I had pretty near given up on the Goto Command, then someone in one of the threads mentioned the patch. I downloaded it, and was having very good luck with the GoTo (apart from the world seam problem and one or two other idiosyncrasies).
Then I had to reinstall Civ II, and reinstall the patch. Now, I find (for the last several games) that the GoTo is still workable, but less so. I could once send a ship to a far-off port and forget about it until it arrived. Now I occasionally find it doing a shift from one point to another and back again.
On land, if there is a road, very often things will follow the road. However, several times a caravan heads out south to another city, then neglects to take a curve, and ends up going painfully cross-country, one space a turn, for the nexet little while.
If FreeCiv has fixed, or obviated, this bug, its almost enough to make me go and download Linux.
Jim W