October 5, 2001, 06:15
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20 each:
October 5, 2001, 06:20
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poles 20
October 5, 2001, 08:02
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A minor change just to follow the trend
Mongols -20
Poles +20
October 5, 2001, 08:06
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October 5, 2001, 08:53
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NOOOOOOO, rebel!!!! Stray from the trodden path, don't be sucked in by one thread! If I have to I'll pull out the viking stuff!!!
I never know their names, But i smile just the same
New faces...Strange places,
Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
-Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"
October 5, 2001, 10:20
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First post ever:
spanish 20
dutch 20
polynesians 20
aborigenes 20
portugese 20
turks/ottomans 20
incas 20
ethiopians 20
October 5, 2001, 10:25
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Is it time for the thread to close?
This is just a suggestion , but 300+ posts are a lot I think.Perhaps you should open Part 4?
October 5, 2001, 14:26
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Lumpkin: Actually no, it doesn't  . I've recently received an e-mail from Pawel Lewicki. I publish it here, translated:
"The members of the Polish intelligence to this day have towards their British counterparts, as the latter have credited themselves with most of the accomplishements associated with the Enigma decryption.
The facts (after PWN) Translators note PWN - Polskie Wydawnictwa Naukowe is National Science Publishing:
A replica of the Nazi Enigma had been built in a Polish decryption center near Warsaw (among the contributors towards making it were mathematicians Jerzy Rajewski and Henryk Zygalski). The machine enabled a mechanical decryption of Nazi transmissions. In July, 1939, copies of the machine were given to Great Britain and France (one each). In September the decrypting group was evacuated and reactivated in France. It had worked in close cooperation with the British, who, basing on the accomplishements of the Polish cryptologists, built a monitoring center."
I hope that clears things up  .
October 5, 2001, 15:07
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Originally posted by ranskaldan
Well lockstep, i'm voting for the Thais myself, and many people are voting for the Khmers.
As for the Poles, here's a cool map to show you the times when Poland was a major world power:
I voted for the Polynesians myself. IMHO, another African civ should be in, too. I voted for the Bantus, but I guess I'll change it to the Ethiopians since Bantus aren't doing so hot (2 votes currently). So, vote change:
-20 Bantus
+20 Ethiopians
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
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October 5, 2001, 19:25
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Okay, clearly both Britain and Poland played a very important role in cracking the enigma code. I don't know enough about the mathematics behind the code to say "okay, Pole did 30% and Britain did 70%" so lets just say Enigma was cracked by both countries
The Ethiopians' sucess is already guaranteed. If you think more Africans should be in (as I do) vote for the Mali - they've already reached #18 reached the top 16 so just a few more votes and they'll be in the the top 16!
Another civ which needs your help is #20, the Khmer. South-East Asia is a big important region with plenty of genuine city-based historical civilizations, which the Khmer represent. Just a few more votes and they'll be in! If only the Siam/Thai vote could be agglomerated.
The Koreans (#15) could also do with a bit of bolstering to keep them in the top 16.
October 6, 2001, 02:22
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Okay, clearly both Britain and Poland played a very important role in cracking the enigma code. I don't know enough about the mathematics behind the code to say "okay, Pole did 30% and Britain did 70%" so lets just say Enigma was cracked by both countries
But poles cracked enigma...
Marian Rajewski Guessed a riddle enigma
October 6, 2001, 04:54
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Re: Is it time for the thread to close?
Originally posted by Internationalist
This is just a suggestion , but 300+ posts are a lot I think.Perhaps you should open Part 4?
The reason why the other parts closed was that the first thread messed up and didn't allow posting, and the second thread was not started by Locutus, so he could not update the list.
I see no reason why more then 300 posts should result in closing the thread.
ACS - Technical Director
October 6, 2001, 05:13
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Lumpkin: To put it shortly - I second Mankind's post.
Alright, here go my last free points:
Czech +2
Slovak +7
Latvians +11
Koreans +20
October 6, 2001, 06:38
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Poles 20
October 6, 2001, 07:07
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October 6, 2001, 08:34
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I hope this three textlines will close the Enigma discussion:
Date: Jun 30, 2000
Source: British Chamber of Commerce
The three Polish scientists who handed over the Enigma secrets to British Intelligence in 1939 have pride of place on a limited edition postal cover issued by Bletchley Park Post Office.
Only 1000 of these covers have been issued with stamps cancelled by the Royal Mail on both the last day of 1999 and the first day of 2000. The cover was launched by Bletchley Park's own post office as part of the fundraising effort to save the park as an international heritage site.
For the Polish festival held at Bletchley Park last year, the post office produced two covers with Polish and British stamps cancelled simultaneously by the postal services of each country sixty years to the day that famous Enigma machine was handed over.
Date: Sep 18, 2000
Source: BBC Monitoring
Poland: Duke of York presents Enigma coding machine to Polish premier
Text of report by Polish radio on 18th September
[Announcer] The Duke of York has presented Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek with an original of the German Enigma coding machine. The ceremony was attended by Defence Minister Bronislaw Komorowski and Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Radek Sikorski.
[Reporter] Three young mathematicians, who had worked for the Polish intelligence service, broke the Enigma code. The Poles offered Britain and France the details of how German dispatches were coded. The Duke of York emphasized that breaking the Enigma code by the Poles had considerably contributed to military successes of the allies during World War II. They helped us in the battle for Britain and the battle for the Atlantic, Prince Andrew said.
During the ceremony Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek indicated that Encyclopedia Britannica still contains an entry which says that it was first and foremost the British who broke the Enigma code. The Duke of York promised he would take an interest in this issue and the entry would be changed. Finally, Prince Andrew showed Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek how the Enigma machine worked.
[Announcer] The mathematicians who broke the Enigma code [in 1933], Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Rozycki and Henryk Zygalski have recently been awarded posthumously the Grand Crosses of the Order of Polish Rebirth. In July this year the prime minister presented them in Warsaw to representatives of their families.
Date: Nov 16, 2000
Source: BBC Monitoring
Polish, British historians uncover Polish intelligence archives
Text of report by the Polish news agency PAP
Warsaw, 16th November: Archive materials of Polish intelligence from World War II - a collection of radio messages and courier reports, and appraisals of the Enigma - have been found in Great Britain.
"This contradicts the views that all the files of Polish intelligence were destroyed. The very first months of work of the Polish-British archives and history commission have brought results," Prof Daria Nalecz, State Archives director, said at the commission's meeting on Thursday [16th November].
The commission of historians and archivists, which is investigating evidence of Polish intelligence activities, has already found in the British archives collections of radio messages and courier reports exchanged between Warsaw and London. The materials include periodic appraisals of Polish intelligence activities made by the British and intelligence tasks commissioned by them.
There are also reports about the V-1 and V-2 missiles, and correspondence concerning the German Enigma encoding machine provided by the Polish intelligence services. It has also been confirmed that British intelligence materials concerning the German preparations to attack the USSR were based on Polish intelligence reports.
Polish intelligence - highly active in World War II - procured many valuable materials not just from Polish territories but also from Germany and from occupied European countries, and reached as far as the Middle East. During the war it was established on the basis of an allied agreement of October 1940 that all Polish intelligence materials would be passed on to the British. In the autumn of 1945, the government in exile handed over to the British authorities the remaining archives of our intelligence which allegedly were subsequently destroyed.
"Poland's contribution to the struggle against the Third Reich in the war of intelligence was disproportionately high in relation to our military potential. In this area we contributed more to the victory than on the battlefields," Jan Nowak-Jezioranski, legendary war-time courier, said.
"No British historian would doubt the enormous contribution by Polish intelligence to the victory over the Third Reich," Prof Christopher Andrew, a British member of the commission, said.
The commission envisages the completion of its work in 2002 and the joint publication of Polish and English editions of the uncovered documents.
October 6, 2001, 12:25
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Settlers who have given Poland 20 recently-
Henryk Przerwa*
vasyl (voted again poles-20, ???)
Tomasz Wysocki*
valdi77*(voted for RUSSIANS as well)
*indicates that they ONLY voted for poles in their original post note-about 5 of them voted for poles and one or two other civs...
Now remember, a number of these made other votes besides poles, and have posted other messages. however, more than a few have 1 very short post...
now thanks to LoD, i have found that many of these came from polish civ sites and are not fake, but still arnt TRUE APOLYTONERS
Last edited by jdd2007; October 9, 2001 at 06:46.
October 6, 2001, 12:31
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NOTE- i apoligise to any of those settlers who (like me) made their first post in this thread and happened to vote for poland.
October 6, 2001, 13:43
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Poles 20
October 6, 2001, 17:08
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I think someone is cheating
I demand 75% "vote count reduction" for the Poles as punishment!!
Anyway, here's my list:
-Mongols: 20
-Arabs: 20
-Turks: 20
-Phoenicians: 20
-Celts: 20
-Vikings: 10
-Spanish: 10
-Dutch: 10
-Hebrew/Israeli: 10
-Byzantines: 10
-Inca: 10
October 6, 2001, 17:56
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Guess I should vote too:
1. Turks/Ottomans: 20
2. Inca: 20
3. Vikings: 20
4. Spanish: 20
5. Arabs: 20
6. Mongols: 20
7. Phoenicians/Carthaginians: 20
8. Hebrew/Israelis: 20
All colorful civs!
October 6, 2001, 17:57
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Good work, jdd2007! I hope that the forum administrator notices this infraction!
I respect every nation, but I think the polish are trying to show that they are a greater nation than they ever were.
October 6, 2001, 18:13
Local Time: 14:30
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my votes;
turks 20
israeli/jews 20
huns 20
aztecs 20
mayas 20
nigerian 20
hungarians 10
serbs 10
portugues 10
dutch 10
October 6, 2001, 18:26
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 That's 620 points for the Poles! That's much worse than I expected. They were at 641 at the last update.
If you're going to cheat and a news item gets made out of the result, you're doing a cr*ppy job of cheating
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
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October 6, 2001, 18:34
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Originally posted by cort
aztecs 20
The Aztecs are allready in, you're throwing away your votes!
October 6, 2001, 19:05
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leave us alone...
everything is ok acording the rules....
Why you are jealousies ? [ its looks like it...] and what for you seek holes in all?
October 6, 2001, 19:14
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Posts: 51
That is too much!
I demand jdd2007 apology. Or presenting proves, not allegations. All these guys presented their point of view and that should be counted.
Is that all that surprising? What is your estimation of Civ fans in Poland? Less than 100? So why they localised previous versions? For fun? Do you think there are only few guys with Internet access, so they have to vote couple of times? It all just shows a success of LoD message and how many fans there are. Full stop.
Zealot, I don't think they are showing that they nation is greater than it ever was, I think they want to see their civ in the game. Is that wrong?
and the names seemed so alike
That's really brilliant remark! SO perhaps jdd2007 and JellyDonut is the same person? It is so alike!!! What is so alike in listed Settlers?
The 'punishment' ideas are not even worth commenting
October 6, 2001, 19:32
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How come that most of they that vote just poles 20 are Settlers registered October 2001?
ACS - Technical Director
October 6, 2001, 19:36
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I want Portugal in the expansion pack, and I respect you want Poland in it too! But it's just too much of a coincidence that Poland is receiving 20 points from newcomers! And no other civilization is getting rated!
It's pretty clear to me that the reason by which only Poland is getting rated, is that it gives a lot of work to select other civilizations and count exactly 160 points!!!
I really recommend an investigation by "the competent authorities"!
Edit: In case you didn't get it, I'm accusing someone of creating extra users with the sole objective of deceiving Firaxis and us Apolytoners of the importance of Poland for civ fans. And that's pretty low!
Last edited by Zealot; October 6, 2001 at 19:42.
October 6, 2001, 19:44
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Gramphos -
So what?! you probobly don't know how bad is connection to the internet in Poland, they can't post as much us you, you*lucky* guy with good intenret connection... wow.
And i second staszek's post
To you also surely something does not fit... you want to make inquiry?!
And I assure that these people what voted are separate men, nobody here does not want to play in such stupidities like "repeated registering", only you think so because obviosly you are bored (? )
Last edited by Mankind; October 6, 2001 at 20:01.
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