October 26, 2001, 21:55
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I have the turn. I'm gonna hold on to it till sunday I think before I can play it. Other things in life might come between till then. So sunday latest.
October 27, 2001, 09:09
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turn 2175 to darius
AD next turn.
October 27, 2001, 16:45
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I sunk a Spartan Transport (unloaded) off John's east coast and a University transport with a rover aboard off knowhow2's east coast. Stupid of the University to leave it there for three turns. I was all set to steal two techs from the Hive next turn (I checked that none of us have any techs that the University has) but they sank my two probes foils.
Turn to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
October 27, 2001, 18:21
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John, the email I send you keeps bouncing back, saying "There is not enough space on the disk." Should I try your alternate Hotmail address that I used to use?
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
October 27, 2001, 21:22
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Actually I was about to adress to that problem. The files are getting bigger and bigger but hotmail is getting harder and harder to download to and from. Maybe it would be easier to just attach the turn to the post here? Any thoughts about that? We would still email to the next player for notification of cause.
October 28, 2001, 10:11
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John, I sent the turn again last night to your regular and alternate addresses. The regular one bounced again, so check your alternate.
Knowhow2, I'm not sure what you mean about Hotmail getting harder to use. I use Hotmail all the time at work to access my home email, and for files much bigger than for this game. Anyway, I would strongly prefer to get my turns through email, not download them from Apolyton.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
October 29, 2001, 01:11
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Hi Guys, I got the turn via hotmail; I don't know why you should be having trouble sending to msn.com except their periodic episodes of unreliability. I had gotten substantially fewer emails than I would have expected since I left DC, so I suspect that others were getting the same treatment as you. Probably the error message refers to the msn servers, once in a while I get that when I am trying to send, but it usually will then take it in a little while - I might suspect that they were full of spam or were having some hacking troubles. Knowhow2, your different experience with hotmail is possibly related to your being on the other side of the ocean from us, so our experience may not apply to yours. Anyway, I plan to take the turn shortly; sorry for the delay - Darius, I guess you should continue sending to both addresses for a while if you're getting errors at msn. Knowhow2, if you want me to post the turns here, I guess I can; I don't know what the attitude of the powers that be is toward that, but I've been in a few of those succession games where we post to the thread, but those are only one post every 15 MYs or so.
2176 to knowhow2
Last edited by johndmuller; October 29, 2001 at 02:23.
October 29, 2001, 07:21
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turn 2176 away to darius
tech breakthrough: Adaptive Doctrine. currently on research on Neural Grafting due lack on better choices. Need NG from one of you guys.
Also, the cyborgs have start their bombing campaign against my crawlers and formers. I like to kick some cyberass!
October 29, 2001, 07:23
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And about the zip files through hotmail or apolyton, I don't have bigger problems than I have right now so lets just leave it for now and continue the way we have been so far.
October 29, 2001, 13:08
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2177 to John.
John, I landed two formers near your MMMM base (Homer Simpson voice: "mmmm, base"  ). Sorry I forgot to tell you they were coming. Let me know what you want me to do with them.
Sounds like it's about time to set up an attack on the Cyborgs. What do you think?
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
October 30, 2001, 01:54
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2177 to knowhow2
It will take me a while to be able to contribute constructively in a military action, but I'll do what I can. I will have to watch our for the pacifists  I should be able to deliver drop units to Darius, if nothing else (Hopefully they can enter a base and get turned over to Darius before I get the drone hit.)
As far as the tech path goes, I'm still in favor of heading for Fusion as quickly as possible and AMA would be good for the punishment spheres and the pacifists too.
Darius, Thanks for the formers; if you would be so kind as to assign one of the formers to do a BoreHole at (47,29) and the other also to work on the BoreHole at (53,33), I would appreciate it. I have a transport almost finished at my port on the Artic Ocean, but it will obviously take a while to get around; I will have a port on the channel soon and I can give you a couple of formers there also (perhaps sooner), but I think that to do that, you would have to give me your boat temporarily so I could load it up. Maybe it would be easier for me to give you some other type of unit (like a drop garrison).
Darius, I think I can get drop units to you from at least one of my bases as currently situated, although it might take a new road at your end for them to be able to get to town that same turn (so that they can be turned over to your control). I am also starting preparation for a base in the notch on my SW corner which should be more in the middle of things, but will be a while in getting up to snuff.
October 30, 2001, 02:16
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turn 2177 to darius.
October 30, 2001, 16:24
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Research at AMG next. MMI did come up as an option and if any of you two gets to AMG first I like to have it so I can switch to MMI. I really want that tech.
At the war front: one enemy missile infantry landed on my east coast. No problem. I blast it at sson as it steps into the fungus.
AMG is essential for the AAA ability alone.
October 31, 2001, 08:39
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Turn to John last night. Sorry I could not post last night.
John, my formers are enroute to your borehole locations. Since we are pactmates, I'm pretty sure you can just move units onto my transports.
There are several Unity pods in the channel and I have transports out there which could grab them. I'm tempted to get all of the techs you guys have, then pop all the pods. I also have an AA available to link to a node. What do you guys think?
KH2, I got the guy on your east coast, since I had a jet there anyway.
I got Doc:Initiative and am doing Silksteel now.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
October 31, 2001, 20:13
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2178 to knowhow2
Darius, I have one former next to your t'port, another will arrive next turn. Please offer the techs again next time; I meant to include a note to that effect with the trade dialog, but forgot.
Knowhow2, MMI is what I am researching now; will have it next turn.
We are still going for Fusion, aren't we?
November 1, 2001, 02:44
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turn 2178 done
john, MMI, I want it. offer me whenever you get it. and yes we'r still going for fusion (but the minute we get it, all the AIs will also get due to the PDL).
I'm gonna wait few more turns before going off FM. A pop-boom will come handy soon for me.
November 1, 2001, 13:49
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2179 to John.
I plinked another Spartan ship. I definitely want to start invading the Consciousness, but it will take a while to get enough units ready.
I took a quick look at our tech percentages, and it looks like I have all the techs that you guys have. Is that right? If so, I'm going to start popping some pods.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
November 2, 2001, 02:56
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2179 to knowhow2
I offered MMI to both of you.
I am duplicating knowhow2's research into ama at the moment, so I will need it right away when it is done to avoid duplicate breakthroughs.
Darius, I couldn't load your transport, I think even more than before that it can't be done that way. I will have a base at 46,28 in 2 or 3 turns depending on whether or not it gets the fractional move. If you pull your transport into there and give it to me, I will load up 2 formers and sail it over to your side and give it back with the formers. I've got the formers heading over to there already so they will be there too soon if anything.
There is a Spartan transport with two bad boys on board going east from 23,21 (it looked like they went straight east from there at the end of my turn; I may get another fix on them next turn (or maybe not) as I am exploring over there with a probe ship, but I imagine that they are headed to the same spot on my continent that they were before.
November 2, 2001, 11:12
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turn 2179 to darius
5 years to go AMA.
November 2, 2001, 19:58
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2180 to John. Nothing to report.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
November 3, 2001, 02:47
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2180 to knowhow2
Darius, I lost sight of the Spartan transport heading my way. There is a Spore Launcher at (44,20), within range of M.Meadows (both yours and its). My base-to-be at (46,28) will be in 2 turns.
November 3, 2001, 12:55
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turn 2180 to darius
If you guys don't mind I'm gonna go for CBA and CyFact. After which I will build a airfleet ........ to harvets the soul of Hive  ....... sorry got carried away
November 3, 2001, 17:45
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I got the Spore Launcher. I'm still looking for the transport.
The Hive sank one of my transports in the channel and is bombing my southwest coast. I'm going to have to work on my own defense for a while, perhaps postponing the Cyborg invasion.
Knowhow2, I got a Hive unit next to one of your bases, but there is at least one more nearby.
Turn 2182 to John. (Should I keep using both addresses?)
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
November 3, 2001, 19:33
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2181 to knowhow2
Nothing new.
Darius, where is all this action in the Channel? Why don't you keep on sending to both addresses for a few more turns if it is no bother.
November 4, 2001, 14:18
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turn 2181 to darius
there is a enemy ship (not foil) just north of the coast between my northern base and darius' drone bases. be careful not to land any porbe foils next to it.
November 4, 2001, 18:18
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The Hive ship which attacked my transport is at (39,37) and moving north.
Knowhow2, thanks for the tip re: the Cyborg Cruiser. I took care of it.
Turn to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
November 5, 2001, 23:08
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turn 2182 played by all players.
November 5, 2001, 23:33
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John, I turned over a transport to you at Shanghai. I have a jet flying over the channel, but I don't see any bogeys yet.
I have infiltrated both the Hive and the University, as well as the Consciousness. I haven't gotten to the Spartans yet. The Hive has the following techs: Intellectual Integrity, Superconductor, Cyberethics, Advanced Military Algorithms, Superstring Theory. So by all means, probe away.
2183 to John.
"I love justice, I hate iniquity. It is not my pleasure that the lower suffer injustice because of the higher." - Darius I, 550-486 BC
November 6, 2001, 12:47
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2183 to knowhow2
Loaded up the formers and sailed off (but $@#$#%$, my garrison was also on "L" status  and it sailed instead of one of the formers, *&^%^%#!, will have to partially retrace steps to swap). I spotted the Yang BadBoat at (40,24) still heading north I think. Still no sigh of probable Spartan invasion.
Had another >pop< I guess, and created a supply of 4 MWs downstream from Morgans Ravine; knocked one off, but 3 remain [currently at (61,31), (62,32) and (61,33) - probably will head toward base if they move before your turns]; feel free to have at them for target practice if anyone wants.
November 6, 2001, 17:09
Local Time: 13:18
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turn 2183 to darius a couple of hours ago
,,,, everything else in the email I send you.
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