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Old August 3, 2001, 11:52   #1
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The Apolyton 100: Supplement
Here are all the corrections:
Or they will be here:
I made some preliminary corrections but not all that were suggested are done yet.


The Apolyton 100 Corrections list

<b>99. chegitz guevara</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 30-40?
Nationality: ?
Lives: South America
Registered: 6-19-00
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: South American Communism

He is a prominent member of the OT community, and Secretary-General of the Apolyton Communist Party
He supports Communism and lives in a (former?) Communist South American country, he says it works better there than anywhere else.
He once threatened to kill an apolytoner, but apologized later (Was this him or Giancarlo? Or do I remember wrong?)
He is very serous about Communism.


<b>91. Seneca</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: Not Middle Aged
Nationality: English
Lives: Britsol
Registered: 6-21-00
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Off-Topic whiner

An Englishman who feels oppressed and neglected. Few people notice him except for other Englishmen who feel his pain.

He took the name Seneca because:
Blame Thucydides...
I don't know where he is now, but I saw his name and though 'Aha! A historically aware, classically-biased site!' Theben was also around, and I imagined him to be somehow enamoured of the ancient city of Thebes (either Greece or Egypt).
Caesar the Great, Alexander's Horse and Alexander the Great were also posting that day, so I felt bound to choose a Classical name.
Cicero was taken, so Seneca was the next best thing.
He usually complains for being oversighted in 'popularity' threads such as "Your favorite Top 10 Posters" and "The Apolyton Hall of Fame", but everyone has a special place in their hearts for loveable Seneca who posts "feel-good" posts and good Off-Topic posts.

Describes himself as an:
Off-Topic Whiner

<b>82. Scouse Gits</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: SG1- Unknown SG2- Unknown SG3- Claire
Age Group: SG1- 50's SG2- 40-60 SG3- 15
Nationality: English
Lives: England
Registered: 11-24-99
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Scenarios, Civ II sections

There are three Scouse Gits.
One, the original, SG1 is the father of SG3 and a good friend of SG2. SG1 is a civil war and ironclad buff. He likes all things related to war and Civilization II.
SG2 is much like SG1, except his relation to SG1 is that of friend.
SG3 is known to Apolyton as SG1's
brat daughter
(SG3- please do not be angered at me, that is a quote from your father in the Apolyton/Community section )
SG{3}'s a 15 year old named Claire

Currently SG3 is trying to petition for an avatar of her own, because she does not appreciate the ironclad that her father and SG2 use for their posts.

I first got to know the Scouse Gits in August 2000, where someone made a reference to there being three of them.
I did not confirm this until the threre SG's posted in a thread made by <b>CornMaster</b> in November 2000.

The Scouse Gitses are British.


<b>78. Lefty Scaevola</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 50-60
Nationality: Norwegian
Lives: South Texas
Registered: 10-28-00
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Off-Topic posts, Apolyton/Community, AC General/Help

Has declared a
War on Stupidity
and posts stupid posts in any thread he deems 'stupid'

He is always bragging about how rich he is now that he is a retired lawyer in Texas, and yet he has only once said exactly how rich he was Feb or March 2001 in the Off-Topic Thread by Winston"Just how Rich is Lefty?"

About the only place I metion being outside my signature "Older , richer, and wiser than you" is in Winston's thread
Lefty was a rising poster in the Off-Topic and Apolyton Community sections for a few months in November through March. Since April he has spent less time at Apolyton than before, but still posts.

He is also a regular at CivFanatics... And left me with the parting words in a PM: (That I forgot to mention



<b>72. Hueij</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: Dutch
Lives: The Netherlands
Registered: 5-12-99
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III ideas?, Civ II


<b>77. Bolo</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (Blacktide)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: ?
Lives: Canada?
Registered: before 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Unknown

Unknown. Through his name I can deduce that he likes the 'Bolo' series of books, created by David Drake.
He likes Harry Turtledove's books.

His "Blacktide" DL was; according to technophile:
Famous DL's: Blacktide. Absolutely hated the French, was banned numerous times, and is my favorite DL of all time. Blacktide was not discovered until Bolo surrendered him.
Probably Canadian.


<b>63. rah</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (... he "could" be a DL of Ming )
Real Name: (Rich/Ming2?)
Age Group: 47
Nationality: ?
Lives: Chicago, Illinois, US
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ II sections

The identical twin brother of Ming, he posts a lot in the Civ II general sections and is happy to give advice to civvers in the Strategy section.


<b>62. Shadowstrike</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 15
Nationality: Canadian
Lives: Canada
Registered: 7-4-00
Had/Has A Website:
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III ideas, Off-Topic

He currently hangs out at The Frontier story forum along with Chairman_Milo, Mao, and others.
He used to post frequently at CGN, but in December he faded from the boards.

I first met Shadowstrike in the Civ III ideas section where we helped craft many ideas together with UltraSonix. Together the three of us created many ideas for Civ III. Shadowstrike specialized in wonders and technology.
He later frequented the Coffee Shop in the Off-Topic, but never truly deserted the Civ III ideas section, and now posts there infrequently.

Currently, with the Coffee Shop gone (It has since reappeared), he only appears at various times at Apolyton.


<b>60. Chris 62</b>
Former Usernames: (cpoulos)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: Chris
Age Group: 39
Nationality: Greek
Lives: America
Registered: 4-1-01
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Scenario League, Multiplayer

He joined in April 2001 and reached 2001 posts in 3 months, allegedly spamming the off-topic, but most of his posts have come in the on-topic.
Not much is known about this poster except that he has served in the US army from 80-86.
He frequents the Spanish Civilization II, Scenario League, OT, General, Multiplayer website forums.

"I have zero fear of taking unpopular stances on things, and will argue adnausium on points if I think I'm right about.
I have a fierce temper, but I calm just as easily, if given a little space.
I lean neither left nor right, so manage to anger both sides in equal measure, depending on the issue.
I appreciate honest people, loathe ultra leftists and ultra rightists.
I will take up causes if I believe in them, often even when I'm all alone in my belief.
I will listen to anyone once, but if I consider you a fool, I will ignore you, and not bother with you in the future. If I consider you intelligent, I will talk to you, even if you don't agree with me on things.
I almost never start topics in the Off Topic.
I was married in 1993 and my son was born in 1997.
Served in the US Army from 80-86, and am a colege grad, with a degree in modern European history (for all the good that does me ) and hardware engineering.
I supplement my income by writing.
I like Apolyton, but post in other places as well, but lately, haven't cared much for the OTs or a lot for some of the people who post here.
I also have made some really good friends here, but I will not name them, for fear that they would be assaulted by my many enemies."


<b>56. Snapcase</b>
Former Usernames: (Hugo Rune,... but not Snapcase, Ceci n'est pas Snapcase, Mad Lord Snapcase, Like a Preserved Snapcase on Stage, Snapcase on Snapcase, The Call of Snapcase)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: Johan Palme
Age Group: 21
Nationality: Sweedish
Lives: England
Registered: May 1999?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Hacking, Area 25, News, Off-Topic

The now ACS News Director, Snapcase had an illustrous history before his new task. In fact he tried to hack the Apolyton system and succeeded, changing his name from The Call of Snapcase to "Like a Perserved Snapcase on Stage" when he had 2757 posts and then had his posting ability disabled becasue that name was too long for him to use.
He was banned during the Area 25 fiasco for 1 month because he discovered Area 25 and

His total posts are His current number plus 1645 from his disabled login and 1600 from a 1/2 PCR that he got in the Area 25 scandal.

He is currently in College in York, England, but lived in Sweden for much of his life.


<b>55. Seeker</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: Canadian
Lives: Canada
Registered: (before 2-15-99)
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ II, CTP?

Sadly, not much is known about this poster.


<b>43. Colon </b>
Former Usernames: Cylon
Famous DL's?: Collon, Histori049, Dominicos
Real Name: Cesar
Age Group: adolescent
Nationality: Belgian
Lives: Antwerp, Belgium
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: none
Contribution to Apolyton: OT, minor contributions civ2, civ3 and other games and one viking scribe.

<b>Description: </b>

You can add this to your description: (or replace it, choose for yourself)
I’m mostly known for my Belgian chocolates (Colon’s Chocolates©) distributed by Dominikos in the rare occasions he’s present, although I sometimes give as a present on birthdays.
My greatest accomplishment is my longevity at Apolyton, although I wasn’t here yet when the site was born. Minor accomplishments are my contributions to the Suriname threads and the fact I was once 4th in the rank of post-count. However, my position has decayed ever since, so I’ve decided to support abolishing PC’s as consolation.
He also received a 200 PCR for saying "Please delete the earth:2025" forum.


<b>42. Misotu</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: ?
Lives: ?
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Civ II, SMAC

A good SMAC player and ranked on Tau-Ceti's list
I should know more about this poster... But I dont.


<b>41. monolith94</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's?: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 17
Nationality: ?
Lives: Not Pennslyvania
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Civ II

Real Life friend of MLeonard who has met Giant_Squid and other Apolytoners.
He has been around on Apolyton for a very long time.


<b>38. JohnT</b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Former Titles: Apolyton Librarian
Real Name: John Thornton
Age Group: 34
Nationality: American
Lives: Knoxville, TN
Registered: 3-17-99 (The same day as TNapolean)
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: OT

He is the only person at Apolyton who has received an honorary title and have it revoked.
He started out in the Off-Topic and, for the most part, only posted in the Off-Topic
He received his title "Apolyton Librarian" after he rated a large amount of books in the Apolyton Links directory and had his title stripped of him in either December 2000 or January 2001.

John is a serious debator and supports Republicans in most debates.


<b>32. Eli</b>
Former Usernames: (Builder, BuilderR)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Eli
Age Group: 16-18
Nationality: Israelite
Lives: Israel
Registered: February 2, 2000
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Spam. Funposts. Middle East Threads

A major contribuitor to Middle East threads and Middle East debates, Eli is the poster formerly known as Builder, the Civ III ideas poster.
He did not start to gain lots of posts until he discovered the Off-Topic in June and began to spam it.
He has only been banned once, during the Area 25 affair... Which is strange considering the amount of useless threads and PCR's he has received.
Good friend of Echthelion and DarkCloud. He knows Sirotnikov and just about every other Israeli poster on Apolyton


<b>25. Paul </b>
Former Usernames: (none known)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Paul?
Age Group: ?
Nationality: Dutch
Lives: The Netherlands
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: Civ 2 OOC
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ 2, CTP 2

Omnipresent poster. Writer of the Civ2 optimal Occ strategy - the OCC Paulicy. Also wrote ModSwapper for CTP2, and is an all-round. Is Dutch, lives in Netherlands, has a website (Civ2 OCC).


21. Gibsie
Former Usernames: Gibster, Gibsie el Magnifico
Famous DL's: Insincere Dave (not really famous, but he did get in some guy's sig...)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 19
Nationality: English
Lives: Surrey, England
Registered: At the UCIVII Site, then moved to Apolyton
Had/Has A Website: No
Contribution to Apolyton: Spam, a cute little jumping kitty

Simply a face in the crowd. Generic English poster.


<b>20. Zhu Yuhanzhang</b>
Former Usernames: (Boshko, Dave Boshko)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 19-22
Nationality: ?
Lives: America
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Humor

He has contributed much to Apolyton.
All I know about are his OT contributions which include humorous posts and a comic book series, "The Adventures of Bald Assertion Man" and his humorous takes on other posters.
Example: CivNation and other of his type.


<b>19. Caesar the Great</b>
Former Usernames: (Caesar)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Paul
Age Group: 16-20
Nationality: ?
Lives: New York, USA
Registered: 4-5-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ II Strategy, Some Off-Topic

Over his years here at apolyton, has become good freinds with several posters, Orangesfwr, Albert Speer, Mleonard, EvC, Provost Harrison, Andz, Empress and others to a lesser extent.
It has been interesting, very interesting people, some kind and considerate, other not so much.
Decent civ 2 player, plays aok (Age of Kings) and red alert from time to time, chess sporatically.
Greatly enjoys running and of course a huge fan of the Rolling Stones. Banned in the area 25 scandal and many other times (anyone remember f'uck in my smilies.. numerous times, bastards limited # of smilies in post now )
I was originally Caesar the Great, long before there was a registered user, Caesar. I change my name temporarily, but I got tired of it and changed back asap, in the meantime some newbie had taken my former username.
Is becoming tired of apolyton to some extent, but still reflects his issues strongly on subjects such as music, religion and anything involving teenagers (suicide, depression etc)


<b>14. Infatuation</b>
Former Usernames: (Dookie, Nimrod, Chasing Rainbows)
Famous DL's: (none known; Has a picture of Stewart Spink as his avatar )
Real Name: ?
Age Group: 18-22
Nationality: British
Lives: Great Britain
Registered: (before) 2-15-99
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Humor, Spam

A notoriously spammy poster, his posts have mostly been spam with a few humorous exceptions.
He is a regular on the forums and has been for quite some time.


<b>06. Provost Harrison</b>
Former Usernames: (AI)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Richard Harrison
Age Group: 18-24
Nationality: British
Lives: Great Britain
Registered: ?
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ III, Off Topic, Debates

Major contribuitor to Apolyton, Apolyton's newest Deity, Provost Harrison has posted heavily in the Civ III and other sections of the site during his career.
He is a student Scientist in Britain and has met a number of British Apolytoners, Iain Lindley, Stewart Spink, etc.
He used to be a major debator in all types of threads, but has since abandoned Religious threads and has tired of debating the same old threads year after year.
He is a PhD Biochemist


<b>01. Ming </b>
Former Usernames: (none)
Famous DL's: (none known)
Real Name: Bill
Age Group: 47 in October (10-??-1954)
Nationality: American---> german/italian/irish
Lives: Chicago, Illinois, America
Registered: Registered originally at the Original Greek Site... and just continued at Apolyton when the merger occured.
Had/Has A Website: NO
Contribution to Apolyton: The List, OT and Civ Forums Moderator,

The original deity and advertising executive of Apolyton. Also the first Off-Topic moderator, (before MLeonard begged to be an assistant moderator for the off-topic)
He Put together the list of Cheats for the Official Civ III List
He got extra help with Off-Topic moderation in March, 2001, when Michael the Great joined him as moderator for that forum.
A sometimes serious poster, sometimes funny, his catch phrase for a closed thread is "CASE CLOSED".
His other trademark is a at the end of each post.
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Last edited by DarkCloud; August 4, 2001 at 14:34.
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Old August 3, 2001, 12:04   #2
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Even though you admit this does not include all the corrections, I couldn't help noticing that yet again you missed the blindingly obvious - Dave Boshko's real name is Dave Bosko
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Old August 3, 2001, 12:05   #3
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Hey hey! What happened to technophile: sexiest man alive?
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
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Old August 3, 2001, 12:15   #4
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DC, sorry I'm dissapointed. I provided my nationality and start date. But most of all, you left out the reference to the Ferrets

No web site
and OT

Please fix in future releases, I know it's a lot of work, but it would be appreciated.

You could have just cut and pasted my corrections

I would hate to have to go balistic


The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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Old August 3, 2001, 12:19   #5
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Originally posted by technophile
Hey hey! What happened to technophile: sexiest man alive?
Ahh so you are my DL ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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Old August 3, 2001, 12:41   #6
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Now I want myself described when I get in first hundred, too.
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Old August 3, 2001, 13:20   #7
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Goddammit, that's three times you've ignored me now! :banned:
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Old August 3, 2001, 13:38   #8
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Has anybody else noticed the very low quality/quantity in all of DC's lists?

I think he needs some remedial study under Narck, the old forum weenie (I mean helper)....
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Old August 3, 2001, 13:45   #9
Chris 62
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Dark Cloud, for the last time....
I joined on...

JANUARY 4, 2001!!!

Which means I have been here 7 months, not three.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
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Old August 3, 2001, 14:30   #10
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Old August 3, 2001, 14:31   #11
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Still not happy at being described as an "Alledged Spammer", eh, Chris?

(My Join date is September 99)
Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21
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Old August 3, 2001, 14:41   #12
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Originally posted by Snapcase
Still not happy at being described as an "Alledged Spammer", eh, Chris?
perhaps he would prefer the title "Known Spammer" , now i would prefer the "Alleged" one
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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Old August 3, 2001, 15:09   #13
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Well Chris, your entry is by far the longest. That'd mean Nube Oscura is actually very impressed with your posting abilities
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Old August 3, 2001, 15:42   #14
Chris 62
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Corections, corections.
Originally posted by Snapcase
Still not happy at being described as an "Alledged Spammer", eh, Chris?

(My Join date is September 99)
Now, now, Snappy, we all know different, so it's not an issue.

perhaps he would prefer the title "Known Spammer" , now i would prefer the "Alleged" one
It's reserved for you, Ras!

Well Chris, your entry is by far the longest. That'd mean Nube Oscura is actually very impressed with your posting abilities
Unlikely. That bio is from a Lancer thread that I wrote myself.

In the future DC, I would prefer to be left off such lists, just a dash would be fine.

I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
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Old August 3, 2001, 16:12   #15
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Re: Corections, corections.
[Unlikely. That bio is from a Lancer thread that I wrote myself.

Oh yes, you're right I now remember that thread. I thought he had been cutting and pasting from different messages.
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Old August 3, 2001, 18:07   #16
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I will get to everyone- I am just fixing things from the order I get the corrections... Thus rah and Gibsie's corrections cannot be added yet.

I'll get to them eventually- this Version 1.01 will soon become 1.02-

It will be 2.0 when I get through with all the corrections that are listed in the original thread and 3.0 when I do all the corrections listed in this thread.

Please be patient.
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Old August 3, 2001, 18:22   #17
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..and my list of corrections?
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Old August 3, 2001, 19:23   #18
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25. Paul
Former Usernames: (none known) none
Famous DL's: (none known) none
Real Name: Paul? yes
Age Group: ? 28; 29 in 3 weeks
Nationality: Dutch
Lives: The Netherlands
Registered: ? Mar 1999; check my profile for the exact date
Had/Has A Website: Civ 2 OOC OCC, not OOC
Contribution to Apolyton: Civ 2, CTP 2 , CTP1

Omnipresent poster. Writer of the Civ2 optimal Occ strategy - the OCC Paulicy. Also wrote ModSwapper for CTP2, and is an all-round. Is Dutch, lives in Netherlands, has a website (Civ2 OCC). Also helped with Celestial Dawn's CTP1 mod and WesW's Medieval mods for CTP1 and CTP2. I haven't done much in the SMAC section other than playing in the PBEM-tournament. And in off-topic I organise the Champions League predictions (that's soccer for you Americans).
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Old August 3, 2001, 19:35   #19
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and in my personal opinion, Paul is the only (or one of the only)emperors never to have spammed.
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Old August 3, 2001, 19:39   #20
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Umm, I se you finally added in most of snapcases alter egos, but you forgot one.

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he used that when he changed his name to something too long, and was unable to post on his regular account. took a while to get it all fixed.

now he's a newsguy, and I don't get to see the namechange du jour for him anymore.
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I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
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Old August 3, 2001, 19:57   #21
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
and in my personal opinion, Paul is the only (or one of the only)emperors never to have spammed.
Clears throat...
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Old August 4, 2001, 00:29   #22
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Originally posted by GP
Clears throat...
and your point is ??
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Old August 4, 2001, 14:30   #23
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Yes, Stefu, I'll do your list of corrections.

I'll add the others later.

I just updated it above... to ver 1.2
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Old August 4, 2001, 14:36   #24
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Chris wasn't the only person to get angry at me for not knowing everything about them... Ecthelion got extremely mad that I said he was 17 when he was really 18 and that his name was not Andy and that I forgot to include his last name... and some other stuff... but it was a private email and I cant say the other things.

I'm not sure whether he was joking or really angry at me...
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Old August 4, 2001, 14:40   #25
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As alwys, good work. Ignore all the wise ass comments...

Just correct all you have based on the posts. One heck of a great job
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Old August 4, 2001, 14:47   #26
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I really really verily want to know why you think chegitz guevara is South American. He lives in Indiana, and is Theben's brother or somesuch. Now he's moving to Florida, after a job, which a cursory reading of OT would have revealed. He has never said he lives in South American country.
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Old August 4, 2001, 14:56   #27
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Got mad at saying 17, not 18.
Yeah, that's a severe blunder.

BTW, Chris gives himself a pep talk every morning to get himself worked up.

Interesting reading.
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Old August 4, 2001, 16:03   #28
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DarkCloud once again, great list! Question though, when you get all this correct and everyone stops moaning, will you be updating the list with those that crack the top 100 and those who change places?

It would be great if every say 6 months we got an update from you. And you could of course just use the same profile as the one you used the last time until someone says to make a change.
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Old August 4, 2001, 16:13   #29
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DC, it's a great effort. But not a great list. Seriously. You should take a strain and put more effort into quality control.
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Old August 4, 2001, 16:27   #30
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Thank you for cheering me up

However, I think that I'll just correct this version and then, I'll be done for a while...

I don't like insulting people and it just seems like in this thread I insulted a fair amount of people.

I also don't like getting insulting emails, etc. from people who, on Apolyton, I felt neutral about.

I'll add technophile to the list
and update it with Stefu's corrections
and any corrections that I previously missed.

Then I'm done for a while... I might update it to the top 105 in six months like tniem suggested, or I might do it sooner, it depends on how I feel.
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