August 25, 2001, 04:44
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From: Prophet Cha Dawn
To: Delon Sak, Minister of Security
The experiment is completed, and the gas is for use now. The factories are already mass producing it, and first shipments should be on their way to the border now.
I want you to send some explosive experts to place the gas canisters into tactical positions, so that the border will be mined against the Believers.
Tell your men to be careful, this stuff is very dangerous.
Nest of Fear
Yet another squadron of locusts ascended quietly into the heavens, while the personnel of the secretive military base were helping any wounded locust or just repairing and supporting the nests of the indigenous flyers. Up to a radius of thousands of kilometers from the base, patrols were flying, their telepathic sense never missing a soul.
It was just another normal day.
Further to the sea, a tired but ready locust flock was flying towards Nest of Fear. Suddenly they saw what was a small Believer patrol, on the shore a few hundred kilometers west of them.
The great flock quickly changed its course; it was time to hunt again.
The Believer patrol was devoured before they themselves even realized it. One moment, everything was fine and the next, all the soldiers were down on the ground, squeezing their heads or trying to claw their eyes out, while locusts after locusts swarmed over them. It was all over in a moment.
August 25, 2001, 08:51
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Morganite Defense Line
Morgan Industries - Data Angel Border, near Data Bank
14:18 Central Continent Time
"What the hell is that?"
Sergeant Matt Svensson turned and squinted across the border. "It's repeated itself twice now, sir," a young lieutenant said. "You don't think it's a hostile, do you?" A note of fear had crept into the man's voice.
The Special Forces officer smiled wryly. As a member of the elite corps of the Morganic army, he had received additional survival and communications training, part of which involved the ability to relay messages with, quite literally, a shoelace and a shiny piece of metal. He barely remembered his Morse code (except that it had been used less and less in the years leading up to the Fall of Earth), but the sender had good technique.
"It's not hostile, Lieutenant Ameti." Svensson picked up a large piece of reflective board used to guide large vehicles and aircraft in such close-quarters situations as he stood in, when infrared guidance systems were not sufficiently secure. Angling it upwards into the sun, he flashed, hesitating at first but growing more confident as he slipped back into practice,
Agreed. This bunker is like an oven.
"What are you doing, sir?" Lieutenant Ameti said curiously.
Svensson hesitated. They were not supposed to have contact with Data Angel soldiers, except, of course, during combat. "Releasing the tension, Lieutenant."
Southern Star weekly essay
Peace in Our Time
By Ron Chambers
The situation on Alpha Centauri looks more and more familiar by the minute to anyone who knows a little Earth history. The large military power, in an unstable region, withdraws from the moderating alliance. Catastrophe follows as everyone rushes to grab whatever they can. World War II, the Crusader Wars, the Six Day War, the Spanish-American War... And the list goes on like this!
Now we may have the chance to break the trend. The Defense Line is tense as troops build up on either side by the hour. Only one shot, one misstep could spark what would surely be a war of great loss and hardship for both sides. Many hardliners will see their chance to "reclaim" the Eastern Cities following the Angels' withdrawal from the Chiron Alliance.
But I say we leave such fantasies to the fringe where they belong. Now is the chance to pursue a closer relationship with the Data Angels. For years, millions of Morganic dollars have been funneled into defense by both sides, on the off-chance that the other side will commit political suicide by violating the peace treaty. Now that the voices of the Gaians and the Peacekeepers have been removed from the relationship, our leaders can work towards some sort of entente.
Such a proposal makes business sense as well. The immense infrastructure possessed by both sides would be formidable in partnership. With healthy capitalist competition replacing the current "Outgrow the enemy at all costs" mentality, tourism and cultural exchange would thrive. Economies no longer weighed down by bloated defense budgets would boom.
The Morganite and Datatech peoples were born of the same Planetfall, and the same blood still runs in our veins. One day, we will have to accept that our destinies are also one and the same. Like in Berlin and Korea, the wall can be brought down, but it will take vision, bravery, and sacrifice.
OOC: OK, I just saw that Svensson sort of trailed off. Sorry. It's been edited out. Hope I didn't confuse anyone too much.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
Last edited by Mr. President; August 26, 2001 at 00:07.
August 25, 2001, 14:00
Local Time: 12:31
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Datatech Defense Line, Near Data Bank
Don't suppose they're gonna let us go home anytime soon. Could use a vacation.
August 25, 2001, 17:37
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Private message
To: Datajack Roze
From: Sister Miriam
The probe attempt was a single case. A local supervisor apparently forgot of your able systems and foolishly decided to dig out the information using probe teams. At least my suspicions have been clarified. What comes to the man, he and the supervisor are expendable.
It is just that the action of breaking from the Alliance seemed so strange, and almost like a 180-degree turn, that I couldn't stand being unaware of all aspects. At least now I can be assured that I am talking to the real Datajack, not some elaborate simulation.
Sister Miriam
OCC: My mess, sorry. And that Angel Herald editorial was a real sting
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
August 25, 2001, 19:53
Local Time: 12:31
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OOC: Argonaut... that can happen... if you want  It could be some sort of crazy 4 side war. Believers fight University sponsored terrorists who encounter Data Angel special forces- "Sort of like a 'whose on first?'" All out war. Stray shot kills them all
Zakharov voice recording to Chief Advisor
-Mendlevy, you know why I want the alliance to continue under my rules?
-No sir.
-That's why you are not High Academican
-Yes sir.
-Mendlevy-Xarxos, the reason is simple. With the revised rules I excersise my powers and show how powerful I am and how useful The University and its thinkers are... Also, when I can revise some of the constitution, I can revise all- the University will become the most important member of the Planetary Council and will have everyone behind me for the next Planetary Governor election in ten years... The Morganites, The Spartans, The Data Angels, The Cult of Planet, and perhaps the Peacekeepers.
I can manipulate them all.
-Very good sir.
-Yes, very good indeed.
(Zakharov smiled)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 25, 2001, 21:54
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The workers of Liberty Plant will now be able to lead fuller and happier lives, with the completion of the new Rec Commons. Base Governor Charles Austin gave a short speech commemorating the hard work and determenation of the construction crew and the crowd celebrated with champagne after the speech in a grand reception. Leadman O'Toole was even in attendance. The new Rec Commons will provide a variety of different entertainment for the citizens of Liberty Plant. Included is a basketball court, an indoor soccer field, a swimming pool and aquatic play area for the children, a movie theater, and a gym. The Rec Commons at Liberty Plant will be able to hold at least 7,000 people at full capacity.
Before the assembled members of the Guild Assembly, Foreman Domai presented his annual 'State of the Faction' speech. Foreman Domai entered the hall to a standing applause and thundering cheering. After allowing the cheering and applause to die down the Foreman began his speech detailing how much progress the working classes of the Free Drone faction had made this year. The Foreman also pointed to factions that do now allow their drones the freedoms and opportunities that the Free Drones do. The chief offenders were the Hive and the Morganites. According to the Foreman, the Hive oppresses their drones and the Morganite Free Market economy holds the Morganite drones down and doesn't ensure their welfare. Other subjects that the Foreman outlined was the situation between the factions of the Chiron Alliance and the recent Planetary Council meeting. The Foreman closed his speech by promising for a better tomorrow for the drones of Planet.
August 26, 2001, 17:32
Local Time: 22:31
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Morgan Industries Defense Line
Near Data Bank
I know what you mean. I told my girlfriend I was gonna be away for a week. That was two months ago.
It's six o'clock, people...Time for
With your host, Amanda Hunter!
Today we talk to the big man himself, our own CEO Nwabudike Morgan.
Hunter: CEO, thank you for joining us.
Morgan: Thank you for the opportunity.
H: Let me be blunt. Is there going to be a war?
M: (pauses) No, I don't think so. No-one has anything to gain from another war, economically or politically. War is not a game. You can't just decide one day you're going to have one. I know people are worried by the increased military activity, but it's a precautionary measure only, in preparation for a worst-case scenario involving the Planetary Governor elections.
H: What sort of worst-case?
M: Well, there are a couple of possibilities. Any number of types of domestic problems could arise. Foreign instability could increase. We need to be ready for anything.
H: How important is the withdrawal of the Data Angels from the Chiron Alliance?
M: Extremely important. It illustrates once again, in case anyone still needed proof, that Sinder Roze is very strong-willed, independent-minded, not afraid to go her own way. A new period is unfolding here, and we need to embrace that. Viewers born on Earth might remember the fall of NATO, and this is an event of, at the very least, equal magnitude. Soon enough there will be a new order, and all nations will need to re-define their place in the world. The implications are very far-reaching.
H: Some are calling for increased dialogue with the Angels. Is that in the pipeline?
M: I think we need to be careful about doing too much too fast. It is a good sign that Roze is turning her back on some of the ideas the Alliance embodied, like interventionism and eco-extremism. But if we try to move too quickly, we will be disappointed when results are not forthcoming. The situation between us and the Angels is very complicated, and it can't be untangled overnight. They've only been out of the Alliance for a week, and people are already talking about disbanding the Defense Line. It's far too soon for any sweeping actions, but in the future, I could see things like that happening.
H: Now, about the Western Continent. The peace initiative is going nowhere. What happened?
M: It's a real shame, because the war is so unnecessary and so useless. I really can't say what happened, only Prophet Dawn and Sister Miriam could tell you that.
H: People are talking about internationalization down there.
M: It's a very dangerous situation. People like the Peacekeepers and the Spartans are in deep, and if they're not careful, it could get way out of hand.
H: Would Morgan Industries intervene?
M: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. We have relations with both sides, and the allies of both sides. So on whose behalf would we intervene?
H: How do you react to accusations that our faction is becoming a monopoly?
M: I don't think we're a monopoly. No faction has been run out of the global economy. There are more Stock Exchange units that don't belong to us than that do. Competition is what capitalism is all about. We will continue to make our products as good as we possibly can, and hopefully encourage others to do the same.
H: Profit margins are rising every year. To what do you attribute this success?
M: Good business sense on the part of all branches of government. The credit belongs to them. Since the beginning of time, no country has survived without a healthy economy and a balanced budget. The future will be no different.
H: CEO, thank you for your time.
M: Thank you for having me, Miss Hunter.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
August 27, 2001, 03:44
Local Time: 14:31
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As the dawn broke, it was no longer quiet.
Dozens of patrols were out already, with more on the way, working the PK side over with a fine comb. A number of air patrols passed through the area during the day, some coming dangerously close to the actual border line. In the evening, things started to calm again, but it was clear that the PK defenders were on a higher level of alert than the night before. Most of the night passed uneventfully, but as the second dawn approached, the massive silhouette of a cruiser appeared on the horizon, clearly visible from the Hive side.
Hive soldiers, this is U.N. Navy warship Vigilant.
Looks like you people could use a better map or something. That was the lousiest navigation we have ever seen. What were you people thinking anyway?! Were you worried about us planning something nasty? Come on, get real... We're not Spartans, we are Peacekeepers!
The cruiser stayed in the area for a couple of hours before slowly moving away, heading back out to sea...
Data DeCentral, U.N. Embassy
The embassy compound was quiet.
There was no evident reaction - official or otherwise - to the demonstration going on outside. A couple of U.N. Marine guards at the gate were the only Peacekeepers in sight. They just stood there at their posts, watching in silence, making no move or gesture of any kind. Their faces were fixed like stone and didn't reveal much of anything. Yet it was no secret that they were light years away from understanding the protestors...
New Hope, at the motorpool, just south of the airbase
It was another quiet day at New Hope and the mechanics were hard at work keeping the task force's vehicles in good condition. Major Johnson had just dropped by to personally check on some rovers belonging to her unit. Satisfied that they were being taken care of, she was just leaving when a flight of jets screamed low overhead with big, long anti-ship missiles slung under their wings.
What the hell?! She frowned. They were going out equipped to sink a cruiser.
Must be some kind of sea patrol mission...
U.N. News Network
Data Angels refuse to reconsider
It now appears evident that the Data Angels are not about to reconsider their decision to leave the alliance. Officials in U.N. Headquarters have called a press conference later today to clarify the U.N.'s position in this matter. More on this in our evening news.
Infiltrators stopped at the Planetneck
U.N. Central Command confirmed today that forces in the Planetneck area have been on yellow alert since the night before last and that the reason for this alert is an unsuccessful infiltration attempt. Although nothing can be officially confirmed at this time, it is strongly suspected that the Hive is somehow involved in this incident.
[OOC: Nothing major here and no serious accusations... just stating the obvious...]
Somewhere in the mountains, southeast of Data Acquisition
The PK patrol came under fire just before dawn as they were moving through a narrow pass between two valleys. It could have been a perfect ambush, but the Special Forces were prepared for it. Within seconds, there were jets dropping out of the sky to unleash their fury on the attackers' positions while helicopters moved in to cut off their escape routes. Private Helmut Müller was with one of the strike teams being inserted behind the enemy. The helicopters swooped in low behind a narrow ridge, beyond which was the enemy. As they reached their landing zone, the choppers slowed and dropped close to the ground, but they never actually landed. The troops spilled out and the helicopters were on their way again before they'd even stopped in a hover. Then they were taking fire from somewhere up on the ridge. The gunships that had been orbitting high overhead rolled in on the ridge with rockets and miniguns while the transports got the hell out of dodge. The troops were already moving forward. Damn Kurita and his guerillas! What the hell were they fighting for anyway?!
The gunships broke off their attack as the strike teams began their rush up the ridge. There was no opposition at first. Then, without warning, there was a burst of fire and the guy next to Müller spun away gurgling. Bastards! He dropped to the ground and brought his rifle around, firing a series of shots in the direction the fire had come from. There was a brief pause, then he spotted something moving up above and triggered another short burst. There was a scream and the camouflaged figure slid back behind a rock. He waited a couple of seconds, scanning for signs of more enemies. Then he was up and moving towards the rock. Behind it, he found his enemy, wounded and bleeding, gasping for breath, yet still trying to fight. It was a woman. She could be about 30 or so. Well trained... pretty decent looking... -and 100% hostile... As he came around the rock, she was trying to bring up her rifle. Failing that, she reached for a string of grenades strapped to her chest. His rifle was pointed at her and he was calling out for her to stop, but she just looked at him with eyes full of hatred and kept fumbling with the grenades. He called out again, but she didn't seem to notice. She was about to pull out a pin... He yelled one final time, then triggered a long burst before he turned away and retched with an agonized cry...
August 27, 2001, 21:48
Local Time: 12:31
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Zakharov... Recorded Conversation
{Zakharov} Believers? Data Angels? What is this strange hypothesis? Do you truly believe those factions could be practicing espionague?
{Voice} Sir, I don't know why- I just know that our forces have found what looks to be the remains of a known Data Angel probe and several Believing Special Forces insignias and bibles among the... few femains.
{Zakharov} I know about the others involved, the Greens, Howellites, Anarchists, the Political Dissidents and the two groups we tipped off, the Jakobians and Perfect Society, but one or more of those groups being sponsored by someone? This is far too dangerous.
{voice} Sir, we will do everything we can to crush these problems
(Zakharov waves goodbye, then sits down and ponders)
-Why? How can we have such horrible defense of our secrets? Likely, the next thing that will happen is Morgan's Economic Spies penetrate our markets and cause troubles there... We need better counter-intelligence.
(Zakharov begins work on a memo stating that money needs to be pumped into university Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence)
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August 28, 2001, 10:40
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Datatech Defence Line, Near Data Bank
My girlfriend was seven months pregnant when I left. I could be a father and not even know it.
Incomming Transmission......
Source: Untraceable
Encryption: Identified
Mission aborted. Man down. Undisposed. Prepare counters.
Transmission End.
August 29, 2001, 03:25
Local Time: 14:31
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New Hope...
Yet another flight of jets passed low overhead with a thunderous roar. As she looked up, Major Johnson noticed that these too were carrying anti-ship missiles...
-What on Chiron was going on??!
[OOC: Coming up soon is the press conference in U.N. Headquarters. If any of you wish to have reporters of your own present and have them ask questions, just send me your questions in a private message and I'll include them in my post. Relevant questions would be anything involving relations with the Data Angels, the future of the Chiron Alliance, the upcoming election... in fact, anything goes as long as it involves U.N. policies. I'll try to post the thing tomorrow, then Lal will get on his ship and be on the way to Planetary Council Base for the election & stuff...]
August 29, 2001, 17:49
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Leader of Science Dr. Steve Irwin announced today that Drone scientists have made a breakthough. According to Dr. Irwin, the scientists have discovered the techniques of Gene Splicing, which will benefit all Drone citizens. Dr. Irwin also explained that the breakthrough would allow scientists and doctors to further examine the secrets hidden withing each person's DNA which will eventually lead to making people healthier and stronger. Already scientists say they believe that they will be able to extract traits from one person's DNA, such as the genome that resists a certain disease and transfer that ability to someone's elses gene structure. This discovery will also allow the building of Research Hospitals at Drone bases to further study these new advances in medical science.
The normally placid, peaceful surroundings of Miner's Freehold were shattered today as a group of environmentalist protestors attmepted to force a shutdown of mining operations at the Borehole Cluster. The group calling itself Servants of Planet, attempted to keep mining workers from accessing their equipment, blocked access routes to the Cluster, and even attempted to take over a crane. Negotiations with the protestors were unsuccessful and Base Governor Robert McCall was forced to call in the Base Reaction Squad (BRS) to break up the protest and allow the miners to get to work. The leader of the protest, one Jasmin Herz, a Gaian national, has been arrested and charged with disturbing the peace and impairing labor.
August 29, 2001, 22:08
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Angel's Herald
Protesters Ivolved in Minor Skirmish with Datatech Security
Datatech Security had to be called in today, when protesters outside the U.N. Embassy began harassing guards, and throwing projectiles.
Upon Security's arrival, the some protesters carried the fight to Datatech forces, although the majority of the crowd dispersed. Those who did choose to fight we're promptly arrested. A few received minor injuries and were treated at Data DeCentral Hospital.
Assistant Datajack Michael Omega-Nine condemned the incident in a brief statement.
"I'm really quite ashamed of what happened at Data DeCentral today. While I respect the right to protest, this violence is immature and unnecessary. To think that our own citizens would do that to guests in our capital base is appalling."
New Air Squadron Takes Flight Over Roze Function
Taking flight over Roze Function today, the Datatech Air Force showed off their latest wing of Chaos needlejets. The jets are top of the line, and comparable with the best that Chiron has to offer.
Governor Michael Omega-Nine had this to say about the event.
"It's quite a sight to see these in over our heads, but it will be the first new ones we see in a while. We currently are more than adequetely prepared to defend our land, and now will focus our military efforts on upgrading and improving the units we already have in operation."
Roze and Governor Harrington Seen Sharing a Romantic Dinner
Fuel was added to the ever burning rumours regarding the alleged relationship between Datajack Roze and Governor Harrington today. The Datajack, and one of Chiron's most eligible bachelors were seen sharing a candlelight supper on board their Pirate Cruise liner. The two are currently sharing a vacation together as Datajack Roze makes her way to the Planetary Council base for the Planetary Governor Elections.
August 29, 2001, 23:14
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OOC: bachelor- I would think Ladies unless the DAngels have standarized sexes?
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
August 30, 2001, 02:50
Local Time: 14:31
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Morgan Territory
The mindworm hunters were just about to ambush a newborn boil.
This boil was a little tricky, or rather insane compared to others of its age. This was probably because of the huge consentrations of CO2 and other pollution. The chemicals rushed the natural growth of mindworms, turning them into powerful opponents and unfortunately, addicted and mentally ill.
So rather than controlling themselves, they charged blindly after the nearest polluter, in search for more and more of that gas...
Free Drone territory
The mindworm hunters had just arrived here, and were watching around, horrified of the pollution caused around the place.
One of them knelt down, dag the ground under him a few inches until he found what was looking for.
Seeds. New fungus seeds were slowly rising from the ground, to finally rupture outside and cause huge fungus blooms, and potentially dozens of mad new boils.
But these seeds were different. They were huge, the size of a mans fist.
Repots from the other teams confirmed that this phenomena was all over Drone territory, and probably even worse in Spartan and Hive territory.
The hunters leader took a comm.device and radioed back home to tell about the impending ecological disaster.
Believer-Cult border
The job was done, and the canister mines were placed in their position.
Most of the border, especially any valley, road or some sort of pass, was now completely mined.
Any Believer mass attack would have a bloody nose quickly.
All Cult conventional units were withdrawn further from the border, while indigenous units were ready as always, near the border.
August 30, 2001, 03:00
Local Time: 07:31
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Task Force 1-SNS Spartan--Somewhere along the Great Marine Rift
Colonel Santiago was sitting in her stateroom going over another version of the attack on Nest of Fear. The officers at the Command Nexus had offered her three scenarios on what should happen. But all of this had been done in a sterile computer room in Sparta Command. Santiago appreciated the tremendous advantage that the Nexus offered to Sparta’s military machine. But she knew that a commanding officer should never underestimate the importance of first hand assessment. She would see the survey of the land for herself. And then make a final recommendation on a coarse of action. If things went according to plan, Spartan troops would be entering Nest of Fear before this time next year. She would of coarse turn the base over to the Believers if Spartan troops were the ones to take the base. After all, she didn’t need to be responsibility for the administration of a conquered base. Too much trouble in the long run. A beep interrupted her thoughts. She reached over and punched the comm. Button. “Yes, what is it.” “Sorry to disturb you Colonel, but we are crossing over the Great Marine Rift now. We will be passing close to the Pirate base Drake Landing. We will remain in inter-factional waters all the way to Redemption Base. I have ordered the Crippler to increase its forward distance from us. It should give us plenty of warning about approaching ships. We will remain on alert until passing into Believer waters.” “Very well Commodore. Is there any word on Task Force 2?” “Yes Ma’am. The Leonides and its convoy have entered Believer waters and will dock soon at Redemption Base. We await the official conformation from Believer HQ and from Commodore Trace.” “Excellent. You have done well Commodore. But remain vigilant. Santiago out.”
Spartan Information Service
Marshal Kessel annouced today that Colonel Santiago was indeed on her way towards the Planetary Council Base for the upcomming election.
In other business, he officially approved the final list of colony members slated to populate Sparta's newest base. When asked why a location wasn't selected yet, the Marshal simply stated that "A location had been found, but final word would not be published just yet."
[OOC: I posted assuming that the Believers would welcome Santiago in her choosing their way as the way to the Council Base. What, did you guys think she would go the other way.  ]
Believer Forward Positions--
Lieutenant Maser was bored. He was a Spartan soldier trained for war and here he was watching the Believers get all the glory. His units sole mission here was to operate the spy drones that filled the sky these days in the Believer-Cult theater. Just as he was about to bring the drone back to base camp he noticed that the drone was picking up movement along the a valley three hundred kilometers north of the border. The image wasn’t clear due to some interference coming from either a local storm or maybe even those damned Peacekeepers. They had been sending their own drones up lately and the sky was becoming to crowded. Maser ordered the drone to make one more pass through the valley. This time he spotted a small unit that appeared to be digging trenches or something. For a second he wanted to order another pass, but decided that enough information had been gathered. As per standing orders, he brought the drone around and resumed a course designated that would bring the drone home. Maser turned around so he could find his corporal. “Corporal Hopper, contact the Hive chopper unit nearest us and inform them of the sightings. Send a copied message to SEF HQ in New Jerusalem.” “Right away sir.”
*****Combat Encryption*****
To: Hive Viper Sq
From: 34th Spartan Recon
Possible Cult units 300 Klick north of border. Sector 4 grid line2. Possible outpost construction site. Drone plane sighting, Drone is being withdrawn from area.
CC-Spartan Expeditionary Force HQ
Last edited by Sprayber; August 30, 2001 at 03:25.
August 30, 2001, 04:05
Local Time: 14:31
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Believer-Cult border
One of the service units had been digging canisters all day in one of the many carved valleys of the area.
They were ready now, but unfortunately somebody from the enemy had picked them up.
The units radars had picked up a small drone flying over them at high altitude, which probably had already detected their small unit and was now checking its findings.
The drone quickly flew over them, not even detectable with human eyes, but possible with an electronic device.
The commander of the unit was informed, and as they were ready with their task, he ordered a fast retreat to the nearest fungus field.
It would take them time, so he sent a message to Nest of Fear.
" This is Service Unit 23. Repeat, this is Service Unit 23. We are in a urgent need of air support. Our positions have been discovered and the enemy might send something here.
In a few seconds, a telepathic voice came to him from Nest of Fear, transmitted through the fungus. It was a voice of a Locust patrol, just leaving the airbase.
" Locusts, We. Come to your aid. Ready yourself, find cover and we will hold your back...
Then the commander connected his laptop console to the nearest friendly sensor array center, and ordered the unit to continue towards the fungus field.
[OOC: Spray and Natan, lets put some more action going on this front  ]
August 30, 2001, 09:57
Local Time: 15:31
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OCC: Whoa, that came fast  I have only time to deal with the Gas disaster and the trip to Council base  Just do not get over excited
It had originally been just a modest field, covered with occasional young fungus and gravel. The fungus had been cleared away and the gravel had been covered with tarmac, the result being the first Believing airstrip in history. Just so long that a medium-sized needlejet could land and take off.
The strip was situated some ten kilometres away from Lord's Grace, and housed a small number of aircraft, in loan from the Human Hive.
One of the jets had been modified, and could accommodate ten people and a pilot. That plane and two escorts were standing on the far end of the runway, and heavy rain fell on them as one of the worst storms ever on the Freshwater Rim was massing it's forces above the Believing territories.
Press Secretary David Kubiak sat in the small lounge of the bunker complex called Heavengate, which served as both the local defense centre and the base of all Believing aerial operations.
Kubiak looked at the room. It was incredibly Spartan for a Believing room; not even a crusifix or a Conclave Bible verse on the walls. He was just about to walk on the intercom, when lieutenant Trudeau, one of Sister Miriam's personal assistants, walked in.
"Mister Kubiak", Trudeau greeted quickly and handed the Press Secretary a piece of paper. "The weather report."
Kubiak read for a while and then grunted: "Seven hours? Ridiculous! It'll be nightfall by that time."
"Correct, Mister Kubiak. The Cerub will not fly until tomorrow morning."
"So the press conference will be canceled."
"Quite so. The Council Base embassy has been informed, and The Corps are doing an official statement by the Sister's guidelines at this time."
"And I was not informed?"
"Mister Kubiak, this was a diplomatic, not a Public relations problem."
"Then what is a PR problem then? When the VX tanks at Far Jericho erupt, and the wind is conviniently carrying it to the Cult territory? Or another 'act of God'?"
Yvonne Trudeau glared at the man.
"Mister Kubiak, you are violating so many rules of the codex that the CP could shoot you at sight", she exclaimed.
"I'm sure they would", Kubiak sighed and asked: "When can I talk to Miriam?"
"Her Holiness is currently communicating, as I already told you, with the BDC of the Council Base. I will be informed when she is available."
Kubiak muttered some curses, but so that Trudeau could not hear them. The original plan was to rendez-vous with Santiago after the Colonel had addressed the Spartan military detachment here and fly together to the Planetary Council Base. Now the storm, which wouldn't in any way slow Santiago down, made all plans void.
Suddenly, a man ran in. "Lieutenant Trudeau?" he asked, panting.
"I need to speak to the Sister. The SEF HQ has sent an urgent message."
The highly encrypted was directed to the Planetary Council Base, but there it was re-routed, and through several different data loops the voice and picture of Sister Miriam were actually viewed at the Covert Operations Headquarters at Noah's Rainbow.
Maximum encryption
Audio discussion, 15:05 hours Western Continent Central Time
"I am sorry, dear Sister, but the encryption does not allow high level video transmissions."
"Of course", Miriam replied and turned the camera off. Last week a Governor had found pictures of himself in a rogue Datatech network "doing interesting excavations in his right nostrel" while discussing some trivial matters with the other Governors. Later on the Governor had found himself on a salary level five steps lower then usually with Base Governors.
"I heard that the weather is not so good, Sister."
"True. Looks like the Lord has some other plans for this day."
"But that is not the reason, am I correct?"
"Operation Vapor. I received the cryption package a few hours ago. What on Planet happened?"
"We sent a scout foil after the University salvage teams had left. We couldn't find anything of actual use, but it seems according to the radio transmissions that the gas tanks ruptured in a fire fight. Looks like the team was compromised."
"But the University does not have anything substantial to incriminate us?"
"Apparently not. Looks like the shipment was actually a decoy to settle some factional disagreements, radical elements like the Jakobians were suspected to be onboard."
"But the main thing is that the University gas shipment was destroyed."
"Yes, Sister." A sound of scribbling of paper carried to the Sister's ears.
"What is it, Saunders?"
"The Data Angels, Sister. It appears that the salvage team recovered some Angel items."
Everytime someone mentioned the nationality, Miriam shivered. The faction was truly misusing the word, but she could not demand Roze to change it.
"Such as?"
"Some energy tokens, and a probe decipher unit. A rather moist one, I am afraid, but it is onboard and the foil is bringing it back for examination. If nothing else, we can determine their abilities, and maybe gain insight on the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm."
"Now that you mention it, Saunders, what was with the Data DeCentral unit? Roze sent me a message, and she was not too pleased."
"The Datatech supervisor has already been terminated, and is currently being replaced by the executive Pirate supervisor. The team member himself is on his way to the local Embassy, but he is suspected of attempting to seek refuge at some other embassies. Some even speculate the possibility of him taking sides with the Cult."
"That can not be allowed! We would have to radically change our techniques, and that would be the second time in this month."
"I am aware of the situation. The Datatech unit will assasinate him if necessary."
"Make sure no Data Angel citizens are harmed. I have had my diplomatic problems for the day, Saunders. Over and out."
Connection terminated 15:07 WCCT
Maximum encryption
To: Colonel Corazon Santiago
From: Sister Miriam Godwinson
Have a good journey to the Planetary Council. It seems that God has some other plans for me, as a heavy strom has settled itself over the northern ranges of the Western Continent. Your flight should not be in jeopardy, but if I were to join you in the flight I would need to take a rover convoy all the way to the predesignated meeting point, and that would mean you should have to wait at least 24 hours for me. Now that is very inconvenient, not to mention the picture it would give to your troops; as much as they respect the Believer institution, they would not like to see their Supreme Commander waiting on the runway for me.
May the Lord protect you on your trip.
Sister Miriam
Maximum encryption
From: Military Intelligence
To: Headquarters
It seems that our Scout units near Nest of Fear have been compromised. The following is the transcript of the last transmission received from the unit.
Unit CO: This is Delta-Zero. Visual contact with base. [...]
Comms officer: Confirm parts 1 to 4 from list, Delta-Zero.
Unit CO: Parts one to three confirmed, four is a bit tricky. Let's see.
Comms officer: Delta-Zero, move closer.
Unit CO: Roger, Command. (Off microphone Move forwards, twenty metres. Try to find a proper - (Shouts of "retreat" and "fire" from the background)
Comms officer: Delta-Zero, come in! What is going on? Report! (Gunfire and a strange chirping sound from the background)
Unit CO: Locusts! They.. they are coming! No! No! The Lord is my saviour, He will redeem my soul -
It appears that there is an undetermined number of airborne native lifeforms in Nest of Fear.
Military Intelligence officer Raymond Banks
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
August 30, 2001, 12:11
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Believer-Cult border
"Roger, 34th Recon. We're going to check it out," the Hive chopper company leader said over the radio. Then, we switched to the internal company channel, and gave the orders. "First platoon, move out over to sector four, grid line two. We have a report of Cult activity there. Investigate it and destroy any enemy forces in the area." The Third Hive chopper battalion was patrolling the arid land around the border, but First platoon was being detatched to investigate Cult activity further into the wet fungus to the North. First platoon had four choppers. They were hardened veterans of the Third Crusade, and some of the first-ever Hive chopper pilots. They swooped over the arid desert, littered with carcasses and burnt out vehicles. The Cult no longer tried to defend the area, having retrated into the fungus patches to the North. The choppers were two-man ground support craft, they were loaded with automatic cannon and rocket pods. Fighting locusts was a difficult mission for the choppers, as the locusts were smaller and more maneuverable, but the choppers had been fitted with turreted guns mounting explosive bullets and the rocket pods were of some use as well.
The choppers were about twenty clicks from the Cult forces on the ground when the Cult air force chose to challenge them. "Locusts at nine O'clock," the lead chopper's co-pilot screamed over the communications channel. The four choppers quickly moved into battle formation as they prepared their minds to do battle with the terrible Locusts of Chiron.
August 30, 2001, 13:23
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OOC: The eligible bachelor is Minister of Defence and Governor David Harrington. Roze would be a bacehlorette.
Techopolis Morgue
It was still the early hours of the morning in the University Base of Techopolis. It was supposed to be quiet, hardly any guards. But already they had been forced to dispose of two men, and incapacitate four more. Mission parameters had hoped for a body count of zero.
Finally they approached the room they had been looking for. There was no guard present, and they entered the room without difficulty, using the password they had obtained.
They were shocked at the sight that greeted their eyes. The nightwatchman was dead, laying in a pool of his own blood. One of the cells were open, and they looked at each other as the realization hit them.
They frantically searched the other cells, but none of them contained their objective. The body was missing, and judging by the dead attendant, the captured probe was a lot less dead than had been reported.
With their window of escape quickly closing, they had no choice but to abort the mission. The two probes slipped out into the darkness and disappeared into the night.
Incoming Transmission....Untraceable....
From: Rezon@nce
Don't worry baby, I'm still alive and kicking. And apparently you and me got some things to sort out.
Transmission End.
August 30, 2001, 15:01
OOC: Whats with the instant travel to places? :P The Task Force 2 went by without any Pirate problems? that is odd :P Then, Task Force 1 tries to do that too...hmm
Also, some of the story so far is bit how could a Scout Foil be sent to University, go deep inside the continent to the Nerve Gas Accident, then come back to scout foil which is going back to believer territory? Unless that whole process took a week? Also, a Pirate Supervisor was mentioned? what are you people talking about??? your loosing me  If the Airport built is the first ever built in believer territory at Lord's Grace...which the base is like way Eastern Part of Believer territory... I can understand Miriam going to meet Santiego at Redemption Base...but can't be an airport there to meet...unless Santiego will be going straight to Lord's Grace from Redemption Base while meeting up with some Spartan people...which will be atleast a week travel by rover... one square is 500 kilometres long, and its like 20-30 squares or more from Redemption Base to Lord's Grace..even by road, will take atleast a week. Unless of course you factor is the Planetary Transit System.... or an Airport and Airbase/Aerospace Complex is two different things...Civilian and Military. Just want to remind people how big a square is in this game :P Chiron is Bigger then Earth.
NPS Challenger, Third Fleet, Sea of Chiron
Admiral Proudmoore notices the Spartans Task Force 1 turning to cross the Great Marine Rift towards the Believer's territory, like their Task Force 2 which had transports. He had couple of Foils to follow and keep watch on the Spartans ships since they left Spartan waters. He orignally planned to get the Pirate ships at Drake Landing to intercept Task Force 2, but changed his mind when Task Force 1 changed course towards the Believers. First time the spartans tried a different course to the Planetary Council Base.
Proudmoore orders Drake Landing to have a flight of Interceptors do a fly by over the Spartans while he orders the ships at Drake Landing to get into Effective Artillery Range.
Interfactional waters? phht.
OOC: Hey, they close to Pirate waters...and they can use the World is Not Enough territorial problem  or was that Tommorrow Never Dies?
Remember, you will diffenatly extract Pirate attention if you get near their territory, even if the ships are peaceful  So when Yang takes a jet to fly too PCB, do expect Pirate Interceptors to fly not to far away...same with jets coming from Believer territory
One Pirate Flight is comprise of 4 Needlejets...3 Flights makes up a Squadron.
August 30, 2001, 20:38
Local Time: 12:31
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OOC: As far as I saw it the Believers coudl send a scout foil through University territory and may be spying on the accident from afar... they can intercept messages (the University has LOW probe rating) but they don't really know what is going on.
Neither does the University... for that matter.
As for the speed of the Believing probe units... it has been about 1 1/2 weeks since the accident at least... the Cult hasn't held its environmental summit yet, which was scheduled in 2 months, (I think) but the gov election was in 2-4 weeks and right now it is 2 weeks, thus the accident was 1-2 weeks ago. And the Believers COULD have done what they did... if some time was added to the foils transport.
Memo: From: Zakharov
To: Chiefs of Staff
Our men have faithfully reconstructed a scenario about the Nerve Gas accident... There were, due to some mistake, fringe elements aboard the Nerve Gas tankers.
Also, there were some Data Angels observing from afar, as well as some Believers observing people they hired from the Perfect Society... The Perfect Society saw some Howellites who had heard about the transport and engaged them in the route the transport was taking. The Believers moved in, then the Data Angels came close to investigate.
After that- a firefight emerged between the nerve gas transporters, wherepon the nerve gas tanks were ruptured... We saw fit to put anti-mindworm nerve gas and very potent anti-human nerve gas together... that was a mistake.
The gas ruptured and killed all... But not before some members got off various shots and caused a huge explosion.
This is a very grave matter of security.
As of today all documents from all departments will be encrypted fully.
(OOC: ReZon may be able to decipher some documents, but not all... Argonaut, if you want him to find out that Believers may have been involved or that some fringe university groups got involved... please go ahead- I doubt however that he will find Zakharov's admissions of putting the fringe groups on the tankers, however, since he only has that recorded, then erased on most tapes)
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August 31, 2001, 09:27
Local Time: 14:31
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OOC: Natan, is that Chopper platoon one unit in SMAC terms? Anyway, I´m going treat it like one.
Believer-Cult Border
The Locust great flock was arriving at the site, when they sensed enemy presense. This enemy was different though.
They didn´t have Believer indoctrinated thinking patterns, but a wholly different one. They were from the far away Hive, and they were strong. But one thing was sure, they were the enemy and they were trying to intercept the great flock. Again, it was hunting time.
The flock changed its course to meet this enemy, growing its size tenfold with illusions, and making ready itself for a collective psychic sword slash.
The groups met each other above a scorched battlefield, one among thousands. The Choppers opened fire at anything that was moving, and the locusts gathered around them, slashing deep wounds into the human minds in the machines.
Locusts were falling down right and left, and one of the choppers exploded, as one locust smashed into the overheated main weapon.
Another chopper, its pilot´s mind consumed by an illusion, mistakingly thought the chopper next to him as a packed mass of locust, and shot it out of the sky.
The third chopper was forced to make a crash land, as a pack of locusts burrowed, or rather crashed into its engines.
The battle was over in a few minutes. The ground was littered with dead or dying locusts and a few new copter carcasses.
The remaining flock disengaged itself from battle and flew of towards the airbase, after they had broken the last pilot´s mind, and scared him off.
Meanwhile on the ground, a small recon mindworm unit, alerted by the service unit, had watched the battle with great interest.
Nevermind their relatives, the locusts. They would soon grow new ones to replace the losses, but that crashed chopper might be valuable, especially if the pilot inside was still alive.
The recon unit quickly came out of its burrow, and started heading towards the supposed place where one of the choppers had crash landed...
[OOC: Okay, a stalemate  Both sides endured heavy losses. And the crashlanded chopper just thickens the plot  ]
Last edited by Cyber; August 31, 2001 at 09:33.
September 1, 2001, 23:24
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Morganic Defense Line
Near Data Bank
Sorry to hear that, friend. This whole thing is just too crazy.
The Daily Industrialist
(Morgan Industries' First Newspaper, Bringing The News You Want For 100 Years)
Front page
CEO Morgan departs for Planetary Council: CEO Morgan's private jet left Morgan Industries today for Planetary Council Base...
Demonstrations rock Morgan Entertainment: Minor damage was sustained on Morgan Entertainment's famous Esplanade as around 3,000 protestors marched against the construction of a new syntholine-manufacturing complex. A police spokesman declined to comment on the identity of the protestors...
New helicopter design unveiled to public: The new "Shadowball" helicopter was unveiled at the Corporate Defense Forces' annual open war games. Designed as an anti-armor craft, the Shadowball has a maximum range of 700 miles, and can carry up to ten Mercury anti-speeder missiles...
"So are they shooting or not?"
CEO Nwabudike Morgan was speaking via audio link to the Morganic embassy in New Jerusalem. Rumors had been filtering up to him of renewed hostilities on the Western Continent.
"I'm not sure, CEO." The woman on the other end was very young, nervous, and seemed rather intimidated to be talking to him. "The authorities here are denying any serious incidents. But the Nest of Fear consulate has reported sightings of Locusts and helicopters near there."
"So we don't know." Morgan sighed. This was going to be a total mess. "Thank you very much. Morgan out."
He terminated the connection and leaned back in his chair. This was going to be an interesting Council. If things got too out of hand, the belligerent parties might not even show up to talk. They might even be too preoccupied to vote in the election.
Which would put Roze in position to coast into the Planetary Governor's seat. Interesting was one way of expressing it.
OOC: Syntholine is SYNTHetic gasOLINE, one of the fine products available following the discovery of Synthetic Fossil Fuels. It functions much like gasoline in our world, as fuel for civilian and military ground vehicles. It is different from aircraft fuel.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 2, 2001, 00:15
Local Time: 12:31
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Foreman James Domai gazed out of his ceiling-to-floor office window that looked out over the spires and smokestacks that was the cityscape of Free Drone Central. Below him, he could see Drone citizens walking to and fro many wearing the standard industrial uniform that so many Drones wore. Off in the distance the impressive Factional Mall, with it's bright lights and signs could be seen for miles around. But Domai was forced to drag himself back to the present and leveled his gaze at his Foreign Minister, Miranda Nighthorse. He turned away from the window and sat down to face her.
"Well Foreman, I'm assuming you called me to here to discuss very important matters" she said with a half-smile. Domai nodded and templed his fingers, something he'd always thought made a person look more distinguished and important.
"Yes. I think it's time that we, the Free Drone faction took a more active role in Planet's politics" said Domai. Nighthorse nodded and tapped an instruction into the datapad she was holding. She waited for a moment before replying.
"Well Foreman, what exactly do you intend by that statement? Do we want to create an entire new foreign policy base, do we want to become more aggressive in our current policies, do we want to join alliances, start a war, run for Planetary Governor? That statement covers a lot of ground" she said shaking her head. Domai merely smiled, he should of known better than to be so opaque with her. Time to be precise and specific.
"Well, what I'd like to do is start an alliance between us, the Angels, and the Pirates. I feel that it would be mutually beneficial to all parties" said Domai. Nighthorse made a quick reply.
"The others might not see it that way" she said. Domai glowered at her.
"It never hurts to ask, the least they can do is say no' said Domai. Nighthorse nodded and punched another set of instructions into here pad, probably taking notes to discuss with her staff at a later time. Finally she looked up, with a shadow of a frown on her face.
"I'll make the necessary arragements Foreman" she said. Domai leaned forward.
"You have doubts Miranda?" he asked, knowing the answer already. She nodded and answered in a subdued tone.
"Yes, Foreman. The other factions, despite our good relations may not see an alliance between us as a viable option or as something they don't wish to pursue. But as you said, it never hurts to ask" he said, again with her half smile. Domai relaxed in his chair and gave her a grin.
"Not that I've ever known it too."
Commlink Transmission:
From: Foremain Domai; Free Drones
To: Datajack Roze; Data Angels, Captain Svensgaard; Nautilus Pirates
It would please me immensely if both the two of you would be willing to make the journey to our lovely capital of Free Drone Central to discuss the possibility of a Pact among the three of us.
September 2, 2001, 02:20
Local Time: 07:31
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SNS Spartan-East of Great Marine Rift
Colonel Santiago had just finished the short message to Sister Miriam when her comm unit went off Annoyed she leaned over and punched the button to transmit. “What is it this time?” “Colonel, We have incoming Pirate aircraft from the direction of Drake Landing. Scans also indicate possible surface ships.” Santiago leans back in her chair for a moment. A small smile spreads across her face. A thought entered her head. Sven must not like people playing around near his water. He should get used to it cause we will be doing a lot more of it in the future. Her thoughts came back to the current situation and she reached over to transmit. “Have the cruisers activate their AAA guidance systems. If the aircrafts get too close, paint the aircrafts one by one. Let them know that that they are not as invulnerable as Sven so foolishly believes. If they fire, remove them from my sky. But Commodore, if you fire fist on them I would suggest you shoot yourself. Because you will not like what I will do to you if you cause an incident. Same with the surface ships. Otherwise, remain on coarse. Do not allow them to dictate our course. Contact Force 2, they should have deposited the transports near Believer waters by now. Have them meet us half way there.” “I understand Colonel. Your orders will be carried out.” Santiago turned back to her message and punched the send button.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Sister Miriam
From: Colonel Santiago
I understand completely Sister Miriam. When I reach Redemption Base, one of my transport planes will be there and will take me to the council base. After this election is finished we can perhaps meet.
Santiago sit back in her chair and studied the situation in her mind. She then decided that one more message would need to be sent. Something that would provide some room for maneuvering.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Commissioner Lal
From: Colonel Santiago
Your ally is about to cause us both some terrible grief. If you value your precious peace, I suggest you talk some sense into your ally Sven. I don’t want a war, but if he keeps pushing, I will accommodate him most decisively. Then again, perhaps an accommodation could be made between us. We might could persuade or mutual allies to calm down if we both agree that this is in the best interest. That is Commissioner, if you have any influence with your allies still. Santiago out.
[OOC: Well it's your move LMP. If you want a war, all you have to do is fire. The Spartans won't play the Pirate game of cat and mouse. But they will play war if you want them too.  ]
September 2, 2001, 06:37
Local Time: 14:31
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Location: Bergen, Norway
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U.N. Headquarters
Lal is busy and has a lot on his mind when Santiago's message comes in. He doesn't know of her current situation and so he has no idea what she's talking about. With a sigh, he pauses and thinks for a moment, then transmits the following response:
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Colonel Santiago
My apologies, colonel, but I do not know what you're talking about.
If you could explain your situation to me, I might be able to help. Lal out.
He thinks for a moment, then sends another message...
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Captain Svensgaard
Santiago seems to think you're about to attack her or something.
What's going on?
[OOC: I'll post more later...]
September 3, 2001, 00:02
Local Time: 22:31
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CEO Morgan's Private Jet
23:22 Central Continent Time
The Senior Executive looked up from her desk to see the CEO standing in the doorway. His face was resolute, his lips pressed tightly together, his massive frame tense.
"Yes sir?" she said, rising. Jeneba had been reckoned tall on Earth, but Morgan stood a head over her, all the more intimidating due to his current brooding demeanor.
"Send a message ahead to the Planetary Council Base," Morgan said. "Tell them..." The CEO sighed. "Tell them that I am withdrawing from the Planetary Governor election."
Jeneba was rocked for a moment. Then she replied, "Of course, sir," and moved over to her computer terminal. As she typed the QuickLink, she glanced up at Morgan.
He was standing at her window, staring out as dark blue seas and gray lands sped past beneath them, his expression distant. After a moment it became apparent that he was lost in his own thoughts, and she finished the message.
"Thank you, Jeneba." Morgan's long, heavy stride moved through the Senior Executive's door and away down the hall. She pressed [Send] and folded her hands. Jeneba wondered what could have caused him to abandon the vicelike grip he had exerted on the Governorship for so long. Fear of Roze? Fear of Svensgaard? Fear of Santiago?
But, she reflected, Morgan's mind was like a steel trap, and he rarely made a bad decision from a business perspective. No-one knew what went on behind his perfect poker-face; but she remembered a time when commentators in Sparta and the University were saying that Morgan Industries had two years to live. That was a hundred years ago. She still trusted Morgan and his ability to extract himself - and his people - from any situation.
But no human being in history had imagined in their most fevered dreams a situation such as the one which was unfolding around them...
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 3, 2001, 00:57
To: Foreman Domai
From: Captain Svensgaard
Talks of Pact? Sure, but will only be able to come to Free Drone Central after the Planetary Governor Election.
Captain Svensgaard
(OOC: Svensgaard was always interested in having some form of Pact with the Free Drones, but they kept their policy of staying Neutral. So was a bit of surprise to suggest it, but will quickly realize that it maybe because of the Data Angels withdrawing from the Chiron Alliance)
OOC: Of course the Pirates wants war, to just mainly eliminate the Spartan Navy and take over Fleet Anchorage, possibly Parade Ground too  they rather that the Spartans stay on their continent then expand among the sea. But, they rather not be the first to fire  And there is ways the Pirates can try to get the Spartan ships to fire first....hey! they are pirates! 
Oh, and it is on Admiral's discretion  so Svensgaard currently has nothing to do with the matter at the moment, he is currently at the Planetary Council Base.
NPS Challenger, Sea of Chiron
The Interceptor Flight that flew over the Spartans reports that they being taged by their AAAs. Well, that sure got the Spartans attention Admiral Proudmoore thinks to himself. He orders the Interceptors to stay around the area to keep tract of the Spartans Task Force. He orders the Penetrator squadron at Drake Landing to be ready for possible launch. About the same time, he receives reports the couple of foils keep watch on the Spartan's Task Force 2 that the warships are turning and moving on a intercept course to Task Force 1. Good, they are Paranoid as usual, especially when their Leader is being "threatened". By this time, Commodore James ships around Drake Landing are forming into Fleet formation at EAR distance from the Spartans. He orders James to get his Cruisers and Destroyers to cross in front of the Spartans, technicly getting in their way  while he gets hi Destroyers and Foils to cross behind the Spartans. Oh how much Proudmoore would like to be there, but he is currently to far to make a direct difference. If that H effect won't cause the Spartans to change course, not sure what will.
OOC: EAR = Effective Artillery Range. James should be able to pull that H thing before Task Force 2 gets in range. Yes, I mention Destroyers...but the Pirates currently only haves 10 of them. Soon, Pirates will have to discommision Foils so the crew can move into Destroyers. Can say Destroyers are between Armed Merchant Cruiser and Cruiser in strength  A lot of the foils will end up being regulated to the Nautilus Defence Force, to help defend bases And to Exploration/Reconnaisance/Picket duties. So they end up being crewed by reserves..... but that like in the next 5-10 years
Nautilus Pirate Embassy, Planetary Council Base
Captain Svensgaard was reviewing the status on the Destroyer Program (replacing Foils with Destroyers in the Nautilus Navy). when he received a message from Lal. Svensgaard replies...
To: Commissioner Lal
From: Captain Svensgaard
Lal, the Spartans as been thinking that since we established the Athen Outpost in their backyard. At present, we have no plans in attacking them (OOC: Except two Operations ready to be launch at anytime, but currently not planned to launch them), so why would they bother you? Trying to influence you how bad allies we are?
Captain Svensgaard
(OOC: Ain't Lal on UNS Peacekeeper going to PCB yet?  )
After sending the message, he connects directly to the Maritime Control Center via NPS Nautilus. He soon finds out of the situation forming up at near Drake Landing. He won't interfere just yet, trusting Proudmoore to handle the situation, despite him being daring. Admiral Proudmoore was always a darer  , that is why Svensgaard never transfered him to elsewhere. He is more useful at Chiron Sea to keep an eye on the Spartans.
Svensgaard then remembers the Battle at Fleet Anchorage started, he watched the whole thing happen at the Marinetime Control Center. Admiral Proudmoore warns the Spartans to cease establishing Fleet Anchorage and to go back to where they came from. To emphasize his warning, he ordered some Foils to fire warning shots, which Spartans took it that they are being fired upon, so some of their ships fired at the Pirate Foils, just ended up causing the Battle. Proudmoore Knew that would get reaction from the Spartans, which is why he ordered the warning shots despite other factions, after some investigation, thought of him as a fool for ordering such a thing in a sensitive situation. Now, Proudmoore may cause another one, and hopefully maybe get rid of Santiego once and for all
September 3, 2001, 15:48
Local Time: 12:31
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The University Sun-Governor
High Academician Prokhor Zakharov has sent a representative to the Planetary Council to represent the University in the Planetary Governor election.
It is believed that the Universitys' representative, Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky , will vote for Morgan or Santiago, our two longtime allies, as Planetary governor.
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