Hmm.. I think this is probably the first time I've actually started a thread. Anyway..
Seeing as over the last few months the amount of sites that have sent me mail regarding updates and amount of those sites that update regularly has gone down to a pretty dangerous level(also considering the very few people who send me mails to be added to the list), I figured it was time to do something about it before it became any worse. Most of the sites that originally mailed me to be in the & friends thing don't update anymore or not often.. and it's not much of a position when only one or two sites a week update
I was wondering that if anyone reading this has a site, and updates at least once every few months, would like to have their site's updates in the section. Basically, it's free advertising.. all you need to do in return is add the code for the e-mail submission form for the newsletter to your own site(yes, it's that simple!). I would prefer if update information was sent to me through email, in the format it is on on your page(with the date). However, in case something has been added to the page since that update info was sent(or you are too lazy to send an email with the update info) I also check the site itself before sending it all off for inclusion in the newsletter.
My policy regarding the sites I include in there is that I only include sites where the webmasters send me emails with the updates or have requested to be put on the list. So, don't expect it to magically appear there without your doing anything(the first newsletter was an exception.. I did all the sites I could find updates on at the time).
So, if you're interested or want more information, post here or email me.
Some History: