: NO
Contribution to Apolyton: The List, OT and Civ Forums Moderator,
The original deity and advertising executive of Apolyton. Also the first Off-Topic moderator, (before MLeonard begged to be an assistant moderator for the off-topic)
He Put together the list of Cheats for the Official Civ III List
He got extra help with Off-Topic moderation in March, 2001, when Michael the Great joined him as moderator for that forum.
A sometimes serious poster, sometimes funny, his catch phrase for a closed thread is "CASE CLOSED".
His other trademark is a

at the end of each post.