Just for a joke, i decided to check how all the other civs were doing in my current game, by lookign through the cheat menu.
I am the Egytpians: 8 cities, Income: 113, Expense: 100, Science: 875, discoveries every 2 turns, 57 techs
Romans: 19 cities, Income: 76, Expense: 159, Science 293, discoveries every 4 turns, 48 techs
Chinese: 11 cities, Income: 0
{!!!!!), Expense: 110, Science: 267, discoveries every 4 turns, 45 techs
Carthaginians: 16 cities, Income: 54, Expense: 90, Science: 74, Discoveries every 12 turns, 38 techs
Gazpichi (ToT extended game alien civ): 15 cities, Income: 17, Expense: 32, Science: 21, Discoveries every 14 turns, 18 techs
My super Science city is in full swing, producing 648 sci/turn... meaning my 7 helper cities are producing 227 beakers on their own... keeping pace with the next two civilizations. How sad is that? This utter lack of management by the computer is what kills it. Although some of this may show how the AI attempt to keep pace (The chinese setting their tax rate to zero so that they could max out their science, for example), but if they simply managed better it would not take those extremes. I am running at 20% taxes and no luxuries in my Democracy, and I have a positive balance and no unhappiness. Granted I have Mike's and Bach's, but still
I mean for instance... take the Carth's... Instead of building Libraries and Universities in their cities with decent trade, they set half of their cities to building Women's Suffrage, and the other half are building transports.. what a waste! Especially for a Republic! They could easily triple their science and make a competitive game.. but noooo!