August 6, 2001, 00:37
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List of Units in Civ3 based on screen shots
Using a variety of screen shots, and information from here is the most up to date information present about which units are in civ3. If anyone has any suggestions, new screen shots with information, or if i have gotten a unit wrong please contact me.
In the begining
*Great Leaders 0.0.3
*Settlers 0.0.1
*Scouts 0.0.2
*Warriors 1.1.1 {Jaguar Warrior 1.1.2}
*Workers 0.0.1
Ancient Era
*Bronze Working: Spearman 1.2.1 {Hoplite 1.3.1} {Impi 1.2.2}
*The Wheel: Chariot 1.1.2 {War Chariot 2.1.2} Horses
*Warrior Code: Archers 2.1.1 {Bowmen 2.1.2}
*Iron Working: Swordmen 3.2.1 {Immortal 4.2.1} {Legion 3.3.1} Iron
*Mathematics: Catapult 0(4).0.1
*Map Making: Trireme
*Horseback Riding: Horsemen 2.1.2 {Mounted Warrior 3.1.2} Horses
Middle Ages
*Feudalism: Pikemen 1.3.1
*Chivalry: Knight 4.3.2 {Rider 4.4.3} {War Elephant 4.3.2} {Samurai 4.4.2} Horses, Iron
*Invention: Long bowman
*Gunpowder: Musketman 3.3.1 {Musketeer 3.4.1} Saltpeter
*Astronomy: Caravel
*Metallurgy: Cannon
*Navigation: Explorers
*Magnetism: Galleon, Privateer, Frigate 2(2).2.4 {Man 'o War}
*Military Tradition: Cavalry 6.3.3 {Cossak 6.4.3} Horses, Saltpeter
Industrial Age
*Nationalism: Rifleman
*Steam Power: Ironclad 4(4).4.4
*Combustion: Destroyer, Transport 1.4.5
*Replaceable Parts: Artillary, Infantry
*Flight: Bomber, Fighter
*Amphibious Warfare: Marine
*Mass Production: Aircraft Carrier, Submarine, Battleship 18(8).12.6 Oil
*Motorized Transportation: Tank 16.8.2 {Panzer 16.8.3} Oil, Rubber
*Advanced Flight: Paratrooper, Helicopter 0.4.4 (can transport 2 units) Oil, Rubber
Modern Era
*Rocketry: Cruise missile, Jet Fighter {F-15}
*Fission: Nuclear Submarine
*Computers: Howitzers
*Space Flight: Tactical Nuke Uranium
*Synthetic Fibers: Modern Armor 24.14.3 Oil
*Stealth: Stealth Fighter, Stealth Bomber 0(8).2.8 RoF 4 Aluminum, Oil
*Satellites: ICBM Uranium
*Robotics: Aegis Cruiser, Mech Infantry
Civ Specific Units
The Americans: F-15
The Aztecs: Jaguar Warrior
The Babylonians: Bowman
The Chinese: Rider
The Egyptians: War Chariot
The English: Man o' war
The French: Musketeer
The Germans: Panzer
The Greeks: Hoplite
The Indians: War Elephant
The Iroquois: Mounted Warrior
The Japanese: Samurai
The Persians: Immortal
The Romans: Legion
The Russians: Cossack
The Zulus: Impi
Unit Notes
*Regular Units have three hitpoints
*Vetern Units have four hitpoints
*Elite Units have five hitpoints and each time they win a hardfought battle that have a chance of spawning a Great Leader
*there are now three additional types of combat: bombardment, missile attacks, and air combat
*Bombardment van be used against enemy units, terrain improvements, cities which may kill population and destroy buildings.
*Air units now have a specialized range of missions
Air Missions
*Bombing mission (bombards the selected square, damaging units, city improvements, and population)
*Precision Bombing mission (targets a specific improvement in a city for destruction) {F-15 and stealth units only}
*Recon mission (investigates the selected square)
*Air Superiority mission (attacks enemy air units that enter the unit's defensive range)
*Airdrop mission (Airlifts a single ground unit to another location)
*Re-Base mission (Selects a new base of operations and relocates the unit to that base)
Espionage missions
*Sabotage (sabotages the current project of an enemy city)
*Propaganda (attempts to convince an enemy city to join your Civilization)
*Steal Plans (reveals all troop locations of an enemy Civ for one turn)
*Steal World Map (reveals what an enemy knows about the world)
*Expose Enemy Spy (ferrets out opposing spies)
*Steal Tech
*Investigate City
The Screenshots,00.html,00.html,00.html,00.html,00.html
Color Coding:
*Purple items are CSU that have been confirmed by Firaxis
*Green items are CSU that haven't been confirmed by Firaxis yet
*Darkred items are the special resources needed to build the unit
*Sienna items are CSUs that are exempt from normal special resource requirements
special thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread and helped build this list i couldn't have made it without you!
Last edited by korn469; October 26, 2001 at 13:49.
August 6, 2001, 01:03
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Re: List of units in Civ3 based on screen shots
Originally posted by korn469
*Gunpowder: Musketeer (french musketeer)
I think the "base" unit for gunpowder is "Musketman" - the French super-unit is "Musketeer".
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August 6, 2001, 02:15
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The Firaxis Sight has shown these for quite a while, though no clues on the associated techs.
Modern Times: Tank (Panzer, German Special Unit)
MiG -(Russian Special Unit ???)
F-15 American Special Unit
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Kak budto v buriakh est' pokoi!
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August 6, 2001, 11:28
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The Democracy unit looks like two units (a human 'floating' over a horse) but if you look at all the other units, they take up the same amount of space as those two together in Democracy do, leading me to believe that its really one unit. Maybe it has the option to dismount or something?
Whats up with Military Tradition... it sounds like someone couldn't think of a good name. That unit looks very snazy with laced boots. Could it be a 'Royal' Guard or something like that? It is Military Tradition.
Also, why is there a Big 'T' Orb in Engineering without the 'T'?
Is the Crown/Castle Tower icon in Construction in the Ancient tree represent the ability to build Fortresses by Workers/Settlers?
I also wonder about the colors of the techs. Originaly, I thought Blue was acquired knowledge, Tan/Yellow was available for research and the Tan/Brown was unavailable (prereq arent met yet). But thats all screwed up in the Anciet Tech tree shot. Bronze Working is Lime Green. Could that mean that that tech is the 'special' tech that gives a civ their unique unit. Why wouldn't Iron Working be Tan/Yellow? Maybe the player hasn't researched Bronze Working? I seem to be answering a lot of my own questions
"Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"
Last edited by To_Serve_Man; August 6, 2001 at 11:39.
August 6, 2001, 13:14
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Good work Korn!
I think that the Democracy unit is a civilian, probably.
MiG is confirmed as a Russian UU.
As for Conquistadors, the conquistadors in Mexico were mounted.
*Iron Working: Swordmen {Legion}
Swordsmen are a unit available for all civs, after discovery of Iron Working, and you need to have a resource of Iron in order to produce those.
Legions are Roman UUs, that require Iron, just like the swordsmen.
Impi is not a warrior. It's an improved version of Spearmen (same parameters, but faster). Warrior represents Militia from the original civ, being the weakest unit in the game.
Mathematics still gives you Catapults, but that's no longer is such a big freaking gun it was.
Map Making gives you a small transport ship, which can't travel over oceans, way like original civ.
AFAIK, one of Magnetism units is a transport with average fighting capabilities.
UUs I know thus far:
Roman Legions
Japanese Samurai
American F-15s (fighter)
Russian MiG (fighter)
German Panzer (a stronger version of a Tank)
Zulu Impi, which is faster spearman
Viking Longships
French - Musketeer or Paladin
Greek - Hoplite
One I'm not sure of are the Mongols, but it appears to be their special-trained horse archer, Mangudai, acting as a destroyer.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
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August 6, 2001, 13:48
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how can the impi be an improved version of the spearman when there is not a spearman in civ3? (at least the english version)
so are you implying that the impi is an improved phalanx or an improved pikeman?
if the democracy unit is a civilian then what unit could it possibly be? it looks like some dismounted cavlry unit to me...could it possibly be a caravan? i'm not sure
the reason that i put {Legion} in those brackets is to show that the romans do not have swordmen that they have legions which are improved swordmen both of which probably cost the same and require the same special resources to build
also samurai would more than likely be with swordmen too then
solver do you have any screen shots of the industrial age or modern age tech trees? besides previews have you seen any screen shots with those special units?
i think that you are right that the crown looking thing represents the ability to build far it seems that the T in the red box is going to be the tech's picture (like in SMAC) and then the other T's represent buildings and wonders
August 14, 2001, 03:09
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ok over the past few weeks there has been lots of new information surface so i thought it would be a good time to update my list
August 14, 2001, 03:27
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Update the fact that the Babylonian special unit is the Mounted Bowmen which is a special unit of the archer.
August 14, 2001, 03:44
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ok got it...i will update the industrial and modern ages tommorrow...also i bet that the egyptian unit will be a special chariot
the japanses will probably get a samurai...but would that replace the knight or the swordman?
the german panzer will probably be the early tank associated with motorized transport
as for the rest, i'm unsure
Last edited by korn469; August 14, 2001 at 03:49.
August 14, 2001, 04:12
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The impi is an improved Spearman. It's a new unit that has appeared in several screeshots. I think the Phalanx in the greek special unit, also an improved spearman.
August 14, 2001, 04:36
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on the technology charts you only have the following non-mounted non-gunpowder infantry units
there is no spearman unit, unless firaxis changed the name of the phalanx to spearman
from what i've read the greek special unit is a hoplite which is an upgraded phalanx unit
so are you saying the zulus are upgraded phalanxs too?
August 14, 2001, 04:42
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No, I'm saying that what you're percieving as a "Phalanx" is in fact a "Spearman", a unit which has appeared in half a dozen screenshots and whose existence is not in doubt. There is no evidence whatsoever for a "Hoplite" unit existing, therefore I conjecture that the "Phalanx" is the Greek special unit.
August 14, 2001, 04:48
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i've seen those screen shots, it was one of the units on the old right? along with the fighter and that looked like a phalanx to me, and it had the same tech as what a phalanx did in civ2 and most likely it will still be a 1-2-1 unit, so i wouldn't exactly call it new...but i will change it's name to spear man...
August 14, 2001, 04:50
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Originally posted by Snapcase
There is no evidence whatsoever for a "Hoplite" unit existing, therefore I conjecture that the "Phalanx" is the Greek special unit.
Actually, there was a screenshot (don't remember where) a few months ago with a greek city building Hoplites.
August 14, 2001, 05:00
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Not those ones, Korn. There was a Phalanx in one of those renders, but look at this screenshot:
You will percieve that Hannover is building Spearmen. Also notice the unit that appears in both Berlin and Rome that clearly is not a Warrior or a Pikeman. Anyway, Firaxis has confirmed in one of the previews that the Impi was a Spearman with an extra movement point.
Okay, yes, I remember the greeks building hoplites. Therefore my new theory is that the Phalanx has been scrapped in favour of a Hoplite unit, which is the greek special unit.
August 14, 2001, 05:09
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ok so my theory is they renamed the phalanx to spearman, and that the greek special unit is a hopelite like you said snapcase...
here is what the pc.ign preview said
Instead of swordsmen, Rome will have Legions. The Greeks replace spearmen with Hoplites. The English make use of the Man-o-War instead of the Frigate while the French create Musketeers. The American F-15 replaces the basic jet fighter and the German Panzer gives them the edge over normal tanks.
Last edited by korn469; August 14, 2001 at 05:43.
August 14, 2001, 20:50
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ok i updated the industrial and modern this looks like it is the complete civ3 unit list
also here are the civ2 units that don't appear to be in civ3
Alpine Troops
and here are the new units
long bow (invention)
the unit under democracy (it looked like a cavalry unit but it isn't in the most recent screen shot)
unidentified ship (magnetism)
imperial guard (military tradition)
Conscripts (nationalism)
ww2 tanks (motorized transportation)
nuclear sub (fission)
ICBMs (space flight)
jet fighter (rocketry)
so it looks like civ3 will have either the same amount or one new military units, and five less non military units, for a net loss of maybe as many as four units total (but the nonmilitary units still might be in the game, just not on the tech tree yet, and things are always subject to change)
again if i got something wrong just tell me
August 15, 2001, 02:35
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We knew that the caravans were out of the game, but did we know that spies and diplomats were out?
I find this great news. It hints at not only an increased amount in the diplomacy menu but also the fact that their will probably some degree of espionage included on that diplomacy menu. Hopefully giving us more options to spy on our neighbors with and at the same time less to micromanage.
korn, I haven't looked hard at the military units on the tech tree but my question is that if there is no egineer is there going to be a new worker unit? Or will we only have to have one type? Interesting if we could build a worker unit at the beginning of the game and at the end have that unit terraforming the planet.
August 15, 2001, 02:51
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If you look at the "screenshot of many units" that tends to appear every few weeks, you will see a unit I suspect to be a diplomat in top left corner of the landmass.
August 15, 2001, 03:06
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It was noted in another thread that there probably are "empty spots" on the chart... for example:
Under Metallurgy, there is the red X that, we assume, shows what Wonder gets made obsolete by this tech's discovery... alas there in no picture under the X... there are other techs that seem to have other missing spaces.
It may be safe to say the Great Wall wonder will be her, but as of this screenshot, it is not. So I think we should concentrate on what is there as opposed to what is not... for now at least.
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August 15, 2001, 03:32
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This is taken form
Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
I guess you should have thought of that before your requested the preference feature . It will be balanced for both rule settings, since the civilization specific units are based on generic units (i.e. the Zulu Impi is a spearmen unit, but with a move of 2).
This tellst you that there is a Spearmen unit. Anyway, we have seen both Phalanx and Warior animations.
The spearmen might replace the pikemen. Do we have a text that says it is a pikemen unit?
ACS - Technical Director
August 15, 2001, 03:34
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Originally posted by Gramphos
This is taken form
This tellst you that there is a Spearmen unit. Anyway, we have seen both Phalanx and Warior animations.
The spearmen might replace the pikemen. Do we have a text that says it is a pikemen unit?
We have the animation of a Phalanx which is probably just a hoplite that was misidentified. Which of course means we have the animation of the Greeks special unit.
August 15, 2001, 03:40
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There is a Pikeman unit in the "many units" screenshot. Maybe.
August 15, 2001, 04:15
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This proves that you don't need Bonze Working to be able to build Spearmen (As the one you trade with have a Spearman and don't have Bronze Working).
Edit: Stupid URL parse disabled
ACS - Technical Director
Last edited by Gramphos; August 15, 2001 at 04:21.
August 15, 2001, 05:19
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And there "must" be Phalanx as Firaxis made that unit animation. It was actually one of the first units to be released.
ACS - Technical Director
August 15, 2001, 06:59
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Re: List of units in Civ3 based on screen shots
Industrial Age
*Flight: Fighter, Bomber
*Amphibious Warfare: Marine
*Mass Production: Aircraft Carrier, Submarine, Battleship
*Motorized Transportation: Tank
*Advanced Flight: Paratrooper, Helicopter
It would be very sad, if all these Units are bases in the Ind. Age!! Someone should read his books better....
August 15, 2001, 07:06
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Depends on your definition of "Industrial Age". "Industrial Revolution" was the old term, and that covers mostly the 19th century. However, the "Industrial Age" goes on until at least the fifties if not to 1968. I'd rename the "Modern Age" here the "Post-Modern Age" (The "Modern Age" should cover 1789 to the end of the Industrial era a few decades ago), but n/m.
August 15, 2001, 07:57
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I still don't understand why did they remove 3 (!!!) horse-based units?
If I accept and understand the removal of Crusaders (there was very little difference between knights and crusaders, anyway), I certainly don't like that both the Dragoons and Cavalry units are gone! How the hell should I conquer now a city, defended by pikemen or, even worse, by musketmen, without any powerful horseback-unit ?! Now I'll have to wait for the 20th century to use a tank, I guess!
Damn, the Dragoon was one of my favorite units! I conquered many times cities with dragoons or cavalry.
Am I wrong or we won't have any powerful offesive unit between knights and tanks?
August 15, 2001, 08:02
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I've just realized that the elephants are gone, too. Can somebody explain me why did they remove 4 mounted units ??!!
I don't like this at all
August 15, 2001, 15:45
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I think it's almost certain that within a couple months of Civ3's release, someone will offer a mod that adds the missing units from Civ2, restructures and expands the tech tree, adds the missing wonders, etc. Of course, this is all conditional on the editing tools being as flexible as Firaxis claims, but mark my words - you'll see the mod within 2 months.
When CtP2 came out, and WesW and company created the MedMod to improve faulty gameplay, they added the units from CtP1 that had been left out of the sequel, as well as added several others they felt were missing. I'm looking forward to some enterprising modder performing a similar act for Civ3.
Hell, I hope someone adds some future techs and units to Civ3 and creates a quality mod that will let us take our civ from 4000 BC to 2500 (or so) AD. I know several future enthusiasts who would also appreciate it.
Provided the rules and other text files are modifiable enough (I'm thinking CtP standards - Activision may have screwed up royally in certain areas, but they did this right) we should see several incarnations of the "perfect" Civ3 mod, and one is bound to find a version to their liking. While I think Civ3 will be good enough to play for quite a while as is, seeing the improvements fans have made to the CtP games makes me eagerly anticipate what improvements can be made to Civ3.
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