Not talking about the Pack (havent had a chance to download it yet, but considering it after my Medmod game finishes). Just this site - I'm coming in on modem and live in an old neighborhood in Florida where the lines get crackely after each evening thunderstorm. Sometimes it takes 30-60 secs just to get to my first thread.
For the record, Medmod took pretty much an evenings work to pull down. I'd say about 30-45 minutes per file. Like I said,
One of my hobbies is writing science fiction and you really get good at spotting stuff like that (becuase, God knows if I ever DO get published, I'd hate to have a reviewer point out some sorta goof like that

). But in the popular media culture, its pretty easy to find nutty inaccurate stuff.
My favorite was Gladiator - I'm not a big Roman fan (I like the Carthaginians and the Phonicans, but they just don't get the press, ya know?). But that first scene with the battle in the black forest - I couldn't keep up with the historical inaccuarcies. Like heavy (armored???) Roman cavalry. They didn't have stirrups, so forget that. And the burning arrows - whats the point of firing a burning arrow in a battle in wet woods. I'm not an archer but I gotta assume a burning wad on the end would reduce range and accuracy. And then there was the real laugh - a Roman column dragging seige engines through un-roaded woods for an open battle with barbarians. From what I've read, most of the time, caturpults and such were built on site, since nobody wants to drag the things through wet hilly forests for miles and miles, just for what - a shot or two before the battle really begins? You sure can't use it once the melee starts.
But all the 20 year olds were saying "Coooooolllll......"
The best example of cultural foolishness is our belief that Romans used chariots in battle. Its like future generations believing our army used stock cars becuase they race around the track every Sunday.
All right - I'll get down from the soap box....