December 28, 2000, 08:56
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Barbarian embassy
Last night I happened to have a spy mosey up to a former Viking town that was bathed in bright red. Okay, I thought, I'll buy a city on the cheap. But when the menu popped up for inciting a revolt, lo and behold, "Establish Embassy" was also listed as an option!  When I chose that option, voila!! A real embassy info screen. Granted, they didn't have squat for technology but I was able to list their cities (they had three) and that was pretty cool.
Frodo lives!
December 28, 2000, 11:56
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I seem to remember doing that some time ago. Does the embassy disappear on the next turn?
SG (2)
December 28, 2000, 17:56
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No on the disappearance in my experience. Lasts as long as THAT city is barbarian. Can't trade techs or anything else very interesting. Info screen did not update adding cities if that happens. Did update losses, removing those cities. Established embassy for a lark, wrote down what I saw. Kept them barb to see where it would go. Checked the city with a spy regularly. The city never built anything but dragoons, maxed production in citizen distribution until it shrank; redistributed to max food, but all new citizens went to to best production squares. They actually got a science due to gold on a mountain letting them have a beaker. Finally bought the city to get that gold.
[This message has been edited by Blaupanzer (edited December 28, 2000).]
December 28, 2000, 19:17
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My experience has been the embassy does disappear next turn.
A barb city will keep producing whatever unit actually captured it.Could be horse,archer,legion..what have you.
December 29, 2000, 01:53
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You know, I don't remember and I've since taken the other two cities. Sorry.
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December 29, 2000, 03:28
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wow never even thought about establishing embassy.
December 29, 2000, 07:46
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I agree with what Blaupanzer wrote (did about the same, except that I didn't write anything, I'm so lazy).
Advice: don't do that with a dip; you lose him for nothing. With a vet spy, it's fun (might even be useful listing other barb cities like kcbob did).
What I have been doing once in a while with great pleasure is building a city close to theirs, after having discovered Industrialization. When they come and take the city, I get a bunch of mighty NON partisans long before researching Guerilla Warfare (imagin: 3 moves, no ZOC, attack 4, defense 4, and the AI quite often has not yet started researching Gunpowder!).
December 29, 2000, 09:52
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La Fayette - I think you will find the Partisans come with Communism, not Industrialisation.
SG (2)
December 29, 2000, 15:27
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What the Viking civilization destroyed when the barbs took that city? Was it the Viking capital before the barbs took it?
January 2, 2001, 10:18
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As it turns out, I had not taken the other two barb cities. Unfortunately, their embassy/tribe/civ was not listed when I did go back and look. Oh, well.
Frodo lives!
January 2, 2001, 14:15
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Never thought of establishing an embassy with them. They are always so reasonably priced I kwickly bribed them.
January 4, 2001, 18:08
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I established an embassy with a barb city unsing a diplo. Got a one time embassy screen, then it was gone, did not show up on the F3 forien relations screen. I was playing MGE
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
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January 11, 2001, 03:26
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Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola on 01-04-2001 05:08 PM
I established an embassy with a barb city unsing a diplo. Got a one time embassy screen, then it was gone, did not show up on the F3 forien relations screen. I was playing MGE
Cool! I've always wanted to do that. When the embassy screen came up, were you able to talk to a barbarian emissary? I've toyed with the idea of giving barbarians tech advances and maybe a nuke or two, just to see what would happen.
A corollary: Is it possible to adjust anything in the rules or events or something to "civilize" the barbarians a little? Say, give them Mongol or Carthaginian parameters, where they can theoretically establish a civilization of their own? Just a thought.
January 12, 2001, 19:54
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Ir was not the send representative screen it was the itteligence screen you get when you first establish an embassy, give info on their civ, such as the barbarian leaders name is Attila
January 15, 2001, 04:22
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From what I remember the embassy does disappear, but you receive reports of barbs gaining technology (if they do). But I've also gotten reports of barbs gaining tech evenwhen I had no embassy. I may have had Marcos, though.
Barbs will upgrade the units they produce. I believe it depends on the player's tech level, but AI civs may affect it. I've seen cities captured by Archers produce rifleman & infantry (modpack) units if left until endgame. I believe their units are 0-1 levels of "power" below yours (i.e., if you have cavalry, they'll produce dragoons). Trust me. In a game where Heavy Armor Design made older tanks obsolete, I watched a city that was captured by dragoons, now producing cavalry, roll out the 1st & only barbarian armor unit I've ever seen. You don't forget seeing something like that!
January 17, 2001, 11:49
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I research communism immediately after industrialization in almost any game, which makes me unable to agree or disagree.
One fact must be mentioned: those partisans don't appear always. Most of the time they do, sometimes they don't. I haven't found out yet, but there must be a reason why.
January 17, 2001, 19:39
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January 18, 2001, 01:39
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La Fayette - I checked an old game to be sure!
I always get at least one if the city is small or several from larger places.
I sometimes bribe them if not too expensive. On one occasion (all from the same city) some were vets - others were not!? 
January 18, 2001, 04:44
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Originally posted by Thoth on 01-17-2001 06:39 PM
Partisans do not appear if the city is captured by a civilization that once owned the city. There may be other factors, but this one I'm pretty certain of.

*sits back and waits to be corrected* 
Sorry, but I've gotten partisans from a city that was re-captured by the original owner, and he re-captured it shortly after I took it.
I didn't get as many as he did, though...
I think that a lot of it depends on how long you've owned the city. When it says the city was "liberated" don't expect much...
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