November 19, 2000, 08:23
Local Time: 00:49
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Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
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OCC fortnight #20
I haven't received a new scenario for some time, so I made one myself. I used the Pacific map and made some changes to the island we start on. Everything else is unchanged, except the resource seed. Play as the OCCers. All the other civs have been randomly placed. In order to speed up the initial exploration you start with two caravels and two spies. Also, your second settler has been replaced with an engineer. That should make the game go a bit faster for those of us who don't have much time.
Download here.
November 19, 2000, 17:16
Local Time: 23:49
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Downloaded - the conditions for a faster game particularly welcome this fortnight with a few distractions in the horizon.
November 19, 2000, 23:00
Local Time: 00:49
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Well, my first fortnight attempt was quite a failure:
I guess this doesn't really count. I had to restart after finding an advanced tribe because I had forgotten to save. But I really didn't learn much about the map the first time. Anyway, it was a failure as well. I was doing horribly the whole time.
4000: 50 gold from hut, SSC founded
3750: Alphabet
3650: Horseback riding from hut 
3350: "You have unleashed a horde of barbarians." No barbs appear.
3200: Code of Laws, Map Making from hut 
3000: For lack of anything better to do, I have bilt a barracks and sold it. 40 gold. Lighthouse started. Pottry from hut. 
2900: hut, 25 gold
2800: barb from hut, can't bribe. Luckily a light blue horseman kills it.
2750: Meet Chinese, Map Making for peace, Horseback riding for Masonry (I had gambled that they had something better) No alliance. Bribed the horseman for 42 gold.
2650: Mathematics from hut 
2450: 50 gold from hut, barbs from hut, bribed the lone horse with that gold.
2350: Seafaring from hut. This is getting ridicululous. Bronze Working from hut. Finally, something useful. Give all techs to chinese, get nothing. Typical.
2250: Warrior Code from hut.  I'll never reach Monarchy at this rate.
2200: 100 gold from hut. Meet babylonians, trade for ceremonial burial. Give all techs, get maps but no alliance. I see the English on their maps.
2150: Meet english, refuse tech trade (I'm researching Monarchy), get peace, give techs for alliance, they are worshipful but they want me to declare war on babylonians, which I won't do.  Establish embassy.
Meet sioux, trade Horseback Riding for currency, Give Ceremonial Burial for peace, I know there is no chance of alliance because they are at war with Chinese. I give techs for map, try alliance, they accept! no gift, though.
2100: Iron working from hut  Barbs from hut, kill it. Legion from hut, right next to London. I get an idea...demand tribute to goad English into war.
2050: kill London's only defender. If I do this right, I can wipe them out without getting a city. Bribe Babylonian chariot for 67 gold to help war effort. Get Trade from hut; I'm now glad I got currency. I'll now be making caravans in despotism 
2000: Capture a size one London, eliminating the English. Sioux offer 200 gold to kill Babylonians, this is tempting. I wish I hadn't withdrawn that Chariot earlier...I declare war.
1900: 50 gold from hut. Buy Colossus with this and Sioux money.
1850: Colossus built, start cranking caravans. Legion killed by Babylonians. Sioux expel spy! 
1800: Chinese destroyed by Sioux
1750: Horseman from hut, near Babylon. My engineer has done everything it can.
1500: Sioux alliance cancelled. All units returned to SSC  Warriors disbanded, since NON units are now home.
1350: No way to get 10 shields. Caravans bought in full.
950: Monarchy, finally.
775: hut mercs, hut 25 gold
750: meet egyptians, they demand 100 gold, I refuse and they decalre war. Maybe I can wipe them out like the English. . .
This game is hopeless. I'll never survive.
Results: I need to learn better diplomacy. FE I should get treasury down below 50 before contacting people. I hate giving them gold, and they always declare war on me. I also hate it when my allies demand that I fight. I either gain an enemy or lose a friend. How do you avoid this?
[This message has been edited by Richard Bruns (edited November 19, 2000).]
November 19, 2000, 23:50
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November 20, 2000, 02:41
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Posts: 9
help, i cn't play occ, it starts a sim city 2000 game.  has any one else experienced this
November 20, 2000, 06:49
Local Time: 23:49
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Mercantile - I think this is caused by your double clicking on the .sav file - SimCity 2000 seems to have claimed .sav as its own - a pretty silly thing to do!!
If you simply open Civ II and select Load Game then browse until you locate your new .sav file you7 will be OK
All - I think I might try this one - [excuse mode]I'm very rusty and don't have any goblins to help me[/excuse mode]
Good civin'
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
November 20, 2000, 11:12
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Yes, I have MGE. They go from worshipful to hostile in one turn, no matter what I do.  This means that when they contact me to ask for a war, they are always unccoperative at best, and I never have the chance to improve that attitude before refusing the request.
Those computers are the most sociopathic AI leaders I've ever seen. To get an alliance, they usually have to be worshipful with no wars. If you refuse any demand from an ally, you lost the alliance. If you refuse any demand from someone at peace, you get a war. If you ask for a gift, you usually lose the alliance. If you demand tribute, you usually get a war. And this is with a spotless reputation!
It seems that the only way to survive is to become as hostile and vicious as they are, because kindness gets you nowhere.
November 20, 2000, 17:29
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Richard Bruns: I've had a quick look at your log and it seems you missed researching Bronze Working as your first priority so that you could build the Colossus. This way you will not have to mark-time by building unwanted improvements and science and gold will also go up considerably.
On the MGE challenging AI attitudes, Ribbanah's the one to talk to. He seems to have tamed it considerably!
Oldman: When are you coming back to do your scenarios again?
Mercantile and SG: Yes, the culprit could well be the *.sav extension. On my system it's associated with the stats program, SPSS, which takes a while to load and to get rid off - a real nuisance.
November 20, 2000, 21:13
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Posts: 9
Scouse Gits, i tried what you said and i looked into the occ20 folder and nothing was inside it, this is after i unzipped it of course, this all happening when i am loading a civ game.
I get out of civ and i open the occ20 folder and low and behold there is the emblam and it says simcity scenario
Of course simcity starts when i use it, stupid thing never starts when i click on the shortcut to it that was built in to my computer, but thats another story for another time.
So now i am not sure what to do about this problem as i wish to try out these occ games
Tonic any idea how i bypass this problem ?
Do you shovel snow in your birkenstocks?
November 20, 2000, 23:39
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Mercantile: It seems to me that your OCC20 file has been somehow corrupted. All I can suggest is that you download it again from Paul's URL. Then I would unzip it straight away into the directory where your civ2.exe (usually the \mps\civ2 subdirectory). It is in scenario format, so the file should be occ20.scn (if the old scenario is there, you should delete it).
Then all you do is start civ2 and select "load a scenario" and you should see occ20 listed for you to select.
November 21, 2000, 01:51
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Ah ha!! a quick one by the look of it, what with the engineer and boats and stuff!!! i might even give this one a go myself... Don't start tutting SG1, I've been looking at excel for 2 days and need something else to distract my mind!?!
November 21, 2000, 05:53
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Sorry, Mercantile - my error - i replied before I had opened the file myself - what you have in the zip is a .scn file (a scenario file) and the way to access it is to open Civ II, select 'Start Scenario' then browse to and select "occ20.scn" - problem solved!
The reasons we sometimes (often) use scenarios rather than save games for the fortnightly OCCs are twofold[list=1][*]You can select your preferred difficulty level, and[*]As in this case when a certain amount of judicious manipulation has been performed - using a scenario prevents the cheat flag from flying all the time[/list=a]My apologies for the misleading information earlier...

[p.s. Oldman - don't neglect your coursework!]
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
November 21, 2000, 08:27
Local Time: 15:49
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Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
I tipped 65 huts.That had to be close to all of them.The ai had a tough time on this map.The French only managed 2 cities all game.
deity 2.42
Sir Isaac-150bc
Space Flight-940ad
4000-hut-horseman-Rome-resupport spys
3750-Bronze Working-switch warrior to wonder -1 sheild
3650-hut-50 gold
3250-contact China-trade for Alpha and Laws-peace-hut-archer-NON
3100-hut-barb legion(ignores spy next turn)
3050-contact Egypt-gift all-alliance
3000-hut-25 gold-hut barb legion(ignores spy)
2850-hut 50 gold
2750-Monarchy-trade China for Writing-hut-Mystism
2700-revolt-hut 50 gold-China pays tribute 25-Egypt gifts Pottery
2650-govt Monarchy-hut-Horseback Riding-hut barb horse-bribed 41
2600-Trade Egypt for Masonry-hut barb horse-terminated
2550-contact French-trade for Map Making-gift all-peace-share maps-
2500-share maps with China and Egypt-hut-Literacy
2450-disband warrior
2300-contact Babs-peace share maps-hut-archer NON
2150-hut-50 gold-hut 50 gold-hut-barb horse-bribed 41-trade China for Trade-Egypt gifts 50
2050-hut-horseman-NON-contact England-gift all-peace-share maps
2000-contact Sioux-gift all-alliance-share maps-receive 100-hut Feudalism-hut-horseman-NON
1950-size 4
1900-we love the king-silk caravan-hut 50 gold-hut-barb horse-terminated-hut-Iron Working-hut-horseman-NON
1800-beads caravan
1750-disband horseman-hut-barb horse-hut-The Wheel
1700-dye caravan-horseman KIA-hut-horseman-NON-Babs gift 25-Chinese pay tribute 50
1600-Egypt gifts 50
1550-market-hut 25 gold-hut chariot-non-Babs gift 25-
1500-hut-barb horse-hut- barb raiding party
1450-chariot KIA-temple-
1400-hut-legion non-
1300-hut-Construction-hut-legion non-hut-50 gold-alliance with French-receive 50-Babs gift 50
1200-Philosophy>Republic-colliseum-caravans to Thebes-dye 196-silk(demanded)398
1150-Astronomy-beads to Thebes 196-hut 25
1000-caravan-hut 25-”we love” 4
975-caravan-trade Sioux for Engineering
925-caravan-hut-legion non
900-hut-barb horse-hut-Invention
850-Cope’s-hut-50 gold
825-Medicine-hut 25 gold
800-coal caravan-end we love 12
775-caravan-Sioux gift 25
725-caravan-Sioux gift 25
700-Sanitation-hut 50 gold
650-hut-50 gold
625-caravan-hut 50 gold
575-Seafaring-caravan-sell colliseum
550-Shake’s-trade Egypt for Banking-recieve 50-sell temple-hut-legion non
525-”we love” 12-hut-chariot non
500-sewer-hut 50 gold-Babs 50-Egypt 50-Sioux 50
450-University-harbor-coal to Thebes 252-hut 25
425-hut 25
400-bank-Egypt 50-Sioux 50-hut chariot non-hut 50 gold-hut-25 gold
375-Gravity-hut legion non
350-build university-hut 50 gold
300-Democracy-end “we love “ 21-hut 50-Egypt 150
275-caravan-hut 50 gold-
225-govt Democracy-caravan
175-Bridge Building-caravan-Babs 50-Egypt 100-Sioux 50
150-Sir Isaac’s-”we love” 21-hut 50-hut 50
100-dye caravan
75-Chemistry-end “we love” 24
50-salt caravan
25-Explosives-trade Egypt for Navigation-receive 100-barb leader 150
1AD-stock exchange
40-Sioux gift 100
60-Physics-hut 100-Egypt gifts 100
180-Refrigeration-caravan-dye to Thebes 310 salt 310
200-Steam Engine
260-Darwin’s>Industrialization>The Corporation
300-factory-”we love” 23
340-Refining-dye freight
360-end “we love” 26-sell sewer
380-Combustion-gems freight-sell aquaduct
400-gold freight-trade Egypt for Conscription
460-Mass Production
480-trade English for Chivalry
520-hydro plant
540-Leadership-freight-gold to Thebes 513 gems 525
560-Tactics-gold freight-dye to Thebes 525
580-gems freight
600-Machine Tools
660-offshore platform
700-research lab
720-Mobile Warfare-freight
760-Robotics-coal to Thebes(demanded)1312
780-Flight-manufacturing plant-gems to Thebes 276
800-coal freight-bribr barb dragoon 102
820-Radio-freight-gold to Thebes 272
860-Advanced Flight-armor-Sioux cancel alliance
940-Space Flight-coal to Thebes(demanded)660
1060-Atomic Theory
1120-Nuclear Fission-French cancel alliance-Egypt gifts 50
1180-Nuclear Power
1240-The Laser
1360-Fusion Power-15-1-1-1-1-1 ready LAUNCH
the usual array
November 21, 2000, 14:05
Local Time: 00:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
Smash, you didn't tip all the huts.  I tipped 70 huts in my game. But I landed one turn after you, in 1416. I was led away from the path to monarchy by all those hut advances and I also was much later with my caravans because I sent to the other side of the world where they were demanded. I should have sent them to the Egyptians, because they were closer to my island.
AC: 1416
Monarchy: -1450
Republic: -825
Democracy: -125
Colossus: -2350
Copernicus: -575
Shakespeare: -450
Newton: -200
Darwin: 380
Apollo: 980
Trade routes: -500,-425, -250
Size 12: -625
Size 21: -200
Trade: -1850
Construction: -925
Sanitation: -475
Refrigeration: 140
Automobile: 400
Computers: 720
Space Flight: 960
4000 BC Hut: Archer
3800 BC Warrior
3750 BC Bronze Working
Hut: 50 gold
3400 BC Hut: Horsemen
3350 BC Alphabet
3250 BC Hut: Archer
3200 BC Egyptians: Trade Ceremonial Burial; alliance
3000 BC Hut: Barbarians
Hut: Archers
Hut: Horseback Riding
2950 BC Hut: Map Making
2850 BC Babylonians: peace; share maps
Egyptians: share maps
Hut: Barbarians
2800 BC Hut: 100 gold
Hut: 50 gold
2750 BC Hut: Masonry
2700 BC Hut: Currency
2650 BC Hut: Barbarians
2550 BC Hut: Mathematics
Babylonians: trade Pottery
Egyptians: trade Mysticism; gift 25 gold
Hut: Seafaring
Hut: Archer
2500 BC Hut: Warrior Code
Hut: Barbarians
2350 BC Colossus
Hut: Barbarians
Hut: Archer
2300 BC Babylonians: tribute 50 gold
2250 BC Hut: 50 gold
2200 BC Chinese: trade Code of Laws, Writing; peace; share maps
2150 BC Library
2100 BC Hut: Barbarians
1950 BC French: peace; share maps
Hut: 50 gold
Hut: Archer
1850 BC Hut: Trade
1800 BC Marketplace
Hut: Wheel
Hut: Chariot
1600 BC Hut: Monarchy
1550 BC Chinese: alliance; gift 25 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
1500 BC Build Salt Caravan
Hut: Polytheism
Hut: Barbarians
1450 BC Gov: Monarchy
Egyptians: trade Literacy; gift 50 gold
1400 BC Build Beads Caravan
Hut: Archer
Hut: Archer
English: share maps; alliance; gift 100 gold
1350 BC Hut: Astronomy
1250 BC Hut: 25 gold
1200 BC Build Silk Caravan
Hut: 100 gold
1150 BC Hut: 50 gold
1100 BC Harbor
1050 BC Temple
Sioux: peace; share maps
Chinese: gift 25 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
Babylonians: tribute 75 gold
1000 BC Hut: Iron Working
Hut: Horsemen
975 BC Hut: Legion
950 BC Hut: Feudalism
925 BC Babylonians: trade Construction
Hut: Navigation
French: alliance; share maps; gift 50 gold
900 BC Build Dye Caravan
Hut: Elephant
Hut: Bridge Building
Hut: 50 gold
850 BC Hut: Republic, revolution
Babylonians: tribute 100 gold
Chinese: gift 50 gold
English: gift 25 gold
Hut: Chivalry
825 BC Gov: Republic
Hut: Knight
Start WLTCD, size 5
800 BC Colosseum
Hut: Barbarians
775 BC Hut: Engineering
Hut: Barbarians
English: gift 50 gold
750 BC Aqueduct
Hut: Banking
Hut: Invention
725 BC Hut: Legion
Hut: Knight
675 BC Hut: Legion
Hut: 50 gold
650 BC Hut: 50 gold
625 BC Philosophy, Medicine
Hut: 100 gold
End WLTCD, size 12
English: gift 50 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
600 BC Hut: Legion
575 BC Copernicus' Observatory
550 BC Hut: Knight
English: gift 50 gold
Egyptians: gift 25 gold
French: gift 25 gold
525 BC French: gift 150 gold
500 BC Bank
Sold Colosseum
Hut: Barbarians
Beads to Canterbury (demanded): 594 gold
475 BC Sanitation
Hut: 50 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
Hut: 50 gold
Hut: 25 gold
Sold Temple
450 BC Shakespeare's Theatre
Start WLTCD, size 12
425 BC Silk to London (not demanded): 426 gold
400 BC Sewer System
Hut: 50 gold
350 BC University
325 BC University
Hut: 50 gold
275 BC Hut: 50 gold
250 BC Theory of Gravity
Salt to Ur (not demanded): 470 gold
Egyptians: gift 25 gold
Chinese: gift 150 gold
225 BC English: gift 100 gold
Chinese: gift 50 gold
Egyptians: gift 25 gold
200 BC Isaac Newton's College
End WLTCD, size 21
175 BC Hut: 50 gold
150 BC Build Coal Caravan
125 BC Democracy, change gov
English: gift 150 gold
Start WLTPD, size 21
100 BC Stock Exchange
Egyptians: gift 25 gold
75 BC Physics
50 BC Build Gems Caravan
25 BC Magnetism
English: gift 100 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
End WLTPD, size 24
1 AD Hut: 50 gold
20 AD Gunpowder
60 AD Metallurgy
100 AD Electricity
Chinese: gift 50 gold
English: gift 200 gold
140 AD Refrigeration
Dye to Thebes (demanded): 572 gold
160 AD Supermarket
Coal to Thebes (demanded): 715 gold
180 AD Explosives
Gems to Heliopolis (demanded): 744 gold
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
200 AD Engineer
Steam Engine
240 AD Build Gold Caravan
Egyptians: gift 25 gold
Chinese: gift 50 gold
English: gift 100 gold
280 AD Industrialization
320 AD Corporation
360 AD Steel
Chinese: gift 100 gold
English: gift 100 gold
380 AD Darwin's Voyage: Refining, Combustion
400 AD Automobile
Gold to Thebes (not demanded): 195 gold
420 AD Superhighways
Start WLTPD, size 23
440 AD Electronics
480 AD Build Gems Freight
520 AD Build Salt Freight
End WLTPD, size 27
560 AD Tactics
Egyptians: gift 150 gold
Chinese: gift 100 gold
English: gift 200 gold
600 AD Factory
Machine Tools
620 AD Sold Sewer System
640 AD Power Plant
Sold Aqueduct
680 AD Offshore Platform
Mass Production
Barb Leader: 150 gold
720 AD Computers
Gems to Memphis (demanded): 1157 gold
740 AD Research Lab
Mobile Warfare
Salt to Memphis (not demanded): 537 gold
760 AD Robotics
800 AD Manufacturing Plant
Egyptians: gift 50 gold
Chinese: gift 100 gold
English: cancel alliance
840 AD Radio
880 AD Advanced Flight
920 AD Rocketry
960 AD Space Flight
980 AD Apollo Program
1020 AD Plastics
1080 AD Atomic Theory
1140 AD Nuclear Fission
1200 AD Nuclear Power
1260 AD Laser
1380 AD Fusion Power
1416 AD Arrive at Alpha Centauri
November 21, 2000, 14:59
Local Time: 23:49
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Westcoast of Canada
Posts: 9
Scouse Gits, well once again you have come through in a pinch. I followed your instructions and voila, the game works  Well i will try this one tonite when i get some time and now it looks as if i have 19 occ games to catch up on  Thanks again
Tonic my hearty thanks to you as well. Its the second time i have had to edit to give you proper credit as well, my bad
[This message has been edited by Mercantile (edited November 21, 2000).]
November 21, 2000, 20:45
Local Time: 15:49
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Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
Lately I have been trying to send caravans to cities that have a high trade potential vs a current demand.The early bonus from caravans 1,2 and 3 is not usually that huge so the long term effect outweighs it.IMO.Thebes had a whale,wine and rivers and it was the closest(more or less).Unfortunately,AIs in my games don't get past size 8 very often.
November 22, 2000, 01:27
Local Time: 00:49
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Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
I have that in my games as well. Too bad, with larger cities you could get an even larger bonus for your routes. I also noticed that the AI should build more roads around their cities. I regularly see size 8 cities with only one or two roads in the radius. And I should of course have sent those caravans to Thebes for the larger continueing bonus.
November 22, 2000, 08:56
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Location: The Netherlands, Embassy of the Iroquois Confederacy
Posts: 1,578

Originally posted by Paul on 11-22-2000 12:27 AM
I also noticed that the AI should build more roads around their cities. I regularly see size 8 cities with only one or two roads in the radius.
In some games I sent over a spare Engineer to improve the land of my AI trading partner
Not that this makes them build an aqueduct (despite farmland leading to +10 food or more), but at least they'll have road ....
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
November 22, 2000, 12:11
Local Time: 00:49
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: The Netherlands, Embassy of the Iroquois Confederacy
Posts: 1,578
OCC #20
Those nice units you gave us were a great asset, Paul! We never needed to build a second Engineer, and the Spies made embassies and popped all the huts - giving us plenty of free techs - until we had no choice but to discover Invention, of course.
================================================== ==============
AC: 1036
Monarchy: -
Republic: -2250
Democracy: -625
Colossus: -1900
Copernicus: -575
Shakespeare: -725
Newton: -100
Darwin: 80
Apollo: 600
Trade routes: -650, -650, -625
Size 12: -650
Size 21: -425 (size 24 in -350)
Size 29: 340
Trade: -2500
Construction: -2650
Sanitation: -900
Refrigeration: -300
Automobile: 80
Computers: 340
Space Flight: 580
-4000 N-Horsemen(h), Rigard founded
-3800 Pottery(h)
-3700 Wine mined
-3550 Egyptians, Peace, Embassy, no tribute 
----- Eg have Pottery  , Ceremonial Burial  , Aplhabet  , Masonry
-3500 N-Horsemen(h)
-3450 Ceremonial Burial, S2
-3400 Temple
-3350 50(h), Horseback Riding(h) 
-3300 Masonry(h) 
-3250 Barb Horsemen(h), bribed->N
-3200 Warrior Code(h)  , traded for Alphabet(Eg)  , 3 Barb Archers
-3100 N-Horsemen(h), N-Archers(h), N-Horsemen withdrawn 
-3050 N-Horsemen(h)
-2950 Bronze Working(h) 
-2900 N-Archers(h), N-Archers(h)
-2850 N-Archers(h), E: Writing
-2800 Currency(h), Iron Working(h)
-2750 Code of Laws(h)
-2700 S3
-2650 Construction(h), French, Peace, Embassy, 8 techs->F, no Ally  , spy expelled 
-2600 Map Making(h), N-Legion(h), N-Horsemen(h)
-2550 Chinese, Peace, Embassy, 8 techs->C, Maps, Ally(C)  , 2 Barb Archers
-2500 Trade(h), traded for Writing(E), 7 techs->Eg, 50 
-2400 Literacy(h), 50(h), 50(h)
-2350 Mathematics(h), Monarchy(h) - finally!!, The Republic(h) - wow!, Banking(h). next advance=128 turns 
-2300 The Wheel(h), N-Legion(h), now 139 turns  , revolution
-2250 REPUBLIC, Engineering(h)
-2200 We Love  , 10 techs->F, no Ally  , 9 techs->C, 1 tech->Eg (they break off!  )
-2150 S4, Feudalism(h), Sioux, Peace, 18 techs->S, Maps, Ally
-2100 S5, 50(h), 50(h), N-Archers withdrawn, 2 Barb Legions
-2050 We Love ends  , N-Horsemen(h), next discovery=38 turns
-2000 Seafaring(h), Grassland/r into Hills/r
-1950 Bridge Building(h), Chivalry(h), turns=44
-1900 COLOSSUS, Babylonians, Peace, 21 techs->B, no Ally  , 50(h), di N-Horsemen, 31 turns
-1850 Library, N-Legion(h), 100(h), di N-Horsemen, turns=21
-1800 Harbor, N-Knights(h), di N-Archers, 10 techs->Eg, Maps, no Ally 
-1750 Marketplace, Mysticism(h), N-Knights(h), 5 techs->F, Maps, English, Peace, 20 techs->En, Maps, no Ally 
-1700 We Love  , Astronomy(h), 50(h)
-1650 S6, Horde of Barbs(h) - none appears!
-1600 S7, 50(h), N-Legion(h), 6 techs->C, no gift  , turns=19
-1550 Silk, We Love ends  , Navigation(h), di N-Horsemen, Philosophy(h)
-1500 S8, N-Knights(h)
-1450 Beads, University(<-Phi), N-Knights(h), di N-Archers, turns=20, Embassy(B)
-1400 1 tech->S, 25 
-1350 Salt, Medicine(h)
-1300 Embassy(E), Chemistry(h), 9 techs->S, turns=18
-1200 Food, di N-Archers, 50(h), N-Knights(h), 5 techs->C, 25  , 6 techs->En, no Ally 
-1150 Economics(h), 7 techs->F, Maps, no Ally 
-1100 Food, di N-Archers, Physics(h)
-1050 N-Knights(h)
-1000 Food, N-Knights(h)
-975 50(h), 9 techs->B, Maps
-950 Aqueduct, 9 techs->Eg, Maps, Ally, 100  , Grassland/r into Hills/r
-925 S9, turns=18
-900 Food, di N-Legion, Sanitation(h)
-850 Food, di N-Horsemen
-825 N-Knights(h), 2 techs->F
-800 Magnetism(h), 2 Barb Crusaders
-750 Theory of Gravity(h), N-Legion(h), 5 techs->S,En,C, 50<-C 
-725 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, We Love  , Atomic Theory(h), di N-Knights
-700 S10
-675 Gems, Invention, S11, 50(h), di N-Knights
-650 University, S12, di N-Knights, Silk to Paris (d,720), Salt to Paris (372), 100(h)
-625 Sewer System, Democracy, S13, DEMOCRACY, Beads to Paris (396), turns=9, di N-Knights
-600 S14, 50(h), turns=8
-575 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, S15, 50(h), 6,5,6 techs->B,F,Eg, 50<-Eg 
-550 Gunpowder, S16, 25(h), Sioux take Nottingham
-525 Gems, S17, N-Knights(h)
-500 S18, N-Knights(h), 25(h)
-475 Wool, S19, 50(h)
-450 Metallurgy, 50(h), S20, 5 techs->C,En,S, 25,150<-C,S  , Maps
-425 Gold, S21, di N-Horsemen
-400 Bank, S22
-375 Electricity, S23
-350 Food, S24, 50(h), di N-Knights
-325 Stock Exchange, We Love ends 
-300 Refrigeration, hills into plains
-275 Food
-225 Food, Explosives, 5 techs->B,F,Eg, Maps, 100<-Eg 
-200 Br Barb Knights, Barb Knights
-175 Food
-150 Steam Engine, Barb Leader(150), 50(h), 4 techs->C,En,S, 50<-S 
-125 di Spy
-100 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Railroad, 2 Barb Crusaders
-75 di Knights
-50 Food, Industrialization, Gems, Gold and Wool to Paris (3x351), Egyptians: GREAT LIBRARY
-25 The Corporation, 4,4,3 techs->B,Eg,C, Maps
1 Supermarket
20 Refining, 4 techs->En,S, Maps, 50<-S 
60 Steel, 5 techs->F, traded for Conscription, Maps, no Ally 
80 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion, Automobile
100 Superhighways, Electronics, 6,6,6,5,2 techs->B,Eg,C,En,S, Maps, 50,100<-Eg,C 
120 2 Barb Knights
140 Leadership, 2 techs->F, Barb Knights
160 Factory, Chinese take Babylon
180 Tactics, 5,3 techs->S,F, Maps, 50 
200 Hydroplant
220 Machine Tools
240 Coal, We Love 
260 Miniaturization, S25, di N-Legion, 4,4,2,4 techs->B,Eg,C,En, Maps, 100<-Eg 
280 Offshore Platform, S26
300 Gems, Mass Production, S27, 1 tech->C,S, 150,50  , di N-Horsemen
320 Mass Transit, S28, Sioux take York
340 Food, Computers, S29, sold Sewer System, 1,4,2,2,2,2 techs->B,F,Eg,C,En,S, 50<-Eg,S  , di N-Horsemen, 3 Barb Dragoons
360 Research Lab, We Love ends  , sold Aqueduct
380 Transport, Mobile Warfare, sold Temple, 1 tech->B,F,Eg,C,En,S, 50<-C,S  , English liberate York
400 Food
420 Food, Robotics, 1 tech->B,F,Eg,C,En,S, 50<-Eg  , di N-Legion
440 Manufacturing Plant
460 Flight
480 3 Barb Dragoons
500 Radio, 2 techs->B,F,Eg,C,En,S, 50<-Eg,C  , S end Alliance  , Gems to Memphis (d,858)
520 Advanced Flight, Coal to Memphis (d,715)
540 Rocketry
580 Space Flight
600 APOLLO PROGRAM - 82 shields, 4 freight, 2670 gold
620 S#01, Plastics, 4 techs->B,F,Eg,C,En, Maps, faraway Sioux declare war 
640 S#02, Sioux take Warwick
660 S#03, Nuclear Fission, Sioux take Canterbury
680 S#04
700 S#05, Nuclear Power, 2 techs->B,F,Eg,C,En, Egyptians and Chinese cancel alliance  , 50+4techs->S, Peace
720 S#06
740 S#07, The Laser, 1 tech->B,F,Eg,C,En, Ally(B)  , Sioux declare war
760 S#08, French: Communism, Sioux: S#01
780 S#09, Superconductor
800 S#10, Egyptians: Polytheism
820 S#11, Fusion Power
840 S#12
860 S#13, Recycling, 3,2 techs->B,F, traded for Communism(F)
880 S#14
900 S#15, di N-Legion
920 C#01, di N-Knights
940 C#02, Chinese: S#01, Sioux: S#02
960 M#01, Environmentalism, di N-Knights
980 M#02, di N-Knights, Sioux: Communism
1000 M#03, Stealth, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1, di N-Caravel, French: Pyramids
1001 Solar Plant
1002 Genetic Engineering
1006 EIFFEL TOWER, Sioux take Babylon
1008 Airport, Sioux take Nineveh -> Babylonians destroyed
1009 1 tech->F, Gems to Orleans (520)
1010 Stealth Bomber, 1 tech->E, traded for Polytheism
1013 English: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
1017 CURE FOR CANCER, French: SETI PROGRAM, Sioux take Three Forks
1019 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., Coal to Paris (d,1315)
1025 Gems to Memphis (d,912)
1032 Coal to Paris (d,1345)
1034 Future Tech #12
1035 KING RICHARD'S CRUSADE, 100->S, Peace
Score: 528 (68%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
November 22, 2000, 16:15
Local Time: 00:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
Wow, 1036 AD. And Republic in 2250 BC. Well done.
November 24, 2000, 20:18
Local Time: 23:49
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,597
Again a slow start from the poor choice of directions for the initial ocean exploration. The 4 allies did not contribute much in terms of techs from the early game onwards. I seem to get commodities for my caravans/freight which were undemanded eg gold and salt. Should have still concentrated on trading the undemanded-commodity caravans with the long distances and separate continents involved. Micromanagement could have been improved in the midgame. Amazing what a few turns can do to the AC figure!
2.42 Deity
AC: 1546
Monarchy: -1850
Republic: -1250
Democracy: -325
Colossus: -2400
Copernicus: -775
Shakespeare: -675
Newton: -125
Darwin: 460
Apollo: 1120
Trade routes: -950, -800, -775
Size 12: -875
Size 21: -250
Trade: -1650
Construction: -1850
Sanitation: -500
Refrigeration: 180
Automobile: 460
Computers: 820
Space Flight: 1100
4000 BC Hut: Archer
Tonicity founded
3750 BC Bronze Working
3550 BC Hut: Masonry
3450 BC Hut: 50
3350 BC Hut: Warrior Code
3250 BC Hut: 50
3200 BC Hut: 50
3150 BC Hut: Pottery
3050BC : Hut: Barb
2900 BC Hut: Archer
2750 BC Hut: Alphabet
2700 BC Hut: Mapmaking
2650 BC Hut: 25 Hut: 25
2600 BC Hut: Chariot
2550 BC Hut: Writing
Chinese: exchange Code of Laws, Peace + 50
2450 BC Hut: 50 Hut: 50
2400 BC Colossus Hut: Chariot
2350 BC Hut: 25 Hut: Currrency
2300 BC Sioux: give all techs: Alliance + 50
Hut: Horseman
2250 BC Library Hut: 50
BarbLeader: 150
2200 BC Hut: Seafaring
2150 BC Marketplace
2100 BC Temple
2050 BC Hut: Monarchy
1950 BC Hut: Barb
1900 BC Hut: Literacy
1850 BC Govt Monarchy
Egyptians: give all techs, Peace + 100
Hut: Construction
1800 BC BarbLeader: 150
1750 BC Hut: Archer Hut: Horseman
1700 BC Babylonians: give all techs, Alliance + gift of Horseback Riding
1650 BC Hut: Trade
1600 BC Hut: Elephant
1550 BC Hut: 50
Disband Warrior
1500 BC Hut: Horseman Hut: Elephant Hut: 50
English: give all techs, Alliance + gift of 150
1400 BC BC Republic
Sioux: 50
Chinese: Alliance + 50
1300 BC Hut: Mathematics
1250 BC Govt. Republic Start WLTCD
Hut: 25
1200 BC Hut: Horseman
1150 BC Hut: Barb
1100 BC Hut: 50
Sioux: 50
1050 BC disband Warrior
English: 25
975 BC Chinese: 25
950 BC Dye to Thebes (demanded) 215
925 BC Mysticism
French: give all techs, Peace
Hut: Philosophy
900 BC Astronomy
disband Horseman
875 BC Pop: 12
Sioux: 50 disband Chariot
850 BC Hut: Banking French: exchange University
Chinese: 25 English: 25
825 BC English: 50
800 Beads to Heliopolis (not demanded) 372
775 BC Copernicus
Silk to Thebes (demanded) 433
725 BC Hut: 50
Babylonians: 25
675 BC Shakespeare's Theatre
Hut: Theory of Gravity
Babylonians: 25 Chinese: 50
625 BC Engineering
Babylonians: 50
Hut: 50
600 English: 25
575 BC Babylonians: 50
Hut: Invention
550 BC Sioux: 25
500 BC Sanitation Start WLTCD
Hut: Barb
Chinese: 50 English: 25
475 BC Sewer System
450 BC Sioux: 50
425 BC Democracy University built
400 BC Hut: 50
350 BC revolution
Egyptians: exchange Economics Sioux: 50
325 BC Govt. Democracy
300 BC Hut: 50
275 BC Iron Working Hut: 25
Babylonians: 50
250 BC Pop: 21 stop WLTpD
Sioux: gift of Polytheism
200 BC Gunpowder
Egyptians: 25
175 disband Archer
150 BC Babylonians: 100
125 BC Newton's College Chemistry
Hut: 50
100 BC Bank
75 BC Explosives
Chinese: 50
50 BC Navigation
AD 1 Babylonians: 50
BarbLeader: 150
20 Physics Stock Exchange
Hut: 50
60 Magnetism
Chinese: 100
100 Metallurgy Hut: 25
120 Hut: Elephant
140 Electricity
180 Refrigeration Engineer built
200 Supermarket Egyptians: exchange Bridge Building
220 Steam Engine
Chinese: 25 Sioux: 150
260 Railway
300 Industrialization
320 Engineer built
Babylonians: 100 Chinese: 25 Sioux: 50
340 Corporation
380 Steel
420 Chinese: 100 Babylonians: 50
440 Refining
460 Darwin's Voyage Combustion Automobile
480 Sioux: 150
500 Electronics
Gold to Paris (not demanded) 371
520 Superhighways
540 Mass Production Gems to Tsingtao (demanded) 972
Pop: 26 End WLTPD
560 Feudalism
Babylonians: 50
580 Disband Elephant
600 Babylonians: 50 for war with Egyptians
Conscription Factory
disband Elephant
620 Power Plant
640 Chivalry
Babylonians: 50
680 Leadership
English: 50 Sioux: 100
700 Bribe Egyptian Cruiser (344)
720 Tactics
Babylons: 50 English: 50
760 Machine Tools
Hut: 50
English: 50
800 Miniaturization
Babylonians: 50
English: 200
Salt to Hangchow (not demanded) 630
820 Computers Offshore Platform
disband Horseman
840 Research Lab
860 Mobile Warfare
Hut: 50
900 Robotic English: 50
940 Flight
English: 100
980 Radio Hut: 50
1000 Barb Leader: 150
1020 Advanced Flight English: 100
Salt to Pi-Ramesses (not demanded) 218
1040 Hut: 100
1060 Rocketry English: 50
disband Horseman
1080 Manufacturing Plant
1100 Space Flight
1120 Apollo
1140 Plastics
1200 Atomic Theory
1260 Nuclear Fission
1320 Nuclear Power
1380 Laser
1440 Superconductor
1500 Fusion Power
1510 Launch 15-1-1-1-1-1
1546 Landed AC
November 24, 2000, 20:42
Local Time: 23:49
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,597
Looking at the results so far, it seems I'm doing my duty as the "OCC-Human".
On the size of AI cities, the only city larger than 8 I've come across in OCC games was Paris in OCC #10 or #11. It got over size 12 IIRC.
BTW another excuse for my poor result was my spy being expelled by the French in Australia when in my eagerness to establish contact ASAP I forgot the precaution of giving my spy that extra movement. As a reult much time was lost in exploring that territory and the environs.
November 24, 2000, 22:11
January 4, 2001, 10:12
Local Time: 00:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
Comparison table can be found at
[This message has been edited by Paul (edited January 04, 2001).]
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