Yes we knew that.You can use the cheat menu/reveal map to see it happen.
Something else I discovered(news to me anyways) last night in a MP game:
I started a wonder in a city.
Lost connection....oh no..please tell me you had saved or auto save on?
nope.Saved just after we lost you
Oh no.Probably abandoned my wonder and sent units all over.
So the save we had to use,had the ai in control of my civ for 1 turn.
The usual units going here and there and changed build orders here and there but my wonder was still under construction. the city had a temple

I did not build it and the wonder was still in build mode.
So,the ai gets improvements from thin air also.At least temples.I suspect barracks as well.Perhaps only capitols?
The game was emperor level.I also suspect that is the level this "bonus" kicks in at.Might be king level though.