January 20, 2001, 22:36
Local Time: 01:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 65,535
16th city unhappy.
In emperor level. Lots of islands.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I play at emperor level a lot of times but never encountered unhappiness due to number of the cities. ANd they are only 16...
January 20, 2001, 22:51
Local Time: 19:50
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Dance Dance for the Revolution!
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It should happen every game you play. That was Sid & co's 1st attempt to deal with ICS in civI.
The variables depend on the number of cities you have, what level of gameplay, your current government, and the city's distance from the capitol, IIRC. Oh and map size.
January 20, 2001, 23:05
Local Time: 00:50
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correct. get some wonders, buildings, luxury or matirial law
January 20, 2001, 23:31
Local Time: 23:50
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Posts: 231
for any one who cares, the point where number of cities causes unhappines is called the riot factor. it decresses by one with each difficulty level increase.
January 20, 2001, 23:57
Local Time: 23:50
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...and the First Unhappiness Number decreases by one each difficulty level to Deity, which is better known as Passively Challenging (j/k, I still play on Chieftain level and get beat... j/k again).
Off subject, but how long after buying Civ 2 did everyone move beyond Chieftain? I started on Deity and got kicked off the map, so I started lower and worked up  .
I remember one time I was over at this girl's house and we were talking. One thing led to another and the next morning we shared a shower together. After that we ate breakfast and then she shows me this game she got called Civ 2. Anyhow, I thought she was a nerd for buying such crap and we eventually broke up. But she left Civ 2 at my place so I installed it and started playing. One thing led to another and whammo, I'm playing Civ and chilling at Civ 2 Universe. Then I come here and never left.
This reminds me of another time I was fishing in the Cedar River. I caught this big waleye and we grilled it right there, just fried it up! Ummmm, um! Picking my teeth with a bone, I said, "You know, a beer would go real nice right now." So she says, "Here." tossing me a cold one. I was guzzling down beer so fast that I passed out. I had a dream and it was Civ 2. But the units were beer cans and the objectives were trash cans. If I captures a trash can with a beer can, I got 'cigarettes' which was currency, I guess, but it was weird since I don't smoke. Well, I wake up the next day and I got this ****ty hangover, man. It was like taking your head and putting it in a vice.
"Every time I hear the name "Sergent Sheets" I picture a blanket
with portraits of Patton, Einsenhower, MacArthur, and other WWII leaders."
The Brain
"One is never too old to die young." Sgt. Sheets
"The only thing greater than the United State of America is you."
FREE YYYH and Stewart Spink
We shall never forget!!
January 21, 2001, 09:12
Local Time: 01:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 65,535
The thing that's strange is that in EMperor level (normal map) I have had that many cities (actually around 12 but many times 16) at aproximatively the same distance as in this game in many other games before but there were no riots.
The only difference in this game is that there are so many islands that the cities are divided in 8!! islands!!
I thought riot factor was only applicable only in Deity... (stupido me)
Is their a formula to calculate the riot factor? (I bet islands (maybe considered as different «continents» by the computer) play a siginificant role.
Sergeant, LOL  The closest civ has come to my «reality» is closing my eyes to sleep and see imprinted land and sea squares on the inside of my eyelids! No relative dream about civ though.
You've come a long way Sergeant
January 22, 2001, 21:20
Local Time: 15:50
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Posts: 109
Have not had dreams about CivII yet, however, manys the night I have FINALLY gone to bed (maybe 3AM) and then lay there with the Civ world going thru my brain and not being able to go to sleep for and hour or more.
Often remembering something about the current game that I need to get done, like start a WOW in one of my cities, so I can get a future WOW done sooner due to my starting to accumulate shields early.
Usually play on Diety, Raging, Random AI civs. And yes, I am certain that the riot factor depends both on the number of cities you build/capture and the level of your play, Chieftain, Emperor, Diety. Harder levels mean your rioting starts earlier, that is you found your 7th city under diety and the first citizen is unhappy, at the 12th or 13th city, the first citizen is black, or double unhappy. You almost have to rush build a temple, or just slow build it with the citizen on Elvis and only the center square building food and shields in your granary/temple.
Having fun being 62 and retired and playing computer games whenever and however late I want. Have an understanding wife who doesn't get on my case about Civ as long as I do get a few things done around the house or take her to the shopping malls once in a while, and as long as I continue to pay the credit card bills (ha ha ha).
Continue Civin'
The man who dies with the most toys...is DEAD.
January 25, 2001, 09:01
Local Time: 23:50
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You make an impressive case for retirement, Poppawoppa.
Roll on 2010 and my first pension cheque!
Nice sig. Your own or a quote?
January 31, 2001, 05:57
Local Time: 19:50
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Dance Dance for the Revolution!
Posts: 15,132
Well corruption also affects happiness, and courthouses reduce corruption. But I've also heard that having a road/rr connection w/your capitol also reduces corruption slightly. That might explain your additional unhappiness. Can anyone confirm this?
January 31, 2001, 06:51
Local Time: 23:50
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: London, United Kingdom
Posts: 814
I suspect that in checking whether to reduce corruption for a road link the programme only checks along the path it considers to be the most direct route between the city and the capital (starting at the city). It ignores a road link which does not rigorously follow this precise route. The programme's idea of the most direct route may follow the path which a unit would take if the "go to" key is employed in circumstances where no square has any road/rail improvements.
The route chosen by AI air units is to move diagonally until able to turn and fly directly towards the target square so that may also be the route first considered by the programme (but then modified for land units to allow for rivers, ocean squares and other terrain features).
This is my best guess (since a recent discussion) as to how the trade route bonus for a road link works (although in that context I believe the programme checks the route starting with the recipient city) and I have been (desultorily) trying to note examples while playing (not done any rigorous testing).
I'll watch out for the effect on corruption at the same time and post a conclusion if I can demonstrate that this is indeed the mechanism that operates.
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