There's something very annoying in Civ2, that has never been fixed, even in TOT v1.1..
When the AI makes a Revolution to change government, you can know which government it is going to choose, because every new criterions of the future govt has yet taken place.
I'm not very clear, because I don't have enough vocabulary in English to explain what I think. Let's take an example.
If the American, a Republic, want to change to - let's say - Communism, they launch a Revolution, and their cities go on civil disorders.
Everything's Ok
BUT on the foreign advisor, you can see, while they should be in Anarchy, that the American are yet at Communism, and that the leader is Comrad yet.
You would say, after all, let the AI cheat. It's not very dangerous. The AI has no Anarchy period, but it won't be enough for it to survive...
However, when the AI change to Democraty whereas you have just produced a new spy to incit a revolt in one of its cities, you get a little a angry: its cities are in civil disorder, but you're not able to incit a revolt, the computer telling you "you cannot incit revolt in democratic cities..." and do on.
Whereas me, when I make a revolution to change to democraty, the AI has no hesitation to buy my border cities.
GGrrrrrr... Firaxis, don't even think to let such things happen in your new sequel. Otherwise I thraw you're bloody cheating game through my (overbugged) windows, even if it's a metal tin !