August 18, 2001, 19:29
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Música, mis cuates!
Originally posted by Chris62 over the OT forum
I like talking music (...) plus you get a better look at people when you find out what kind of music they are into.
I most certainly agree, so I have decided to 'transplant' the idea to this forum. So, guys what kind of music are you into?
I tend to like a bit of everything. But I am currently in a period of coming back to my origins, r'n'r. These are the people I listen to the most lately:
English: Moody Blues, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, The Doors, Springsteen, Dr. Hook (those are really funny).
Spanish: Maná, Topo, Asfalto, Banzai, Barón Rojo, Triana, Alameda.
August 19, 2001, 00:08
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Jazz. Coltrane, Hancock, Miles Davis, Armstrong, etc, etc.
I like Dave Matthews and I love Queen.
Anything else, what I find on the radio. I don't really buy cds until their prices are down to $10, I''m a poor boy from a poor family
I download a lot of good music from movies and warfilms, which I listen to while playing civ to get in the mood of conquest.
August 19, 2001, 00:57
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Well, what i listen too is predicated on my moods, which are always changing.
Mostly classic rock from the 70s till the early 90s, some dance music also.
Lot's of different bands, no real fav.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
August 19, 2001, 15:26
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As those of you hanging around the OT already know, I love 60s music. I've listened to everything I've been able to find from the late 60s, as well as from the late 50s and early 70s.
First records I was able to get my hands on were those of the Beatles (my dad owned them all), which were the ones who got me into listening music like crazy, and the ones that I still play on my head when I can't sleep or while I'm doing some other thing without paying much attention. I like all of their albums, but my favs are Revolver and Sgt. Pepper's.
When I was 16 I was introduced by friends into Deep Purple, Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Doors. Of those, I only keep listening to the Doors today, though I like very much the first Deep Purple albums (Shades of Deep Purple, Deep Purple...). "Hush" is one great song.
Later, attracted by a Mod revival (like 4/5 years ago), I got into the world of R'n'B. The Kinks and The Who. I keep downloading songs by them once and then, and I would say that Ray Davies is at the moment my favourite songwriter.
Lately I've been making good use of the Internet to broaden my 60s collection, downloading all those records that I never had made up my mind to own. Dylan, Clapton, George Harrison, the Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Beach Boys, etc.
As for Spanish music, not much, I'm afraid.  The old ones: Los Pekenikes, Los Bravos, Los Brincos, Los Canarios... And from the 80s, I love Gabinete Caligari. Oh, and does Santana count as Spanish?  And Manu Chao?
I also listen to more modern stuff, movies soundtracks and classic music, but this post is already long enough.
Edit: I used to listen to my dad's Moody Blues albums when I was a child too. I still love them.
Last edited by Fiera; August 19, 2001 at 16:47.
August 19, 2001, 16:05
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Santana, how could I forget that.
August 19, 2001, 16:44
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*slaps ElAwrence in the face*
August 19, 2001, 18:27
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un fora de musica (operated by MarkG  ) es:
nosotros (might want to) visitamos (it) 
DC es siete member.
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August 19, 2001, 18:35
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My greatest musical love, as some of You may already know, is Genesis,
with Queen behind, and REM slowly loosing my support after their two last
albums. I like Pink Floyd and Yes too. And other stuff...
Of course, if succeed, You all will be listening to the same music soon...
August 19, 2001, 18:40
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
un fora de musica (operated by MarkG )
God, it's true! Doesn't Apolyton take enough of his free time already?
August 19, 2001, 21:26
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I was also initiated into music with old vynils of the Beatles and Creedence clearwater revival... I still listen to those a lot.
I also enjoy a lot of classical music, and I love anything by John Williams.
August 20, 2001, 10:02
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Originally posted by El Awrence
I was also initiated into music with old vynils of the Beatles and Creedence clearwater revival... I still listen to those a lot.
CCR, how could I forget that...
August 20, 2001, 12:53
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August 20, 2001, 15:27
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Martín, stop spamming this thread!
Anyways, what are we waiting to start the musical discussion? Will no one tell me that Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd beat the Beatles and the Kinks?
August 20, 2001, 16:22
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We don't need to education!
The Wall was a very good movie...
*biatchslaps Fiera for good measure*
August 20, 2001, 17:48
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I've always found quite difficult to chose a band/artist as my favourite, I think the main reason is that don't like any style in particular, what I like are songs. But in any case I'd like to mention Dire Straits and Radio Futura.
August 20, 2001, 17:59
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Originally posted by El Awrence
We don't need to education!
The Wall was a very good movie...
The "Wish You Were Here" and "Dark Side of the Moon" albums were Rock era masterpieces, that's for sure, but I can't see what the big thing about The Wall is.
August 20, 2001, 19:50
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The movie was good...
August 20, 2001, 21:08
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"Espirito en la sky" por Norman Greenbaum
(Spirit in the Sky) by Norman Greenbaum
"Come Together" The Beatles
Here come old flacktop... he come grooving on over... ... He got ju ju eyeball... he be holy roller
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August 21, 2001, 09:00
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maybe i'm old...
I've lost interest in rock and roll - it has it's place, but just doesn't row my boat like it did when I was a teen. Perhaps it's because every good band's music is drowned out by 30 talentless noise making losers who really would do us a favor by finding themselves day jobs. That said, Santana really rocks.
I love listening to Beethoven and Mozart, flamenco guitar, Oscar Lopez (chileno en canada), Les Musiciens du Nile, and other more traditional music syles.
A few years ago, I saw an old piece, Primero Sueno (sorry, no n with ~ in my font!), put on by a flamenco dance theatre troup. Are you hispanicos familiar with this? Es fantastico!
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
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August 21, 2001, 17:57
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Not exactly music, how many have heard any "Les Luthiers"?
August 21, 2001, 18:07
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Originally posted by El Awrence
Not exactly music, how many have heard any "Les Luthiers"?
I have heard a little from "Les Luthiers" some years ago... I laugh and laugh
In the other hand, I love classic music and I don't hear many rock and roll, but I love Queen.
August 22, 2001, 06:47
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Spanish groups
Hey, now that KIndal is back, I've realised that Los Nikis are missing from my Spanish list!
"1582, el Sol no se ponía en nuestro Imperio, me gusta mucho esa frase..."
PD: No te preocupes, kIndal, en cuanto vuelva a España te la mando...
August 22, 2001, 13:27
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Originally posted by El Awrence
Not exactly music, how many have heard any "Les Luthiers"?
Je, je, muy buenos.
¿Qué tal un escenario sobre el adelantado Díaz de Carreras?
August 22, 2001, 16:09
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Waku, sabes que varias veces he "toyed" con la idea?
A ver quien me hace los units, un tipo barbudo en smoking y espada... tres indios con smoking y plumas batiendo un tambor...
August 22, 2001, 16:26
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proposed WoW: Los Opulentos volúmenes de la Marquesa de Quintanilla 
August 22, 2001, 16:34
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De la biblioteca...
No hay en la vida nada!
Como mi negra!
August 23, 2001, 04:07
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Sorry, but no non-Spanish groups, well...could be The Corrs or Crowed House but no more.
My favourite ones are Spanish ( I like understand perfectly the songs) 
Mägo de Oz (el concierto en Almería el 15 Agosto fue la ostia  ), Extremoduro, Reincidentes, Ska-P, Ankhara, Def con Dos, Maria del Mal, Mojinos Escozios, Celtas Cortos (the old discs) or Dover.
Too I like something more light as Platero y tu, Mana, Calamaro (oh rey!!), M-Clan, Amaral, Mikel Eretxun, Revolver, Tequila and other 80´s groups for quite moments.
And of course Tecno, Dance and remember for night parties.
I know tha they are very very different styles but...I like almost everything!!!!
Por cierto exijo la prohibicion de la Mayonesa y el coñazo de Sonia y Selena ya
¡¡¡Que sera lo siguiente el baile del ajoaceite!!!! joder que lo voy a aborrecer y me gusta mucho   !!!!!
October 25, 2001, 02:56
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Originally posted by Fiera
As those of you hanging around the OT already know, I love 60s music. I've listened to everything I've been able to find from the late 60s, as well as from the late 50s and early 70s. :
Oye, yo soy un autentico amante de la musica de los 60, en mi caso está asociada a mi adolescencia.
Tengo varias cintas y algun CD de esas épocas, si quieres te puedo prestar "ad perpetuam", alguna copia de ellos.
Seguro q tu tienes alguno de los q no encuentro por estar descatalogados, si te parece hacemos intercambio.
El pesimista tiene razón, el optimista es feliz
October 25, 2001, 07:18
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Te he mandado un PM, Alf!
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
- Spiro T. Agnew
October 25, 2001, 08:35
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Location: Castellón, Spain
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Originally posted by Waku
I've always found quite difficult to chose a band/artist as my favourite, I think the main reason is that don't like any style in particular, what I like are songs.
I think the same as you, when people start talking about music I don´t know what to say, I usually make a comment like:
I love that song! and that´s it
but I don´t like salsa and stuff like that
Not exactly music, how many have heard any "Les Luthiers"?
the are awesome
I saw them in Valencia three years ago, the were acting in Valencia last month but I wasn´t able to see them
Por cierto exijo la prohibicion de la Mayonesa y el coñazo de Sonia y Selena ya
Selena is from Castellon but she is 10% Castellonense and 90% plastic from Taiwan
the Mayonesa songs is untouchable, it reminds me and incredible hot friend (a girl of course)
Tonight I´m going to see Dover in concert 
are you going kIndal??
a question,
why every 18-19 year old student likes Sabina?
it´s not bad, but it´s not so good
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