December 14, 2001, 23:16
Local Time: 07:18
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John, that's an excellent idea to put a base on that island. I'll take care of it.
I couldn't get to Phi Lumiere in one turn becuse of the forest. I'll get there next turn, if no one takes it by then.
2209 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
December 15, 2001, 04:22
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I took out Iota (whatever) Base - It didn't have enough pops to survive being taken over. I would have rather gotten the base, but it didn't have any facilities anyway; I decided to take it out because Yang was using it as an airport and that was a no-no according to the Morgan Doctrine. Perhaps I'll start a new base in the same general area to be able to drop units from 3rdWorld directly into a (sllightly closer) base than Pi Complex and to take advantage of all that good quality land.
One of you guys can have Phi Lumiere if you want it; if you don't, I'll take it eventually.
I'm going to take Beta Mudflats eventually - I've blocked Aki's soon-to-be boat in there with my boat and I'll start shelling them next turn (after they've spent all their mins on a useless transport); meanwhile, I'll bring in another shell and turn it into an amphib, unless my returning Transport gets there in time to take a unit over to there.
Guv Knowhow2, Congrats! How about an intelligence report on the Spartans; I'm soon to sail into that base across from 3rd world with a single probe ship - does she have a probe there I'll have to fight? What about air forces?
Last edited by johndmuller; December 17, 2001 at 02:55.
December 15, 2001, 12:31
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turn 2209 to darius
I took Phi Lumirie adn with that, PDL. So We can if they don't take it back go tech frenzy.
Great to be Governer.
John, Hero's Waypoint is Empty but support 4 units.
December 15, 2001, 18:04
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I captured Psi Consensus from the Consciousness. I don't think I'll do much more in that area for now. I think I'll concentrate in the Hive to my west. I'm catching up on some of my infrastructure builds and starting to build up an invasion force.
2210 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
December 17, 2001, 02:53
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2110 Here.
Sorry I took a little long - RL is a little demanding this time of year  .
Looks like I'm going to get the Cloning Vats, so I'll be  and looking for the Hab Domes soon; will probably up my research level a bit (although I do like all those  and the psych is useful for drone control at the small bases).
If you guys need some garrison support at those former Cyborg bases, place your orders at Morgan Mercenaries, Inc., Pty., Ltd. I don't know what kind of forces Yang has over there, so I don't know what you need. You will need, however, to upgrade the luxury level of your barracks facilities if you expect Morgan Mercenaries Professionals to feel at home. I assume that you guys can keep Yang's Air Force at bay down there. Does he have ships and probes to worry about?
I'm going to put a few colonies over there in the new territories so that I can go after Santi from several directions at once. Hopefully you guys can keep the bad airplanes suppressed so I can do some terraforming.
I'm working on Beta Mudflats; just taking my time, wearing it down with artillery so as not to get any bad press back home for taking unnecessary casualities in an all out assault. If Yang puts any planes in there, they will get stuck there after being damaged by the artie and end up staying there until their eventual demise. Estimated takeover within 4 years.
Last edited by johndmuller; December 19, 2001 at 04:24.
December 18, 2001, 10:38
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turn 2210 to darius
the Hive have Fusion weapon (Organic Super).
Captured another Cyborg base.
Planetary Economics for Hybrid Forrest and Global Trade pact would be great.
December 18, 2001, 22:59
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2211 to John. Nothing to report, except for another  scramble bug crash.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
December 19, 2001, 04:23
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Infiltrated Spartans - they have quite a few bases (more than I would have thought).
Knowhow2, Please give me the Orbital Spaceflight tech.
Last edited by johndmuller; January 7, 2002 at 15:52.
December 19, 2001, 09:26
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turn 2111 to darius
I didn't know I had Oribital Spaceflight (which I didn't until Hive gave it too two other factions.... PDL) so now I have it. Next tech on research, Adv Eco Eng for superformers.
The Chairman keeps missile bombing m Delta Trench, that hurts.
December 20, 2001, 07:44
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2212 to John. No crashes.
My defenses are coming along nicely. Almost ready to start planning a large-scale invasion of the Hive.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
December 20, 2001, 11:28
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I'm leaving town till 4 january sorry about the inconvinience.
December 20, 2001, 20:35
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I guess I'll take my time on this turn then  .
Darius, if you are interested in starting up something else in the meanwhile, I think I will have the time as my other 'aged' game seems to be going dormant too; the others I have going do not require much time. Any ideas?
December 23, 2001, 14:58
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Replied by email.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
January 4, 2002, 14:12
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today is 4th of january
January 4, 2002, 17:09
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2212 Here (again).
Knowhow2: Good to have you back; sorry the turn wasn't here (but take it out on Poly, not me).
I uploaded the turn yesterday, Jan 3rd (along with various comments etc.). I wasn't able to send you the turn via email as your mailbox was rejecting incomings. Poly had been having a lot of problems, but seemed to be back up yesterday - apparently they had more problems and reloaded from some prior database which didn't include my upload (or editing of my prior post with the previous turn (once again) in it).
Let me say this about that  .
So I'll attempt to upload it again (and try to send it to you via email again).
Meanwhile, summarizing my message from my (dubious) memory of it.
Knowhow2: I would suggest that you research N-Space Compression (for Fleshettes & ultimately Orbital Def Pods) but I don't think that you have Biomachinery. I can give Biomachinery to you if you research it and then you can maybe switch to N-Space when you get it. Otherwise, it would be nice to get Hybrid Forests and Hab Domes, so anything you research along those lines would be OK with me. I think that I am researching Organic Superlube (getting it the turn after next?), so if you want to, you could also research that until I give it to you. As usual, whatever you want to do is OK, as long as it is the absolutely perfect thing to do  .
Darius, in case you read this and don't notice the in-game message, please move the former at (45,27) to (43,25) and do another Borehole. Hopefully I hadn't given you contradictory instructions earlier. The drop former is still supposed to go to the island.
I took out a Spartan attack foil off my east coast - looked at their military details and noticed that they are loaded with land mil units, probably as many as all of us together - hate to think about the Hive.
I plan to take Beta Mudflats next turn - that will leave only 2 Consciousness bases IIRC.
I had some other things to say in the lost message, but . . . .????
Hope you download this before they take it away again.
Last edited by johndmuller; January 7, 2002 at 15:55.
January 5, 2002, 09:08
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couldn't download the file as "Demo..." but as an "attachment" which seemed odd  so I'm gonna take my chances with hotmail (which was filled with junkmail earlier). Also, in the near future (a week or so) I will have access to a much better computer which means that I can download and play turns much easier so the email problem is solved for now.
I'll be awaiting the turn at hotmail.
January 5, 2002, 13:08
Local Time: 07:18
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2112 re(rere)emailed. (2112 re(re)posted too  .)
Message re(rere)entered - NOT.
(added by edit)
I see what you mean by downloading as "attachment" - it must be forgetting the filename (at least). I tried downloading this post, the one you tried and the one still here from 2111 - just as far as seeing that it was going to use the name 'attatchment' for the file, not doing the actual download itself (which may very well be OK except for the filename for all I know). Probably this glitch is due to whatever ^%%#$ might have crept in when they rehosted the system.
Last edited by johndmuller; January 5, 2002 at 13:18.
January 5, 2002, 14:46
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turn 2212 to darius
currently researching biomachinery so I need that one to switch. I also don't have prog psych or adaptive eco which makes Planetary Eco impossible.
the "attachment" file don't seem to work either.
January 5, 2002, 22:26
Local Time: 07:18
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Knowhow2, welcome back.
Hive missiles just obliterated my base on that island. That little runt is going to pay.
John, (43,25) is not within a base production radius. Are you sure you want a borehole there?
2213 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
January 7, 2002, 15:32
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2213 here.
I took over Beta Mudflats (I guess the 121ec's I got from that came from Aki's share of the salvage booty). I also added a new base on the neighboring landmass we've taken over from the Cyborgs so that I can drop units directly into a base from 3rd World.
I'm hoping to infiltrate Yang at ' Social Engineering Den' with a Probeship I have at (75,33). If either of you could tell me whether he has a probe of his own in there or not, I would appreciate it. Also, to the extent that you can tell, I would like to know if there are any obstacles (i.e. nasty ships or planes) blocking my path as I have just enough movement to reach it and cannot afford any detours. Speaking of intelligence, I'm building a Hydroponics Sat and will thus have the full global map to fill in those gaps (particularly in Santi Land) in our current maps. How's the University doing? Who's building or has already gotten PB's?
Darius, I'm putting a Sea Base just offshore from the proposed borehole (the one you questioned) to reap its benefits. Also, let me know when you get the SuperFormer tech from Knowhow2 and have appropriate designs and I will give you the  to upgrade them to 'Super'. On another subject, are you sure it was a good idea to give the AI's the 500ec just to get it ourselves? I didn't have a major problem with it, just wondered, but I imagine that Knowhow2 felt obliged to approve it whether or not he agreed [I felt that way too, but since 2 of the AI had already voted for it, I was able to abstain and pass the 'buck' to knowhow2 - after all the Guv should have to make the tough decisions]. We should probably discuss those kind of things in the future before putting them to a vote.
Knowhow2, I sent you the BioMachinery tech - would you please send me the Advanced Eco? Please tell me what you switch to in the in-game communication in the trading/negotiations window and also in your post so I know what (not) to research myself - I will probably have to decide what my new goal is before I am able to look at your research target in the game.
Regarding the files, I get the impression from this thread: that the posted files may be OK if they are merely renamed from 'attachment' to the file name cited in the post. Feel free to  at Markos if he has done too much  or is full of  (or something else). I will both post and email for a while until you tell me which is working better.
Last edited by johndmuller; January 7, 2002 at 15:47.
January 7, 2002, 16:37
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I just assumed that we would be better able to use the extra energy credits than the AI would. But I'll be sure to consult you guys in the future.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
January 7, 2002, 19:22
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turn 2213
social eng den doesn't have any probes and won't be producing anytime soon either.... but there are 3 spartans noodles there so watch out!
Hive is producing 1 PB
UoP the same
Spartans lost one
CyC nothing
sent adv eco to you john
offered all tech to you, darius
next tech target n-space compression.
January 8, 2002, 13:08
Local Time: 07:18
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2214 to John.
John, there is a sea former at (85,35) in your path to Social Engineering Den. Otherwise all clear. Still no enemy probes at the target location.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
January 8, 2002, 21:02
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2114 Here.
Well, a big turn for tech - Knowhow2 apparently got Organic Superlube from the Datalinks (I had noticed that the Spartans were about to research it) and gave it to me - Just in time, because I was about to finish researching it myself. So I got to get an instant tech on my turn - I chose the N-Space Compression tech I've been touting for knowhow2, so we have that now - I'll givc it to him uh uh . . . , I think I forgot to make that change - if so, I'll do it next turn so he can switch (Darius, let me know if you want the N-Space too). For my next tech to be researched, I went with Advanced Spaceflight; I got offered a lot of Green techs (along with Monopole Magnets which, sadly, one of us will have to research eventually if the AI doesn't do it soon), so I suppose I would recommend that knowhow2 go with Centauri Meditation (for the CP's to increase the clean min limit as well as for IOD's) assuming it offers the same choices I got, but whatever . . . . .
Darius, I'm giving you 150ec's to upgrade our shared formers to some form of "Super", that should make them quite fast - I think that they're all 3 "between jobs" at the moment so it would be a good time to do it. I don't know what exactly you will make them into or what it will cost you (it cost me 80ec apiece to upgrade SeaFormers to Clean-Super x2, but they also got armor and were sea units, so I don't know how comparable it is. Let me know what it cost you and I'll send you more. If I didn't already tell you, the Former which just finished the mine at (56,36) should go nextdoor to (57,37) and build another Borehole.
I successfully infiltrated the Hive - noticed that they have Progenitor Psyche and Applied Relativity available - maybe we should think about trying to steal the Applied Relativity from Yang before Darius finishes researching it (that's only 3 or 4 turns). It would take me 4 turns to get my Probeship back to Yang's territory which would probably be too late (and I might get the wrong tech anyway. Alternatively, I could land a drop probe on the monolith next to People's teeming, but I'd hate to think what it would take to protect it through the next turn. Maybe it's not worth it; we can always hope that we get it through the datalinks in time, like it worked out for the Org Superlube.
Knowhow2, as my turn ended, I saw a Spartan plane get your drop unit at the northeastern monolith near Banana Republic (in the former Cyborg lands).
January 9, 2002, 20:34
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I'll play my turn tomorrow.
January 10, 2002, 16:33
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turn 2214 to darius
stephen, you might wanna see if the turn got sent correct. I'm using a different computer now.
nothing to report except for Phi Lumiere have been missiled by hive to nothing.
January 10, 2002, 22:13
Local Time: 07:18
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Yes, I received the turn OK.
I'd like to turn over Psi Consensus to one of you. I would rather concentrate on invading the Hive from the east while you guys squeeze him from the west. Who should I give the base to?
John, it cost me 60 ec each (40 for the drop) to upgrade the formers to plasma super. (I got plasma on the prototype for free.)
Arrgh! Terranx crash! After I finished my whole turn!  I'm playing on my new used laptop and I forgot to turn off VirusScan.  I'll have to do the whole turn over.
2215 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
January 12, 2002, 00:26
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Sent you each the N-Space Compression. Those Fleshette things are reasonably expensive; hope they work.
Seems like I took over the lead  Have to enjoy it while I can; its my turn to get the missile treatment from the Chairman probably. Yang is really building up quite a collection of those ^!@%*%$# missiles; at least they're not all PBs.
Darius, I was wondering if there might not be some advantage in all of us having bases together there in old Consciousness territory; seemed like there should be, but I couldn't think of anything really special (just the Former thing). If you want to get rid of it, it would seem to make more sense for Knowhow2 to take Psi Consensus as he has Phi Lumiere right next door; I don't know what he is planning to do with it though (building a sea colony pod?)
January 12, 2002, 13:19
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turn 2215 to darius
got n-space, next research Uni Trans, I'm building it for free tech.
darius, how do I take over that base?
I'm currently planning to raise land to incorporate those other landbases I took from CyC.
john, you don't have to attach files on the thread any more if you don't want to. I have access to another computer with better capacity so downloading files no longer is a problem.
January 12, 2002, 16:29
Local Time: 07:18
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I'll finish Applied Relativity next turn. Do you both want it? And what do you think I should choose next?
Knowhow2, here is what we need to do: I will move my units out of the base, leaving it undefended. You will then have to declare vendetta on me, then take over the base. After that, we can go back to being pactmates.  Let me know when you have units in place to take over and I will vacate the premises.
My strategy over the next few turns is to finish building some Genejack Factories to boost my mineral production, then the morale enhancing facilities. Then I will change to Planned to increase my Industry rating even more above the Hive, and crank out a flood of units to sweep the Hive off the map. If I attack the Hive from the east and you two from the west, we should be able to make short work of the Hive.
As i was closing my turn, I saw that Banana Republic was lost to the Hive.
2216 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
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