December 12, 2000, 15:39
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OCC fortnight #21
I got this one from Richard Bruns. You are the only civ in this game and there are no huts, so you'll have to research everything yourself. There is one barb city for trading purposes on another island.
Richard only has MPG, so you can't play it in 2.42, but maybe someone can convert it or make a similar scenario for 2.42?
Download here.
Edit: download the 2.42 version here.
[This message has been edited by Paul (edited December 19, 2000).]
December 12, 2000, 17:19
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Won't have to contend with hostile ai at least.
[This message has been edited by Smash (edited December 12, 2000).]
December 12, 2000, 19:25
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Hmmm, this gives us a chance to make a basic table of beaker counts
Btw, what happens if we wipe out the Barbs?
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December 12, 2000, 19:47
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I guess the MGE to FW conversion program I tried didn't work
I'm sorry about the inaccessibility to the non-MGE people. If you want to set up a 2.42 version of the scenario, I can send you the map and the instructions, if you need them, for making the lone-civ setup with the 1 improved barb city. It doesn't take too long to make this scenario.
The point of this scenario was to remove all randomness from the game. Since there are no huts, tech trading, barbarian attackers, or random diplomacy, the arrival time should come down to pure management skill. All the important parts of the map are already revealed, so there is no need for random exploration either.
All of the specials are coal, so the excess of production will probably call for a few strategy changes.
Ribannah, the barbs are on a one square island, so you won't be able to destroy them until you get marines. By then, the population of the city will be much greater than the number of defenders. (They have four fish, a harbor, an aqueduct, and a sewer system.) Bribing or taking a city is, of course, against the OCC rules. In any case, the game continues with no problems; you are not declared the winner.
Good Civving!
By the way, I tried to download the scenario to test it and I couldn't. I couldn't get to the server that has Paul's OCC site. Did anyone else have problems downloading?
[This message has been edited by Richard Bruns (edited December 12, 2000).]
December 13, 2000, 08:28
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Kudos to Richard for a well-designed scenario (obviously I was able to download it). I was afraid it would be boring without any need for defense, but there are still lots of decisions to be made. I like the lack of trade specials; it makes the early tech choices more important.
I've played to about AD 40, and have encountered my old bugbear from past OCC games: beaker micromanagement. What do the pros do to keep track of beakers? The only way I can figure to do it is to record the number of beakers on every turn, which is just a bit too obsessive for me. I know how to determine how many beakers are needed to research the current tech, but I know of no way to determine how many beakers have already been contributed.
December 13, 2000, 08:51
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Well, hot damn! Maybe this one I'll be able to complete.
Frodo lives!
December 13, 2000, 15:04
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I don't normally micromanage to the individual beaker until I get to a tech every 2 or 3 turns. Before that I just set science to get the least turns per advance and when I am almost finished with the advance I'll hit F6 and see if I can lower my science rate a bit. Since I don't count the actual beakers I use a conservative estimate because I hate when I come just short of the needed beakers.
Richard, if you send me the map and instructions I will make a 2.42 version of this scenario. Before I do that I would like to know if there are people here who don't have MGE and would like to play this scenario. So if you want a 2.42 version of the scenario please post here.
I have already played the game and landed in 1938. After I finished the game I realized that there were several things I could have done better to shave a couple of years off my landing date. I will post my log later.
December 13, 2000, 17:28
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Originally posted by DaveV on 12-13-2000 07:28 AM
What do the pros do to keep track of beakers?
I use pencil & paper, DaveV
(Only to find out the next turn that the beaker requirement went up 40% after my precise calculation, grrrr .... :mad
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
December 14, 2000, 16:21
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Just landed in the 19th century 
I will post my log later, so everybody can find his/her own route to victory.
The beaker requirements are still a little jumpy even with no other civs around. This is what I got:
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
December 14, 2000, 20:51
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Suddenly my late 19th century landing during playtesting doesn't seem as pathetic. Those huts and tech trading certainly do cut down the time it takes. I didn't keep a log when I played, though.
About the tech progression, it isn't that jumpy. I plotted those numbers and after a while (30 techs or so) it is basically a linear pattern. There is a very slight exponential increase at the end, but for a rough approximation of beaker count after about 30 techs, use the formula B = 70 t - 1000, where t is the number of techs discovered. So expect the number of beakers required for the next advance to rise by 70 at each tech discovery, on average.
December 17, 2000, 19:14
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Since nobody seems to be playing  , maybe my summary will tempt you  . I think there is still room for improvement. I scored only(?) one big hit when my Gold was in demand. For some reason Coal was in constant supply over most of the game, and nobody on the Off Topic Forum had even heard of this great commodity ...
================================================== ==============
AC: 1883
Monarchy: -
Republic: -725
Democracy: 1180
Colossus: -2000
Copernicus: 380
Shakespeare: 820
Newton: 1080
Darwin: 1762
Apollo: 1838
Trade routes: 220,260,340
Size 12: 480
Size 20: 1020 (27 in 1140)
Size 36: 1812
Trade: -225
Construction: 400
Sanitation: 840
Refrigeration: 1650
Automobile: 1762
Computers: 1808
Space Flight: 1836
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
December 18, 2000, 01:52
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In my game Hides were in constant supply (and in constant demand from OTF). Here are my highlights:
AC: 1938
Monarchy: -825
Republic: 780
Democracy: 1788
Colossus: -1250
Copernicus: 1280
Shakespeare: 1420
Newton: 1700
Darwin: 1857
Apollo: 1899
Trade routes: 720, 1260, 1260
Size 12: 1020
Size 21: 1620
Trade: -100
Construction: 860
Sanitation: 1530
Refrigeration: 1814
Automobile: 1857
Computer: 1879
Space Flight: 1898
December 18, 2000, 14:01
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Yes. Demand and Supply are party random, I guess. AFAIK it does depend on technology, city size and terrain.
For most of the game, we supplied Wool, Coal and (after Industrialization) Oil, early on we had some Gold, Beads and Hides as well - not that demand makes any difference early on in this scenario because the bonus is maxed out anyway.
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December 18, 2000, 14:27
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I still intend to finish this one; just haven't found the time yet. Maybe by the end of this week.
December 18, 2000, 14:44
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I'd give it a try in 2.42. I am very new at OCC and maybe this would be a good starter OCC.
December 18, 2000, 18:02
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Edit: never mind, I made a mistake in creating the 2.42 version. I'll fix it tomorrow.
[This message has been edited by Paul (edited December 18, 2000).]
December 19, 2000, 01:07
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This is really odd. I thought that the trade commodities demanded were set from the beginning. When I played, only gold was in demand. Hides were in constant supply, but were never demanded.
But when I loaded the scenario just now, hides were demanded by the barb city. Civ 2-Strategy supplied hides, wool, and copper, while Off Topic Forum demanded dye, wine, and hides. But I distincyly remember landing a demanded gold caravan.
Maybe this depends on whether you play the game in MGE or 2.42. Paul and Ribannah, what did you use to play the scenario?
December 19, 2000, 01:38
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I played in MGE and so did Ribannah.
December 19, 2000, 02:24
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I just finished the 2.42 version of the scenario. You can find it here.
December 19, 2000, 10:43
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Paul, I think this is a good time to check whether there is any difference in beaker costs between MGE and 2.42.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
December 19, 2000, 11:55
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Thank you. I will give this a try. Don't expect any high scores from me, but maybe with some luck I'll get to AC.
December 20, 2000, 00:46
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Sir Isaac’s-1480ad
Space Flight-1880ad
3500-Bronze Working-warrior
925-govt-Monarchy-barracks-sell it-40 gold
825-barracks-sell 40 gold
725-barracks-sell 40 gold
225-copper caravan
125-dye caravan
50-Map Making
25-beads caravan
180-wool caravan
320-beads to OT 160
340-Construction--”we love the king”-dye to OT 201
400-colliseum-copper to OT-202
420-The Republic-wool to OT-201
460-govt-Republic-disband 1 trireme
480-”we love” size 5
560-aquaduct-disband warrior
580-beads caravan-disband warrior
600-caravan-disband warrior
620-end “we love” 12
780-Astronomy-sell temple
860-Medicine-beads to OT 316
900-Horseback Riding
920-sell colliseum
960-gold caravan
980-wool caravan
1000-The Wheel-trireme
1040-wool caravan
1220-Sanitation-”we love” 12
1240-forced to disband 1 trireme-1 caravan marooned
1260-wool to OT 475
1280-Banking-gold to OT(demanded)528
1340-build university
1400-Gravity-end “we love” 21
1480-Sir Isaac’s-Invention
1510-beads caravan
1530-coal caravan-revolt
1540-govt-Democracy-wool to OT 350-disband trireme
1550-Economics-”we love” 21-gold caravan
1580-Warrior Code
1590-end “we love” 26
1610-Iron Working-trireme
1630-Bridge Building
1730-coal to OT 354
1740-Metallurgy-gold to OT(demanded)1008-disband trireme
1750-Navigation-beads to OT 360 disband trireme-coal caravan
1754-Physics-gold caravan
1784-Refrigeration-gold to OT(demanded)1134
1788-Steam Engine-engineer-coal to OT 348
1796-Darwin’s-Industrializatio>The Corporation
1800-gold freight
1802-Steel-wool freight
1806-oil freight
1812-”we love” 24
1824-wool to OT 384 oil 384
1826-Automobile-gold to OT(demanded)1152
1830-Feudalism-end “we love” 33-sell sewer
1832-oil freight-sell aquaduct
1836-Conscription-wool freight
1842-Mass Production
1852-Chivalry-power plant
1856-wool to OT 786
1857-Tactics-gold freight-oil to OT 759
1858-wool freight
1860-Machine Tools-transport-oops
1867-research lab-gold to OT(demanded) 2114
1868-Flight-wool freight-wool to OT 348
1869-gold freight
1874-Advanced Flight-gold to OT(demanded)1134 oil 378
1875-gold freight
1876-Rocketry-wool freight
1880-Space Flight
1881-Apollo-gold to OT (demanded) 1124 wool 372
1886-Atomic Theory
1890-Niclear Fission
1894-Nuclear Power
1898-The Laser
1906-Fusion Power-LAUNCH
December 20, 2000, 09:15
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Location: The Netherlands, Embassy of the Iroquois Confederacy
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Hmmm, nice gold-rush, Smash 
Here's my log, I guess we all do the same until 3500 BC. Note however that we didn't discover Monarchy until 1774 AD ...
-3750 Warriors
-3500 Warriors, Bronze Working, starting Colossus
-3450 S2, Coal/r(N) mined
-2950 Alphabet, Coal/r(W) mined
-2700 S3
-2050 Writing, disbanded Warriors
-1950 Warriors
-1700 Library
-1600 Code of Laws
-1550 Diplomat
-1400 Diplomat
-1250 Diplomat
-1150 Literacy
-1100 Diplomat
-975 Diplomat
-925 Phalanx, starting GL
-775 The Republic
-750 Revolution
-725 REPUBLIC, di Phalanx, 2 Warriors
-625 Coal mined
-525 Pottery, switching to HG
-475 S4
-450 S5
-425 S6
-400 S7
-375 S8
-350 Currency, We Love ends 
-325 Marketplace
-275 Diplomat
-225 Trade
-200 Hides
-175 di Diplomat
-150 Hides
-125 di Diplomat
-100 Gold, Coal mined
-75 Map Making
-50 Trireme
-25 di Diplomat
1 Beads, di 2 Diplomats
20 Trireme
60 Ceremonial Burial
80 Temple
160 Coal
200 Mysticism
220 Food, Gold to Off Topic Forum (206)
260 Food, Masonry, Hides to Off Topic Forum (d,208)
300 Food, Mathematics
340 Beads to Off Topic Forum (d,210)
360 Astronomy, di Diplomat, Hides to Off Topic Forum (d,234), di Trireme
400 Construction, We Love 
420 Aqueduct, S9
440 S10
460 Colosseum, S11
480 Philosophy -> University, S12
500 University, We Love ends 
540 Hides, Medicine
580 Coal
620 Food, Horseback Riding
660 Food
700 Food, The Wheel
740 Food
780 Food
800 Engineering, sold Colosseum
820 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, Coal to Off Topic Forum (488)
840 Sanitation, We Love  , Hides to Off Topic Forum (d,576)
860 Sewer System, S13
880 Banking, S14
900 Bank, S15
920 S16
940 Gold, S17
960 S18
980 Food, Theory of Gravity, S19
1000 S20
1020 S21
1040 S22
1060 Seafaring, S23
1100 S25
1120 Harbor, Invention, S26, sold Temple
1140 S27
1160 Trireme, We Love ends 
1180 Democracy, DEMOCRACY
1200 Wool
1220 Warrior Code
1240 Food
1260 Food, Iron Working
1280 Food
1300 Food, Bridge Building
1340 Food, Gunpowder, Gold to Off Topic Forum (d,880)
1360 Chemistry
1380 Coal
1420 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP, Explosives, Wool to Off Topic Forum (360)
1460 Engineers -> S26, Economics
1500 Gold
1510 Stock Exchange, Navigation
1540 Physics
1570 Magnetism
1610 Coal into Buffalo
1620 Food
1630 Electricity, Coal to Off Topic Forum (402)
1640 Wool
1650 Refrigeration, Gold to Off Topic Forum (d,1206)
1660 Coal, Steam Engine
1680 Supermarket
1690 Railroad, We Love 
1700 Food, S27
1710 We Love ends  , Coal into Buffalo
1720 Food, Industrialization, Coal and Wool to Off Topic Forum (2x280)
1730 Oil
1740 Wool, We Love 
1750 The Corporation, S28
1752 We Love ends 
1756 Engineers -> S27, Refining, Oil and Wool to Off Topic Forum (2x420)
1758 Coal
1760 Wool, Steel
1762 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion, Automobile, We Love 
1764 Superhighways, S28
1766 Factory, Electronics, We Love ends  , Coal and Wool to Off Topic Forum (2x855)
1768 Coal, Mass Production, We Love 
1770 Oil, S29
1772 Hydroplant, S30
1774 Mass Transit, Monarchy, We Love ends 
1776 Food, We Love  , Coal to Off Topic Forum (855)
1778 Wool, Feudalism, S31, Oil to Off Topic Forum (855)
1780 Coal
1782 Food, Chivalry, S32
1784 Food
1786 Food, S33
1788 Food, Leadership, Wool to Off Topic Forum (855)
1790 Oil, S34
1792 Transport, Conscription, We Love ends  , Coal to Off Topic Forum (855)
1794 Wool
1796 Food, Tactics, We Love  , Oil to Off Topic Forum (855)
1798 Coal, S35
1800 Food, Machine Tools, We Love ends  , Wool to Off Topic Forum (855)
1802 Oil
1804 Food, Miniaturization, di Engineers
1806 Offshore Platform, Coal to Off Topic Forum (855)
1808 Wool, Computers
1810 SETI PROGRAM, We Love  , Grassland/r into Hills/r
1812 Food, S36, sold Sewer System
1814 Food, Flight, We Love ends  , sold Aqueduct, Oil and Wool to Off Topic Forum (2x414)
1816 Coal
1818 Oil, Radio
1820 Food
1822 Food, Coal to Off Topic Forum (414)
1824 Wool, Advanced Flight, Oil to Off Topic Forum (414)
1826 Coal
1830 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., Rocketry, Hills/r mined
1832 Food, Wool and Coal to Off Topic Forum (2x414)
1834 Coal
1836 Oil, Space Flight
1838 APOLLO PROGRAM, 67+5 shields, 7+2 freight, 4886 gold  , di Transport
1842 Atomic Theory
1848 Nuclear Fission, di Transport
1852 Nuclear Power, di Transport, Coal to Off Topic Forum (414)
1855 Plastics, di Engineers, Oil to Off Topic Forum (414)
1858 The Laser
1859 S#15
1862 Superconductor
1865 C#06
1866 Fusion Power, sold University
1867 Sold Library, 1 freight and 4 Gold left 
1868 M#03, LAUNCH 15-3-3-1-1-1
1869 Wool
1870 Coal
1873 PYRAMIDS, sold Hydroplant
1874 HOOVER DAM, Wool and Coal to Off Topic Forum (2x402)
Score: 972 (126%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited December 20, 2000).]
December 20, 2000, 19:27
Local Time: 23:49
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Location: Oxford
Posts: 130
First Log (catalogue of errors  ) I've posted. Considering how slow the start was i think I recovered to some extent though. I always forget to sell off the improvements when they become useless  , not that money was ever a problem with gold always being in demand  , even at 0% tax.
I only spend about 4 hours on these including doing the log - not enough to micromanage enough to get near Ribannah's years?
Deity 2.42
Arrival - 1933ad
Monarchy - -1050
Republic - 200
Democracy - 1500
Colossus - -1300
Copernicus - 620
Shakespeare - 800
Newton - 1400
Darwin - 1804
Apollo - 1893
Route 1 140
Route 2 160
Route 3 260
Trade - -425 83
Construction - 160 108
Sanitation - 1080 154
Refrigeration - 1784 217
Automobile - 1834 232
Computers - 1870 270
Space Flight - 1891 291
Landing - 1933 333
Size 12 620
Size 21 1380
-3750 Warrior.
-3500 Alphabet. Warrior.
-3300 Warrior.
-3250 Bronze Working.
-2750 Ceremonial Burial.
-1800 Code of Laws
-1300 Colossus.
-1200 Monarchy.
-1050 Monarchy established.
-825 Writing.
-725 Library.
-625 Currency.
-500 Marketplace.
-425 Trade.
-375 Gold Caravan.
-275 Hides Caravan.
-225 Map Making.
-200 Trireme.
-100 Dye Caravan.
-25 Trireme
1 Masonry
20 Wool Caravan.
140 Gold -> OTF 200g.
160 Construction. Hides -> OTF (dem) 240g.
180 Literacy.
220 Colosseum.
260 Wool -> OTF 200g.
280 Republic.
300 Republic established. Dye -> OTF 209g.
320 Beads Caravan.
340 Mathematics.
460 Mysticism.
540 Start WLTCD size 8.
580 Disband Trireme.
600 Philosophy -> Astronomy.
620 End WLTCD size 12. Copernicus's Obs.
680 Medicine.
800 Shakespeare's Theatre. University. Beads -> OTF 326g.
840 Horseback Riding.
860 University built.
900 The Wheel.
1000 Engineering. Gold Caravan.
1080 Sanitation.
1160 Sewer System. Begin WLTCD size 12.
1180 Theory of gravity.
1340 Banking. Gold -> OTF (dem) 520g.
1380 Size 21.
1400 End WLTCD size 21. Isaac Newton's College. Invention.
1440 Bank.
1460 Democracy.
1480 Coal Caravan.
1500 Democracy established.
1510 Beads Caravan. WLTPD starts size 22.
1530 Warrior Code.
1560 Iron Working.
1570 End WLTPD size 26.
1590 Bridge Building.
1610 Economics.
1640 Gunpowder. Stock Exchange.
1690 Chemistry. Coal -> OTF 350g. Beads -> OTF 350g.
1700 Gold Caravan.
1710 Engineering.
1720 Dye Caravan.
1740 Coal Caravan. Pottery.
1754 Seafaring.
1760 Navigation.
1762 Magellans Expedition. Disband 2 warriors.
1764 Caravel.
1766 Metallurgy.
1768 Disband Trireme.
1772 Physics.
1778 Magnetism.
1780 Dye -> OTF (dem) 732g.
1782 Electricity. Dye -> OTF (dem) 1098g. Coal -> OTF 366g.
1784 Refrigeration.
1786 Engineer.
1790 Supermarket.
1792 Steam Engine.
1800 Railroad.
1804 Darwin's Voyage -> Industrialisation, The Corporation.
1808 Engineers.
1810 Steel.
1812 Gold Freight.
1816 Dye Freight.
1818 WLTPD starts size 24. Refining.
1828 Oil Frieght.
1830 Combustion. Gold -> OTF (dem) 1098g. Dye -> OTF 366g.
1832 Gold Freight.
1834 Automobile
1836 End WLTPD size 32. Superhighways.
1840 Factory. Electronics.
1844 Hydro Plant - All land developed 73 (4 supp) shields with fact+hydro.
1846 Mass Production.
1851 Feudalism.
1854 Chivalry.
1855 Coal Freight. Gold -> OTF (dem) 1768g.
1856 Leadership. Oil -> OTF 741g.
1857 Gold Freight.
1858 Conscription.
1861 Tactics
1864 Machine Tools
1867 Miniaturisation. Remembered to sell off improvements finally (bye bye colloseum)
1870 Computers. Gold -> OTF (dem) 2080g. Coal -> OTF 786g.
1871 Research Lab. Mobile Warfare.
1872 Gold Freight.
1873 Oil Freight.
1874 Robotics.
1877 Flight.
1881 Radio.
1885 Advanced Flight.
1889 Rocketry. Gold -> OTF (dem) 1134g. Oil -> OTF 378g.
1890 Gold Freight.
1891 Coal Freight. Space Flight.
1892 Manufacturing Plant.
1893 Apollo Program. 10272g and 24 Food Freights.
1894-08 Struct #1-15
1895 Plastics
1899 Atomic Theory.
1903 Nuclear Fission.
1904 Gold -> OTF (dem) 1134g. Coal -> OTF 378g.
1906 Nuclear Power.
1909-14 Component #1-6
1910 The Laser.
1914 Superconductor.
1915 Module #1.
1916 Module #2.
1918 Module #3. Fusion Power. Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1 (to arrive 1933).
1919 Pyramids.
1920 Hanging Gardens.
1921 Lighthouse.
1922 Great Library. Communism.
1923 Oracle.
1924 Great Wall.
1925 Sun Szu's War Academy.
1926 Marco Polo's Embassy.
1927 King Richard's Crusade.
1929 Adam Smith's Trading Co.
1931 Eiffel Tower
1933 Landing - 872 points, Civ Addict the Just,113%.
January 4, 2001, 10:09
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It took some time, but I have made the Table for this game.
January 7, 2001, 19:43
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I am new to OCC, but became a happy convert, after reading Paul’s excellent strategy guide, and trying it out. I tried this one a few times and some of those tries were pretty pathetic, with landings in the late 1900’s, but I learned a lot. Below is a log of my best attempt at #21. In this game, I decided to trade as much as possible and built a fleet of 6 triremes to rush my caravans to OTF. A drawback of this idea, was having to remain a Monarchy longer than I wanted, but I hoped that a granary and all that grassland would help, and also used “we love” continuously as a Monarchy, to get it to mimic the increased trade of a Republic. I depended on a constant flow of cargos to OTF for cash and bumps in research. In this game hides were always in demand, and except for the trading lull when only food is available, hides were always in supply, so I traded hides like crazy! Gold was the only other commodity in demand I could supply, but it was only supplied one time. Trading in hides worked so well after industrialization that at one point I had close to 30,000 gold and was able to coast to a good result, without even trying.
OCC #21, MGE, deity level
3750 BC warrior
3500 bronze, warrior
2950 alphabet
2150 Colossus
2100 currency
1500 code of laws
1050 marketplace
950 trade, warrior
775 hides
650 hides
575 map making
550 trireme
475 hides
400 hides
325 trireme
250 hides
175 hides
125 ceremonial burial, hides to OTF, 208 gold
100 monarchy, trireme, hides to OTF, 208 gold
75 writing
50 library, revolution
25 BC hides, government to Monarchy, start WLTID
1 AD hides, hides to OTF, 206 gold
20 mysticism, trireme, hides to OTF, 201 gold
40 pottery
60 hides
100 hides
120 trireme
160 hides, hides to OTF, 209 gold
180 masonry, hides to OTF, 207 gold
200 granary
220 hides
240 hides, construction, hides to OTF, 203 gold
260 hides
300 temple
320 hides, literacy, hides to OTF, 210 gold
340 hides
380 hides
420 math, 2xhides to OTF, 468 gold
440 colosseum, astronomy, hides to OTF 249 gold
460 hides
480 hides
520 hides
540 philosophy, university
560 hides, hides to OTF, 316 gold
600 build university
640 trireme
660 medicine, 2xhides to OTF, 826 gold
680 republic, 2xhides to OTF, 934 gold
700 hides, horseback riding
740 Copernicus
760 hides, hides to OTF, 484 gold
780 hides
800 hides, wheel, hides to OTF, 536 gold
840 aqueduct
860 gold
880 theory of gravity, hides to OTF, 576 gold
900 Isaac Newton’s College
940 beads, engineering, hides to OTF, 600 gold
960 coal
980 food
1000 food, sanitation, hides to OTF, 624 gold
1020 food
1040 food
1060 food, banking, hides to OTF, 666 gold
1080 bank, revolution
1100 Shakespeare’s Theater, government to Republic
1120 WLTCD starts at 10
1140 sewer system, economics, hides to OTF, 690 gold
1160 stock exchange
1180 food, invention, gold to OTF, 714 gold
1200 food
1220 food, seafaring, beads to OTF, 274 gold,
hides to OTF, 548 gold
1260 food, warrior code, hides to OTF, 580 gold
1280 food
1300 food, iron working, coal to OTF, 350 gold
1320 wool
1360 food, democracy
1380 WLTCD stops at 23
1420 food, government to Democracy
1440 bridge building
1480 food
1500 navigation
1520 food
1530 physics, wool to OTF, 350 gold
1550 coal, WLTPD starts at 23
1560 magnetism
1580 food
1600 steam engine, WLTPD stops at 28
1610 food
1630 railroad
1640 food
1660 industrialization
1670 Leonardo’s Workshop
1680 hides
1690 corporation, coal to OTF, 360 gold
1700 hides
1710 chemistry
1720 hides
1730 hides
1740 hides, gunpowder, 2xhides to OTF, 1440 gold
1750 hides, explosives, hides to OTF, 720 gold
1752 hides
1754 hides, refining, hides to OTF, 720 gold
1756 hides, combustion, hides to OTF, 732 gold
1758 hides
1760 hides
1762 hides, metallurgy, 2xhides to OTF, 1464 gold
1764 hides, electricity
1766 hides
1768 hides
1770 hides, steel, 3xhides to OTF, 2196 gold
1772 hides, automobile
1774 superhighways, hides to OTF, 1470 gold
1776 hides, mass production, hides to OTF, 1482 gold
1778 hides, electronics, 2xhides to OTF, 2964
1780 mass transit, feudalism
1782 hides
1784 hides, chivalry, hides to OTF, 1518 gold
1786 hides
1788 hides, leadership. hides to OTF, 1572 gold
1790 hides
1792 hides, conscription, hides to OTF, 1572 gold
1794 hides
1796 hides, tactics, 2xhides to OTF, 3144 gold
1798 hides, machine tools, 2xhides to OTF, 3144 gold
1800 hides, miniaturization, hides to OTF, 1572 gold
1802 hides
1804 hides, computers, hides to OTF, 1572 gold
1806 SETI Program
1808 hides, atomic theory, 2xhides to OTF, 3144 gold
1810 hides, nuclear fission, 2xhides to OTF, 3144 gold
1812 Magellan’s Expedition, nuclear power, hides to OTF, 1572
1814 Hoover Dam
1816 hides, laser, hides to OTF, 1572 gold
1818 hides
1820 flight, 2xhides to OTF, 1512 gold
1822 hides
1824 radio
1826 Darwin’s Voyage, advanced flight, rocketry, hides to OTF,1792 gold
1828 oil (the hides gravy train ends!),
hides to OTF, 792 gold
1830 space flight
1832 Apollo Program
1834 starting structurals
1838 plastics
1846 superconductor
1852 fusion power
1856 communism, 15 structurals complete,
starting components
1860 genetic engineering
1862 6 components done, starting modules
1864 polytheism
1865 3 modules done, launch
1866 Pyramids
1867 Hanging Gardens
1868 Lighthouse
1869 Oracle, monotheism
1870 Great Library
1871 Great Wall
1872 Marco Polo’s Embassy
1873 Sun Tzu’s War Academy
1874 King Richard’s Crusade, theology
1875 Eiffel Tower
1876 Michaelangelo’s Chapel, hides to OTF, 828 gold
1877 J.S. Bach’s Cathedral, hides to OTF, 828 gold, oil to OTF, 414 gold
1878 Adam Smith’s Trading Company
1879 citizens get a year off
1880 arrival on Alpha Centauri
Final score: 978, 127%
[This message has been edited by solo (edited January 13, 2001).]
January 14, 2001, 16:06
Local Time: 00:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
Solo, nice to see a new OCC player. I do have one thing to say: when you play the comparison games only the first attempt counts, so you should only post the log for your first attempt. Otherwise you could just try different strategies when you are not certain about the best course, get to know the map and correct mistakes you made.
You may of course play multiple times to learn from your mistakes and try different strategies to improve your performance in future, but you should only post the log for your first attempt.
I noticed that you also posted a log for OCC#22. I don't know if you also played that game more than once, but if you did please let me know. If you still have the log for your first attempt you can still post that.
January 14, 2001, 18:18
Local Time: 23:49
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Lowell, MA USA
Posts: 1,703
Paul, thanks for the welcome, and yes, I am aware that only the first attempt should be posted. You have my first attempt in #22, and will only have first attempts in the future. In #21, I thought it would be okay to post a latter try at it, as long as I identified it as such. As a newcomer, I tried #21 a few times to learn more about the OCC system, and thought my best result would be of more interest to others than earlier tries. Another earlier one I have practiced on was the four whales, described in your strategy guide. I must have tried it about 10 times, and even with the benefit of multiple tries, could not beat your landing date in that one! Congrats on a very masterful and impressive game!
January 15, 2001, 01:46
Local Time: 00:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
That's ok, solo. But since your log is not of your first attempt I won't put it in the comparison table for this game.
January 4, 2004, 21:48
Local Time: 01:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: homeless, Praha, Czech Republic
Posts: 2,603
I started this old OCC. It is pretty simple and so suitable for my first OCC try.
After getting to Trade, I compared my game start with logs of my predecessors.  As usual, I play completely differently. Everybody started with Colossus, but me, in 400 BC I am a long way from hearing any story about such wonder...
 Of course, I am enjoying the disorder.
 Since everybody is beating 500AD landing date these days, I hope I won't stay behind.
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