September 5, 2000, 19:09
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One AI cheat I haven't seen posted is the AI's ability to instantly move its capital if you capture their current one (assuming they have 1000 gold).
Also, not on the list but I think someone mentioned: AI democracies don't have a senate to deal with. I've seen them declare war without changing gov't and without UN.
And what about infinite cruise missile supply when you approach their shore with a Battleship or Carrier.
Some other comments:
As Sten mentioned, you can get AI bombers to crash from lack of fuel, but only if the bomber chooses to attack a unit after its first turn in the air. Otherwise, AI bombers can hang out forever, but they can't hurt you.
The AI is affected by pollution. It's just that their cities don't generate pollution.
I've seen infinite range nuclear missiles, but not cruise missiles.
About the AI stealing multiple techs from a single city. You can too - with a Spy. The cheat is that the AI can do it with a Diplomat as well.
September 5, 2000, 19:38
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Sten, if you don't mind, I've e-mailed it to you... I hate homestead, but I don't have the time for anything else b/c it was the only one where I could upload instantly from my current location...
September 5, 2000, 20:48
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You, too, can instantly buy a new capital for 1000 gp if you should have the misfortune to need one. I've been there.... The AI cheat, for what it matters, is that it can relocate its capital practically every turn without any apparent expenditure, WHEN IT DOESN'T REALLY NEED TO. I don't know WHY it does this; I don't think IT does, either.
September 5, 2000, 20:58
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I, too, have had to pay the 1000 gold to move my capitol. Only once, a loooong loooong time ago, but I had to do it nonetheless.
September 6, 2000, 11:59
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Concerning the AI relocating it's capital:
As debeest alluded to, both the human and the AI can relocate their capitals for 1000 gold. The AI cheats in that it can relocate it's capital in the middle of someone else's turn.
If an AI were to take my capital, I would lose any spaceship in flight and likely begin my next turn with much disorder, corruption, and waste. I could then, on my turn, rebuild my capital for 1000 gold (and then wait until my next turn for construction to be complete). If they grounded my spaceship, I'd have to start a new spaceship from scratch too.
If someone captures an AI capital, it can instantaneously rebuild it in the middle of the attacker's turn. No spaceship is lost. No disorder due to a lack of a capital. I've taken out an AI's capital and seen it rebuilt multiple times during a single turn of mine. It still costs them 1000 gold each time, but their telecommuting senators are certainly an advantage.
September 6, 2000, 19:23
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debeest is correct. Possibly it doesn't work that way in hotseat, but in SP just before your capitol is taken you get a message box asking if you want to pay 1000 gold to move it, providing you have sufficient funds of course. No disorder, no problems (tested using the scenario editor some time ago, btw - I don't make a habit of loosing my capitol. Honest  )
September 6, 2000, 20:18
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Ok, i just tested it - I set my gold to an outrageous sum, disbanded all units in my capital and then placed several AI units adjacent to it. I got:

Sire, our capital is being overrun! Shall we pay 1000 gold to evacuate the government to Leipzig while there is still time?
* Alas we cannot afford it.
o Yes, pay 1000 gold.
ok, i didn't feel like taking a screen shot and posting it
Note that it chose my next capitol for me. I think a main reason there is so much confusion is that not many of us tend to have 1000 gold in our treasuries if for some reason our heartland cities are being threatened - by then we have rush-built as much of a defense as our treasuries will allow  Of course how often does the AI actually threaten your capital once you've got a few cities down anyway?
Edit: 2.42, tested with both diety and king in cheat mode
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
[This message has been edited by SCG (edited September 06, 2000).]
September 7, 2000, 00:11
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I'm fairly sure, but not positive, that when this has happened to me I've been able to rebuild instantaneously, like the AI, with no period of anarchy or other loss beyond the 1000 gp. I don't know if it's ever happened to me when I already had a ship launched, but I doubt you'd lose that either.
September 7, 2000, 05:19
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SilverDragon - please remove "The AI can bribe Democratic units" - it just ain't true (any more  )
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 7, 2000, 15:58
Fine. But I still say it is. But then again, I should listen to my publisher.
September 7, 2000, 18:19
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SilverDragon, I've never seen an democratic unit bribed in Civ II, version 1.07 or in version 2.42. It apparently has been widely reported though in the Multiplayer Gold versions prior to version 1.3. I'll assume that you have MPG and don't have the ver. 1.3 patch.
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
September 7, 2000, 19:42
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Originally posted by SilverDragon on 09-07-2000 03:58 PM
Fine. But I still say it is. But then again, I should listen to my publisher. 
Do you know something I don't??
An addendum for the list: - The AI can break Zones of Control on occasion
I guess this is related to the "All AI units can exercise Diplomat functionality", but it is (for me) much, much rarer and much, much more annoying when it happens.
Keep them coming
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 8, 2000, 00:12
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Ignore this post if this is a dumb question:
Do AI spys/diplos ever fail in their mission?
I feel like I should know this but I can't remember...
September 8, 2000, 00:57
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Not a dumb question at all. Yes, they can fail in their missions. However, I don't think I've ever seen it happen without my having a diplo/spy in the city to "catch" the enemy. Seems like even diplomats never fail unless I take protective measures.
September 8, 2000, 05:52
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My experience tallies with debeest - I have never seen the AI fail in its task if I have not had a Diplo or spy on duty (I don't recall ever building a Courthouse - but doesn't that have an effect as well???)
Very, very occasionally I have caught the offender and have been able to exploit the incident.
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 8, 2000, 17:54
September 8, 2000, 20:35
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Originally posted by SCG on 09-07-2000 06:19 PM
I've never seen an democratic unit bribed in Civ II, version 1.07 or in version 2.42. It apparently has been widely reported though in the Multiplayer Gold versions prior to version 1.3. I'll assume that you have MPG and don't have the ver. 1.3 patch.
You may be right about that. It has happened to me in the UCC (=MGE) edition, can't remember about 2.42.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
September 9, 2000, 14:36
No, I have 2.42. I feel like I am trying to explain to people that I saw a unicorn or something.
September 9, 2000, 20:13
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Sorry SilverDragon - we had a similar situation recently with Barbarian Armour. This game certainly throws up some strange things and if you've seen this in v2.42 I'm certainly not calling you a liar or suggesting that maybe you have been abducted by aliens.  I guess what I mean is that the general consensus as evidenced on these boards is that a properly patched 2.42 or MP 1.3 should not allow a Democratic unit to be bribed (we think).
As for being GL Webmaster - yes I have offered my (actually our) services, but the Powers That Be have yet to rule - the important thing is that we do have a GL - not who runs it.
This thread when distilled will be a useful addition to the GLoA.
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
September 12, 2000, 00:05
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The AI is far too stupid in his nutty head to survive whitout these "bugs".
September 22, 2000, 00:20
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Some clarifications:
The AI needs the same percentage of food for growth as it needs shields for building. 80% at the beginning of a deity game, 60% once you're supreme. 100% at the beginning of a king or lower game, 80% once you're supreme.
Yes, Sten, I've taken a desultory stab at verifying whether the AI gets free improvement maintenance, and based on a very limited examination, I think it does. Has anyone else checked this better?
What does it mean to say that the AI can revolt when it's not its turn?
And some doubts (because I've never seen these things):
Can the AI really go into financial deficit?
How would we know whether AI fighters and bombers can stay multiple turns outside cities? In my experience, they always go in and out of view, and I assume they're going back to cities, or to airbases, or something.
Similarly, how can we know if missiles have infinite range? How do we know they aren't coming from subs that are actually within range?
And hardest of all for me to believe, does the AI really spontaneously improve city radius squares without the assistance of any unit? Can anyone else confirm this?
September 22, 2000, 08:38
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Originally posted by debeest on 09-22-2000 12:20 AM
Some clarifications:
What does it mean to say that the AI can revolt when it's not its turn?
very common when the AI is in republic/democracy and at peace with you, but hostile in attitude. when you move one of your units next to one of its, very often it will revolt on the spot so that they can declare war with you during the negotiations.
October 9, 2000, 18:29
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another suspected cheat (i'm sure i've read it somewhere before) is that AI civs can sell multiple city improvements within the same city in one turn while we mere human players can only sell one.
on top of that, they can do it when it isn't even their turn. i investigated an enemy city to find that it had built virtually every improvement available. Upon capturing the city (in the same turn), i found that NINE of the improvements were gone.
Granery, temple, marketplace, aqueduct, factory, hydroplant, sewer system, superhighways, and SAM were all gone.
October 9, 2000, 19:01
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Doesn't capturing a city always destroy half its improvements - or is this another urban myth???
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
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October 10, 2000, 07:41
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SG1 - as I understand it: temple, colosseum, and cathedral are guaranteed to be destroyed upon city capture. Each other improvement has a 50% chance of being destroyed. This may result in more or less than half of a city's improvements being destroyed, depending on how many lucky coin flips you have.
October 10, 2000, 07:48
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October 10, 2000, 08:04
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I think temples are always destroyed. However, I inherited a colosseum from a captured city whilst playing the Headstart Scenario in 5.3
SG (2)
(edit spelling)
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited October 10, 2000).]
October 10, 2000, 16:24
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Although the manual is vague on the subject (IIRC, it essentially says "temples, cathedrals, and SOME of the other improvements may be destroyed when the city is captured"), I believe DaveV has it right, with one exception. Although the manual doesn't say so (shock!), I'm pretty sure that courthouses also are always destroyed.
October 12, 2000, 20:30
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colloseums are never destroyed when a revolt is incited; they have the same chance of destruction through conquest as other improvements.
I have never bribed a city and kept the cathedral, and I always have had Mike's.
I've never known the AI to sell an improvement.
I just love the AI building the Lighthouse even though its triremes never sink!
October 13, 2000, 08:51
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Originally posted by The Mad Viking on 10-12-2000 08:30 PM
I have never bribed a city and kept the cathedral, and I always have had Mike's. 
used to happen to me all the time when i played v1.07 regularly - haven't gotten into too many city bribing games with 2.42 yet, so i suppose it could be an undocumented fix? Getting that extra 160 gold was always a nice boost to the economy
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