What is your favorite true bribed city story?
Was it an AI city or human?
Mine was a long time ago before there were other humans...
...and the world was plagued with sniveling,greedy, quarelling AI's.
There was a little yellow city which was reasonably priced and nicely situated from what I could tell. Somehow the Yellow capital had fallen

and all their cities were very reasonably priced

But by coincidence there was many many ships and a several other units near that city which were thrown in on the deal which was like 40 gold!!! If I remember rightly in the uppr teens was the number of ships. Remember how they used to come up on your coast cities in droves and whomp away futile-ly? And once one of their carriers was empty it seemed to never get refilled and wandered around aimlesly til it threw anchor near you and just sat there.
Well this time here was all these destroyers, cruisers and seems like even a battleship next to this newly bribed city, which must have been on their way to comit suicide on my city nearby, and bingo! they are now mine.
But what a huge resource deficit!! it was all I could do to find ways for them to go into the cities they could to be disbanded or re-homed to new cities that could support them to try and save some resourses or units. Some sadly had to be disbanded at sea, I mean how many resources does it take to make even a cathedral!?!..of course we hoped the crews were saved.
Now that I think about it in those games if an AI city admired your Civ it would all at once join you!
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus