I owned this CTP2 for a long while and had no problem install in on any machine (one at home, one in office

Last weekend, I just upgraded my home pc, actually bought a new one to get better performance, but the whole bloody game won't install on my new pc. it stops at 3.6% (6.1% minimum) and gave me 'UNRECOVERABLE ERROR', no matter how I try and even reformat the harddisk and reinstall the operating system.
I check the help on this site and the threads in forum, and followed them carefully, but no help.
My machine is AMD Athlon 1.4, Geforce 2 GTS video card, Windows 2000 professional. All lastest drivers, eg. video driver, directx from CTP2 CD. No scratch on CD, because I can still use it to install on my old PII233 machine.
Can anyone please help!
Big thanks.