August 19, 2001, 11:39
Local Time: 12:21
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From: High Academician Prokhor Zakharov
To: CEO Morgan
Private Message
The University, will, if it must, support the Spartans as a Planetary Governing country, however, I urge you to reconsider your 'dropping out' of the race.
From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky
To: Ambassador Quezer
I see... A noble purpose, you seem to have taken the exact opposite attitude towards mindworms that we have. In fact, mindworms "can" be mastered. We have done so and raised some, however, only the mindworms we raise will obey us... You seem to have gone a step further and are able to control 'any' mindworm... The University will have to investigate this... But we shall not leave our industrial cities for any reason.
We will remember what you said.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 19, 2001, 14:54
To: Cult of Planet Ambassador
From: Foreman Domai
Your mindworm hunters are welcomed to come here, but despite the high pollution here, mindworm activity as been slowly decreasing this past decade.
We are also interested in sending representives to your Ecological Conference.
Foreman Domai
To: Cult Ambassador Quzer
From: Captain Svensgaard
From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Captain Svensgaard
I´d like to ask permission for some of our seaforces to be able cross through your territory on their way to the central continent.
Permission granted, aslong that you accept some of our escorts and provide us the reason of the destination.
Captain Svensgaard
To: Admiral Harrington, Commander of the Naval Corps
From: Captain Svensgaard
Get the NPS Nautilus ready, along with foil escorts. Going to the Planetary Council Base for the elections.
Captain Svensgaard
To: Branko, Chief of Security
From: Captain Svensgaard
Get a Probe Cruiser with Probe Team Twelve to escort NPS Nautilus to the Planetary Council Base. Will of course be going there for the Planetary Governor election.
Captain Svensgaard
August 19, 2001, 23:45
Local Time: 07:21
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Spartan Military Corp
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: General Jacob Peterson
From: Spartan Military Advisor, Major Anthony Burke
General Peterson, Sparta Command has advised me of their concerns about Data Angel citizens in your bases. We advise that you put your probe teams on alert for possible activity. We are in no way accusing the Data Angels of anything underhanded. But we do advise caution. I informed Sparta Command that your probe teams are of excellent quality and that you have the situation under control. But I am passing along their recommendations. If you require any assistance from Spartan personnel, you need only ask. Colonel Santiago has also informed me that she is considering transferring title of two older troop transports to your faction. They have went through maintenance before they departed Sparta, so you are getting them in excellent condition. She will of course contact Sister Miriam with the official word, we just thought that you would like to prepare for their arrival. On board will be more technical advisors, and a few probe specialist. All of which are in accordance with our standing agreements. As always, I can be reached anytime if there are questions concerning Spartan activities that concern you or warrant explanation.
August 20, 2001, 09:06
Local Time: 14:21
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From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Captain Svensgaard, The Nautilus Pirates
It would be an honor to have your forces escorting us Captain.
As for our destination, they are the western part of the central continent, and Free Drone territory.
You see, we´re getting low on mindworms, so we asked high polluters like Morgan, The University, and the Free Drones if we could send small specialist teams to their territory to capture any new spawning mindworms in their territories. They agreed, and so we are sending our teams in...
Captain, I must congratulate you for your excellent Green economy, you are truly a good caretaker of the seas. Good work, keep it up.
[OOC: LordLMP, I´m not sure if the Pirates have Green economy( Just remembering that they do have from somewhere  ...), as there is no mentioning about economy in the Admin, but here goes  If they don´t have, just ignore the last sentence
August 20, 2001, 09:17
Local Time: 14:21
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[OOC: Pirates have green economy - it's a requirement for membership in the Chiron Alliance.  I'm in a hurry right now, but I'll edit this post with some "real" (non-OOC) stuff within a couple of hours... See ya later! ]
August 20, 2001, 15:29
Local Time: 15:21
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Maximum encryption
From: General Jacob Petersen
To: Major Anthony Burke
I consulted the Crusade Committee's intelligence specialist General Benedicte Saunders, and she informed me that our Special Forces have already placed the security teams of Lord's Gift to full alert. Also all networks leading from Lord's Gift to other bases, all the way to underground cables, are under strict monitoring. We thank you for the reminder, though.
What comes to the military aid, as a faction in war all help is needed. I assume that you are going to transport the units via the seas, and as experts of strategy you might suggest a proper landing location; one of the coast bases in north for example.
[OCC: The Datatech convoy shouldn't be there but I misread Argonaut's post and messed up mine thereafter  *sigh*Let's just hope that it didn't have too much influence on the game
:doitnow: :kassiopeia:
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
August 21, 2001, 12:05
Local Time: 07:21
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Spartan Military Corp
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: General Jacob Petersen
From: Major Anthony Burke
The transport foils have been underway for two weeks now. They are being escorted by the SNS Leonides and supporting foils. Just before they arrive Colonel Santiago will contact Sister Miriam and transfer title to the Lord’s Believers. The crews can stay on until you have selected crews of your own. After that you can do with them what you will. Sparta Command has come up with a plan to increase the Believers bargaining position. This plan only an option. As always it is up to the Believer Military Command and ultimately Sister Miriam. Sparta Command has asked me to bring up some suggestions we have for you. These are only suggestions after having analyzed the situation in the Command Nexus.
1. We advise that there be some kind of believer presence around the area of Mount Planet. This region is unpopulated but if it fell into the hands of the Pirates or UN it would make an excellent location for future staging points for aggression. We would occupy this ground but we are of considerable distance and we believe that this is your future land and not ours. But we do suggest it be staked claim before another less friendly faction does. From data gathered in our joint mapping mission six years ago we have come up with a few possible locations for you to found a base.
64, 98----*extremely important area. May lead to tensions with the Pirates* Can be done with Spartan support
72, 112----strategic location. Covered in a fungus field
74,112----Further down the coast in an excellent location.
54, 180----covers western approach to the Mount Planet area
2. Construction of a third transport foil at either Lord's Mercy or Lord's Truth. If that is impractical, then any base along the Freshwater Sea since both Lord's Mercy and Lord’s Truth provides you with foil access to the ocean. This transport could then be used to attack Nest of Fear by approaching it from the west side of the peninsula. Refer to your map. This should be done with extreme caution by staying as close to cult territory as possible and away from Pirate patrols. You are after all not that far from their home waters. The only forces that they can possible muster fast enough is their mindworm corp and most should be on the cult believer boundary. Flexibility is the key in defeating a massed army such as the cult.
After Nest of Fear is taken, the Believer faction will be in a much better position to negotiate. Then the good Sister Miriam can have some room to work from. Spartan officers currently in Believer territory are available for assistance. We will contact the Hive to see if they are able to assist. But in the end General, it is still up to your government. Sparta is only here to offer assistance and advice where appropriate. This mission is of course, highly sensitive in nature. Only Colonel Santiago and three other officers know of the full plan back in Sparta. So far myself and now you know of it. If it were to get out then the mission would end in disaster. So for the time being keep outsiders away from the eastern end of your territory. As I understand it, the area is already apart of the War Zone declaration. Sparta feels that this mission should take place after the Planetary Governor elections. The decision is yours. Think about what a military victory could do for morale within the faction.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Chairman Yang
From: Colonel Santiago
I have thought about your words concerning the Planetary Governor. Miriam is to radical in her beliefs to be accepted by Zak and Morgan, both of which we need to support us. So I will remain a candidate for Planetary Governor. However, if you could convince Morgan to stop selling supplies to the cult and switch to the Believers then we might could go with Morgan. After we get a nice sum of credits for our treasury. I do not want to appear to be waffling on this issue. I simply do not wish to support Morgan while he still sells supplies to the Cult. And we both know that supporting a Chiron Alliance member is out of the question.
On another matter. We have come up with an plan for the Believers in their war with the Cult. They will lunch an assault on Nest of Fear from the sea the western side of the peninsula where the base is located. It involves some risk as it is near to the Pirate home waters. But if they succeed, they will gain a great victory and valuable asset in Nest of Fear. We have offered the assistance of Spartan Officers to the mission. If you would like to participate with air cover or in any other way, it would be appreciated. No hurry, since we have asked that it not take place until after the election.
August 21, 2001, 23:58
Local Time: 22:21
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Private Message
Encryption Level 5
From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
To: Academician Prokhor Zakharov
Do not worry just yet. I am still very much a candidate. As you probably know, I am wary of Miriam, and Santiago seems at times too close to her for comfort.
I need to sign off now, as there is much preparation to be done for the election and other events, but I will be in touch soon.
In friendship,
CEO Nwabudike Morgan
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
August 22, 2001, 01:03
Local Time: 07:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 4,140
Spartan Diplomatic Corp.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Datajack Sinder Roze
From: Colonel Santiago
Datajack Roze. I have heard reports that your aid mission to the Believers has run into delays. You must understand that the Believers are in the middle of a brutal war, so security must be taken into account. They are also a bit over cautious about your factions famed ability in probe missions. This is not intended as an insult but as a precautionary step. I am afraid that it might have been one of my advisors on the ground that provoked the strong level of security. I hope that you will be patient with them because the need is there and I am sure that they appreciate the effort that you and your faction has put out. We have been trying to aid them as well, but we are so far away and the Pirates do not seem to appreciate our presence in certain parts of the planet's oceans. Keep in mind that you brand of assistance does fit better than the Peacekeeper version. But that is a different story. Again Datajack, have a little patience.
The elections are beginning to get serious. My question to you is, will the Chrion Alliance recognize a victory by me? Or if it was Yang. Or Miriam. It is a question that some here in Sparta answer no. We have been at peace for a long time now. Will it end after this election?
[OOC: Sorry if this took any steam out of Kass. Santiago was handed reports about this and was trying to deflate the situation before it got serious. The question about the election was posed by the Spartan representative in the council but never got a response. So Santiago is asking]
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Sister Miriam Godwinson
From: Colonel Santiago
Sister Miriam, I hope everything is going well in your faction. I trust that the Spartan troops and advisors are acting in a professional manner. As you may already know, two transports are on their way full of material and advisors. Once they arrive they will be placed under Believer control. This is purely a gift and not debt will be owed for them. Also planners in Sparta Command have forwarded a plan that will increase your factions bargaining position if you choose to pursue a diplomatic solution. It is a bold plan that is not without risks. Like everything else, it is only a suggestion. The final word is of course yours. In our Command Nexus, we have finished upgrades on the supercomputer that drives the complex. Your theater of war has been added to the simulations. If you wish to send some of your officers to analyze it's data, you are more than welcome to. They need only undergo screening(which is standard for everyone) and they will be provided with the data that pertains to the Believer-Cult theater of operations.
August 22, 2001, 07:15
Local Time: 14:21
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Location: Bergen, Norway
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Private Message: Enhanced encryption
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Chiron Alliance
My friends...
I beg your forgiveness, I seem to keep turning around myself in this matter.
However, I'd like to point out that this is a delicate political issue and that I don't always have all the answers... I am trying to do the right thing although I don't necessarily know right from the start what exactly is the right thing... Anyway, before I go any further, I suppose I should explain what this is all about...
As you know, Roze and I have recently had a rather major disagreement.
This all started when she approached me and requested that I withdraw myself as a candidate for Planetary Governor and support her instead. In retrospect, I see that I probably should have discussed the matter further with both Roze and others before giving my answer, but I might add that my answer was not necessarily a final answer. Yes, I did give her an answer, and yes, it was a negative answer, but... I was still prepared to continue the discussion. I never meant to brush her off, I was merely letting her know where things were currently headed. Roze, however, got extremely angry, and... well, things were said by us both which I at least wish had never been said. I have tried to calm things down by more or less ignoring our recent argument, but it seems that is not going to work. There are matters that still need to be resolved. Also, I am sincerely disturbed by some of the things that have been said, although I have tried not to press the argument any further. Lastly, there are those within my own government who will not go along with merely dropping this case at this point.
Now, I am still hoping that this is all a terrible misunderstanding, but to be blunt, the recent argument has left us with the impression that Roze is mostly in this for the power rather than for the greater good of anything at all. Why we have arrived at this conclusion? Well, for starters, she claims she believes in the alliance and in what we have established here, but the next moment, she turns around and informs us - in no unclear terms - that she puts her own personal agenda in front of both the alliance and the lives of civilians.
I will no longer commit to the defense of U.N. holdings and civilians
When I ask her if this is how much our friendship is worth to her, she replies that I turned my back on our friendship first... Excuse me, but to the best of my knowledge, I did not turn my back on her 10 years ago when she chose to run on her own instead of supporting me.
She accuses me of turning my back on the alliance and the goals and beliefs it was founded upon, and states that she still believes in what we've started and is not going to let that down.
Then, once again, she turns around herself and states that our alliance and our friendship is worthless because I haven't done enough for her.
-And then she complains that it takes too much energy and effort for her to maintain my friendship...?!?
Anyway, enough of that.
What we need to figure out now is not who to blame, but how to get out of this mess.
I said some things myself that probably didn't sound to good in Roze's end, and I probably started it all by - in her words - "brushing her off". On the other hand, Roze's reaction has done nothing to improve the situation. To the contrary, it seems she has acted like an angry elephant in a glass house and that her behavior is threatening the Chiron Alliance rather than strengthening it.
I admit that the alliance has not been my first priority lately and that I may have appeared distant and uncooperative to you all for some time. If I'm going to stay in the alliance, this is certainly something I shall try to remedy. Firstly though, we need to determine whether we still have an alliance at all.
If our current understanding of Roze's position turns out to be accurate...
Well, like I said, I still hope that this is all a big misunderstanding...
Commissioner Lal
Last edited by Guardian; August 22, 2001 at 07:24.
August 22, 2001, 17:16
Local Time: 12:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 459
Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
From: Datajack Roze
To: Chiron Alliance
You certainly have a way with words Comissoner, especially for one who prides himself on diplomacy. An 'angry elephant in a glass house'? I will refrain from flying down to U.N. Headquarters to kick your 'rear-end' for that, on the basis that I do believe there is something more at stake here.
You have dragged our personal mess before the entire Alliance, and while I see it merely as an attempt to gain Alliance support for your campaign, I'm not going to countermand anything you said. I disagree with basically every second word, but I'm not going to re-hash it all and embarass our allies.
I have a very simple solution to our problem. I shall announce momentarily, that I am officially withdrawing the Data Angels from the Chiron Alliance. I see no point in allying myself with a man who sees me as only out for power, and quite frankly I have no desire to support him.
My only hope, is that those of you whom I have been able to work with will not take this as a personal offence. But this constant bickering and these pointelss accusations are tearing this Alliance apart from the inside. I had hoped we could let the whole thing blow over, but Comissoner Lal and the U.N. are unwilling to do that so I have finally done something about this.
I'm not sure what else needs to be said, but goodbye my friends and good luck. I hope that we can still cooperate in the future. Good day Comissoner.
Private Message : Standard Encryption
From: Datajack Roze
To: Sister Miriam
Greetings Sister,
I have some concerns with the aid mission, currently stuck at the Lord's Gift. My people cannot do their work if they are constantly under suspect by your security officers. They have not even been able to move West, beyond the confines of the base where there are more people in need. Is there anything you can do to speed up the process? I, above all people, understand your need for security, but these delays are costing lives.
Some concerns have also been raised Sister, and I'm trying to be equitable and neutral in this. Some of my officals are concerned that, with this aid, you will merely put full funding into your military and leave the aid packages to look after your civillians. So further shipments will be based on the amount of supplies you provide your citizens, and we will match to the nanogram. This should more than adequately meet the population's needs and will help satisfy my concerned officials. Is this acceptable?
Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
From: Datajack Roze
To: Colonel Santiago
It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear from you regarding matters that in no way directly involve you. While I appreciate your concern in the aid mission, it is quite frankly none of your business. I have spoken with Sister Miriam, and we will resolve the situation on our own kindly. For a woman who's main campaign platform is factional soveriegnty, and the Council staying out of the affairs of others, you certainly spend a lot of time involved in mine.
As for whether the Chiron Alliance will support the election of yourself, or CEO Morgan I cannot say. As will be released momentarily, the Data Angels are no longer a part of the Chiron Alliance. I will only say, that some leaders expressed some great concern with your candidacy, although I am not one. The Council's decision is final as far as I'm concerned. As long as the election is honest (and as you are a woman of honour I have no doubt your's would be) I will raise no objections whatsoever. However, if CEO Morgan retains and the Believer's go on a spending spree, I will look into the matter.
August 22, 2001, 20:05
To: Commisioner Lal and Datajack Roze
From: Captain Svensgaard
Here is my plan, I go to both of your home bases and kick both your rear ends until you people smart up.
Lal, you been democraticly elected to lead your faction, so YOUR the boss, not your damn generals. Who cares what they think of you afterwards, your the leader and the one deciding what the Peacekeepers should do. If you do something right, but your people think its not, then their the idiots.
Roze, so your saying your officially momentarily cancel pact with everybody in the Alliance? Ain't that overdoing it, just because Lal can't see eye to eye with ya? The only people arguing at the moment is you two. Rest of the Alliance, except for me, as been quiet.
What reasons do I have to care? Well, both of you have the biggest navies on Chiron after the Pirates for one.
Captain Svensgaard
August 23, 2001, 05:09
Local Time: 14:21
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Private Message: Enhanced encryption
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Chiron Alliance (Roze still included)
Why don't you and I stop insulting each other and seek a solution to the problem instead? Like you say, this bickering and exchange of accusations is getting us precisely nowhere. I suppose it wasn't such a great idea to "drag our personal mess before the entire Alliance", but I felt our allies should know what our problem was now that they already knew there was a problem. I am not going to continue this argument any further, I just want to apologize for my part in this mess. What else do you need?
August 23, 2001, 05:45
Local Time: 15:21
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
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Maximum encryption
To: Colonel Santiago
From: Sister Miriam
The Crusade Committee is very interested in the presented plan. They have decided to send a group of experts with detailed information of the campaign to use the available Command Nexus. General Peterson will contact you later on to sort out the details.
What comes to the plan of assaulting the Nest of Fear, ideas of that direction have been aired in the Committee for some while now. I was thinking of dedicating production for constructing Transports, but now it seems I will not have to impair too much "civilian" production towards the military.
Private message
To: Datajack Roze
From: Sister Miriam
I find it appalling that you think I would succumb to treating my citizens in that manor, Roze. Several food and medical transports have been attempted to send to those fringe bases in need, but sporadic attacks by small boils of mind worms have usually destroyed them. As soon as I can arrange proper escort, the bases will be resupplied normally. You are a saving grace, I admit that.
I would say that you can ease off from the supplies in a few weeks, as some fungal beds will be cleared out and military escorts have been finished.
What comes to the Special Forces restricting the traffic of the aid convoys... I am preparing an official announcement for the entire council, regarding the aid supplies. I suggest you wait for it, Datajack.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
August 23, 2001, 10:34
Local Time: 07:21
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Spartan Diplomatic Corp.
To: Planetary Council
From: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
There is a smell of war in the air. It seems that everyone is searching for an excuse to unleash what I’m sure they see as their invulnerable armies. But there will be no increase in readiness of Spartan forces on this planet. We will take each event and judge it accordingly. Sparta is prepared to go to war with anyone, ( He looks in the direction of the Pirate delegation ) but we fail to see why this should be necessary. Have it be known that we will defend our allies from all aggression.
Is everyone so eager to restart the slaughter? Oh I am sure that each of you will say that you are only taking a precaution. But we see it as preparation. We in Sparta sense fear from the other factions. That and just a little eagerness to restart the killing of the past. How easily you have forgotten what war means. Sparta suggest that the leaders of the factions actually visit the troops that they would have wage their campaigns. They should get a feel of what it means to fight. Do not become isolated in your capitals and begin to see your people and bases mere pawns on a chess board.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
August 23, 2001, 19:26
Local Time: 12:21
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Posts: 459
Private Message : Standard Encryption
From: Datajack Roze
To: Sister Miriam
I appologize Sister, it is not I but some of my Governor's who raised those concerns. I did not mean to offend.
As for further aid shipments, let me no when you wish to make further arrangements.
Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
From: Datajack Roze
To: Chiron Alliance
Lal, I am not some infantile child who is incapable of making a rational decision when I am insulted. I did not withdraw the Data Angels from the Alliance to spite. Quite simply, the Chiron Alliance does not what mean what it did when I signed on, and I see no further need to be a part of it. I will make arrangements with those I can work with outside of the agreements of the Alliance. And no matter what how much your General Braddock hopes to see me come crawling back, I have no plans for further relations with the U.N. for the time being.
My time with the Alliance is over Lal accept what has happened and move on.
August 24, 2001, 08:36
Local Time: 14:21
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Location: Bergen, Norway
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Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Datajack Roze
Cc: Chiron Alliance
We don't want you to crawl.
We just think this is a big mistake by both sides, not just by yourself.
I know you're really not in the mood, but I propose we exchange apologies and get over it.
Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Chiron Alliance (This time Roze is left out...)
Now what to do about the election?
In spite of all that has happened, we just might agree to vote for Roze if she was to return to the alliance. However, that doesn't seem likely at the moment...
General Message
From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
To: Planetary Council
The Spartan representative speaks of war. This comes as no surprise. However, he takes an interesting approach this time. Invulnerable armies?? Come on! We all know that such a notion is about as close to reality as dry rain or flat mountains. While we welcome any attempt to defuse potentially dangerous situations, we fail to see Sparta doing anything of the kind. If Spartans want peace, then they should withdraw from the Western Continent and allow that conflict to be settled in a civilized manner instead of seeking only to escalate it further.
August 24, 2001, 16:45
Local Time: 15:21
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Private message
To: Datajack Sinder Roze
From: Sister Miriam Godwinson
None taken, Datajack. Governors can sometimes get problematic 
The BDC forgot to mention the Aid supplies in the statement, but I can say beforehand that at least one or two convoys more will be needed.
The Believers will pay their debts in the future, Roze, and I would like to say that you can have all of my support in your endeavour to withdraw from the Alliance.
Sister Miriam
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
August 24, 2001, 18:15
Local Time: 12:21
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Posts: 459
Private Message
From: Minister of Factional Relations Elizabeth Harris
To: Comissoner Lal
I'm sorry Comissoner, Datajack Roze is unavailable at this time. If there is anything you wish to discuss, I will be glad to be of assistance.
Governor Harris, Safe House City
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
August 24, 2001, 22:07
Local Time: 12:21
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From: Unkown 0:05
To: Chiron Alliance
I know about the accident in the University.
There may be more to it than you think.
All should fear for their Cities.
Lest they become destroyed like an old kitchen sink.
From: Unknown 0:07
To: Chiron Alliance
Black and Blue
Me and You
Nerve Gas
Our side
Another was ther-
****That t'was the last transmission****
From: Unknown 0:10
To: Zakharov
Nerve gas not to kill--------- (Breaks off)
From: Zakharov
To: Chiron Alliance
Nerve gas not to kill--------- (Breaks off)
What do you believe this may refer to?
Some strange ecological sect trying to frame us?
I will invite people to study this private message to me- sent at 00:10 hours this morning and formulate their own opinions.
However, the nerve gas site is off limits.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 25, 2001, 07:05
Local Time: 14:21
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
Private Message
From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
I am Cult Ambassador Quzer, the official representative of The Cult of Planet in the Planetary Council.
Ambassador, I have only one question. Why? Why are you still thirsty for revenge? You preach to other factions to avoid war, but your faction continues to throw more coal into the war between us and the Believers.
You value factional sovereignity, but you constantly meddle into others business. This war might have ended a long time ago, if it wasn´t for you and the Hive pushing the foolish Believers to throw themselves into the mercy of the fungus and the worms.
So, why? Is this because we helped the Peacekeepers defend themselves against your aggression so long ago? Believe me, that was just business, they gave us technology and we gave them troops. Or is this just some long lasted plan to get the votes of the Believers for your leader?
What do you want from us!? tell us your terms so we might get atleast a few steps closer to ending this bloody and pointless crusade.
August 27, 2001, 19:16
Local Time: 07:21
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To: Planetary Council
From: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
I just want to remind the UN Ambassador that the only ones on the western continent that is there uninvited are the Peacekeepers. In fact, Sparta was forced to increase our troop numbers because of the uninvited UN presence. Their so called outpost called New Hope, is an affront to factional sovereignty. Where will be the next place they intervene? Should the Data Angels and Morganites expect UN troops to appear on their border?
Colonel Santiago will be arriving at the Planetary Council Base in a few weeks.
Private Message
To: Cult Ambassador Quzer
From: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
Ambassador Quzer, Sparta has a long memory. What you refer to as just business was taken as an insult to our honor. But our current relations is by no means solely determined by your slight all those years ago. As in your case earlier, this is a matter of business. This is not the place to talk of terms. Any talks must include our allies the Believers. I can say that if you would be willing to offer the good Sister Miriam Spore Runner Sanctum and Nest of Fear as buffer zones, she may be willing to call of her crusade. This is off the record of course.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Sister Miriam Godwinson
From: Colonel Santiago
Sister Miriam. As you may be aware of by now a convoy of transports is on its way to Redemption Base. Once the convoy enters Believer waters, title of the two transports will be turned over to you. We have recently been building cruiser transports to replace our fleet. The transports that you will be take possession of have gone through inspections to make sure that you are getting excellent equipment. Along with the transport you will receive the equipment that you requested. The escorting cruiser Leonides and its supporting foils will return to Spartan waters after the hand over is made. If you desire, the Leonides can transport any individuals you choose back to Sparta where they will be given access to the Command Nexus in Sparta Command. There they can provide input into upcoming operations on your continent.
I have a question for you. At Commanders keep, a colony pod is nearing completion. I would like to transport that colony pod to the large island off the west coast of your territory. Near Redemption Base. This would serve as our headquarters in your area of the world. This could also be used as a marshalling point for any future troops that the situation may require. The facilities there will of course be made available to Believing Troops on a needed basis. We are also preparing a plan to secure the Mount Planet area since we fear that the Pirates are threatening to reieforce their presence in the area. This would entail establising an outpost at the coordinants (66,100). This is a stratigic jucture near the base of Mount Planet and and the sea. This in no way means that we are claiming this as Spartan territory. Even though this is an unclaimed region, we view this as future Believer terriory. In fact we activly encourage ,if at all possible, for you to establish a Believer presence in this region. I believe that my respresentive in your capital has already mentioned this.
On a final note. Our representative in the Planetary Council has reveived a message from the Cult ambassador. I instructed him to remain vague about any possible peace terms. I had him suggest that if the Cult were to cede Spore Runner Sanctum and Nest of Fear to you then the Believers may be interested in peace terms. In this matter, Sparta will continue to defer to your authority on peace terms. I am about to depart for the Planetary Council Base. In my absence, Marshal Kessel will have full authority to run the Spartan Federation. I will depart from Sparta's western shore and head towards your territory. I have decided to make my way to the Planatery Council Base by way of your territory in order that I might visit my troops stationed there. When my fleet arrives at Redemption Base one of my transport jets will be waiting to fly me the rest of the way to the Council Base. If you wish, you may accompany me to the Council Session. If not then I fully understand. I even look forward to possibly meet you if your busy schedule premits. Does this meet with your approval.
Last edited by Sprayber; August 30, 2001 at 02:11.
August 28, 2001, 03:13
Local Time: 14:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
To: Planetary Council
I am well aware that our presence on the Western Continent is - in the words of the Spartan representative - "uninvited". We are not about to just sit idly by and watch a disaster of this magnitude simply because nobody sees fit to "invite" us to try and do something about it. That is not the way we work and you all know it.
The Spartan representative claims that "Sparta was forced to increase our troop numbers because of the uninvited UN presence".
Will you claim you were "forced" to attack us next?
September 5, 2001, 00:57
Local Time: 22:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Private Message
Encryption Level 5
From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
To: Colonel Corazon Santiago
Well, Corazon, I'm sure you've heard by now. I will not be defending my position as Planetary Governor.
The Americans learned two centuries ago on Earth that when you cannot unite your clique, to the last tiny nation, you will fall to someone who can. That is why I have thrown in the towel. Divided, we can be overpowered one by one by that maniac Svensgaard or that adolescent Roze. Together, we shall stand.
But I implore you, Corazon, to keep a level head. Being the Governor does not make you invulnerable. Do not allow yourself to be provoked into something that you cannot control. Roze is willing to throw away everything to hurt her enemies. Please, do not lower yourself to her level.
Nwabudike Morgan
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 7, 2001, 10:44
Local Time: 14:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
At the Planetary Council Base...
U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes receives some kind of message and disappear momentarily. When she returns, there is a smug, satisfied look on her face. She walks right over to the Spartan delegation, where she stops in front of Karl Solo's desk, looks him straight in the eye and winks suggestively. She takes a deep breath and lets out a blissful sigh.
"Well, well... Where do you want me to start?"
September 7, 2001, 12:25
Local Time: 07:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Representative Solo responds to the Ambassador's question by saying that "Well you can start by telling me where you got that wonderful perfume. Because I have already been informed about the rest of what I know you want to talk about." Solo leans back in his chair. "And before we get into a pointless argument, I would remind the Ambassador that Sparta has never signed any peace treaty with the Cult of Planet. Therefore we are breaking no rules. In fact, our patience has been remarkable for the past 17 years. Considering Sparta is technically still at war with the Cult, the fact that we haven't lauched a full scale invasion of their territory is speaks highly of our restraint. Oh and before you drag this out into council, I would wait just a bit. Considering our forces have obtained information about offensive weapons being place somewhat near your New Hope." Solo leans forward and gets close to the PK Ambassador. "Isabella, How is it that such weapons could be in place without PK knowledge?"
[OOC: Note the use of her first name. Spartans almost never use first names when addressing someone  ]
September 7, 2001, 14:36
Local Time: 15:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
Posts: 8,638
Father Theodore is not present at the building, but at his residence he soon receives a message from the Headquarters, and soon he is sitting at his terminal...
General Message
From: Father Theodore Deacon
To: Representative Isabella Fuentes of the Peacekeepers,
and the Planetary Council
I would like to hear some of what was going on in our southern aerospace. Spartan jets and Hive choppers engaged Cult units, as the Believers, the Hive and the Spartans have agreed upon, and suddenly New Hope dispatched interceptors forcing the Spartans to disengage. The Spartans have not established a peace treaty with the Cult, and I am anxious to learn, what were the rights that entitled the Peacekeeper jets to intervene?
Not to mention the fact that the Believers have not been informed of PK aerial capabilities stationed near their borders. This could be considered an act of war.
Private message
From: Sister Miriam Godwinson
To: Colonel Santiago, Chairman Yang
Your support for our military effort is greatly appreciated. Without your help, the Cult's locusts could plague our faction with no avail. I am going to question Lal on intercepting your craft.
Sister Miriam
OOC: That covers it for the day
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 7, 2001, 21:08
Local Time: 12:21
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From: Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky
To: Planetary Council
Dear Council,
The University would like to inquire about an interesting matter.
We were informed of a certain 'situation' by a "source" (OOC: Morganite Ally Traders) and we have reason to believe that certain factions have been shooting at their allies.
This is distressing news, and Zakharov would not believe it at first... But after careful consideration and weighing the facts... He decided to ask the council where they stand in relation to war.
The University asks this because we wish to have no part in a war which has nothing to do with us... and everything to do with the Fanatical Believers and... slightly misguided Cultists.
Also, the stance of factions in this alleged... 'war' will affect the University's Planetary Governor vote.
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September 8, 2001, 09:58
Local Time: 15:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
Posts: 8,638
General Message
From: Father Theodore
To: Planetary Council
Originally posted by Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky
Dear Council,
The University would like to inquire about an interesting matter.
We were informed of a certain 'situation' by a "source" and we have reason to believe that certain factions have been shooting at their allies.
Mister Davidson-Splertrovsky, could you please elaborate on the names of these factions.
And I advice you to refrain from using the word "fanatical", as it has and always has had a bad ring, ever since Earth.
Or would the University have it's citizens be called with as insulting adjectives as "fanatical"?
Father Theodore Deacon, Believing Representative to Council
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 8, 2001, 10:40
Local Time: 12:21
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
Originally posted by kassiopeia
General Message
From: Father Theodore
To: Planetary Council
Mister Davidson-Splertrovsky, could you please elaborate on the names of these factions.
And I advice you to refrain from using the word "fanatical", as it has and always has had a bad ring, ever since Earth.
Or would the University have it's citizens be called with as insulting adjectives as "fanatical"?
Father Theodore Deacon, Believing Representative to Council
From: Ambassador Davidson-Splertrovsky
To: Father Theodore
The factions names cannot be cited... However, the belief is that your faction has been receiving aid from at least two factions who do not support the Cult... The University believes in fair play, if one country helps another country against its allies it must have a good reason- it is possible another world war is on the horizon?
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
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