September 4, 2001, 08:50
Local Time: 14:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
[OOC: Okay, here at last comes my post... -And yes, for the purpose of getting Lal to the Planetary Council Base, I guess we should assume that he's been on his way for a while by now... I'll still post the press conference thing, but could say that it happened some days ago (assume that I posted it when I first said I would...) I guess that kind of screws up this thing with Santiago a little bit, but... well, if you like, we can say that Lal got these messages and answered them from the U.N.S. Peacekeeper rather than from U.N. HQ. I've just placed it all before the press conference because that's where I was in my part of the story... (Damn lag... Always a pain in the butt.  ) Anyway, here we go...
Oh, and by the way... as you may or may not recognize, I've thrown in a few lines from The Unforgiven II by Metallica here and there... It's not really part of the story and nobody's really "unforgiven" in the eyes of the Peacekeepers... (-at least not yet...) I just tried putting it in and kind of liked the effect, so I left it there...  ]
U.N. Headquarters
Lal was getting ready for his press conference when Svensgaard's message came in. He quickly skimmed through the message and shrugged. Looked like it was just a matter of Santiago being a little paranoid as usual. He dismissed the matter and returned to pondering the situation with the Data Angels. Like most Peacekeepers, he still didn't understand what had happened and why and how. And he didn't understand why he still hadn't heard from Roze. Why won't she talk to me? He shook his head sadly, not understanding at all.
He still couldn't believe it had come to this.
Some people were saying that it was all good... that Roze had proven herself to be immature and untrustworthy and that he should probably never have been allied with her in the first place. Lal found this hard to believe. But her stubborn refusal to even talk to him did not count as a sign of maturity in his book...
-Could it be true what they say?
Lay beside me
Tell me what they've done
Speak the words I want to hear
Make my demons wrong
U.N. Enforcement Base
Rhonda Manfield was heading back to her unit. They had about 3 weeks of training left, then they would be ready for some real action. -Which meant that they'd probably be going north to confront Kurita in the mountains, unless something else came up... As she walked through the base, her mind was drifting... She was walking through streets where Datatech forces had once paraded before cheering crowds... Our allies... our friends... She could still remember. She had been right here. She had been just a kid, but she'd been here. She had waved to them and they had waved right back at her. She could still remember the smiles on the faces, the mood in the base... how happy she'd been...
-And now they won't even talk to us...
The door is locked now
But it's opened if you're true
If you can understand me
Then I can understand you
Data DeCentral, U.N. Embassy
The mood was gloomy. The embassy compound was hurriedly being prepared for an indefinite period under siege. Guards were all over the place. They were in full battle gear now and carried large synthmetal shields for protection against objects thrown at them from the outside. They were preparing for a small war. While most were busily going about making preparations, a few of them just stood there like stone figures, glaring angrily at the small group of protestors remaining outside, who were currently being held at safe distance by the Datatech Security forces. Things were safely under control for the time being, but the Peacekeepers clearly weren't counting on that to last. Instead, they were getting ready to take matters into their own hands should the Datatech Security forces allow them to be attacked again.
Lay beside me
Under wicked sky
Blackened day, darkened night
We share this paradise
The door cracks open
But there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining
U.N. News Network
Attack on U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral!
U.N. Marine guards at the embassy in Data DeCentral went on alert today as protestors outside the embassy began harassing guards and throwing missiles. Datatech Security forces responded promptly and took control of the situation. While no guards were injured and the situation appears to be under control for the time being, U.N. Ambassador Victor Pazcussi has delivered a formal complaint to the Datatech authorities, calling the incident an unprovoked attack on U.N. personnel. The ambassador went on to state that "appropriate measures" would be taken to defend U.N. personnel and property against further attacks. Exactly what this means is currently unclear, as neither the ambassador nor the captain of the guard have been available for comment. However, sources in U.N. Headquarters inform us that any action taken by U.N. Embassy guards will be strictly defensive in nature and that deadly force will never be used unless it is needed to save lives.
Datatech authorities were quick to condemn the incident. Assistant Datajack Michael Omega-Nine issued a brief statement saying that
"I'm really quite ashamed of what happened at Data DeCentral today. While I respect the right to protest, this violence is immature and unnecessary. To think that our own citizens would do that to guests in our capital base is appalling."
Hopefully, that will be the end of the matter.
Now for the press conference in U.N. Headquarters...
Voice of Humanity - An independent radio network
Good evening, fellow humans!
I am Chuck Wilborne and this is the Voice of Humanity on 102,5.
As you know, Commissioner Lal is about to begin a press conference in U.N. Headquarters, where he will undoubtedly announce that we're still holding the door open for the Data Angels and that nobody's holding any grudges against them because of what has happened. And why would he say anything else? We have no reason to be angry with the Data Angels. We don't even know why they're mad at us! Something's pissed them off to the point of leaving the Chiron Alliance, but what on Chiron was it?
If we only knew, perhaps we could help resolve the problem. Unfortunately, since the Data Angels won't even talk to us, we do not know what their problem is and have no way of obtaining this information. So, we're left with little more than rumors and speculations, and nobody really knows what is going on, which means that if they continue on their present heading, we may be forced to shut the Angels out without really knowing why we're doing it. -Which is sad, because the Data Angels have been our best friends for so long and we were hoping to keep relations strong in the future... -Or... have they been our best friends? Have they indeed? Some people are saying that the Data Angels are starting to show their true colors and that we should never have been allied with them in the first place. There are also those who question the maturity of a faction leader who sets off something like this because of a petty personal argument, then refuses to talk to anybody about what's happened and why, even after apologies have been offered. However, we should keep in mind that we do not really know if the alleged "petty personal argument" is actually the reason for all of this. We also have to keep in mind that the fact that Roze hasn't talked to us does not necessarily mean she has not talked to anyone. So, we do not really know what she's doing and why. Now, refusing to talk to the one with whom you have a problem is definitely rather undiplomatic, and while some may call it immature, it is unfortunately not uncommon in interfactional politics. So, this is not something Roze "invented". However, it was definitely not expected of her, and it puts us in a very difficult situation. We don't even know what to apologize for!
On the other hand, the Data Angels do not seem to understand our position either...
According to the Angel's Herald,
The U.N. wants the Angels to stay for obvious reasons as well. To consolidate the power of the Alliance and disseminate rumours that it's falling apart from within due to bickering amongst leaders. To gain a powerful ally with a large navy, and extensive sea territory (through which a great deal of U.N. trade has past en route to both Data Angel and Northern Pirate sea bases).
While these reasons may be "obvious", they are not the real reason. First of all, it is no secret that we Peacekeepers are more concerned with our own policies than with "consolidating the power of the Alliance". Second, while it is true that the Data Angels have been "a powerful ally with a large navy, and extensive sea territory", these are added benefits, not our main reasons for wanting to be friends with them. And friends we have been. Over the years, cooperation with the Data Angels has come natural, as our people have had shared interests and shared - or at least compatible - views on a great many things. Over the years, we have built what we thought to be a strong friendship with them, and now we're unwilling to let all of that go. Not because of some kind of calculated strategic maneuvering or because it's "inconvenient" for us at the moment, but quite simply because the Data Angels have always been our friends and we see no reason not to get along with them.
If, however, the Data Angels have for some inconceivable reason decided not to get along with us, then we shall be forced to accept this. -But that doesn't mean we have to like it!
Earlier this week, a certain Penelope Winters organized a protest outside the U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral, apparently angry about something somebody said in the U.N. media. None of us ever knew what he was talking about, but he seemed to think we were "pushing him around" when we refused to immediately sever all ties, break all contact and condemn the Data Angels as "immature and untrustworthy" or something along those lines. If that is what the Angels want, then that is what they want and doesn't mean we have to want it too! Of course we will leave them alone if that is how they want it, but they have no right to dictate what we should want and what we should say. If we don't understand why we have to break up, we will say we don't understand why we should break up, and if Mr. Penelope Winters & Co don't like us saying so, then they should explain it to us, not just run around spouting a lot of bull**** about us "pushing them around" when no attempt has been made to do so.
Another interesting comment came directly from Sister Miriam Godwinson, who was quoted as saying that
I find it strange that Commissioner Lal does not "allow" Roze to withdraw. The Chiron Alliance is, as far as I know, meant to be a democratic coalition. If Lal does not wish this, he must not use force to subjugate the Data Angels.
I'm almost at a loss for words here...
First of all, Roze doesn't need Lal's permission. If he doesn't immediately push her away and turn his back on her, that doesn't mean he "won't allow" her to do something! As for the last part of Miriam's statement... well, we can only hope that Miriam was just acting dumb when she gave this comment.
So, to sum things up, where will this whole thing end?
Well, who knows? I most certainly don't, and I don't think Commissioner Lal knows too much either.
As for Roze, she's not talking to us, so we have no idea what she knows. Maybe this wasn't what she had in mind either. We don't know anything. So, for the time being, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next...
The next days and weeks will be crucial...
What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
-Should I open it for you
U.N.S. Apollon II
The storm was long gone, as was the troubled thoughts of the captain.
Now she was standing tall and proud on the bridge as they sailed northeast at full speed.
The sea was calm and the whole task force was bathing in the evening sun.
They would reach their destination in approximately 12 hours.
Showtime flight, U.N. Air Patrol, off the coast of the Western Continent
A flight of missile-carrying penetrators were cruising high above the ocean. So far, they hadn't found much of anything, but they had a couple of hours' worth of fuel left still. They weren't quite sure what to make of their orders this time. Well, sure, they were basically just keeping an eye on things as usual, but this time, they had been specifically instructed to keep an eye out for Spartans, Hive or... Data Angels...
What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired I stand alone
Could you be there
'Cause I'm the one who waits for you
-Or are you unforgiven too
Phoenix flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border region, east of New Hope
Nothing much seemed to be happening in the border region today. -Except the occasional passing of a Spartan drone, that was. The Peacekeepers were getting increasingly annoyed with the damned things flying all over the place, but nothing major had been done about it yet. Sure, the usual diplomatic protests had been sent, but they all knew how much of an impact that had on the Spartans. What was it General Braddock had said? "We might as well fart in their general direction from half a continent away." They all knew that was true more often than not. Yet that was how things were supposed to be done, so they had to stay calm and watch the things go by without interfering. -At least for the time being...
Suddenly, their deep radars picked up a low-flying air contact up ahead. It was currently north of the border, but heading almost dead south, about to exit Cult territory.
"Phoenix flight, bogey at two o'clock, bearing 7-8, range 3-7-0, heading 1-7-5 at speed 2-5-0. Lets go in and have a look."
One by one, they acknowledged the call and turned to intercept the bogey.
U.N. Headquarters
Lal's eyes widened in surprise as the Spartan Information Service reporter got up and introduced himself.
-What in the world was a Spartan reporter doing in a U.N. press conference?!?
He felt his mouth open and quickly closed it again, trying to concentrate on the Spartan's question... "Commissioner Lal. If Colonel Santiago wins the upcoming election, will you recognize her as the Planetary Governor?"
Okay, so they weren't talking about the Data Angels any longer...
Lal thought for a moment before he answered.
There was a sudden silence as the room tensed in anticipation of his answer to this unexpected question.
"Yes", he said suddenly, his voice loud and firm. "Yes, we will. -But on two conditions..."
He paused for a moment, until he saw that the Spartan was about to ask what these conditions were, before he went on. "If we are satisfied that there has been no foul play involved in the election - and provided that Santiago does not neglect the U.N. Charter in her eagerness to observe factional sovereignty - we will recognize her as Planetary Governor." He paused for another moment, then added a final sentence: "-If she wins the election, that is..." That brought a nervous chuckle from the crowd.
He had anticipated the Spartan's next question would be; "What do you mean by foul play, Commissioner?"
Lal shrugged lightly. "Well, if a battalion of Spartan troops were to stand behind us pointing weapons at our backs during the voting, it would be considered foul play." There was another nervous chuckle. "But... I feel pretty confident that there won't be any kind of troubles like that." The Spartan seemed about to dig further, then thought better of it as he realized that Lal had just said he trusted Santiago not to play foul.
"So... if Santiago is democratically elected to the position and she observes your precious Charter, you will recognize her has Governor?" Lal nodded. "That is correct."
"Will you also back her if any other faction chooses to ignore the results of the election?"
Lal felt a small smile spread across his face as he realized that he knew exactly where this was headed.
"Well, as you should all know by now, U.N. policies are not based on what "any other faction" may or may not see fit to say or do. So, the answer is yes. However, I did not say I'd back her, only that I would recognize her as Planetary Governor. -Which we would still do... -on the earlier mentioned two conditions."
The Spartan nodded lightly, then went on to his next question: "Are you concerned at all by the Pirates' sometimes reckless behavior in interfactional affairs?"
The small smile on Lal's face grew just a little wider as he answered. "Well, we are concerned about reckless behavior by any faction, not just the Pirates specifically." The Spartan seemed to hesitate for a moment, then pressed on. "So, you are concerned about reckless behavior by the Pirates in interfactional affairs?" Lal took a deep breath. "Yes, we do get a little concerned at times, but nothing too major so far. We are also concerned about what we see as reckless behavior by Sparta, the Hive, the University... -even the Data Angels as of late..." The room was silent for a few moments. Then the Spartan cleared his throat and asked another question. "So, what does the U.N. intend to do about it?" Lal spread his hands in a gesture that could be meant to indicate that the answer ought to be pretty obvious. "Well, if we feel that someone is acting recklessly, we will always try to use the standard diplomatic channels first... -meaning that we'll try to talk to them about it and sort the matter out in a civilized manner." He paused for a moment and looked around. "Failing that..." He paused again, then shrugged and waved a hand dismissively, "Without a specific case to discuss, this is all just speculation." The Spartan tried one more time. "So, if the Pirates..." Lal held out a hand and cut him short. "Then I would discuss the matter with the Pirates and with my own people, not with a Spartan reporter. Anything else?" The Spartan thought for a moment, then shook his head and sat down.
Lal quietly wondered what would come next...
[OOC: To be continued...]
Last edited by Guardian; September 4, 2001 at 09:20.
September 4, 2001, 12:36
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: New York State
Posts: 503
Worker's Nest
The Chairman's needlejet moved faster and faster down the runway. Inside, Chairman Yang was still working out the text of his speeches and working on several Central Committee Proposals. The needlejet had been expanded and outfitted to carry more fuel and a nearly fool-proof escape pod, but it was short on weapons. For that, it was relying on two similarly expanded escort interceptors with weapons instead of cargo space. The flight path had been carefully planned to avoid passing over Pirate waters or through Pirate airspace.
OOC: I gotta go eat some lunch now, but coming up next: Adventures of a crashed Hive chopper pilot in a fungus patch.
September 4, 2001, 14:25
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Far Jerico
The Spartan groundcrews had been working all day to refit the missile penetrators with the new napalm missiles developed at Sparta Command for combating the locust. In theory the missiles should penetrate to the center of the swarms and detonate and produce a super hot wall of napalm. The pilots of the squadren had been present on the Beliver-cult front for many years now, so they knew the area they were operating in. Today their mission was to simply provide some relief for the downed Hive crews that were thought to be left from the engagment earlier. They would be making sure that any left over locusts in the area wouldn't make a meal out of their Hive allies.
As the last jets were cleared for take off the seinor Spartan officer gave the go ahead to lift off. One by one each Spartan jet took off and climbed to the designated meeting point. When all the jets were airborne, the formed up and headed north towards the down Hive crews.
A kilometer away, a Spartan probe unit began filing into a helocopter for their own trip north. The Hive itself would mount an operation to rescue their pilots, but the Spartan extraction team was being sent to the area as well. The senior Hive officer was informed and offered the use of the probe team if it should become impossible for the Hive mission to succed. The Hive pilots were extreamly valuable since they may have first hand knowledge of what the Cult was doing that close to the border. Spartan officers did not want to take a change that these pilots would be lost along with their information.
[OOC: Natan, if you want you can use the probe team in your story. Just don't get them killed  . The penetrators are there to destroy any locust that get in the area. That goes for any mindworms that get too close as well. I assume that the Hive crew would have transponders, so the Hive and Spartans would have a very good idea where they are. Guardian, what will the PKs do with all that commotion going on around the area?  ]
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
September 5, 2001, 09:57
Local Time: 14:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
U.N. Headquarters
"Commissioner, Blake Anderson, Angel's Herald"
Lal looked at the slender man and nodded lightly, indicating that the reporter could go ahead and ask his questions.
"With concerns having been raised by the interfactional community regarding the U.N. presence on the Western Continent, what steps are being made to ensure that the mission is successful and a resolution is found to the conflict? Can we expect an increased military presence? What about factions that are seen as "fueling the fire"? "
There was a pause as the commissioner shuffled his notes and appeared lost in thought for a few moments...
When he spoke, his voice was thoughtful, concerned and maybe just a little bit uncertain...
"Well...", he paused and cleared his throat, then seemed to grow more confident as he made some kind of decision on how to handle this. "Well, as we have stated before, we share many of the concerns that have been raised by others in this matter. There have been a number of unfortunate misunderstandings and...", he paused again as if searching for the right words, "nasty incidents that were never meant to happen. It was never our intention to threaten anyone, but we had to protect our own people and the civilians we were there to help." He sighed. "But we've been through all that before. Now, to answer your question, Mr. Anderson, as to what steps are currently being taken, we hope to bring all parties together for noncommittal informal consultations some time within the next few weeks, the idea being to exchange views and opinions and hopefully gain a better understanding of the overall situation. If we can do that and we can get everyone together and talking to each other, then we believe we will have a sound beginning and we'll see where to go from there. We haven't planned anything in detail beyond that point because we feel that the actual peace process should be controlled by the parties themselves. We're just there to help." He paused again and looked around. He could see that some people weren't convinced, but he knew he had given a pretty good answer, all circumstances considered. When nobody interrupted, he went on; "As for the question of whether or not to expect an increased military presence... I would say, hopefully not... That is, there are no immediate plans for further reinforcement of the U.N. task force, and we don't intend to send any more forces into the region, but I'm afraid it can not be completely ruled out either. To be blunt, you might want to ask the Spartans and the Hive what they plan on doing, because their answers might affect mine. -Which leads me to your last question, concerning factions who are seen as "fueling the fire". We will raise this matter once again in the Council immediately after the election. We will also try to discuss the matter directly with those concerned. While both of these have been tried before, we feel it should be tried again before any other course of action is considered." His expression lightened momentarily and a small smile appeared again on his face. "As you know, we don't give up so easily." That brought a few polite chuckles. "Also, all factions who feel they have an "interest" in the conflict will be invited to attend our informal consultations, where they will have a chance to assert some influence on where we go from there." There was another brief pause. Lal looked around in the crowd, found the Spartan reporter who had asked him questions earlier and looked straight at the man as he spoke one final sentence. "Yes, I am saying that our policy might change as a result of these consultations, and yes, I am saying that anyone who attends will have a chance to influence our policy." He turned back to face the Datatech reporter.
"Have I answered your questions, Mr. Anderson?"
The slender man nodded and sat down.
U.N. Enforcement Base, local Net C@fe
Word about the attack on the U.N. Embassy in Data DeCentral spread like a fire in dry grass. Within minutes, there were a number excited conversations going on. A few voices rose above the others. Some people were getting angry... There were similar things going on elsewhere...
Come lay beside me
This won't hurt, I swear
New Hope
Kyla Johnson was off duty at the moment. Well, as off duty as you could get in a place like this, anyway... She wasn't relaxing much though. She was much too restless for that... After pacing back and forth like a caged animal for several minutes, she sat on her bunk, her head in her hands, trying to think clearly. She had this uneasy feeling that she some times got... the feeling that something was about to happen... but as usual, she didn't know what it was. And as usual, it made her kind of nervous. Over the years, she had learned to handle it better... learned to act calm and professional and not turn into a lost little girl who was scared and alone in the dark... she had come a long way... but still, it was almost overwhelming at times. Some times it really wasn't all that bad. Some times it was almost a little funny, when she just sort of knew that there was a surprise in store - only didn't know exactly what it would be. Other times it was more scary. When it got really bad, it was like a dreadful sensation of imminent doom hanging over her like a thunderstorm cloud, and she was almost afraid to breathe. This didn't happen often, but it happened... Like, that was how she had felt two years ago when she had taken her unit a little too close to a Believer offensive and come under fire from one of their artillery regiments. She never knew if they actually meant to hit her or not, but her calls for a cease fire had been ignored... things were blowing up all around her, and suddenly, she had just... known... that if this went on for very much longer, she was going to die... So, she had called in an air strike to suppress the artillery while she got her people out of there. Later she had learned that the strike had almost wiped out the entire regiment. They had been caught in the open and a whole squadron had just saturated the entire area with cluster bombs. Perhaps a little "over the top" when her unit came away with a few damaged rovers and some minor to moderate injuries. -But she had been really scared... It shouldn't have happened. They shouldn't have fired. She hadn't done anything to threaten them except being there... -But she had been moving fast and trying to intercept them... She hadn't meant to attack them though, just trying to get between them and the base... She sighed. Ah well! Nothing could be done about that now... Today was a different story though, and she sensed that something was going to happen today... Whatever that might be...
Phoenix flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border
"Phoenix 1 has visual contact. It's a helicopter, all right."
A lone helicopter coming out of Cult territory. That was odd...
"I'm gonna move in for a closer look..."
The rest of the flight stayed back, covering the leader as he rapidly closed in on the unidentified chopper.
There was a brief silence, followed by an excited call, "Phoenix 1 has a positive ID! Repeat, we have a positive ID! Method: Visual. It is a Hive design. Looks like it's taken a pounding too!"
This report was rapidly passed along the appropriate channels: A battle-damaged Hive helicopter exciting Cult airspace. "Looks like someone's gonna have some explaining to do."
"Yep. -And this time they can't say they're "defending an ally"...
"Ah... Phoenix flight. Two more bogeys at 11 o'clock low.
Bearing 1-6-5, range 3-0-9, heading 0-2-0 at speed 2-4-6."
The two new bogeys were coming almost straight for them...
[OOC: Maybe I should explain these radio calls just in case somebody doesn't get it. First of all, in the language of U.N.A.F. pilots, a bogey is an unidentified air contact. The "clock" thing is used to indicate the target's position relative to your own current heading, i.e. "12 o'clock" is dead ahead, "6 o'clock" is right on your tail, etc... The words "low" or "high" after the clock code tell you if the target is currently higher or lower than yourself. The "bearing" is the exact compass heading to the target, i.e. 0-0-0 will be dead north, 0-9-0 would be east, 1-8-0 is south, etc. "Range" is the distance to target, measured in kilometers. (In theory, deep radar can see a thousand kilometers out, but I'm letting the Hive choppers get a good bit closer than that because they can fly low and hide in valleys, etc. -Seeing them at a distance of 300+ kilometers is still pretty darned good.) "Heading" is the target's current heading and "speed" is the target's speed, measured in kilometers per hour.]
New Hope
She tried to think of something else... like... what to make of this mess with the Data Angels??!? Kyla didn't understand it either. She had always known the Datatechs to be decent folks. She had worked with them on several occasions and she had always liked them and enjoyed working with them. Something must have gone terribly wrong somewhere... It had to be some sort of misunderstanding. Something terrible, perhaps, but a misunderstanding all the same. She hoped it would be sorted out, and soon... I don't care, she thought quietly to herself... I don't care what it was... when it gets sorted out, I won't hold anything against them. The thought was somewhat comforting...
She loves me not, she loves me still
She sat there for another few moments, then the uneasy feeling took hold again, stronger than before. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then stood abruptly. All right then. She didn't know what the hell was going on and she didn't know who her allies were, but she was a Peacekeeper and she had a job to do, with or without the Data Angels as her allies. Also, she was in a tight spot and she knew that something was about to happen. So... what was she going to do about it? Sit around and wait for the sky to fall in her head?! She shook her head. Uh, oh. Not this little girl. She was going to get out there and be ready.
She scooped up her gear and was out the door.
She lay beside me
But she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there
Phoenix flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border
The two new bogeys turned out to be another couple of helicopters, probably Hive ones coming north to meet up with their homebound comrade... They were just about to close in for a visual inspection of these two when something even more interesting happened...
"Phoenix flight! Multiple bogeys at 3 o'clock high! Bearing 2-0-1, range 8-6-0, heading 0-4-0 at speed 1-0-4-0!!"
"Jeeez! That looks like a whole f'?!ing squadron!"
"Ah, Windjammer! Phoenix lead. Looks like we may have a problem..."
New Hope
She was just heading out when she heard the klaxons going off over at the air base...
[OOC: All right, Sprayber, you just woke up some people...
The Peacekeepers will demand to know what the hell you think you're doing and unless by some miracle you convince them to move aside, they'll probably try to be in your way. There are currently three wings of interceptors stationed at New Hope. -Expect at least a couple of squadrons to accept your invitation and join the party.  Have fun!  ]
September 5, 2001, 14:43
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: New York State
Posts: 503
The Hive helicopter crew was starting to recover its senses. The deaths of so any of the locusts had reduced their psi power, as had the now greater distance between them and the chopper. The co-pilot turned on the communications system:
"Battalion commander, Battalion commander: This is third chopper, first platoon. We have lost the battle. We appear to be sole surviving chopper. Should we continue on to the target area, or return to base?"
ÒIÕm picking up a distress signal from the ground, from the co-pilot of second copter. IÕm sending in third platoon, right now, I want you to destroy the crashed copters, excluding second copter. Protect the surviving crew member of second copter from capture or attack, but do not attempt rescue if this will put your craft at risk. Expect third platoon to relieve you within two hours.Ó The co-pilot of copter three responded, Òcheck.Ó
Third chopper returned to the battlefield. A few Locusts hovered, but they made no attempt to attack. Instead, they stayed in a spread out formation towards the north-western edge of the battlefield, the area through which third copter would need to pass to reach the trenches. They were close enough to attack if an opportunity presented itself, but they appeared disinclined to do so at the moment. Third copter methodically over each of the crashed choppers, and hovering low, dropped a bomb on each one of them. The bombs pulverized the wreckage, making it more difficult to conclusively identify them. Then, they hovered over the ruins of second copter. Some mindworms came within range, but they seemed more interested in verifying the presence of the copter and the downed co-pilot than in attacking them. Occasionally, a few mindworms would come close, but the helicopterÕs light laser guns homed in and burned them. It went on like this for twenty minutes. Then, copter three recieved an urgent message from the battalion commander:
ÒCopter three, copter three, this is battalion commander! Enemy aircraft on your tail, at five OÕclock. TheyÕre too far away for you to engage them, so just sit tight. But be warned, if necessary, prepare to eliminate second copterÕs remains and complete the destruction of your craft!Ó
Copter three continued to hover over second copter. Meanwhile, to the southeast, Spartan missile penetrators with Hive helicopters half an hour behind were converging on a PK flight patrol, while a Spartan probe team, still an hour or soÕs flight away, prepared to land in the crash zone . . .
OOC: IÕm going to let either Guardian or Sprayber write the air battle up, since itÕs mostly their needlejets which are involved.
September 5, 2001, 14:56
Local Time: 15:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
Posts: 8,638
Believer Military Headquarters, New Jerusalem
There was some action going on at the Cult border. Rachel Garnet, head of Air Forces, was not too happy about it; there were the PK's, the Cult and the Spartans - and now the Hive - all messing around partly in their aerospace, and the 3rd world faction they technologically-wise were, they had no chances of trying to effect the course of events. All Believer air defense was up to the handful of Spartan jets roaming on Western Continent, nothing else.
Garnet pressed a switch on the console. Again, it was time for another meeting of the Committee.
OCC: Oh, I really can't get on to actually writing... Maybe soon... BTW Guardian, I think we all have seen Top Gun 
But it sure pisses of Miriam to have people flying around near their borders without control. She really needs to get some real needlejets
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 6, 2001, 02:46
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
The Spartan Missile Needlejets roared across the sky near the reported location of the downed Hive chopper. The ranking pilot checked his radar and assess the situation.
“Bravo 2, this is Bravo leader. Bravo 2, check your screen. We have probable PK Jets bearing down on our location. Take Bravo 3, 4, and 5 on a diversion run. Make your heading on an intercept course. At the last minute veer off. If you are contacted, inform the Pks that we are on an inspection mission of the border area. Tell them that our planes were attacked by Cult locusts and we are going to remove the threat from the sky. They can hang back and observe if they wish, but tell them to stay our of the way.”
“Bravo Leader, this is Bravo 2. Orders received and understood. Bravo 3, 4, and 5, you are with me.”
The four Spartan jets veered off from the rest of the squadron and began their run towards the approaching PK jets. Bravo Leader also noticed that a single Hive chopper was in the area to the south.
*****Battle Encryption*****
To: Hive Chopper
From: Bravo Leader. Spartan 3rd Air Squadron
Hive pilot, we will engage the remaining locust swarm. We have needle jets to run interference on incoming PK jets. Time is important. Go about your mission as best as possible. Bravo Squadron out.
“Bravo Squadron, this is Bravo leader. There is a swarm of locust to the northeast. They appear to be degraded significantly. Lets go and rid Planet of some of it’s native life forms shall we. Prepare your minds.”
The Spartan squadron closed in on the swarm of locust and prepared their new missiles. One by one the Spartan jets fired a missile. The missiles penetrated the swarm and soon the sky was on fire. The Spartan jets swung around in a giant arc that would take them back to the area around the crash site.
[OOC: That’s all that I will do on that. I will leave it up to Cyber to tell what happens to the locusts. Guardian: Maybe those jets can hold you up just a bit…lol.]
During all the commotion of the battlefield, the single Spartan chopper dived into a valley and headed off on a slightly different course. Soon it had reached a second site that the Spartan drone had photographed. The chopper landed in a small clearing a few hundred meters south of the site. The probe team got out and made their way to one of the strange ditches that the Cult had been observed digging. After some heavy work they had found something very interesting. An hour later, the probe unit had defused the mechanism used to detonate the mine. “We need to get two of these things back to base. Radio the chopper and have one of the crewmen prepare the chopper for transport.” “Sir, if this is what we think it is, isn’t it rather dangerous to be transporting?” The probe leader turned to his subordinate with anger in his eyes. “We’re not Peacekeeper probe teams. We are Spartans. And we will take samples back to base. Twenty minutes later the chopper took off and headed back to the south with a very deadly cargo.
[OOC: Endless possibilities exist for this uh  ]
September 6, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 14:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
[OOC: Okay, I see I went a little overboard with Natan here... I assumed that the last surviving chopper from the first mission would be heading home, but he says it's still holding position near its' downed comrade... So, it would be hanging out in Cult territory, not crossing the border or anything. -Which means that I'm not sure if the Peacekeepers would have gone in there just like that, but anyway... let's just say their sensors suggested a helicopter and they thought this kind of strange because the Cult doesn't have any helicopters in the area... So, they decided to go in and have a look... (As you know, they do that some times...) Anyway, let's see what happens when the Spartans show up...  ]
Cult-Believer border area
The sudden appearance of an entire squadron of jets caught the Peacekeepers completely by surprise. There were a number of air patrols out, but they were widely scattered and unable to respond in time to effectively block the Spartans' progress north across the border. The New Hope air base went on full alert and they were able to launch two whole squadrons in less than 20 minutes from first warning, but these jets would arrive much too late to do anything about the Spartans' passing through on their way north. So, while one of the newly launched squadrons coming out of New Hope did head towards the "trouble spot", the other one was going much further south, closer to the Believer side of the border. Here they would spread out and make sure there wouldn't be any more surprises that day. Also, they might have a thing or two to say about anything passing back south again...
Meanwhile, Phoenix flight would be alone with the Spartans for the first few minutes, but three more flights were coming in fast, including Thunder...
Thunder flight, U.N. Air Patrol, approaching the Cult border...
Cilia Anderson was a wing commander now, and in charge of the air patrols along the Cult-Believer border, which meant that she was responsible for this mess... -and not very happy about it... She had made a big mistake... She had thought she had things under control and she had not anticipated anything like this at all... -And now, because of her mistake, Phoenix would have to face a whole squadron alone! Damn, damn and double-damn! This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Who were the intruders anyway? Not that she was really wondering; they were almost certainly Spartans... But it hadn't been positively confirmed yet...
Checking her digital map display, she could see the situation developing. The onboard datalink system automatically updated her map with information gathered by each of her patrols, so if a new target was detected by any one of her comrades, it would appear on this map within the second. It was a pretty useful tool which gave her a pretty good overview of the situation. As she watched, a group of four jets broke away from the offending squadron and turned towards her own Phoenix flight. She fiddled with her radio and got it set to transmit on the interfactional emergency frequency. "Unknown aircraft, unknown aircraft heading north through map grid 7-0-3 Charlie, 6-4-5 Hotel. This is U.N. Thunder flight. Please state your identity and purpose, over." There was a short pause, then a deep and husky voice answered with almost unearthly calm. "U.N. Thunder flight, this is Spartan Bravo Squadron. We are on a border inspection mission. Our planes were attacked by Cult locusts and we are going to remove the threat from the sky. You guys can hang back and observe if you wish, but I suggest you stay out of the way."
Cilia felt a jolt of sudden anger at the Spartan's words.
- Why, you arrogant little bugger! If you think you can just show up here and tell us all to back off, you've got another ting coming...
"Spartan Bravo Squadron, you are in Cult airspace! You guys have no business "inspecting" anything up there! I suggest you all go home and get yourselves a better map!"
There was no answer this time.
The four Spartan jets kept racing towards Phoenix flight while the rest of the squadron kept pushing deeper into Cult airspace...
"Bravo Squadron, I am serious! You are in Cult territory! If you fire at anything in there, it will be considered an attack. Maybe even an invasion! This is serious business, and it's not something your leaders can explain away as "defending an ally". We will not accept it. Do you read me?"
Still no answer...
Phoenix flight...
"Oh sh*t! We've got company..."
The four Spartan jets were on an interception course.
Okay... time to find out how serious the Spartans really were...
"Phoenix flight. Turn right, 10 degrees."
They all complied.
Moments later, the Spartan flight also turned to remain on interception course.
"Phoenix. Turn left, 10 degrees."
Again they turned, and again the Spartans matched the move. This was repeated a few more times before they all settled down on their original heading, screaming towards each other with a combined closing speed of over 2000 kilometers per hour...
"All right, Phoenix. Activate TAGSYS. Designate targets 1 through 4 respectively."
There were a few moments of silence as they each targeted one of the oncoming Spartans...
Thunder flight
The Spartan jets had activated their own targeting systems and were painting Phoenix. Right now they were 4 on 4, and racing towards each other almost too fast for comprehension. This was a dangerous situation. Both sides seemed determined not to yield. The first who did would present his opponent with an advantage... -And if nobody yielded, they might very well end up crashing straight into each other!
"Spartan Bravo Squadron, if you hit one of our aircraft - intentionally or accidentally - it will be considered an act of war. I repeat, it will be considered an attack. Do you copy? Over."
She tried again. "Bravo Squadron. You really don't want to do this! We are still part of the Chiron Alliance! "
Still nothing...
-Oh God...
Phoenix flight
"Hold steady, Phoenix! Don't run from them! -And don't you dare fire first!"
The two groups of jets were still hurtling towards each other at an incredible speed.
"Hold it! Hold it!"
They were down to the last few seconds now...
" Hooold! Hoooooooooold!!!"
The Spartans had veered off at the last possible moment... Phoenix flight was in complete disarray for several crucial moments. They were too shocked to take advantage of the situation...
U.N. Enforcement Base, Central Command facility
General Braddock had just arrived at the command center and was working furiously to catch up on the situation. He had been off-base when this whole thing started.
He was also in a bad mood...
Thunder flight
Wing Commander Anderson wasn't too happy with the situation either.
The Spartans had been milliseconds away from doing a kamikaze attack on Phoenix, and now they were shooting missiles in Cult territory.
- Right under our noses!
"Spartan Bravo Squadron! You are in violation of the U.N. Charter and interfering with a U.N. peacekeeping mission. You are also committing and illegal act of aggression against another sovereign faction! We can not just sit here and watch this! Do you understand what I'm saying?" She paused for a moment, took a deep breath and made her decision. "Spartan Bravo Squadron! You will leave the area immediately! U.N. aircraft will escort you out. I suggest an immediate heading of 1-7-5 for at least 5 minutes. Acknowledge, over."
Still no response.
She checked her situation map again.
She had Pancake moving in to back up Phoenix, so there were to flights converging on the Spartans who had gone mixing it up with her people. Meanwhile, a fresh squadron was on the way in to handle the rest. That left Eagle and her own Thunder flight in tactical reserve.
"Spartans Bravo Squadron, if you fire again on any target, it will be considered a hostile move!"
[Let's see how the Spartans like the sound of that...  ]
September 6, 2001, 23:44
OOC: Sprayber, don't forget about the Spartan-Pirate confrontation too :P of course, would take longer for naval ships to get into positions compare too needle jets, but its your turn to say something now :P
before i forget again: Argonaut, the Data Angels can't have Power values
NPS Nautilus, Planetary Council Base Sector
About about an after checking up on what Santiego maybe complaining about to Lal, he took a Personel Chopper from the Embassy. Once there he is able to check the holo maps. After getting an update on the naval confrontation just outside the Drake Landing Sector, he notices some active Peacekeeper reports from the Western Continent. It appears something is brewing up there, concerning the Spartans. After a moment of thought, Svensgaard writes up a message to Lal, who should be in his Flagship by now coming to PCB.
To: Commissioner Lal
From: Captain Svensgaard
I notice that your Air Force at New Hope is having problems with the Spartans there. That would technicly be the first Real situation there which involves Spartan units. It also happens that Nautilus ships near Drake Landing as encountered a Spartan Task Force heading for believer territory, and another before that with various transports.
That enough hard core evidence of Active Spartan military involvement in the Cult-Believer war. So if the Peacekeepers gets under attack by the Spartans, the Pirates will be in position to declare vendetta upon them in response.
Captain Svensgaard
(OOC: Lal would probebly wonder what the hoot is going on, LOL. one moment everything is fine, the next everybody is at war...  Sprayber, i already have planned for the Pirates to attack the Pirates all at once in multiple fronts once vendetta ever happens against the Spartans. That is one reason why Svensgaard is actively staying update on military matters as often as possible, unlike Lal LOL Pirates will look for any valid political excuse to declare vendetta against the Spartans  )
September 7, 2001, 02:52
Local Time: 14:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
[OOC: Heh... I knew the Pirates wouldn't need to be asked...
Not exactly what the Peacekeepers had in mind though...
Anyway, we'll see what happens next...  ]
U.N.S. Peacekeeper, south of Cape Storm
Lal had just been informed of the situation developing on the Western Continent when Svensgaard's message came in... With a sigh, the commissioner read the message and paled even further. - What on Chiron was going on??
He shook his head and muttered something under his breath.
He would have to talk to Braddock before something really bad happened...
September 7, 2001, 03:01
Local Time: 07:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
General Kell. Commanding Officer, Army Group North.
General Luther. Commanding Officer, Army Group Aztec
General Masterson. Commanding Officer, Army Group Inca
General Styles. Commanding Officer, Army Group Reserve
General Mar. Commanding Officer, Army Group Central
General Davila. Commanding Officer, Army Group Laconia, Field Commander Spartan Home Guard.
From: Marshal Kessel
Army Group Commanders, per order of Colonel Santiago. Your commands are placed under alert status DEFCON 2. You are to mobilize your forces under Plan Obsidian. Prepare for possible operations by opposing forces. Do not initiate any operations without express consent from Sparta Command or if attacked by opposing forces.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
General Gunther. Commanding Officer, Army Group South
General Thane. Commanding Officer, Army Group Viking
From: Marshal Kessel
Army Group Commanders, per order of Colonel Santiago. Your commands are placed under alert status DEFCON 2. You are to mobilize your forces under Plan Manic. Do not initiate any operations without express consent from Sparta Command or if attacked by opposing forces.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: All Base Governors
From: Marshal Kessel
To all base governors. Per order of Colonel Santiago, Plan Last Stand is being declared. In case of vendetta you are to proceed with Last Stand if any base is compromised. You are encouraged to wait until you can ensure maximum damage can be done to enemy forces. There will be no captured bases. Deletion of this message is required after being received.
Kessel leaned back in his seat and looked out the window. People were going about their daily business and things appeared normal. He had hated to give the orders, but hadn’t had a choice. The decision had been made long ago that there would never be a repeat of Blast Rifle Crag. If a faction wanted to capture a Spartan base, then they would have to exterminate the whole population. Everyone knew the price for failure. Kessel had at first argued against the Last Stand. But was in the end had been persuaded by the actions of the other factions. They could never be trusted to govern Spartan citizens, so the Militia would make sure that any victory would be a hollow one. Kessel just hoped that Last Stand wouldn’t be necessary.
Task Force 1
Commodore Simpson watched as the incoming Pirate jets made their flybys. As ordered the AAA cruisers activated their targeting computers. The ships remained on course though with no deviation. As expected the Crippler reported sensor contact with Pirate surface ships in the area. Still the Spartan fleet stayed on coarse. The comm unit went off and Simpson reached over to press the button. “Commodore. What is your status?” “Colonel, the Pirate air units have just flown by. As ordered we have activated our AAA guidance systems. They of course know that. We have also detected foils at extreme sensor. This is not unexpected. Per your orders, we have not deviated course.” “Excellent. I have a communiqué to send to Spartan XHQ at New Jerusalem. Encrypt and send it immediately. As for the fleet, maintain course. What is our ETA at Redemption Base?” “At present course and speed, we should be there in two days. Task Force 2 will join up with us tomorrow.” “This is satisfactory Commodore. Send my message. Santiago out.” Commodore ordered the comm tech to encrypt and send Santiago’s message.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
From: Colonel Santiago
To: Major Burke
I have read your initial report on the unfolding incident at the front. Your initial objectives have been met. Withdraw your forces back to Believer territory. I will deal with the repercussions on the political front. I hope for your sake that this incident is well worth the headache that I will have from listening to Commissioner Lal.
Believer-Cult border
“Bravo leader this is Air Command. You are disengage your target and return to Believer territory. If opposing craft try to intercept, you are to continue to Spartan air base. Inform them that you are returning to Believer air space.”
“Air Command, this is Bravo leader. Orders received and understood. We have visual conformation that Hive rescue teams have picked up downed pilot and we are returning to base. Alright people, you heard command. Lets go home.”
The locust swarm was no where to be seen. That didn’t mean it had been destroyed, but there was no doubt that he swarm would have taken major damage. Regardless, the Spartan squadron turned to the south and proceeded to go back to base. Most likely they would run into the PK squadron that had showed up on their radar, but their orders were clear. They were to return to base without delay. The Pks would have to shoot them down if they wanted them to stop. If they did that, all bets were off.
Bravo 2, 3, 4, and 5, had completed their assignments and began their trek towards Believer air space. Bravo 2 kept a watchful eye on his scope. When they had maneuvered out of the melee caused by their pass by, the Spartan jets kicked in their after burners and proceeded to Believer space.
Farther south the Spartan chopper loaded with its special cargo continued towards their base. They just had another ten minutes before the entered Believer space and thirty before the reached the base.
*****Level 5 Encryption*****
To: Peacekeeper Commander, New Hope
From: Major Burke, Spartan Expeditionary Force commander
Spartan units have been ordered to return to Believer territory. In order for this situation to be resolved before there is loss of life, I suggest that our forces remain at a respectful distance. Let the higher ups settle this incident somewhere else. Nothing can be gained if there is an accident and someone is killed.
[OOC: Natan, the Spartan pilot saw the chopper land. You can decide if the rescue is successful or not]
September 7, 2001, 10:26
Local Time: 14:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
U.N. Enforcement Base, Central Command facility
General Braddock was a busy man, receiving reports, issuing orders and talking to Lal in between. He was clearly less than happy with the situation, but he clearly thought he had things more or less under control.
-Now if only this bureaucrat could give him the authorizations he needed and let him get on with his job...
New Hope
General Grafton was the senior officer in charge of operations at New Hope, but lately he'd been having a rather quiet time here. The air part of the operation was mostly handled by Wing Commander Anderson and for some time now he had trusted Major Johnson with much of the ground work. Various civilian aid agencies were taking care of the refugees and the humanitarian efforts. Grafton was mostly just a coordinator and a person whose approval might be needed occasionally. Now, as he watched things unfold on the various situation maps and listened to the various reports coming in, intermingled with new orders coming out of Central Command back at U.N. Enforcement Base, Grafton knew that all this was about to change. He had a lot of work to do...
Thunder flight, U.N. Air Patrol, Cult-Believer border
"U.N. Thunder, this is Spartan Bravo. We're pulling out. Repeat, we're returning to Believer air space. Acknowledge, over." She felt some relief at the Spartan's words, but it wasn't enough.
The damage was already done and there was little she could do to change that now. The Spartans might be pulling out, but she knew that wouldn't be the end of it. Not by a long shot. It couldn't be. Not after what had just happened...
As she glanced at the map again, she saw that the Spartan jets had already turned for home... "Okay, roger that, Spartan Bravo. You may proceed south along your current heading. Your escorts will be with you shortly."
"Ah, U.N. Thunder. We would rather be left alone..."
She didn't know if he was done talking, but she cut in anyway, her tone of voice making it obvious that she had no intention of negotiating at this point. "I'm sure you would, Spartan. The thing is, you don't hold a veto over our operations any more than we do over yours. You're in a U.N. controlled zone and we're going to escort you out whether you like it or not."
She switched frequencies and began issuing instructions to her own people...
U.N.S. Peacekeeper
Reluctantly, Lal had acknowledged that he should leave Braddock alone for the time being and let the general do his job. The Commissioner himself was now watching and listening from the Combat Information Center on the bridge of the Peacekeeper, trying not to interfere too much. It was hard, but he knew he had to trust his military leaders not to do anything out of hand. They were Peacekeepers after all. And they were professionals who knew what they were doing better than he did. He should let them handle the purely military stuff while he concentrated on the political and diplomatic side of things, which was what he knew how to handle...
Still, at times like this, he felt more comfortable knowing what was going on.
-Especially when he'd given General Braddock so much leeway...
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Captain Svensgaard
Yes, it appears the Spartans have taken it upon themselves to "inspect" the Cult-Believer border from the Cult side and that the "inspection" involved launching several missiles! I do not know all the details yet, but I understand they are currently withdrawing. We do not want a war, but as I am sure you will understand, captain, we can not just let this matter drop. I appreciate your support, but I would ask you not to do anything "out of hand" just yet. We still hope to solve this peacefully.
Commissioner Lal
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Colonel Santiago
Colonel, what do you think you're doing?
Do you care to explain this "border inspection" mission to me or am I to assume that we're back to conditions a la 2180 and that there's no use in even trying to talk to you? I thought you said you didn't want a war, but your actions seem to suggest otherwise.
I am talking to Captain Svensgaard and he says he has no intention of attacking you. So, if we work together in this, I am pretty sure we can sort things out still. However, if your idea of "sense" is to "back off and let Sparta have her way", then don't get your hopes up too high.
Commissioner Lal
[OOC: I think he got a little angry...  ]
Showtime flight, off the coast northwest of Redemption Base
"Showtimers, turn left. Come to new heading 2-8-0.
We're gonna go pay some Spartans a little visit..."
Cruiser U.N.S. Justice, off the coast southwest of Redemption Base
"New orders, ladies and gentlemen. We are to abort our current patrol mission and immediately proceed north at best speed. We will rendezvous 400 miles west of Redemption Base with the rest of the task force. Looks like we've got some Spartans coming over..."
Cult-Believer border
Cilia checked the situation again. Good. She had sent Eagle flight off to have a closer look at the helicopters and they would be in position within a few more minutes. Also, her little "escort service" was coming along nicely, although she doubted that any of the Spartans would agree with her on that. Their U.N. escorts were in position above and behind, with their targeting systems active but not actually locked onto anything.
The Spartans were doing their best to ignore this unusually aggressive form of escort. They were headed back across the border as fast as they could fly. Looked like they were really serious about withdrawing. Well, it was their turn to be surprised now.
Their escorts would not turn away at the Believer border...
New Hope
"So, it's our old friends the Spartans again, isn't it?"
"Yep. Sure is."
"Ah, major?"
"Yes, Hicks?"
"You were at Data Acquisition... what was it like?"
That gave her something to think about... "Ah, it was...."
-It was confusing as hell is what it was... But she wasn't about to tell her troops that now. She had gone out there thinking of Spartans as some kind of horrible evil monsters... and she'd come back knowing that they were just people. She didn't really understand them and they really didn't understand her, but they were people all the same... -and there were good people and bad people among them just as there would be in any other groups of people. She thought momentarily about Alvin Gains, the Spartan sergeant she had gotten to know back then... The two of them had served together on a joint border post for some time after the war... -which wasn't all they had done together, but it was all she would talk about now... She briefly wondered what became of him. Where was he now? What was he doing there? She didn't know, and she knew she'd better not think about it. Not now. Maybe not ever. She bit her lip...
Another pair of jets roared low overhead.
She looked up and got something else to think about.
They were Penetrators...
From: General Grafton, U.N. task force at New Hope
To: Major Burke, Spartan Expeditionary Force commander
Spartan units have been ordered to return to Believer territory. In order for this situation to be resolved before there is loss of life, I suggest that our forces remain at a respectful distance. Let the higher ups settle this incident somewhere else. Nothing can be gained if there is an accident and someone is killed.
Nice try, major, but perhaps you should have thought about these things before you sent your forces in to confront us? If you put yourself in my position, I am sure you will understand that this incident is not something I can just ignore.
By the way, I just received new orders.
It appears Believer territory is no longer off-limits...
Last edited by Guardian; September 25, 2001 at 05:23.
September 7, 2001, 14:22
Local Time: 15:31
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
Posts: 8,638
This post is a bit late...
High priority instant message
From: General Rachel Garnet (BAiF)
To: Her Holiness Sister Miriam,
The Crusade Committee
Radars detect increased activity at the southern aerospace sector. Convene immmediately at standard frequency G5 in three minutes.
Believing Military Headquarters, New Jerusalem
Garnet looked at the video screen, which was split into several smaller fields each presenting a member of the Committee. In the centre was Sister Miriam.
"What is the situation now?" The Defense Force General Michael Faraday asked. For a brief moment Garnet could detect worry on his face, though it was quite sure that the would not make it all the way to Far Jericho.
Garnet punched up a bulky radar view. She explained it out loud, as she doubted Miriam could decipher the green dots sizzling in the black field.
"The Spartans and the Hive detected some Cult activity. We would of targeted a regiment there, but it was too far away from the closest platoon. Instead, the SEF engaged, then the Hive. Soon the Peacekeeper Interceptors at New Hope found out, and are now en route to the area. We have not yet been to survey radio traffic, but it seems that the PK's are going to drive out the Spartans. The Hive choppers got beaten up pretty bad, and some remains are heading for their own base. If they can not make it, we are arranging an emergency landing with ground crew at Far Jericho."
"All this happening in the vicinity of our aerospace, yet there are none of our birds up there", Sister Miriam exclaimed.
Everybody knew what she meant; Miriam had always been anxious about adding Interceptors - or even Penetrators - to the BAiF ranks. They had planned on purchasing some units from the Hive or the Spartan Federation, but no negotiations had been started.
"I will tend to this matter at the Planetary Council", Miriam added.
"I do not see aircraft as a primary target of military purchases", Zacharias Helin, General of the Ground Attack Forces declared.
"Then what should we buy?" Garnet asked. She never liked the fact that the Believing Air Forces consisted of no aircraft, but primitive non-propelled gliders that were used by scout units to traverse difficult terrain. Also the BAiF handled all aerospatial monitoring, by radar towers spread in the Believing territories.
"Missile launchers. We should update our Impact regiments", Helin replied quickly.
"No, we should purchase cruiser frames from the Pirates", was the opinion of Admiral Walter Kellerman.
"Let's not fall into this again", Miriam murmured. "We must do something about the PK interceptors interfering. I have already sent a message to Lal and the base of New Hope."
"We should move the local forces and threaten New Hope with the local rover units", Helin suggested.
"Ridiculous. That will get us into diplomatic problems. I thought we were planning on rallying peace with the Cult", Kellerman answered.
"I concurr with Kellerman", Miriam replied. "But the peace talks will be held only if Roze or Santiago make it as governor. Otherwise we won't get a lead on the Cult. What comes to interfering with the air conflict, no. I think we will let them resolve it by themselves -"
Suddenly, the radar screen beeped. The Spartans had withdrawn.
OOC/OCC/whatever, what is the official acronym anyway? And what does it mean?
Sister is now off to the Council Base, and I think she'll concentrate on buying Aerial defense systems to satisfy Faraday and Garnet and then Missile launchers for Helin. Then there is only the question of the person to buy them from... Does the Morganites deal in the Aerospace field, or will Miriam have to get them from Santiago?
I think the Believers can afford at least two to three missile jets, and Missile launchers for, say, four to five infantry/rover units (?). Well, that is the matter of the future.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 7, 2001, 18:56
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Believer-Cult Border
The copter landed carefully, and picked up the co-pilot of the downed helicopter as two more hovered overhead. The copter took off again, and grass, fungus, and the corpses of mind worms and bits of copters blew about in the downdraft. As the copters returned to base, a flight of PK interceptorse followed above and behind them. The Hive copters ignored them. If the PKs wanted to shoot, then the Hive would conquer their bases, capture their families and nerve staple them.
From:Hive Central Committee, with Yang absent, defense Minister Tsen-ji Huang presiding
To: Hive faction
Begin execution of the war preparation in accordance with Plan I. Armed forces are to go on high alert and bases are to devote extra personell to security until further notice. Naval and air forces are to be put especially high alert and are to move to forward positions. Prepare for war.
September 7, 2001, 20:15
Local Time: 12:31
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From: High Academician Zakharov
To: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splerovsky
What the hell is happening on the Believer-Cult border. I don't care what you have to do to find out!
Contact me when you have the full details.
From: High Academician Zakharov
To: Comrade General Zak Hysoff-Smyt
Upgrade the forces' readiness from Yellow Alert to Red Alert immediately.
From: High Academician Zakharov
To: Chief of Intelligence Merian Delian DeWalt-O'Walt
I want operatives to visit the Believer-Cult Border.
I also want an explination about why we haven't had any reports from our operatives in that area yet!
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 7, 2001, 20:25
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From: Chief of Intelligence Merian Delian DeWalt-O'Walt
To: High Academician Zakharov
Apologies sir, our seven operatives who were spread throuought the two factions, suddenly lost communications with our intelligence depot about two weeks ago, right before the latest round of heavy fighting started.
It is believed that outside communication was blocked off by both factions.
In the Believer Region:
University Probe Member "Elijah" (Marcus) Wessix-Xhon
...talking into his voice recorder
"The areas... mindworms are everywhere, fighting humans. Despite their efficiency... I do not think that the Cult can hold the line much longer.
Airplanes are flying overhead- whether they are 'observers' or piloted by the Cult is not a valid question... These 'observers' have shot at the Believing troops numerous times... but it cannot be proven that they are truly being operated by Pirate, or Morganite, Peacekeeper or some other faction's pilots... because of Morgan's policy of selling materials to the enemy... As far as I can make out, a Peacekeeping jet destroyed an ammo dump... probably in the idea that he could end the war by ruining the battle for the believers... Shoot! Cult is pushing forward again!
-Marcus Wessix-Xhon out.
(OOC: OOC means out of Context. It is used to talk about the story when you are in the story... to explain things)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 7, 2001, 21:07
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From: ******** [Cultist Territory- With addenums added in Pirate waters- Transmitted to a way-station in the University](Communication intercepted by Data Angels) (OOC: Argonaut, should ReZon have intercepted this?)
To: University Chief of Intelligence Merian Delian DeWalt-O'Walt
Univeristy forces red alert...
Nerve Gas disaster culprits are...
Accusations will wait until Z decides who to ally with if this war is truely happening.
... Government bases...
What follows is... true description... Edgar transmitted in Cultist territory... yesterday...
... Cult... allies... Believers... lost cause...
All involved...
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 7, 2001, 22:15
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OOC: ReZon isn't going after information down there I don't think. I haven't explained it all yet, because I have to wait until Roze gets back from the election so the two can meet. My plan is this: ReZon survived the gas disaster and induced a "near death" state afterwards. (He's the missing probe body from Techopolis Morgue) He believes it was a set-up by Roze to eliminate him, especially as she is now "seeing" Governor Harrington. He's going to get a little (read VERY) jealous.
Angel's Herald
Roze Arrives in Luxury at the Planetary Council Base
Roze arrived at Planetary Council Base today aboard the Nautalis Pirate Cruise Liner aboard which she took her vacation. Arriving with Governor David Harrington, the two will return aboard the D.A.S. Flagship Independence allowing the liner to resume it's normal course of action.
Roze made a private announcement at last night's celebrations ending the voyage, thanking her Nautilis Pirate Hosts for their hospitality and friendship.
September 8, 2001, 02:23
OOC: Everybody mobilizing for war, just before the Planetary Governor elections... how nice :P
Kass, Believers has Syntehtic Fossil Fuel....maybe maybe i guess they still haven't fully Applied the you the Believers can bye Missile Weaponry from the Morganites, but be able to to produce its own ammunition....? Morganites into Air transports, so i would think they would be into aircrafts....... (sorry for jumping in before Mr. Prez says anything  ) As for the Cruiser hulls, doubt the Pirates will sell some to the believers, especially after the Nessus Incident in Nessus Sea..... Spartans can be a source, but will be difficult for them to ship them to Believers, especially having a naval incident like we are having now which the Peacekeepers will join in soon  First the Air Incident, then the Naval Incident.........
Darkcloud, why is it which "Marcus" said as nothing to do with the current situation at the Western Front? Old outdated information? predictions of the future? fiction within fiction?
Another thing, still wondering why a Pirate person was mentioned before in some confusing matter???
oh, it seems Santiego will be late in arriving to PCB :P
Athen Outpost
The Athen Outpost got into full alert after some recons detected the Spartans near Hawk of Chiron mobilizing. The Battle Dragon Division led by Colonel Rohrer is ready for war, if ever declared.
Task Force Drake, Third Fleet, Sea of Chiron
Commodore James continues to wait for his Task Force to pull of the formation ordered by Admiral Proudmoore. He can see the idea of it quite well. Once in position, the Spartans would have to change course or risk smacking into the Pirate ships...
September 8, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 15:31
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OOC: I once thought it was OCC, (Out Chiron Chronicles), but the effect is the only important thing.
Well, Admiral Kellerman was just plain desperate at getting naval forces. Miriam has no plans of naval expansion for the time being.
Believers have Synth. FF? That's almost a surprise...  Well, they aren't implementing the tech until now, only have a couple of prototypes ready, and are currently building more Impact then Missile weaponry. That is why they want to buy some Launchers, to refit them quickly into hardened Impact units.
But Miriam really wants jets! The last conflict pissed her off big time, to the PK's! And she is pissed off because their enemies can zoom around in their aerospace, without the Believer Air Force doing anything about it.
The Believers won't be doing anything with their alertness, as a faction at war they really can't raise their readiness 
I just noticed that PCB has almost direct contact with Believing territory. I somehow remembered that it was somewhere near the Hive. 
Oh, and do not get worried about the following. Miriam just playing around with ideas. I doubt the BDC would at any situation consider this! She's a crazy nut, but not a fool.
At least I hope so
Maximum encryption
From: Sister Miriam Godwinson
To: Believing Diplomatic Corps, Planetary Council Base delegation
I want you to make an ultra-secret situation assessment. Feed the the predictors a scenario where Believing forces take over the Council Base and take all except Spartan and Hive personnel hostage.
Also determine would any factions join in this operation, or would the invaders be overcome with all factions united.
Nothing of this message or the assessment is ever to leak to the public.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 8, 2001, 10:29
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Originally posted by [LordLMP]
Darkcloud, why is it which "Marcus" said as nothing to do with the current situation at the Western Front? Old outdated information? predictions of the future? fiction within fiction?
It is a way to illustrate the confusion of the front... it is old, outdated information by about 5 days to a week.
Another thing, still wondering why a Pirate person was mentioned before in some confusing matter???
Marcus doesn't know what's going on.
oh, it seems Santiego will be late in arriving to PCB :P
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 9, 2001, 20:17
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OOC: The Morganites do manufacture and sell military technology (they have sold to the Cult) so the Believers could buy some things from them. Of course, it's not quite as good as the stuff the Spartans make, and it might be slightly more expensive. I was actually thinking about a little story along those lines, where the industrial and military sectors of the government clash over spending priorities and technology transfers.
Speaking of military hardware, here's a little something that appeared in my head a couple of days ago:
No-one had ever told Michelle Pellegrino what the W-M-D in the contractor's name stood for. Of course, she knew what it had meant on Earth (so long ago! It didn't feel like a hundred years), but had never registered the connotations relating to Josh de la Roca and his enormous factory compound.
Until today. Pellegrino stood in the shadow of the M-203 prototype, designated the "Nightmare". And an apt name it was. The vehicle was nearly twice the size of a standard armored personnel carrier, a little larger than an assault speeder. There were hints of World War III armor in it, but such comparisons were neutralized by the glittering silksteel exoskeleton and the seven-foot gatling laser mounted on the turret.
"The armor is triple-bonded silksteel and praesodymium inductor coils," de la Roca said. The Defense Minister was familiar with the latter. Based on an older design, the inductors generated a magnetic field that warped incoming shells and de-focused energy beams, reducing their ability to penetrate the armor. "The main weapon is neodymium-glass medium, maximum output 2.4 gigajoules per minute."
Pellegrino raised her eyebrows in approval. That was almost comparable to new-style chaos weaponry, which Morganite designers were racing desperately to duplicate. "Speed?"
"Top speed is 75 miles per hour." Much less than a speeder.
"Why would we want that?" Pellegrino enquired.
De la Roca smiled. "Because this thing could flatten a mountain if used properly. Speed is useful, but so is power. You can use this for support or to eliminate fortifications - bunkers, trenches, fences, perimeters... Plus the firepower, Minister, the firepower!"
The Defense Minister eyed the hulking vehicle for a moment. Then she said, "Commence combat testing at once. I have a feeling this thing might just earn a No Contract."
OOC: "No Contract" means that transfer of this technology to other factions is considered an act of treason. Trust the Morganites to express treason in economic phraseology.
Welcome to Alynzia! I look forward to reading your work.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 10, 2001, 09:03
Local Time: 14:31
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On the Eastern Continent...
PK forces are mobilizing. Increased activity along the Spartan border and in the Planetneck area. Significant naval forces approaching Planetneck...
On the Western Continent...
PK ground forces going on alert in the New Hope area. More aircraft being launched. Meanwhile, PK aircraft are chasing Spartan and Hive aircraft back across the Believer border. As they cross the border, the Peacekeepers show no intention of breaking off the chase...
U.N.S. Apollon II
The landing operation began at 06:20 local time.
The Marines from the Apollon landed first, and when they reported all clear, they were quickly followed by the formers and the colony pod. Meanwhile, the task force had received new orders. Captain Withfield's face momentarily turned to stone when she heard, whereupon a strange, eerie calm seemed to come over her, as if she had always known this would happen...
They were to immediately proceed towards Redemption Base at best speed...
They were going off to meet some Spartans...
[OOC: The Peacekeepers have just landed personnel and equipment for a new base at location 1, 89. The naval task force who made the "delivery" is moving out towards their new objective...]
September 10, 2001, 15:13
Local Time: 15:31
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Believing Radar Post, Far Jericho
The communications officer grabbed the microphone.
"Peacekeeper jets in pursuit of Spartan jets, come in. Disengage your pursuit and withdraw from Believing aerospace. Alter your course away from Believing territory or this will be considered an act of war. Come in, Peacekeeper jets."
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 11, 2001, 05:00
Local Time: 14:31
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U.N. Thunder flight, in Believer territory, heading south fast...
Wing Commander Cilia Anderson heard the incoming transmission from the Believing Radar Post, but had no idea who was addressing her, as the Believer did not say. She assumed that it would be someone at the Far Jericho Radar Post because her systems told her they should have detected her by now...
She rolled her eyes at the Believer's words...
War, war, war... -is that all these people ever think about??
She keyed her transmit button and spoke in a firm voice...
"Unidentified speaker, this is U.N. Thunder lead, heading south in pursuit of Spartan aircraft. Sorry to be trespassing like this, but I can assure you we're not here to make war. We shall be leaving shortly."
While she said this, she was still heading south at high speed.
The border was already 20 kilometers behind her...
September 11, 2001, 05:56
Local Time: 07:31
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Spartan Command Bunker
The last of Bravo squadron was taxiing off the runway and heading for the hangers. Inside the command bunker the radar operator announced that the incoming PK jets had ignored the border and had continued across. The Spartan commander leaned back in his chair and sipped a cup of coffee. “Sir, the Believers are screaming for the Pks to turn around or there will be war.” The Spartan commander just smiled and let out a small chuckle. “Well, the Pks may ignore the Believers. And hell, they may even ignore us. But they damn well better not ignore the storm coming in from the south.” He turned around to look at his second in command. “Do you actually think that they believe that Bravo was going so fast solely because of them? Lieutenant, please advise the Believers to allow the Pks time enough to realize what is going on. And while your at it. You may want to suggest to the PK pilots to look out for the storm.” “Right away sir.” The Spartan commander took another sip from his coffee cup. “Damn, what a waste. This could have been something really interesting.”
To: Believer Outpost
From: Spartan Command Bunker
To the commander of Believer outpost. We advise you that situation should not get out of hand. We believe that PK planes will be forced to turn around very shortly due to extreme weather coming from the south. We do appreciate your invaluable service in tracking the Pk planes and request that you assist us in tracking their further movements.
To: PK Flight Squadron
From: Spartan Command Bunker
We suggest that you pay careful attention to a storm front to our south. It looks very nasty. Of course, if you would like to land at our airfield to avoid the storm. We could accommodate your aircraft.
[OOC: Remember those storms bouncing around Believer territory that will keep Miriam and Santiago from going together to the meeting. Well, it seems that fortune, or maybe divine intervention is on Sparta's side.  ]
September 11, 2001, 07:04
Local Time: 14:31
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[OOC: Ehhh... what in the world happened??
Did the Spartans engage some kind of hyperdrive and just skip 1000 kilometers of flight? Or did you whip out your towing cables and drag the PK jets all the way to Far Jericho without any of them noticing??
Nah, just kiddin....  I thought we were just crossing the border though, and I had no intention of chasing you all the way home... So... I guess what I'm saying is that if the Spartans are already back on the ground, then the Peacekeepers would be long gone by now... They're still up by the border somewhere, and much closer to New Hope than Far Jericho...
Oh, and by the way... Poor helicopters!!!!
If the jets are having trouble getting home in time, then those choppers are in a world of hurt...  ]
Last edited by Guardian; September 11, 2001 at 09:42.
September 12, 2001, 00:43
Local Time: 22:31
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Military Communique
Polymorphic Seal 4
From: Central Command
To: All Divisions and Units
Red alert. Hostile fire near Morgan Antimatter. Units X31 and K2 report immediately.
The Daily Industrialist
(Morgan Industries' First Newspaper, Bringing The News You Want For 100 Years)
Front page:
Chaos on the home front: The peaceful atmosphere aroung Morgan Antimatter was shattered early this morning as explosions rang and helicopters prowled the darkness...
"Take us down there." Sergeant Frank Palmer, 1st Airborne Brigade, pointed towards a smoking civilian rover. It was four in the morning, and he had been hauled from bed a couple of hours earlier to combat God only knew what.
The helicopter slowed, and descended towards the vehicle. Some of the insurgents had attempted to escape eastwards, but Palmer's Shadowball had stopped them in their tracks. A burnt-out wreck stood in the middle of a gray field, still smoking from hits by the chopper's particle impactor.
Sergeant Palmer and several armed men leaped down from the chopper, and he waved them towards the wreck. As one they advanced cautiously. Ten metres or so from the vehicle, Palmer realized there was no threat; in the helicopter's spotlight he saw the silhouettes of four figures, slumped in their seats. Quickly the soldiers covered the remaining ground.
The interior of the rover's remains were mangled beyond repair. Smoke still leaked from behind some of the control panels. The insurgents were burned as well, but Palmer could still make out their green overshirts and headbands. He cautiously peered at the driver's sleeve; the shoulder was stamped with a tree and sword logo.
"God damn it, who are these people?" Palmer muttered.
He ordered his men back to the chopper. The Special Forces had reported receiving enemy fire to the east of his position, and the 1st Airborne Brigade flew to support them.
OOC: I guess I am still playing after all.
I'm not implying Gaian or Cult involvement here. If I was a government, I might surmise a connection between these people and Provost Zakharov's gas incident...
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
September 12, 2001, 09:06
Local Time: 15:31
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Believing Radar Post, Far Jericho
The officer stared again at the weather report and again took the microphone.
"Peacekeeper flight. Incoming storm front. For your own sake disengage as soon as possible."
And then to the Spartan jets: "It appears God has maken His move for our behalf."
OOC: Do the Believers have AAA systems? Like guns, missiles?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 25, 2001, 06:11
Local Time: 14:31
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[OOC: Kass, I'd be surprised if they had nothing of the kind, but I suspect they wouldn't be too advanced... Anyway, I am going to assume that this whole storm thing came up at about the same time as those jets crossed the border... Also, since the storm is still south of Far Jericho, which is a thousand kilometers south of New Hope, there should be at least a few hours for the Peacekeepers to prepare for it...]
U.N. Thunder flight, 50 kilometers south of Believer border...
Cilia frowned at the Believer's words... Storm front? Where??
What was this? Some kind of bluff??
She hesitated for a few moments, then it started to sink in that it probably wasn't a bluff...
It was probably in the south... probably one of those storms bouncing around in Believer territory which nobody had quite figured out just yet... From what she'd heard, they were unpredictable enough for this morning's weather forecast to have missed one... -and it could be part of the reason why these Spartans were suddenly in such a hurry to get home...
Another 10 kilometers raced by within the time it took her to make her decision and inform the others of her plan...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
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