August 7, 2001, 15:41
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
Can you believe there is foreign people who actually place the Spanish anthem among the top three ever?
Again, the music is not so bad, but the fact that no one stands up and sing along the lyrics when the anthem is playing make it drop to the last place.
August 7, 2001, 15:51
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Stefan agrees with you on the whole line
Of course the melody is nice, as with all natinal anthems when properly performed. My favourites are Israel (that's from one very famous classical piece called the "Moldau") and Uzbekistan. Spain is nice too, I have one wonderful recording of that, kinda like a baroque piece.
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August 7, 2001, 16:08
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I always thought the music of the Spanish anthem was horrible, especially when compared with that from the more 'civilized' countries. Ours is only equalled by the Italian and Mexican anthems  . Chunda-chunda-tachun-tachun. Why couldn't they choose something with a bit more melody?
About he lyrics, well, since it does not have any... if that's what you were referring to
Uzbekistan and Israel. I do not think I have ever heard either of these. My faves are the ones from GDR and USSR (currently adopted by Russia I think).
August 7, 2001, 16:33
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Ah, yes, USSR/Russia is wonderful. And, yes, I also love the GDR from the tune, not only from the lyrics (I have both on MP3).
Just in case you're interested, I have the complete national anthems of the world performed by the Slovak radio orchestra, so I can record those for you if you like.
Another one I like is American Samoa 
I also kinda like Cuba and India.
etc. etc.
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August 7, 2001, 18:15
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Any of you heard the Argentine anthem?
August 8, 2001, 06:12
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Yes. Quite nice, but a bit too complicated for an anthem IMHO. It must be very hard to sing.
How comes the South/Latin American anthems are all so long? Argentina 3:47 min (on my recording), Brazil 2:02, El Salvador 3:33, Uruguay 5:05
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August 8, 2001, 06:15
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
I always thought the music of the Spanish anthem was horrible, especially when compared with that from the more 'civilized' countries. Ours is only equalled by the Italian and Mexican anthems . Chunda-chunda-tachun-tachun. Why couldn't they choose something with a bit more melody?
Well, it's good to have something that fits well with the character of the people.  No, seriously, the Spanish anthem can sound good if it's well played, which seldom happens (or never at all). They tend to play the Spanish anthem like if it was a speed contest...
August 8, 2001, 13:49
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Yes, that's true. If played slower it would probably sound better.
August 8, 2001, 16:50
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The Argentine national anthem is originally about fifteen minutes long... they had to axe it considerably to sing for the national holidays...
I played the national anthem on the violin for the school band... it's a damned tough piece... playing it again next week I think, another national holiday.
August 21, 2001, 17:48
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Well, a few things... The anthem of Israel is great! Not only the music (a classic piece from but the lyric (Hatikva-The Hope) is a famous poem from a Jew (I don't remember his name). You can read the leter in Spanish in:
For Fiera and Jay... The Spanish anthem had a lyrics in the past (I think that it was in the First Republic). Sure, you know it and better than I, but I can search the lyrics if you want...
And, for Italian anthem, he was inspired in a part of Nabucco from Verdi as far as I know... The italian patriots love Nabucco in the mid-18th.
In the other hand, über alles are misfortuned words for many people.. The most stupid and terrible governement of all times used it and they are of sad remember for many, many, many people...
El-Awrence, with your powerful soccer 'Seleccion' everybody in this world must hear your anthem
There is a page with many anthems,
But they are in MIDI and aren't very good
August 21, 2001, 17:59
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September 6, 2001, 05:45
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Fiera, te acabo de hacer soldao... perdona mi broma si te molesta.
September 6, 2001, 07:48
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September 6, 2001, 08:41
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Eh, por qué estoy tan difuminado?
No, muy buena, Alf!  Si tuviéramos más fotos, podríamos hacer una pequeña tropa de Apolyton Hispánica...
Así que ya sabéis, desenmascaraos...
September 6, 2001, 11:04
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El cuerpo de caballero del champiñon me suena, alf, pero... no deberia haber sido morado?
September 6, 2001, 11:20
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jolines... aun te acuerdas??? ja,ja,ja
Bueno, no era ese dibu pero se le parecía.Se me perdió en alguno de los multiples problemas que he tenido desde esa copa de europa.
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September 6, 2001, 11:20
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No, muy buena, Alf! Si tuviéramos más fotos, podríamos hacer una pequeña tropa de Apolyton Hispánica...
Esta curiosa la idea jejeje, una foto en familia, a ver si consigo una que tenga menos de 5 años y la meto tambien y empezamos a crear la troop jeje
September 6, 2001, 11:28
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Y ya veo que tu tambien
September 6, 2001, 11:32
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jo... me come la nostalgia...siempre serás para mí un buen samaritano con tu ayuda desde los EEUU.
he retocado a la fiera....
El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz
September 6, 2001, 11:40
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September 6, 2001, 11:49
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la verdad siempre triunfa, kindal....
September 6, 2001, 11:54
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Ja, ja, soy un caballero de la Orden del Madridismo... gracias, Alf!
kIndal, no te quejes, que si pones tu foto, Alf te pone un traje de rojiblanco en un periquete...
September 6, 2001, 12:07
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hay antecedentes verdad JB? je,je,je.
Que conste, con n y s que un primo mio jugó en el equipo colchonero, dios mio, que bochorno!!
La ultima vez que estuve en el Calderón los batasunos del atleti hicieron perder el partido con el Zaragoza ... era la Copa, claro que con Gil se han ido a donde irá Gil... al sitio ese de mucho calor... cómo se llama?? jua,jua,jua.
Espero no te enfades por las puyitas....
El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz
September 6, 2001, 12:13
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Mira esto si es un buen madridista y no como otros que solo saben chichar (no quiero señalar a ningun moderador de Apolyton  ) parece mentira que algunos no se dan cuenta que el enemigo esta en Barcelona y en Valencia y no en Madrid jejeje
September 6, 2001, 12:18
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Originally posted by Fiera
Ja, ja, soy un caballero de la Orden del Madridismo... gracias, Alf!
la orden del madridismo no, la orden del CHAMPIÑON!!!!
kIndal, no te quejes, que si pones tu foto, Alf te pone un traje de rojiblanco en un periquete...
Alf, efectivamente hay precedentes, aunque me parece que no le pusiste el traje adecuado...
September 6, 2001, 12:18
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September 6, 2001, 12:22
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Tened cuidao que en el infierno tenemos sitio pa todos, aqui todo el mundo tiene su puesto reservao jejejej
September 6, 2001, 12:27
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September 7, 2001, 03:27
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El atletico gracias a su presidente ha demostrado las carencias de la democracia, que permite que un dictador sin escrúoulos llegue a una presidencia.
Mientras ese tipo sea presidente seguiréis en el infierno, aunque ganéis la liga.... cosa asaz imposible, je,je,je
Otra cosa también chocante es lo del Athletic de Bilbao... tiene nombre inglés... je,je,je si Arzallus levantara la cabeza, pero no queda ahí la cosa, el santo que recoge el nombre de su estadio, San Mamés, tampoco es vasco. Mamés, etimológicamente, parece ser que tiene una raiz griega, mamas, madre. Este hombre fue pastor pero no en euskadi, si no en Capadocia allá por Asia Menor.
Con lo bien que quedaría San Sabino y como equipo el Arzallus de Bilbao... al fin y a la postre el padre de Sabino, creo que fue alcalde de Abando, término municipal que creo recogía la zona donde está el estadio o por lo menos estaba muy cerquita del estadio, antes de que Bilbao lo anexionara.
Estos comentarios espero no molesten, ya se sabe, las intransigencias nacionalistas tienen poco que ver con la democracia... como las de Gil
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September 7, 2001, 03:36
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