August 10, 2001, 04:15
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No Spanish Civ????
This may be old news for most of you guys but I just learned it today... So somebody would care to explain to me why the Spanish were left out? Not a single Hispanic civ. Pathetic. Congrats, you've left out ~800 million people. An excellent beginning. Suddenly I have lost most of my interest on this game.
No to give lessons of history here Firaxis people, but it makes no sense for a game that wants to be more more or less faithful to history (or at least to rewrite it) to leave out one of the most influential civs in all of history.
I do not expect it but it would be nice if one of the great minds at Firaxis told us what the criterion was. If this has been already discussed, someone please direct me to the tight thread. Thanx.
August 10, 2001, 04:20
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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dont worry, they kept them for the expansion pack
August 10, 2001, 04:28
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Is that supposed to be a joke? Cos I did not get it.
August 10, 2001, 04:34
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
So somebody would care to explain to me why the Spanish were left out? Not a single Hispanic civ. Pathetic. Congrats, you've left out ~800 million people.
Well, I agree with you of course, but I second to MarkG:
You get your spanish Civ (and I get my viking Civ) by the next expansion-set update.
Suddenly I have lost most of my interest on this game.
Isnt that a little drastic?
August 10, 2001, 04:40
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August 10, 2001, 04:55
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
Is that supposed to be a joke? Cos I did not get it.
ay caramba! the joke is that you will pay 30 more dollars to have the pleasure of quelling Catalan rebelions
August 10, 2001, 05:06
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
Is that supposed to be a joke? Cos I did not get it.
yeah. it was a small joke. sorry if you didnt like it.
anyway, with the editors we will see millions of civs being created and posted online in the first days
August 10, 2001, 05:09
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I will not start whining about the omission of particular nations/civs, but I think we can all agree that the default set is meager at best.
Not that it is a fatal flaw in any way, of course.
August 10, 2001, 06:14
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Okay, let me please clarify my position just a bit. This is not about whining cos MY civ is not in, as some people may have perceived. That would be silly.
My disappointment arises from the fact that Civ3 is supposed to be a game strongly based on history and historical facts. In that sense, omitting a Spanish/Hispanic/Iberian/Latino/call-it-whatever-you-wish is a painful mistake. I do not think many of you guys will dispute the fact that excepting the British and perhaps the French, no other nation has contributed as much as the people from the Iberian peninsula to shape the world the way it is today. All the nations/civs that in one moment or another rose to became masters of the world and as such, decisively influenced history, have found their way into Civ3. All? Nope. Spain is not in.
This not a matter of nationalistic pride at all. It's just historical facts. I would not have bothered if they included the Spanish, the Catalans the Portuguese, the Mexicans, or even better, if they lumped all together into a Latino civ, and placed their capital in Los Angeles, Lisboa or Buenos Aires.... Well, nothing at all. The Latino world does not exist for Firaxis. Interestingly however, there are two Native American civs in. If someone understands this, please explain it to me.
That's why I said that I lost so much interest on this game. From a perspective like the one outlined above, I do not think it's 'a little drastic'.
Those 'editors' MarkG mentioned may help solve this and other 'problems' like this. Fine. Case solved? Well, not to me, but I understand that to most others it is.
August 10, 2001, 06:15
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August 10, 2001, 06:22
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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Originally posted by Snapcase
you made your point snapcase
August 10, 2001, 06:23
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Gee, Snap, you keep opening this thread. Weren't you sleeping? Are you masochistic or something? I open your music threads just once
August 10, 2001, 06:33
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Sorry. I should have posted the  after the second post instead. Frankly, it's such a minor non-issue (it's a game, people!) that I cannot see the point of your rant at all. Were the spanish important? Yes. Are they interesting? No.
August 10, 2001, 06:33
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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Originally posted by Jay Bee
Interestingly however, there are two Native American civs in. If someone understands this, please explain it to me.
one for the great ancient south american civilizations, one for political correctness
August 10, 2001, 06:45
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Originally posted by Snapcase
Sorry. I should have posted the after the second post instead. Frankly, it's such a minor non-issue (it's a game, people!) that I cannot see the point of your rant at all.
Yet, you come here for the third time. You had made your point already. Why do you keep coming back?
Were the spanish important? Yes. Are they interesting? No.
Sorry pal, I won't bite.
August 10, 2001, 06:53
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Originally posted by MarkG
one for the great ancient south american civilizations, one for political correctness
Well, that's an excellent point, I think. The interesting thing is that they could also have added a latino/chicano/hispanic civ for reasons of political correctness  Added benefit: I would not have pissed Snap so much with this thread
August 10, 2001, 06:53
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Perhaps we should start compiling a list of civs we want in the expansion pack then?
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
August 10, 2001, 07:20
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I routinely click almost every thread on the page. A point was made, I responded to it. Any problems?
But fine, do you want a proper, non-zzz debate about the inclusion vs. exclusion of the Spanish? I can do that. You've largely summarised the case for inclusion, let me do the same for exclusion.
- The game is already very Eurocentric in its inclusion of six essentially European civilizations. As this is not a historical simulation but a fun "what if..." experience, it greatly benefits from having at least one civilization from each continent.
- The Spanish had a relatively short period of greatness and has had virtually no influence on world politics for the past 200 years. If you notice, almost all civs included were either huge ancient empires or major players in recent history. It adds to the "identification" with the leader to be able to play a power of today in the game.
- The Spanish lack the kind of vivid high-school history-book images that the other Civs here have. I can't think straight off my head of a major Spanish hero, a major Spanish monarch a major
Spanish battle except for the destruction of the Armada. Perhaps it's because I'm of a northern/western/central-european origin, but so is most of Civ3's target groups.
- The key question is, as always, "are they interesting"? I do think that all the civs present in the game have unique and exciting cultural selling points. The Spanish do too, but most of the in-game civs have more exotic behaviours than the spanish. I'd probably have included the Spanish instead of the Germans, but it's largely a toss-up if you ask me.
- Larger empires than the Spanish have been excluded. The Mongol Empire once covered 50% of the world's population. Some cuts just had to be made, and the Spanish were not chosen as worthy. Also, larger ethnic groups than Spaniards are not here. Where is the Austronesian/South-East Asian civ, for example?
- Does size/importance matter? The Zulus were a footnote in the annals of history yet were definately an interesting such, especially in gameplay terms- they expanded the fastest of any civ ever. What's the Spanish USP (Unique Selling Point)?
Like I said, I think the spanish probably should have been it. However, I don't think it's game-killing in the least, and certainly not something to run up a fuss over.
There, a proper response. Happy?
August 10, 2001, 07:21
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1 - Si, Jay Bee, you are absolutely right.
2 - But if it would have included Spain, another civ would have been out, and somebody else would have started this thread complaining about the omission of his favourite and indispensable civ.
There's no point in  about it.
When the expainsion pack comes out, you'll have your Spain, Ralf will have his Vikings, and I will have my Carthage.
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August 10, 2001, 08:01
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Four swift points.
1) I do not have or ever had any problem with you or anybody else on this forum and I hope it continues that way. You first zzz answer was as valid as any other to me. However you repeated your zzz response for no reason. That's all. It's perfectly fine that you disagree with me all you want. And if you do it in a friendly and constructive manner, just as you've done this time, so much the better. And I thank you for that. It helps me look at the other side of things.
I understand most of the points you have made, and as a Latino living in America, I agree with most of them. About the few which I disagree with, well.... let's forget about them. However, much of what you've pointed out could be applicable to most other civs which are in. After all, as you properly stated, your view is influenced by your origins. Just as mine. I would have hoped that the designers of the game took a neutral stance on this aspect.
2) If you re-read my first post you surely notice that I was asking for the criteria of inclusion/exclusion. The Mongol exclusion is equally surprising to me, especially cos they were in both Civ and Civ2. What I could not understand (and still can't) is why civs which were in Civ2 are not in Civ3 anymore.
3) If you re-read my previous posts, you'll notice I was asking for a Latino civ, not a Spanish civ. Most of your points have not taken into account that slight detail.
4) I have never said that the exclusion of the Spanish/Latino/etc is game-killing in the least. I merely stated that the exclusion has made me lose a lot of enthusiasm for this game. That's it. I think you misunderstood me here and that's what put you in such a 'peculiar' mood.
I guess my problem is/has been that I tend to see Civ like much more than a computer game. Due to its educative potential Civ goes far beyond that in my eyes. Professional deformation probably, but it's the way I see it. Gotta work on this.
Thanks pal  . I did not ask for exclusion of any of the civs currently in, but you made an excellent point anyway.
August 10, 2001, 08:09
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What other Latino civ, except possibly some sort of Simon Bolivar Superciv, would you include?
One more point- Firaxis has to save some good civs for the first expansion pack. My guess is that Vikings/Spanish/Mongols etc. will all be in there. Why not save some of the best for that?
August 10, 2001, 08:24
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See, you know at least one great Latino hero!
I was talking about lumpig all Latino countries together. There is little difference between e.g. Spaniards and Argentinians, except that they speak with a funny accent and play soccer much better than us  Seriuosly, that could have been good in the sense that there would be a South American-based civ.
That last point is definitely the one.
August 10, 2001, 08:27
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I have to admit that I, personally, find the Spanish a bizarre omission, but they were omitted from the original Civ as well. I think they would have been a good inclusion as they had a dramatic effect on world history.
But now you have a task JB, to create a Spanish civilisation for the game
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August 10, 2001, 08:30
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Originally posted by Snapcase
What other Latino civ, except possibly some sort of Simon Bolivar Superciv, would you include? 
One more point- Firaxis has to save some good civs for the first expansion pack. My guess is that Vikings/Spanish/Mongols etc. will all be in there. Why not save some of the best for that?
Of course, they will be in 'an expansion pack'...but probably also without the proper animated leader at least...
August 10, 2001, 08:30
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But now you have a task JB, to create a Spanish civilisation for the game
You bet!
August 10, 2001, 08:55
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Originally posted by Snapcase
The Spanish had a relatively short period of greatness and has had virtually no influence on world politics for the past 200 years.
Ok, so the Americans had virtually no influence on world-politics prior to the 20:th century. Only a short 100+ years of greatness - only half the time.
 As always; one can motivate or turn down almost anything in the game with carefully selected history arguments, especially tailored to support once viewpoint.
August 10, 2001, 09:03
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Er, that was not the point I was trying to make. There are many, many empires with really extended periods of greatness that are completely irrelevant to conditions today. Like I said, Size/Important/Length is irrelevant.
August 10, 2001, 09:20
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Originally posted by Snapcase
Er, that was not the point I was trying to make. There are many, many empires with really extended periods of greatness that are completely irrelevant to conditions today. Like I said, Size/Important/Length is irrelevant.
Even if that statement would be tenable (it's not verifiable), then I still wonder whether that current-day perspective is a good point to start.
An attempt at a more objective 'greatness' measure could be nice.
August 10, 2001, 10:59
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Re: No Spanish Civ????
Originally posted by Jay Bee
Suddenly I have lost most of my interest on this game.
I lost my interest as soon as Firaxis took out the plasma rifles!!!
Seriously though, there are a couple of reasons why this isn't worth getting upset about :
1. Expansions/customizability will insure that you'll have your Spanish.
2. There are a lot of civilizations that had major impacts but are not present in the game. The Spanish had a major influence on the world, but so did the Turks, Vikings, Goths, Assyrians, Hittites, Carthaginians, etc. It's no easy task to decide which Civ had the most impact.
3. Related to point #2, the Spanish had a large empire and an influential culture (even relative to many Civs that are in the game). However, the Spanish empire was relatively short-lived compared to most of the Civs that made it into the game. Powerful, influential, but not necessarily a Civilization that one would readily say "could stand the test of time."
Ok, so the Americans had virtually no influence on world-politics prior to the 20:th century. Only a short 100+ years of greatness - only half the time.
But we're a superpower, man! You gotta let us in!
4. Hey, it's all kind of arbitrary. The fact that the Spanish are not in CivIII does not necessarily mean that Firaxis developers said "The Spanish? Their empire was short-lived! Forget it!" More likely it means that Firaxis developers said "Hey, where'd my dart hit? 'French'? Works for me, put them in." No harm intended, no slight intended.
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August 10, 2001, 11:07
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Umm...I've got to disagree with the whole "short period of greatness" argument. From the unification of the Two Kingdoms on, Spain was one of the Great Powers of Europe, and rivalled the British in extra-European posessions for 300 years. Spain was the superpower for as long a time (or longer) as the French or British were (1450-1625). If I had to choose one civilisation to leave out in order to include the Spanish, I'd drop the Babylonians. The "strong power in the Near East" is well represented by the inclusion of the Persians. The Iroquois are probably not included for truly "political correctness" reasons, but because it's interesting to have at least 1 civ from each region of the Earth. As it stands, only the Maoris are missing...
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