August 18, 2001, 02:32
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I'm going to be the Zulus first, on Cheiftain, you?
I just love the look of that impi!! I want that!!
and cheiftain, coz I want to get a feel of the game without too many distractions first =o)
August 18, 2001, 03:27
Local Time: 05:37
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Even though this is about the millionth thread on this topic I'm still going to state what I'm going to play.
Map: The Biggest Random Default Map
Level: Chieftain
My Civ: Americans
AI Civs: French, English, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Russians, and either the Greeks or Romans
All Victory Paths On
Barbarian Level: Second Hardest
That's about all the pre-game setup info I can think of.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
August 18, 2001, 03:35
Local Time: 13:37
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Russians, chieftain, lightest barbs, world map, all victory paths.
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!
August 18, 2001, 05:10
Local Time: 14:37
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I'm trying out the Greeks on Prince difficulty, with random opponents and world map.
Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.
August 18, 2001, 06:42
Local Time: 14:37
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I would proberly try out the Americans on the largest world map (The real world), with 1 set enemy, the Aztecs, and the rest should be random...And I would proberly start in chieftain mode, just to get the hang of it
And of cause with all the new "things" enabled, this means special civ abilities + unit
This space is empty... or is it?
August 18, 2001, 07:28
Local Time: 14:37
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I will start with the Chinese, Cheftain level, all victory conditions on, civ specifics on, biggest map, light barbarians and random opponents.
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
Get The List for cIV here!
August 18, 2001, 07:31
Local Time: 15:37
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I will play my first game as Aztecs, random enemies, biggest random map, and probably Prince. I can't wait for the game, I'll even try to figure something with the fuc*ing resolution.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
August 18, 2001, 08:04
Local Time: 13:37
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I'll start with the Zulus, prince level, medium size random map, all other civs random, all special abilities on, all victory methods on.
Zulus, because a scout can be very useful in the beginning I presume, and exploring is something I already understand.
Chieftain I only played the first time with Civ1, really uninteresting, I ran out of the maximum number of cities and had trouble finding some small city of a restarted civ which was on an island I had visited earlier. The AI is totally passive at that level, so I do not think it will give any nice experience for seasoned gamers.
August 18, 2001, 08:14
Local Time: 13:37
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English, on King or Deity level, hardest barb settings, on largest real world map. The only time I ever played Chieftain was my first few games on Civ1, gradually moved up to Emperor then started Civ2 on King level and moved up to Deity. My first few games I'll play just for fun to work out all the controls etc. Then I'll start devising some devious multiplayers strats
August 18, 2001, 11:26
Local Time: 12:37
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I'll play as either Greek or Chinese, deity level(assuming that the difference between difficulties isn't just the amount of cheating that goes on), on the world map with the rest of the settings more or less average.
August 18, 2001, 13:55
Local Time: 05:37
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I'll try either Americans, Chinese, or Germans at Prince level.
August 18, 2001, 15:11
Local Time: 06:37
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Civ: Babylonians
Difficulty: Warlord ( In civ2 I play prince or king)
Barbarians: Roving Bands
Victory: Diplomacy or Alpha Centauri
I picked the babylonians because thier special attributes (science, religion) and thier bowman unit would if civ3 has ranged attack would be deadly with a horseman or knight
Nothing to see here, move along:
The attempt to produce Heaven on Earth often produces Hell. -Karl Popper
August 18, 2001, 21:15
Local Time: 12:37
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I'll be the British first, but will try and be a more reasonable version than our real-life countrymen - I'll try and establish relations of mutual benefit rather than expolitation.
Will it work? I don't know, but I hope it does.
The real British Empire was a tyranny in some places, I hope mine won't be . . .
August 18, 2001, 22:33
Local Time: 07:37
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I'll be the Aztecs out of love for their history, inspite of personally being a moderately peaceful/scientific guy and their attributes being the most war-like!
MapSmall and Random (Big maps lead to phalanxs taking millenia to reach enemy civs!)
level: Chieftain
My Civ: Aztecs
AI Civs: Random
All Victory Paths On
Barbarian Level: Lightest
I can't wait to try out all the great civs though. Babylonians, Zulus, Chinese, Russians, Germans....
September 19, 2001, 15:49
Local Time: 08:37
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i have no idea. i just want the game before i think about that
September 19, 2001, 15:50
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September 19, 2001, 18:57
September 19, 2001, 20:02
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Greeks on Prince level with largest map and medium barbarians
September 20, 2001, 02:04
Local Time: 23:37
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Germany on warlord level, maximum barbarians, max AIs - random, all options on and all victory paths, no restarting of civs.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
September 20, 2001, 04:36
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First play is a warm up: chieftain level, weakest barbarians, small map, all victory paths.
September 20, 2001, 07:13
Local Time: 12:37
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Location: Khoon Ki Pyasi Dayan (1988)
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Map: Large (not huge) random map
Difficulty level: Prince or King
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
All victory conditions and Civ-specifics on.
My Civ: Egyptians
Other Civs: Zulus, Babs, Russians, Aztecs, Random, Random, Random.
September 20, 2001, 10:09
Local Time: 14:37
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Probably one of those completly new civs or perhaps the Russians.
But if the Celts would be in the game, then anything else would
be out of question.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
September 20, 2001, 12:41
Local Time: 13:37
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Map: Large Earth
Difficulty: Chieftain to get the feel
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
Victories: All on
Me: Germans - Nicely challenging to be crammed in Europe on a world map
Other Civs: Random
To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks
September 20, 2001, 21:00
Local Time: 13:37
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I think (and hope) that the transition to Civ3 will not be one where you can just start at Emperor or Deity without expecting to have your ass creamed into a fine mush. I am going to start on Chieftain and climb the ladder.
Newly updated specs on my first game, given the new info (like you care anyway  ):
Map: Largest world map
My Civ: Russians
Leader Name: Dzhelij Donat' 
Other Civs: 7 random civs
Barbs: Villages Only
Victory Paths: All
CSAs: On
Random Starting Locations: No
Random Distribution of Resources: No (if this option is included)
National Motto: "Moj adres' ne dom i ne ulica, moj adres' Soveckij Sojuz!"
"Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
"If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb
Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!
September 20, 2001, 23:07
Local Time: 06:37
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Posts: 193
I'm going with France, Prince, Hardest Barbs, World Map(I heard the maps are much larger, and can be also designed very large), victory path, Bloodlust elimination.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
September 21, 2001, 03:30
Local Time: 15:37
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Location: the contradiction is filled with holes...
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I want to start with Iroquois (because almost everybody seems to hate them in these forums). And like Ribannah says -
 Love Hiawatha  - or something like that...
Difficulty: Chieftain, the rest is still undecided...
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
September 21, 2001, 05:26
Local Time: 12:37
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Location: Greece
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Greeks (yeah, big surprise  )
Largest map possible, earth
8 civs (American, Aztec, Iroqui  English Zulu Indian Chinese - hey, I don't want a too hard one in my first attempt, right?)
All victory conditions on
all specials on
Prince or King level (to find out how hard it will be this time - Civ2 was a real challenge only in Deity, when the AI-cheat-the-heck-outta-you occured)
September 21, 2001, 12:07
Local Time: 06:37
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King level (at any lower levels, you probably wouldn't see some of the things you need to learn)
Large world map (for familiarity and comparison)
Random civs/placements (otherwise it would be too predictable)
Just bloodlust/spaceship at first (other victory conditions will require new strategies and learning curve)
NO civ attributes, NO unique units, NO golden ages or other stuff like that. I just want to play a Civ2 with all of the new major gameplay elements (diplomacy, trade, resources, culture, etc.). That would be enough to handle and learn without having it become complicated with AI civ foolishness.
September 21, 2001, 17:55
Local Time: 07:37
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Anyone think of doing a random civ?
September 21, 2001, 21:02
Local Time: 07:37
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Civ: Greeks
Difficulty: Chieftan (Don't want to be bothered with war until the second game at least.
Barb level: Highest (if there's going to be barbs, there's going to be BARBS!  )
No. of Civs: All 8.
Map: After I look at all of them through the map editor and move the Greek starting place to Constantinople I'll pick.
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