These are the changes in detail.
Extraction from the readme follows -
a. Changed cost of MC-80 from 13 to 12 and changed cost of MC-90 from 13 to 14.
b. Adjusted the terrain a bit so that when centerpoint station is activated, a deathstar battlestation (the terrain not unit) doesn't appear.
c. Removed holds from all carriers and battlestations. (Should have remembered that holds do not work on ships which can carry aircraft)
A. Changed scheme of gun emplacement units.
a1. Laser Turrets are now anti-aircraft units. The x2 defence verses mobile has been removed.
a2. Turbo Lasers are now specialised anti-ground units. Their defence factor ohas been reduced from 18 to 16 to increase differentiation from Ion Cannons. The x2 defence verses air has been removed.
a3. Ion Cannons have been given the attack role and a high attack factor to induce AI to build some - even though they are defensive units. Defense factor reduced to 30 as they were too powerful behind planetary shielding.
B. Made several adjustments and additions to make the scenario more challenging.
b1. Made certain Techs more desirable so the AI would research in a more potent sequence.
b2. It is now impossible to steal other power's innate advances. However, you can still steal/trade the advances derived from the innate advances. This makes the AI races reach their powerful units faster as they won't research down two tech branches simultaenuously.
b3. The YZV are more powerful now. YZV automatically get the Feudalism form of government. They also get an new sturdy strike-craft, the Coral Skipper.
b4. Gave Planetary Shields to 2 cities of each major power at the start. Its not easy to overrun the enemy's major planets now.
b5. Removed the double defence against strike-craft for the minefields so the AI Millenium Falcon won't commit suicide by attacking it.
C. Miscellaneous rebalancing
c1. Added 2 to the attack factors of all bombers to make them more effective.
c2. Free battle-stations are now veterans to make them more powerful.
c3. Increased hit points of carriers to 2 to compensate for the loss of holds.
c4. Reduced the irrigation time for cloudy planet from 3 turns to 2.
D. Bug fixes
d1. Role of Head Hunter and A-Wing is now set to Air Superiority.
d2. All Ships now have a 'range' of zero. This eliminates the irrelevant display numbers.
d3. Several messages (including the fort messages and the Tarkin obsolete message) have been amended or corrected.
d4. I have changed the ATT to look like the Trade Federation ATT.
d5. Changed Barbarian colour to black so their units can't be mistaken for the Republic.
d6. Removed engineers transform info for terrain so MGE users won't think that an engineer will become available later.
E. Added the barbarian energy module sub-plot to inject 1000 more credits into the galactic economy in aggregate.