To mark my introduction into the forums (as a fairly new player), I created a faction. I've already seen several Communist/Socialist factions, so here's one hearkening back to the days of the Romanovs. Perhaps I went overkill on the Social Engineering, but it suits my playing tastes.
LEADER: Tsar Aleksandr II
BACKGROUND: Russian Tsar and Unity stowaway
AGENDA: To recreate Russia, c. 1860, as it was before the pall of 1917
TECH: Centauri Ecology
++POLICE: Lazy peasants are easy to suppress and tyrannize
+MORALE: Pious nation
--EFFIC: Uneducated, lazy proletariat
-INDUSTRY: Agrarian society
-ECONOMY: Poor roads and limited Industry
++GROWTH: Giant nation, large families
One extra DRONE for each talent: Poor efficiency
May not use FREE MARKET economics: Tradition of government monopolies
++ENERGY in each fungal tile: Rich energy resources
I used freechina's excellent conical city set, which, in my opinion, gives off the future Kremlin effect I was looking for. Let me know if you find any bugs (I'm in the middle of an interesting game right now). Enjoy.