October 9, 2001, 21:46
Local Time: 12:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 459
General Address
From: Datajack Roze
To: Planetary Council
All right Captain, I will concede. I will not be a hypocrite in this matter. As all it means is restricting my units to within my own borders, which is the result of recent policies anyway, I am willing to support your accord. Am I right in the assumption that each faction will be allowed to maintain an offensive capable force for purposes of defence? If that is the case, then I'm willing to be the first faction with the "guts" to support your motion. But if Datatech territory is attacked, we will respond with whatever force we deem necessary, including the possibility of an attack on the agressor faction(s)' territory. If those stipulations are acceptable Captain, then you have my support. It can't hurt I suppose.
October 10, 2001, 04:10
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
There appears to be some commotion in the U.N. delegation, with lots of messages being passed around and matters being discussed in hushed whispers... This goes on for some time... Finally, Ambassador Fuentes rises to address the council. Her expression is pretty serious... She steps away from her desk and walks out onto the center floor before speaking...
"Several matters need to be addressed... I'll try to be brief..."
"First of all, I would like to say that we are delighted to see that the Believers and the Cult are finally talking to each other again, but as for New Hope we're not ready to pack it up and call it a day just yet. First we need to see if these negotiations are truly going somewhere and that the results can be seen and felt out there in the field and not just in here so many hundreds of miles away." She pauses for a moment. "However, we are prepared to withdraw our forces from the New Hope base as part of a peaceful settlement to the conflict, and with the help of naval and transport assets already in the area, our forces can be out of there and off the continent in less than a week once the decision is made to withdraw them. For now we will sit tight and try to keep a low profile, as we believe the parties should be allowed to sort things out between themselves as much as possible. However, we are ready to help at any time if help is asked."
She turns to face the Spartan delegation.
"Mr. Solo, I have a strong feeling you've been trying to tell me something, but I am afraid I still don't see your point. The impression I keep getting from listening to you is that you basically want to blame us Peacekeepers for all that has ever gone wrong anywhere in the universe since the beginning of time, and that when the end of time comes, you'll probably blame us for that too. Quite frankly, I find this rather ridiculous, and I'm not prepared to accept that kind of responsibility. You keep saying we're not immune to being wrong, but I never said we were. None of us ever said we were. We're not gods, we are human beings. Nothing more... -and nothing less..."
"As for Santiago's proposal, I am afraid it has a major flaw, which is why we haven't taken more of an interest in it. It assumes that our only purpose at New Hope is to restrain Sparta, which is not the case. Hence, I am afraid the proposal is actually quite unrealistic in its' present form. I propose we wait and see what the Believers and the Cult might come up with, then see where we go from there."
She turns to face Captain Svensgaard and sighs.
"I have no comments to the Captain's proposal at this time."
She pauses again and looks around.
"However, we may have an important announcement to make soon."
October 10, 2001, 13:45
Local Time: 07:22
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Solo sat back in his chair and closed his eyes while the Ambassador made her statement. He thought about his grandfather’s words on why the UN would never work. He thought about the endless sessions that he sat through while the world reduced itself to rubble. Solo’s attentions was brought back to the current day when his name was mentioned by the Ambassador. He listened to what she had to say and simply shook his head. “They would never get it” he thought to himself. (They are so consumed with their ideals that they could not see what they were doing as being wrong.) Solo had no doubt that most of them meant well. But they did not know what they were doing and most importantly could never be convinced that they should try other ways. Solo made a mental note to include that in his report to the Colonel after this whole mess was over. Solo had still not made up his mind if he should recommend that Sparta go forth with operation Market Garden or not. Kessel had expressed reservations but had also stated that Sparta might not have a choice. As usual the Colonel presented a neutral expression on the operation. Planners in the Command Nexus had assured her that the operation could be done in a matter of weeks which would give little time for the other factions to intervene. If the Colonel did not win the election, then the operation would almost have to be implemented. Solo was not looking forward to explaining to everyone here about Market Garden if and when it happened. He knew that the Hive would welcome it. And that maybe the Believers and even the Morganites would understand. But he knew the Pks would be screaming at the top of their lungs. A smile crossed his face at the thought of Isabella’s face. She looked quite attractive when she got angry. When Solo got a chance, he stood up and addressed the council.
“Sparta will not accept the Pirate demands.” He stopped for a minute to gather his thoughts. “It appears that the Peacekeepers and Pirates will not accept our reasonable offer either. After some thought, it appears that we are going about this the wrong way. I suggest that a third party come up with a suggestion., and the parties involved look at it. Again, I speak only for Sparta. Sparta would suggest that the Morgans and possibly a second party act as a go between in these matters. To give the Morgans some idea about Spartan goals, these are some points.
1. Athens Outpost is a direct affront to Spartan sovereignty. It is an attempt to goad us into war by the Pirates. We believe that it was done with PK approval.
2. Pirate aggression at sea. Officially, the Pirate government disapproves of piracy. But unofficially they use it as a means of harassment and profiteering. Their so called escort of vessels are an affront to national sovereignty.
3. Believer security. The Cult is a threat to humanity as long as it is allowed to use native organisms as weapons. And it is not lost on us that many of you have allowed them to harvest these on your territories. We will not compromise on Believer security from native attacks or from conventional attacks.
4. PK naivety. What else needs to be said.
5. Factional rights. We in Sparta believe that the term faction is outdated. I believe that the Hive and many others will concur that our societies have outgrown the need to continue the charade of a unified mission. We do recognize that cooperation is important., but not at the expense of independence. Internal affairs should be left out of any discussion in this council, unless those disputes cross over into another’s territory. This would include certain attempts to spread propaganda to a nations citizens for the sole purpose of inciting riots and rebellion.
6. Colonization. We respect the right of a nation to expand. But we do not approve of factions expanding for the sole purpose of stealing future lands from another. We also think that the Pirate’s practice of setting up sea bases along the coast of another’s territory is nothing more than attempts at strangulation. They set up a base off the coast and complain when their territory is violated. In our view, it is simple theft. Those who colonize close to another’s are looking for one thing. That is confrontation.
If our opponents are interested in peace, then I think they should have no problem in seeking a solution from a third party.” Solo turns to the Cult member. “If your little prophet truly thinks that Sparta is afraid of you or your little worms, then the Colonel invites you to try whatever you have to. We have many interesting ways of killing your little worms. The crackling sound of worms being flamed is a soothing one in Sparta. Perhaps you shall hear it soon.” Solo turn to his desk and transmits a written list of the Spartan points to the Morganites and other members of the council.
Private Message
From: Representative Karl Solo
To: Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
Simple point is this. Stop interfering in affairs that have nothing to do with your government. You are not our masters, you are not in any special position to dictate terms to us or anyone else in the council. Your motives might be pure, but you only end up delaying what needs to happen. Sparta never apologized for our wrong doings in the past, we simple changed and was done with it. Your attempts to make everyone live up to your ideals will only lead Chiron to repeat the mistakes of Earth.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
October 10, 2001, 21:22
Local Time: 07:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: New York State
Posts: 503
(OOC: I'm really starting to enjoy propagandizing in the council. Don't worry, if something seems to be exaggerated or misrepresented, it's probably intentional)
From: Sau-ji Tseng
To: Council
Firstly, I would like to adress the honorable representative of Captain Svensgard. If the Captain does not think the cause of removing our forces from the western continent sufficiently important to his faction to warrant concessions on his part, then so be it. But he should know that the Hive is not his lackey, nor is it intimidated by his veiled threats. We will not abandon our friends and allies, and we will not withdraw from the western continent without assurances of the continued security of our faction and of our allies. Furthermore, we would like to call attention to the blatant interference of the Pirate faction in our affairs, and particularly in aiding and abetting a terrorist rebel movement in our territory, violating our faction waters, and sinking our vessels.
Secondly, I would like to adress ambassador Fuentes. I suggest that if her faction does not desire to be blamed for what goes wrong in all parts of the world, that it not stick its head into all parts of the world. It is only natural that once you proclaim yourself the rightful ruler of the earth, your subjects demand an accounting. You seem to think you can solve the world's problems, so naturally, we blame you when you fail at this task which you have chosen for yourselves.
I would also like to adress ambassador Quzer of the Cult of Planet. Your faction, ambassador, is like a man on a ship starts tearing up the planks in his cabin. As the water begins to pour into the ship, the other passengers approach him and demand that he stop. He responds "it is my cabin, I have the right to do as I please." Your reckless manipulation of Planet's native life is endangering us all, and your patronizing pontifications (or are they veiled threats?) are not fooling anyone.
Finally, I would like to endorse, on behalf of the Hive Central Committee, the peace plan set out by the Spartan faction.
October 11, 2001, 07:30
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
There is still a lot of activity in the U.N. delegation.
However, Isabella Fuentes has been sitting absolutely still and silent for the past several minutes, apparently paying close attention to the Spartan and Hive representatives. She also looks down momentarily to check her screen a couple of times when what appears to be private messages arrive. She quickly reads each message, but does not appear to respond in any way to either of them. When they hive representative is done talking, she rises again to answer. Her expression is carefully neutral at this point, although those who pay attention and "know" her can detect some sadness and perhaps just a little bit of resignation...
As she slowly steps out onto the center floor, she makes eye contact in turn with Solo, Captain Svensgaard and the Datatech representative Rebecca Katt. Upon reaching the center of the floor, she pauses momentarily and stares off into the distance, taking a deep breath before her eyes once again come to rest on Solo at the Spartan desk.
"What we have here is not just a matter of simple disagreement..."
Her voice trails off and she hesitates for a moment, shrugs and lets out a soft sigh of frustration.
Straightening up and taking another deep breath, she looks the Spartan representative straight in the eye and tries again...
"Karl, I'd like to say we need to talk, but I'm not sure if it will get us anywhere..."
Another shrug. Another frustrated sigh.
"We just plain don't understand each other at all, do we?"
Without waiting for an answer, she seems to snap out of it and regains her carefully neutral composure.
"We have an important announcement to make. Firstly though, I shall briefly answer Mr. Solo's last little speech. We accept the idea of having a third party come up with a proposal. However, the Morgans hardly seem neutral in this context. Nevertheless, we are prepared to let them give it a try, but we propose they should work together with representatives from at least one other faction. Our candidate is the Free Drones."
"For the record, we did not approve anything in regards to the Pirates' Athens Outpost. However, we did not seriously object to it either, so I guess you have a point..."
"Now for our important announcement..."
She turns to face her own delegation and gives a slight nod...
General Message
From: Commissioner Pravin Lal
To: Planetary Council
It appears I have little or no support outside my own "faction".
Consequently, I have decided to withdraw my candidacy and I'm no longer running for Planetary Governor.
October 11, 2001, 07:36
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Isabella Fuentes is still standing in the center...
After a period of silence, she indicates that she has one more announcement to make...
"The U.N. Peacekeepers abstain. We will not support either candidate."
October 11, 2001, 20:52
Local Time: 22:22
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[In the hush that follows the announcement, CEO Morgan and his entourage enter the Council chamber fresh from the airport. Quietly they move to the Morganic desk. Morgan converses quietly with Aron Fleischer for several minutes. Then he makes his statement...]
Permission to speak?
Firstly, I would like to reiterate the commitment of Morgan Industries to the Western Continent Peace Process and the general de-engagement between the former Alliance bloc and the Spartans and Hive.
And I would like to say that the venerable Ambassador Fuentes should not preach to anyone about neutrality. The Peacekeeper faction is hardly neutral, as one would - perhaps naively - infer from its name. There has not been such a thing as a neutral country for hundreds of years. It is for this reason that such engagement as we are about to embark upon must come from the heart, and must be pursued seriously.
Which brings me to my second point. I have been briefed on Captain Svensgaard's proposal for "world peace". You speak of pulling all nations' military forces back within their borders. Admirable as the vision of a world without war is, it is unattainable. Who will enforce this utopia? You? The Peacekeepers? We are not on Earth any longer. There is no United States. There are no superpowers at all, and as such no-one has the capability or the right to act as the global policeman. And I put it to you that anyone who wishes to be taken seriously as a leader and as a diplomat should not propose permanent vendetta on any nations who accidentally transgress borders. De-militarization does not work unless the parties to be disarmed consent. Few have disarmed voluntarily in the past. Will they do so now, with your navy poised to engulf them?
Finally, I propose a resolution to modify the U.N. Charter, with the view to outlawing unauthorized planting of xenofungus. Fungus disrupts food supplies, spawns dangerous native life forms, and hence can be used as an extremely effective biological agent.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
October 11, 2001, 22:43
Local Time: 12:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
Posts: 11,873
The University Responds:
Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky
Dear Spartan Ambassador Solo,
In your list of points to end the war, I would like to note that on the issue of number 1 of the points, the University has no official stance.
About issue number 2, Point 1 I would like to call for stricter rules in governing the sea provinces, the University would support a law outlawing any form of sea-piracy, even in the event of war. The punishment for sea-piracy of a nation will be a declaration of economic sanctions, and possibly, war.
Point 2
If the nation is not proven to have sponsored privateering, then the nation will be ordered to crack down on said pirates. If a significant decrease in pirate activity is not acheived by two to three decurns (weeks) time, then point one will be enacted.
The University's reaction on Point three is that if our allies, the Cult, wish to harvest the unnatural mindworms from our lands, they should be able to- if they cannot control the mindworms, they must be ordered to destroy the mindworms.
The University considers it a legal ability to use mindworms against enemies in times of war- in times of war all modes of destruction should be avaliable to the said parties. It is only logical!
On issue #4 we agree fully with Sparta
On issue #5- we would disagree with too much interference in a faction's own affairs of state. The University believes in a united Chiron, however it seems that many factions (OOC: IE the Believers, Cyborgs) do not believe in unity and instead incite rebellion and break away from their rightful factions. Unity is how great countries like the USSR, EU, and America were formed- and Unity is how we shall exist on Chiron.
We are also agree with the Spartans on the propoganda issue, and are against excessive use of propoganda
On Issue #6 the University agrees fully
The University wishes for a united Chiron- a peaceful Chiron where trade and research flourish side by side. A police state of sorts, but do not police states function well- look at Fascist Germany for example- Police States are the future of Chiron- Sparta knows how to be efficient- the University knows how to be efficient, and others do- we should unite- not seperate.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
October 11, 2001, 22:46
Local Time: 12:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Deity of Lists
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Finally, I propose a resolution to modify the U.N. Charter, with the view to outlawing unauthorized planting of xenofungus. Fungus disrupts food supplies, spawns dangerous native life forms, and hence can be used as an extremely effective biological agent.
The University agrees with the peackeepers on this issue. Fungus is an impedement to the economic development of Chiron and no more of it must grow- we should preserve what we have for future study- but the amount that exists should never grow- it should remain steady, lest we all revert to nomads and leave our sparkling cities.
-I D-S
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
October 12, 2001, 02:55
Local Time: 14:22
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Ambassador Fuentes appears only marginally interested in hearing what Morgan and Davidson-Splertovsky have to say, as she and her staff seem rather busy at the moment...
Are they... packing ? ?
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
October 12, 2001, 08:57
Local Time: 14:22
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Cult ambassador Quzer
To: Planetary Council
Ladies and Gentlemen,
After a long considering the Cult has decided to not abstain. Instead, we will vote for Datajack Sinder Roze
October 12, 2001, 09:22
Local Time: 07:22
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From: Representative Solo
To: Planetary Council
I must protest. The Cult has already made it’s vote and it has been recorded. There are procedures that must be followed. If the Cult wishes to vote for our esteemed Datajack Rose, they will have to wait until the next election. They have made their decision, nowlet them deal with it. If they can change their mind on this now, how can we consider negotiating with them over important matters in the future. Now is the time in which they show us if they can be counted on to be reliable. Sparta and the rest of the world waits and watches. Does it not seem strange that the Cult now says that the Angels are worthy of their vote?
[OOC: What. Do you think the Spartans wouldn’t notice or care?]
October 12, 2001, 09:35
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Playing chess with polar bears
Posts: 249
From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Planetary Council
Representative Solo, do I hear anger in your tone? Maybe I hit a soft spot. How interesting of your to throw a bargain of threats immediately when fear is mentioned, maybe your really are afraid of native lifeforms.
But dont worry, we understand, so many of your people have probably died in wildworm attacks, which you cursed on yourself because of your polluting industry. But remember that those wildworms are not killing you for fun. They have just been born in their world, which is slowly but surely being destroyed by a plague called the Spartans.
So they too are afraid, afraid what will happen to them when their world has been ripped apart and turned into factories and farms.
Representative Sau-ji Tseng, you speak that the Cult endangers all. By how, might I ask? You preach about factional soveregnity, but in fact you basicly say in your last adressment, that we are responsible to each and everyone. We are not creating somesort of doomdevice here, and we are not threatning anyone. We are studying the native life, and cooperating with it. How does that endanger us all, could you please answer representative.
I don´t understand, why do you paint us a threat to humanity, while we have never engaged hostilities with anyone. We wanted to be left alone, but instead the Believers have launched three devastating to both sides but unsuccesful attacks in a row on us.
What is this talk of banning fungus planting. You people haven´t just realised its potential. If you´re worried about transportation disruption, look at our Xenofungus Dome. With it, our transportation is even faster than on road. And if you´re worried about dangerous lifeforms, again look at us and the Gaians. Are the native lifeforms hostile towards us? It is only a matter of how you treat them. Come to our ecological conference, and we´ll teach you.
(OOC: that last sentence sounded as if it was from TV Shop  )
October 12, 2001, 09:49
Local Time: 07:22
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 4,140
Solo stands up.
Colonol Santiago doesn't make threats. Only promisies. And any hint of fear or anger was your mind playing tricks on you. Sorry to dissapoint you but your faction is no threat to Sparta. We just wish to save your people from their twisted little master and his worms. But once again, I invite you to take action instead of just talking. We have gotten rid of one cult. One more won't make that much of a difference.
[OOC: I don't think Solo or Santiago fears the cult. They look on the cult as a danger to humanity with their fascination with the worms, but they don't fear the little cult in the least]
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
October 12, 2001, 14:24
Local Time: 15:22
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
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Father Deacon rises from his desk and speaks up.
"There have been some very reasonable commentary regarding the use of native lifeforms in combat.
In Far Jericho, we have a special hospital used to treat people, soldiers and civilians, attacked by these mind worms, or 'native lifeforms' as they are so called by the Cultists.
I have been to that hospital when working as the vice governor of Far Jericho, and I have witnessed only a glimpse of the horror. After rendering you incapable for anything by presenting images straight from Hell, these unholy critters crawl in from your ears and eat your brain tissue away. And the victim is fully alive during the procedure.
Some have survived a worm infection, but are severely disabled or even brain-dead. Those who have only been shown the pain of Hell in these 'harmless' psychological images are in a coma, or catatonic at best.
We have comforted the families of the sufferers, ensuring them that their closests souls will live eternally with Lord God. And they will.
I hope that the Council will see the light in this matter, and prohibit all warfare utilizing these demonic beasts."
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 12, 2001, 15:38
By default, everything svensgaard says in the council is for the council to hear...
[OOC: ...unless privately address to someone]
Originally posted by Argonaut
General Address
From: Datajack Roze
To: Planetary Council
All right Captain, I will concede. I will not be a hypocrite in this matter. As all it means is restricting my units to within my own borders, which is the result of recent policies anyway, I am willing to support your accord. Am I right in the assumption that each faction will be allowed to maintain an offensive capable force for purposes of defence? If that is the case, then I'm willing to be the first faction with the "guts" to support your motion. But if Datatech territory is attacked, we will respond with whatever force we deem necessary, including the possibility of an attack on the agressor faction(s)' territory. If those stipulations are acceptable Captain, then you have my support. It can't hurt I suppose.
Yes, my proposal would alow factions to keep their offensive abilities, aslong as they stay within their borders.
Captain Svensgaard
October 12, 2001, 16:29
Svensgaard as been paying attention to Solo almost the whole time he was at the council. He doesn't trust the Spartans and has good reason. Something in Solo's eyes and the way he grinned before he spoke. The Spartans are up to something.
1. Athens Outpost is a direct affront to Spartan sovereignty. It is an attempt to goad us into war by the Pirates. We believe that it was done with PK approval.
And Fleet Anchorage is not to the Nautilus Pirates? Athen Outpost was establish in a territory not claimed by the Spartans, so we had all the rights in establishing it. Besides, the outpost is simply defensive.
2. Pirate aggression at sea. Officially, the Pirate government disapproves of piracy. But unofficially they use it as a means of harassment and profiteering. Their so called escort of vessels are an affront to national sovereignty.
You ar mistaken, the Nautilus government doesn't SUPPORT piracy, which is a big difference to dissaproving. How can escort of vessels be an affront to national sovereignty, especially when it was the Merchants, of various Factionalities, who requested escort? Under the Global Trade Agreement, we have the rights to accept these requests.
3. Believer security. The Cult is a threat to humanity as long as it is allowed to use native organisms as weapons. And it is not lost on us that many of you have allowed them to harvest these on your territories. We will not compromise on Believer security from native attacks or from conventional attacks.
As far as i am concerned, there wasn't a single Cult controlled mindworms who have ever entered believer territory. Any believer units who has been attacked by Cult Mindworms were within Cult territory. Also, the Believers are the aggressors, not the Cult. Anyway, the Gaians use mindworms, are they threat to Humanity?
4. PK naivety. What else needs to be said.
Spartans, what else needs to be said?
5. Factional rights. We in Sparta believe that the term faction is outdated. I believe that the Hive and many others will concur that our societies have outgrown the need to continue the charade of a unified mission. We do recognize that cooperation is important., but not at the expense of independence. Internal affairs should be left out of any discussion in this council, unless those disputes cross over into another’s territory. This would include certain attempts to spread propaganda to a nations citizens for the sole purpose of inciting riots and rebellion.
The word Faction suits us fine and besides, we simply cannot see the Spartans as a nation.
6. Colonization. We respect the right of a nation to expand. But we do not approve of factions expanding for the sole purpose of stealing future lands from another. We also think that the Pirate’s practice of setting up sea bases along the coast of another’s territory is nothing more than attempts at strangulation. They set up a base off the coast and complain when their territory is violated. In our view, it is simple theft. Those who colonize close to another’s are looking for one thing. That is confrontation.
Stealing Future lands? Who determines which lands will belong to whom? Well, I see the Spartans guilty in that matter as they stole "Future Lands" by establishing Fleet Anchorage. In reality, if you wanted certain territory, then get it before someone else does. Ain't our fault that the Spartans are to slow to claim the territory where Athens is located when we established it. It isn't theft, it it is getting to it before someone else does and the Spartans never claim the territory there. Words do not work in such matters.
As for Nautilus bases, we do not establish them off the coast. Actually, the closest to a coast we ever established a base is about 2000 kilometres. How is that off-the coast, hmm? If a faction wanted to control the waters near a coast, they simply got to establish a Base on that coast.
If our opponents are interested in peace, then I think they should have no problem in seeking a solution from a third party.” Solo turns to the Cult member. “If your little prophet truly thinks that Sparta is afraid of you or your little worms, then the Colonel invites you to try whatever you have to. We have many interesting ways of killing your little worms. The crackling sound of worms being flamed is a soothing one in Sparta. Perhaps you shall hear it soon.” Solo turn to his desk and transmits a written list of the Spartan points to the Morganites and other members of the council.
The Nautilus Pirates doesn't have any relations with the Cult, but if the Spartans ever place a single foot in Cult territory, the Pirates will declare vendetta on the basis of interfering in another Faction's Sovereignty and inteferating in a conflict solely between the Cult and the Believers. We are not fond of gang ups and bullying.
Captain Svensgaard
October 12, 2001, 16:35
Local Time: 07:22
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Location: New York State
Posts: 503
From: Sau-ji Tseng
To: The Planetary Council
We object to the Planet Cult's second vote. Elections for Planetary governor are to be held once every ten years, casting a second vote essentially constitutes a second election.
We believe that further negotiations and council proposals should be postponed until after the elections, and that negotiations should be conducted between the parties concerned without editorial comments from other factions. We would, however, like to clarify our position on the Cult's activities. The Hive has no objection, in principle, to the right of all factions to do as they please with their territory. No faction, however, has the right to let their territory be used as a base to attack other factions. It is now believed that all of the xenofungus patches and mindworm boils of Planet are in some way connected to each other. By aiding them, the Cult is aiding their attacks on other factions, and this is not acceptable.
October 12, 2001, 16:46
From: Sau-ji Tseng
To: Council
Firstly, I would like to adress the honorable representative of Captain Svensgard. If the Captain does not think the cause of removing our forces from the western continent sufficiently important to his faction to warrant concessions on his part, then so be it. But he should know that the Hive is not his lackey, nor is it intimidated by his veiled threats. We will not abandon our friends and allies, and we will not withdraw from the western continent without assurances of the continued security of our faction and of our allies.
The Hive is helping the AGGRESSOR, as it was the Believers who started the war with the Cult, for the third time. It is the Hive who are at Fault.
Furthermore, we would like to call attention to the blatant interference of the Pirate faction in our affairs, and particularly in aiding and abetting a terrorist rebel movement in our territory, violating our faction waters, and sinking our vessels.
The Nautilus Pirates seriously do not care what goes within the Hive and we do not support terrorism. If the people of Nautilus citizenry join any Rebel movement within another Faction's territory, it is by their choice, not the Nautilus governments. The people of the Nautilus Pirates have the choice to do almost anything they want as we do not opperate a Police State. So you cannot blame the Nautilus Pirates as a whole for what a few as done out of their own choices. The last time the Nautilus Pirate ever sunk a Hive ship was in self-defence when we attempting a peaceful mission of evacuating some people by their request, which we accepted on the basis that they were being oppressed. We have been through this countless times before and I see no reason why you should continue to bring this up in the council.
I would also like to adress ambassador Quzer of the Cult of Planet. Your faction, ambassador, is like a man on a ship starts tearing up the planks in his cabin. As the water begins to pour into the ship, the other passengers approach him and demand that he stop. He responds "it is my cabin, I have the right to do as I please." Your reckless manipulation of Planet's native life is endangering us all, and your patronizing pontifications (or are they veiled threats?) are not fooling anyone.
This little story can also be use about the ones who like to pollute a lot like the Hive, Spartans, Believers and etc.
Captain Svensgaard
October 13, 2001, 00:21
Local Time: 07:22
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The Nautilus Pirates doesn't have any relations with the Cult, but if the Spartans ever place a single foot in Cult territory, the Pirates will declare vendetta on the basis of interfering in another Faction's Sovereignty and inteferating in a conflict solely between the Cult and the Believers. We are not fond of gang ups and bullying.
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Planetary Council
Then go ahead and declare your vendetta now Captain, cause we will not be told what to do by you or any other leader on this planet. You have wanted war for a very long time. We see that you will have it one way or another. So I say again, declare your vendetta for I am tired of your adolesant postering.
As for the rest of Chiron. You have seen who has started things here today. The Pirates want to set themselves up as the final authority on Chiron. I suppose some of you may profit from this if you serve a purpose to them. but Sparta will not live like that. We will defend ourself at all costs and we will not bow down before anyone. We have no problem with any of the rest of you. But if you help our eneimes than you will become Sparta's enemy. This is a sad day that the immaturity of a single individual has brought us to the brink of war once again. But we will not back down. I suppose that Svensgard was afraid to trust a third party to settle disputes. Instead he beats his chest like so many claim that I do.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
October 13, 2001, 01:53
Local Time: 14:22
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Things appear to have settled somewhat in the U.N. delegation, and they don't appear to be leaving...
Ambassador Fuentes stands up to speak again...
"Well, Mr. Solo. I suppose this is your big chance. I will not 'stick my nose' into this matter at all. It's all yours to sort out on your own. That's what you've been crying for all along, isn't it?"
"As for the Cult's sudden second vote, we won't 'stick our heads' into that matter either, except to say that such a move is certainly not standard procedure." She pauses, then turns to face Morgan. "As acting Planetary Governor, I believe this matter is yours to sort out, Mr. Morgan."
Another pause.
"Now, Mr. Sau-ji Tseng of the Hive said something interesting a little while ago..."
Secondly, I would like to adress ambassador Fuentes. I suggest that if her faction does not desire to be blamed for what goes wrong in all parts of the world, that it not stick its head into all parts of the world. It is only natural that once you proclaim yourself the rightful ruler of the earth, your subjects demand an accounting. You seem to think you can solve the world's problems, so naturally, we blame you when you fail at this task which you have chosen for yourselves.
"In other words: when we see a potential problem and want to address it before it gets too big, you resist us with all your might and won't let us anywhere near it. Then, when things do go wrong, you suddenly become our 'subjects' and blame us for not fixing it. Nice logic! Convenient for you, no doubt, but hardly productive."
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
Last edited by Guardian; October 13, 2001 at 04:23.
October 13, 2001, 16:22
Local Time: 15:22
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From: Father Deacon
To: Planetary Council
Originally posted by Cpt. Svensgaard
The Hive is helping the AGGRESSOR, as it was the Believers who started the war with the Cult, for the third time. It is the Hive who are at Fault.
The two earlier Crusades have been settled with. The third one, however, was caused by the Cultists using native lifeforms in a desperate attempt to take over our borderline bases without giving us a "legal" right to defend ourselves.
But that is for now the matter of past. It is not healthy to seek the guilty in the forthcoming accords, since in wars there aren't guilty people, something that was still denied in the old Earth, and sometimes even on this world.
Outrageous human rights violations are another matter, and if with that right the Council would like to initiate a witch hunt to imprison human rights violationalists, I suggest they take the next flight to Dawn of Planet.
Captain Svensgaard sounds like a little child after a fight, pointing at the other one and crying: "But he started it!"
Father Theodore Deacon
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 13, 2001, 18:32
Local Time: 12:22
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Originally posted by Sprayber
From: Representative Solo
To: Planetary Council
I must protest. The Cult has already made it’s vote and it has been recorded. There are procedures that must be followed. If the Cult wishes to vote for our esteemed Datajack Rose, they will have to wait until the next election. They have made their decision, nowlet them deal with it. If they can change their mind on this now, how can we consider negotiating with them over important matters in the future. Now is the time in which they show us if they can be counted on to be reliable. Sparta and the rest of the world waits and watches. Does it not seem strange that the Cult now says that the Angels are worthy of their vote?
[OOC: What. Do you think the Spartans wouldn’t notice or care?]
From: Head Academician Prokhor Zakharov
To: Planetary Council
As much as the University would love to support the Cult's change of vote; the Cult of Planet must abide to the established procedures until those procedures are changed.
(OOC: yes, I know he is being hypocritical  )
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October 13, 2001, 19:06
Local Time: 12:22
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From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky
To: Planetary Council
The University does realize that the Pirate's commander, Svensgaard, does not have full control over all of his people; neither do the other factions- but this ruthless pillaging of seaports and seavessels must be stopped...
If Svensgaard is forced to send the energy and goods recovered from captured pirates, to factions molested by his men, who can use the profits from the goods to equip their seavessels, then the University will withdraw its complaint against Svensgaard.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
October 14, 2001, 00:27
Local Time: 22:22
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[Many eyes on Morgan...]
The regulations are clear on the issue of a faction changing its vote. The Cult of Planet's vote has already been registered, and may not now be changed.
How we reached this point is not at all clear to me. But since I am the Planetary Governor for a few more days, I would like to point out that neither the Pirates nor the Spartans have recognizable reasons for Vendetta under the U.N. Charter. The relative maturity [flashes a sharp glance out of the corner of his eye] of Captain Svensgaard is irrelevant. If either faction proceeds with aggression against the other, they will face penalties from the Council.
My position on the Western Continent remains the same. The peace process must move forward, and it must be moved forward by all means available to us. If you truly want progress [makes eye contact with Solo, Svensgaard, Deacon, Quzer, Tseng in that order] then pursue it seriously. No more talk of "permanent vendetta". No more name-calling. No more finger-pointing, no more veiled threats, and no more Solomon complexes! Anything you want, you work for. Anything you do not work for, you do not deserve.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
October 14, 2001, 01:25
Local Time: 14:22
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After his last little speech, Isabella Fuentes makes eye contact with Morgan and nods lightly...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
October 14, 2001, 02:38
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(OOC: You could change ones vote in Alpha Centauri. Well, not your own after you put it down, but some one elses. So in the game you atleast have a chance to change votes, once they´ve been put down, so why not here?
So, I didn´t know there were any regulations concerning the matter.)
From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Planetary Council
You´re right, Governor Morgan. This blaming is getting over board. The peace process is now all that matters. I just hope that all sides understand it.
Also, Governor Morgan, this is not accepting our vote is absurd. I would like to file a complaint about your decision to not accept our change of votes, or "second" vote as some here might say.
First of all this is such an important matter, that we should not obey the rules blindly. Don´t you think that getting each faction´s truthful vote, and not bog down in a bureacratical fight over what is correct and what is not, is the most important.
But, governor, if you leave your decision like this, you risk a situation of the future winner to be elected as the next planetary governor, only because of a bureucratic mixup. A glorious way to win, I must say.
Also, it opens a possibility for whoever faction leader having trouble with the future governor, to not recognise the governors power on the basis of this mixup.
October 14, 2001, 03:27
Local Time: 15:22
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From: Father Theodore Deacon
To: Planetary Council
Also, Governor Morgan, this is not accepting our vote is absurd. I would like to file a complaint about your decision to not accept our change of votes, or "second" vote as some here might say.
First of all this is such an important matter, that we should not obey the rules blindly.
Give the Devil your finger, and soon he shall take your entire hand.
But, governor, if you leave your decision like this, you risk a situation of the future winner to be elected as the next planetary governor, only because of a bureucratic mixup. A glorious way to win, I must say.
Also, it opens a possibility for whoever faction leader having trouble with the future governor, to not recognise the governors power on the basis of this mixup.
But, if your favorite, Datajack Roze, wins, then would her possibly decisive vote be the one cast by you afterwards? I'll say, that at least would question her position!
Father Theodore Deacon
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
October 14, 2001, 05:13
Local Time: 14:22
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From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
To: Planetary Council
Father Deacon, in that situation atleast Datajack Roze would win with the help of a vote, not with the help of bureucratic jibberish. Besides, the Planetary elections aren´t over yet, so I can´t see what is the harm in registering our change of vote.
But argument between us two won´t help the situation. Instead we should concentrate in the upcoming peace talks.
Let us what see what the Governor has to say.
October 14, 2001, 07:38
Local Time: 15:22
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From: Father Theodore Deacon
To: Ambassador Quzer
Cc: Planetary Council
Very well. I do trust the governors capabilities in resolving this minor dispute.
Now, the Believers have committed already to initiate the negotiations at a location selected and hosted by the next Planetary Governor, in this case either Datajack Roze or Colonel Santiago. Thus the arrangements fall on hers to do.
What I would like to ask that there is a larger mediating staff present, and the whole Peace Congress would consist of:
- Three Believing representatives
- Three Cultists
- Three Peacekeepers
- Three Free Drones
- Three Spartans.
Father Theodore Deacon
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
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