Neutrals in WW2 Scenario
I am in the middle of a good game playing the neutrals in the WW2 scenario(the scenario has 'ended' because its 1962) but I'm still playing and it has been a lot of fun. I'm playing my way up in difficulty so I'm still on chieftain, but it has been tough nonetheless because the neutrals start in a bad situation
I'll give a brief overview of what its been like, and I'm curious if others have played as the neutrals(I've seen a lot playing as the spanish and I have myself, that was easier than this)
I lost Amsterdan the first turn and Belgrade maybe 20 turns later, to the Axis, but not before I managed to steal quite a few techs from the axis.
Stockholm is my strongest city, all by itself up to the north, and Tehran is also strong with several new cities built there as well. I took over a number of Turk cities while gaining tech however I could and eventually switched into fundie when I discovered the tech. This helped a lot with cash flow(you start the scenario losing cash). I managed to take most of the Turks, and the axis took the rest and then took my cities I had taken from the Turks, this meant there were only 6 civs left, which was important later on .
I managed to send a engineer down to the grassland and river part of the map in the far south east to start cities down there.
I also formed an alliance with the spanish, and the french, though I had been at war with them a one point. SO i had 3 alliances, and the russians and axis were fighting me and my allies.
I managed to get nuclear fission and rocketry tech, and researched Manhattan Project, which turned out to be about the only way I could fight them. Took me a long time to finish the project, but when I did I started on a nuke and then build a paratrooper. Next turn I nuked moscow and took it, forcing them to split into 2 empires, the russians and the japanesse, the japanese did not want peace with me, but the russians were fighting them, so both were distracted and stopped fighting me actively. I'm building up my forces slowly, and my economy, and still trying to get techs wehn I can. I've got several as gifts from the allies. It will be a long time before I win, if I can manage it at
How well has anyone else down playing as tthe neutrals? On what difficulty level? I'm sure people could win on chieftain(I'm not very good at civ) but on deity it might be almost impossible