OCC #19
We lost one trireme, luckily when it was empty, for not building the Lighthouse. The odds seemed pretty decent (25% accidents after Seafaring), land couldn't be that far away on a small map. We did have some trouble meeting the Spanish because of the accident. The AI tribes were particularly closefisted, even when we had 5 allies (!) we often couldn't get a dime to go our way. Trade was good though, our commodities were in demand - and all overseas, naturally

. Got a few more techs than usual from the AI tribes, too.
================================================== ==============
AC: 1686
Monarchy: -2850
Republic: -625
Democracy: 380
Colossus: -2250
Copernicus: -175
Shakespeare: 220
Newton: 480
Darwin: 860
Apollo: 1400
Trade routes: -675, -625, -600
Size 12: 260
Size 21: 440
Size 23: 480
Trade: -875
Construction: -400
Sanitation: 180
Refrigeration: -
Automobile: 880
Computers: 1180
Space Flight: 1380
-4000 Alphabet, Bronze Working, start mining
-3750 Ceremonial Burial
-3550 Hill mined
-3450 S2, N-Settlers join city -> S3
-3350 Warriors, Code of Laws, starting Colossus
-3000 Monarchy
-2900 Revolution
-2650 Barb Trireme: "4 units destroyed"
-2600 Mysticism
-2450 S4
-2300 disbanded Warriors
-2200 Warriors
-1950 Library, Currency
-1700 Map Making
-1650 Marketplace, Barb Trireme: "4 units destroyed"
-1450 Trireme
-1400 Warriors, Pottery
-1250 Diplomat - waiting for Seafaring to halve the risk ...
-1200 S5
-1050 Seafaring - there we go!! .... phew, land in sight

-1000 Harbor
-975 English, 8 techs->E, Peace, Maps, no Ally

(they have The Wheel, we don't want that yet)
-950 Germans, 6 techs->G, Peace, Maps, no Ally

(they have Masonry)
Chinese, traded for Masonry (slipped up), 9 techs->C, Maps, Ally(C) for War(G), no gift

-900 Trireme
-850 Wine
-825 Indians, 7 techs->I, Peace, Maps, no Ally

, Germans take Canton
-750 50(h)
-725 Beads, S6
-700 Japanese, 8 techs->J, Peace, Maps, no Ally

, 1 tech->C, Chinese end Alliance

, 1 tech->G, Cease Fire
-675 Literacy,
Hides to Osaka (d,206), everybody is hostile now
-650 Hides, The Republic, Revolution, di Warriors
-625 Hides,
REPUBLIC, Wine to Osaka (d,206)
-600 Mathematics, empty Trireme lost at sea

, Beads to London (d,209), di Warriors, N-Legion(h)
-575 Hides, Astronomy, We Love

, N-Settlers(h) - hmmmm ...
-550 S7
-525 Gold, We Love ends

-500 Food
-475 Food, N-Settlers join city

-> S8, di Trireme
-450 Food, Navigation
-425 Caravel, finally under 50 gold

-400 4 techs->G, traded for Construction, 6 techs->E, traded for The Wheel and Horseback Riding, Maps, Ally

5 techs->J, traded for Iron Working and Warrior Code, Maps, no Ally

, 9 techs->I, Maps, no Ally

10 techs->C, Maps, Ally for War(G), no gift

-350 Gold to Beijing (d,186), 100(h)
-325 Aquaduct
-300 S9, Barb Leader (150)
-275 Food
-250 Banking
-225 Bank
-200 1 tech->J,I, 5 techs->G, Cease Fire
-125 Philosophy -> University, 4,3 techs->E,C, Maps, -,25

-100 Spanish, 19(!) techs->S, Peace, Maps, Ally, no gift

-75 Beads
-50 Hides to Madrid (d,212), Germans: GREAT LIBRARY, Indians: PYRAMIDS
-25 University, Economics, Hides to Madrid (d,212), Japanese : HANGING GARDENS
1 3 techs->J, Ally!! (from Icy), Maps(Cordial), Bridge Building<-J

4 techs->I, Ally!! (from Receptive), Maps (Enthusiastic), 150

, Germans refuse tech gift, 1 tech ->C, 50

20 Stock Exchange
40 Medicine
60 Food, Barb Caravel: "5 units destroyed"
100 Food, S10, 1 tech->E
120 Engineering, Beads to London (d,212), 1 tech->C, 50

140 Food
180 Food, Sanitation, 1 tech->C,E,J, 50,-,100

200 Food

240 Salt, S11, Germans take Sjanghai
260 Invention, S12, 1 tech->J,I, 75,50

280 Sewer System, S13, Japanese: LIGHTHOUSE
300 S14
320 Chemistry, S15, 1 tech->J, 150

, 7 techs->S, Maps
340 S16
360 Food, S17, English take Berlin
380 Democracy,
DEMOCRACY, S18, 1 tech->I,J, 100,150

400 Food, S19, 6 techs->E, Maps, English end worshipful alliance over gift

420 Food, S20
440 Gunpowder, S21, Salt to Madras (d,612)
460 Gold, Theory of Gravity, S22, 7 techs->C, Maps
ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, S23, sold Sewer System
500 Physics, We Love ends

, sold Aquaduct, 5 techs->J, won't trade or gift Feudalism

520 Food, sold Temple
540 Steam Engine, 100->Japanese for Feudalism, 6 techs->S, Maps
560 Food
580 Metallurgy, Gold to Madrid (d,630)
600 Food, Railroad, 5 techs->C, Maps, 150->I, 9 techs->I, Maps, Polytheism as gift

640 Food, Industrialization
680 Factory, The Corporation, N-Settlers(h)

, 50->J, 6 techs->J, 50

, 5 techs->S
720 Transport, Refining, 50 ->J, 1 tech->J, 100<-J

740 (our N-Settler is now improving Osaka, boosting 2 trade routes), Japanese: LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP
760 Power Plant, Explosives, 5 techs->C, 50->I, 4 techs->I, Maps, 50

, 50->E, 9 techs->E, Maps
800 Food, Combustion
840 Food, Magnetism (same turn as the Germans

DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Electricity, Steel
Automobile, 50(h) - will the Superhighways make much difference??
900 Superhighways - science output goes from 816 to 960

920 Electronics, 100(h) (after 7xVeii), 50->I, 6 techs->I, 50

960 Chivalry
980 Food, traded for Atomic Theory(S), 8 techs->S, Maps, N-Musketeers(h)
1000 Leadership, Gold to Madrid (d,980), Barb Frigate (5 units)
1020 Food, Mass Production, 100(h), 50->J, traded for Conscription, 10 techs->J, 50

, 50->G,E,I, 10,2,11,11,5 techs->G,S,C,E,I, 50<-I

, 50->J
1060 Food, Tactics, Indians: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
1100 Food, Machine Tools, traded for Nuclear Fission(I), 50->I
1140 Food, Miniaturization, Barb Leader(150), Osaka all polished up by N-Settlers
1160 Offshore Platform -> 60+ shields (which is plenty, no need to wait for Robotics)
Computers, Barb Frigate (5 units destroyed)
1200 Research Lab
1220 Gold, Flight, disbanded Caravel
1260 Radio, Gold to Madrid (d,522)
1300 Advanced Flight, picking up N-Settlers
1340 Rocketry
Space Flight
APOLLO PROGRAM - we have 5 freight and 3630 gold, buying Temples ....
1420 S01, Plastics, Indians: MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY
1440 S02, Japanese: HOOVER DAM!
1460 S03, Nuclear Power
1480 S04
1500 S05, The Laser, Barb Caravel (5 units)
1510 S06
1520 S07
1530 S08, Superconductor, Indians: Flight
1540 S09
1550 S10
1560 S11, Fusion Power, Japanese: MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
1570 S12, di N-Settlers
1580 M01, di Diplomat, Spanish: UNITED NATIONS
1590 M02, di Transport
1600 M03
1610 C01, Indians: EIFFEL TOWER
1620 C02
1630 S13
1640 S14
1650 S15,
LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
1651 Mobile Warfare
1652 SAM Missile Battery, Japanese: Radio, English sneak attack kill N-Musketeers and N-Legion, Indians declare War(E)
1653 Barracks, Indians capture Hastings

1654 Robotics
1655 Manufacturing Plant -> 80 shields
1656 Coastal Fortress
1657 City Walls, Stealth
1659 Airport
1660 Armor, Recycling
1662 Stealth Bomber, E Destroyer sunk, Indians: MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL
1663 Germans break Cease Fire - 2 G Cruisers perish
1664 E Destroyer, 2 G Fighters down
1666 ORACLE, Theology
1667 E Destroyer sunk
1669 Genetic Engineering, F Alpine Troops bombarded
1672 Future Tech 1
1675 F02
1676 Sold Research Lab
1678 F03
1679 E Destroyer sunk, attacking force is now eliminated
1681 GREAT WALL, F04, Japanese: Advanced Flight
Score: 392 (50%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire