One or two points of interest from the new GSpot screenshots.,00.html
The city advisor screenshot from the GameSpot update shows a "treasury" summary with income on one side and expenditure on the other.
Note that one of the income items is "interest income". Will civs be able to earn interest on cash surpluses? If so, how? The Roman civ they're showing does not seem to be earning any interest on its 95 gold. There's no interest expense item on the other side of the ledger so presumably you can't borrow.
The civ also seems to be set on 75%/0%/25% settings for science/luxuries/tax [based on income of 36-8 corruption=28 net income, divided into 21 science/0 luxuries/7 gold]. This is different from the 10% gradients we're used to in CIII.