August 2, 2001, 21:47
Local Time: 05:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Hive corners Energy Market in 2234
Yes, it's not a misprint. The Hive succeeded in 2234 in cornering the global energy market (and Morgan was in the game too)
Following the other thread on how to get the AI to techshare, I built a scenario with 4 factions subservient to the fifth from the beginning, with only you (Lal) and Colonel Santiago remaining free.
And it works like a charm !!
They tech-shared like crazy, gifted each other units, voted en-bloc at the elections and council proposals.
Is this impossible to win? I dunno, but even having built the scenario, I've been thumped three times now by this AI alliance.
Try it for yourself.
Download Game #10 (advanced, smax) from:
post here how you get on
August 2, 2001, 22:06
Local Time: 12:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: NYC, Chinatown
Posts: 151
Hi there Googlie, are we allowed to use stockpile energy cheats and things like that?  Just want to know before I give it a go.
August 2, 2001, 22:27
Local Time: 05:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
LOL - I used all the cheats I could - and still did me no good. (essentially only the stockpile energy - I never got advanced enough to use crawlers to build an SP or to right vlick on drop troops, etc.
First try i played a conventional style, fast-tracking for Ind Auto (I got it around the time that Aki built the Cloudbase Academy and Domai the Cyborg Factory. Got invaded by the Hive and lasted some 20 turns with my valiant silksteel armour against shard noodles and drop rovers
Second game I went only conquer techs, and used oodles of probes, but Yang PB'd my HQ with my only SP (Virtual World) - his slaves revolted, but none would pact, treaty or even tech-trade with me. Aki transcended in that game around 2350, and I was down to my last 2 bases.
Third game I tried going green and building biolabs amd mindworms - they were great for fending off Yang's attacking troops, but that's the one where he cornered the energy market.
Haven't been so roundly beaten by the AI in ages (maybe my third or fourth game, in late 1999) Great games, all three.
Have fun
August 2, 2001, 23:43
Local Time: 07:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3,375
any chance of making this for normal smac?
i don't have smac and it seems like they stopped selling it...
i beat your cgn game (lal's challenge) in 2275 by transcending and i found it very enjoyable
hehe and since santiago is unpacted could we play as her?
as you know i'm a spartan fanatic
August 3, 2001, 02:03
Local Time: 05:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
I've adapted it for SMAC, and set it for the Spartans. Same map, same faction locations (but Gians replace Cyborgs, and Believers replace Drones)
I played 100 years, and got Ind Auto just as the Axis were getting their needles, so it too will be a struggle.
Dowload it from the site, and good luck.
August 3, 2001, 02:15
Local Time: 07:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3,375
thanks googlie!
i'm getting it now
August 3, 2001, 04:04
Local Time: 12:03
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Location: NYC, Chinatown
Posts: 151
So far it's MY 2149, and I'm trying a very unconventional beeline straight to treefarms and boreholes. Going to go all specialist/borehole on this one before I even get crawlers  I also managed to snag the WP just a year ago, so that should help my strategy a lot. All the drone control SP's will be rendered moot with my strategy and I'm going to go for the Command Nexus after I get treefarms.
Well, wish me luck
August 3, 2001, 20:25
Local Time: 12:03
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Location: NYC, Chinatown
Posts: 151
Okay, that last attempt did not go well, Aki got the empath guild in 2168 and basically it was game over from there as they all declared war on me shortly after. It was quite a scary site to see all of them declare war on me at once.
Several tries later, I go conventional and for some reason I manage to snag 4 SP's (WP, HGP, VW, PTS), and hit the top of the power charts and haven't seem to meet up with any real resistance this time around. It's just kind of odd, I was expecting them all to be sitting outside my door with chaos guns or something but they still haven't hit me yet
August 5, 2001, 14:51
Local Time: 12:03
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 460
Great game! I am playing the Spartan version. It is 2200 and I am going with a naval-probe team- nerve gas strategy.
I am trying to acheive and maintain naval superiority, I built the Maritime Control Center and am using impact foils , probe foils, and impact cruisers to patrol my coasts and explore.
I find that with the Maritime Control Centers extra movements, I can outrun whatever I cant sink.
I got Doctrine Flex as early as I could, so that I could go out and pop pods to somewhat offset the the Spartan industry penalty.
I am also building X-impact rovers and transports, to attempt to slow down the AI by keeping thier population as low as possible.
The council voted to abandon the charter, in fact it was the first thing they did. So nerve gas they will get.
I have given nothing, to anyone, and am happy to say I am at Vendetta with all factions except Hive and Lal.
This is my second try at the game, in the first one I was overrun by three factions at once! Yikes! WIth the Naval force, I have been able to sink most of the transports before they get to me., and my defenders have picked off the few that get through te Naval blockade.
The other factions have chaos weapons, which I am desperately trying to steal the tech for.
Great game!
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