Version 1.2 of "Shaibani, the Quest for Khorassan" is now on my page. Go get it at
As I am now declaring this my favourite of those I've designed to date, I urge you to get it!
The changes include:
* Plundering a caravan now benefits for the 'lesser civilized' tribes.
* The Persian defenses have lightened up a bit and are more spread now (i.e. no "wall" between the mainland and the plains)
* New flags for each tribe
* City styles fixed for each tribe
* Production cost for the gun-carrying and artillery units increased
* New road running from Damgan to Merv
* Scenario dates now changed into the Islamic calendar
* New currency (Persian Shahi) used
* Fixed a couple of text files
The rough outline of the scenario, for those who haven't played it yet is as follows:
The Uzbeks, a central Asian nomad tribe of Turkish-Mongol origin, began expanding their territory under the rule of their Khan Muhammad Shaibani (ruled 1500-1510). From early on, they had to struggle against other regional "superpowers": Though able to defeat and eliminate the Timurids, who had been ruling over Persia for the last century, they soon saw themselves in the shadow of two rising powers: The Safavids in Persia and the Mughals in Afghanistan. Their goal, the conquest of Khorassan, was halted by the Persian expansion.