Just a thought
I'm as curious as everyone else about the 16th civilization (and pretty much every other aspect of the game), but in our zeal to get Firaxis to expose every detail about Civ3, aren't we forgetting that delicious element of surprise when we finally play? Sure, we'll be surprised (hopefully in a very pleasant way) when we learn how the interface feels, the AI behaves, etc., but I still want to be delighted by units we haven't seen yet, options and commands that I hadn't expected, graphics we've not yet glimpsed in screenshots. I hope there are several things in Civ 3 that Firaxians are keeping up their respective sleeves. Though the game won't be game I dreamed of (probably true for most of you), I have enough faith in the team and enough optimism from what I've seen and read so far to believe, in all probability, it will be an excellent game.
BTW, I vote for Aztecs.