August 23, 2001, 16:13
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Civ3 Release Date! October 16!
Well, thats what Gamestop says anyway. :ccol:
Do they know something Firaxis isn't telling us, or are they just guessing?
Check it out:
btw, does anybody know what the deluxe game gives you, other than, apparently, a Civ3 cookie tin?
August 23, 2001, 16:24
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August 23, 2001, 17:33
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all the game-selling companies say mid october. they're probably right.
firaxis wont say when, because god forbid they find a horrible flaw, they might push it back. :knocks on wood:
they dont want an apolyton mob on their doorstep.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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August 23, 2001, 19:48
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Please oh please
If they've just hit beta, let's hope they have hammered out most of their defects already and are mainly adjusting balance and subtle AI changes.
Two months is a short amount of time to do major overhauls. Plus they have to have the CD to the publisher well in advance.
Heres to hoping for an on-track release!
August 23, 2001, 20:59
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::awaits the "civ3 has gone gold" anouncement::
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
August 23, 2001, 21:58
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hey, the limited edition is great. not only does it have that sweet-ass cookie tin but it comes with the official strategy guide, a making of civ 3 cd, and a 15 dollars higher price tag.
they're trying to make you feel less hardcore if you only buy the regular game.
August 24, 2001, 02:31
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Originally posted by isaac brock
they're trying to make you feel less hardcore if you only buy the regular game.
that is so true
August 24, 2001, 03:57
A making of civ3 CD??? WTF?!
The mind reels at what might be in that documentary . . .
Might have to check that out.
August 24, 2001, 07:00
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Originally posted by isaac brock
they're trying to make you feel less hardcore if you only buy the regular game.
Is there any particular reason for your whining about that?
Judging from your stance, you will not fall for the 'marketing ploy', so why the heated message?
August 24, 2001, 07:12
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But I do fall for that kind of sh!t!
I love fluff like that. So I will certainly want the Limited Edition!
But heck, if you don't want to do that, there is no one who will blame you....
August 24, 2001, 17:32
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The combination of the cookie tin and the Oct. 16 release date proved to much for me. Chips and bits just got my pre-order for the LE. I can already taste the hard silver cookies - mmmmm.
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August 25, 2001, 09:23
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Originally posted by isaac brock
but it comes with the official strategy guide,
And what strategy game that has shipped at the same time as a game release has been worth buying?
For the manual to be included in the game they would have to have the thing written by now so they can edit the work. That means the player has probably had little experience on this game and is just making general strategy hints that probably can be found in the manual.
August 25, 2001, 11:21
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Originally posted by isaac brock
hey, the limited edition is great. not only does it have that sweet-ass cookie tin but it comes with the official strategy guide, a making of civ 3 cd, and a 15 dollars higher price tag.
Don't forget you also get a manual in your cookie tin.
no word yet as to whether us bare bones 45$ games get a manual or just a reference card on PDF.
Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST
I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
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August 25, 2001, 14:25
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I hope that the international release happens on October 16th too - else I'll have to get it via my US-dwelling cousins or pick a leaves-in-a-hour flight to New York...
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August 25, 2001, 14:48
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I asked this in another thread, but does anyone know if the Special Edition is going to be released in the UK?
August 25, 2001, 17:20
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Originally posted by isaac brock
hey, the limited edition is great. not only does it have that sweet-ass cookie tin but it comes with the official strategy guide, a making of civ 3 cd, and a 15 dollars higher price tag...
HEY, WHERE DOES THIS INFORMATION COME FROM? Is it genuine, or just your sense of humour, isaac?!
I'd really like to know what the LE has over & above the SE. I looked at Chips&Bits, but it gave no info at all, just the price...
Can anyone give a LINK to a description of what's in the limited edition?
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August 25, 2001, 23:32
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I have a strange sense of foreboding that this limited edition will be the only box release version and that the 'normal edition' will be released in one of those plastic DVD cases. This decision will be in the hands of Infogrammes btw. Firaxis won't be able to change this one iota.
And in that case there won't be a manual at all, damn.
August 26, 2001, 01:23
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Re: Foreboding.....
Originally posted by CapTVK
I have a strange sense of foreboding that this limited edition will be the only box release version and that the 'normal edition' will be released in one of those plastic DVD cases. This decision will be in the hands of Infogrammes btw. Firaxis won't be able to change this one iota.
And in that case there won't be a manual at all, damn.
Well, at least Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos (the sequel to the legendary space flight simulator Independence War aka I-War), which was published by Infogrames, had a DVD case and a paper manual stuffed inside it. The manual was not very large by the amount of pages, but a manual after all!
Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.
August 26, 2001, 07:31
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I think the special editon will be released first and then the normal game later. I honestly dont need a cookie tin so i went with the normal game. Software ETC says Civ III will be released Oct 31 where i live (games always take long to get to iowa for some reason, hello 3 million people live here) I got my copy reserved, How bout yourself?
August 26, 2001, 09:38
And in that case there won't be a manual at all, damn.
Awww, Boo-hoo! No "big chunky manual" like SMAC? You mean Infogrammes is going to save a tree and put it the needed info in a pdf file? Gee, my heart is just breaking. Sorry that an environmentally-sound alternative is being pursued. God forbid less paper be used in the world especially on a manual for a goddamned game that 90% of us will look at once and then toss on the floor never to be seen again.
But I guess some losers are just going to print the damn thing out anyway. And to make matters worse, those copies will be one-sided wasting even more paper. But I guess the people who do that are the same jerks who drive gass-guzzling high-emission SUVs then complain when the cost of gas goes up. Why don't you take the damn subway or streetcar!? Oh yeah, I forgot. All those idiots who bought personal automobiles moved to the suburbs, causing urban sprawl, and making viable mass transit next to impossible so you can't take the subway or the streetcar or the light rail. Add this to the fact that cities with few services (read buses only mass transit - and busses are a huge joke) can charge less taxes on companies. So companioes move there, drag the workforce with them, and the problem gets worse.
Here's my advice - ditch the SUV. And most importantly DON'T PRINT OUT THE DAMN PDF FILE. You say "but its inconvenient not to print it." So what! Don't kill a tree for your mere convenience, you big wimp. Tough it out a little bit.
August 26, 2001, 11:10
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If I cared that much about trees I wouldn't be buying a computer game at all, I'd be out planting forests and the like. For all you know the manuals are printed on paper from trees planted especially to be made into paper, in which case there are no environmental problems (And in fact there are environmental benefits, as it creates new forests on land which would otherwise be used for farming or the like). Personally I love to have a manual so that I can flick through it and carry it around whenever I can't actually play the game. My earlier civ manuals have been extremely well used, and not at all a waste of paper.
August 26, 2001, 11:15
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In addition, pdf manuals are next to useless when you are actually playing the game and want to look something up, especially in a non-windowed game like civ 3 will be.
August 26, 2001, 11:29
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Oh jeez, the true hugger has arrived
Frankly, I could care less. Give me a massive, tree-killing manual. I mean SMAC-sized, I mean Civ2-sized, I mean Baldur's Gate sized. I want a massive manual that I can peruse over as I play the game, daily, and enjoy reading from cover to cover. Give me a 500 page manual chock full of facts and history!
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
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August 26, 2001, 12:30
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PLEEEEEZE will someone tell me if we have any HARD INFO about what the limited edition contains -- or is it all speculation?!
Where do these statements come from, that only the LE will have a manual (or strategy guide), etc. etc.??
If there's NO MANUAL with the standard edition, this is nothing short of APPALLING, and I'll have no option but to buy the LE!
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August 26, 2001, 12:44
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Originally posted by Grim Legacy
Is there any particular reason for your whining about that?
Judging from your stance, you will not fall for the 'marketing ploy', so why the heated message?
I was just explaining what I thought. I will feel less hardcore if I don't buy the limited edition, so, yes, I will buy it. I still think its worth it, even if it is a marketing ploy.
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August 26, 2001, 12:54
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Originally posted by Ilkuul
PLEEEEEZE will someone tell me if we have any HARD INFO about what the limited edition contains -- or is it all speculation?!
There is a news item somewhere in the civ 3 news section (possibly archived by now?) which has a statement from someone at firaxis about the le including a tin, a manual, a making of civ3 cd, 'and other nice stuff'. There is no hard info that I am aware of about what the standard edition contains.
As an aside, the thing about the le including the strategy guide is completely speculation. There is no evidence for that (unless the 'manual' is the strategy guide, which I do not believe) and I think the price of the le would be more than the price of the normal + strat guide if it did include the strategy guide.
August 26, 2001, 13:00
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I don't doubt that the normal Civ3 package will contain, at the very least, a basic manual.
August 26, 2001, 13:45
For all you know the manuals are printed on paper from trees planted especially to be made into paper, in which case there are no environmental problems (And in fact there are environmental benefits, as it creates new forests on land which would otherwise be used for farming or the like).
Would be true except for one small fact - you still need a paper mill. Ever lived next to one? I have. That's one thing that made me a "tree-hugger".
I hope the standard edition comes in a DVD box (that's sound packaging BTW - no boxes to be thrown out because the container it comes in is the container you keep it in) with a pdf manual. That would be a bonus for me - I would purchase that version before the version with a tin and a dead tree manual. And I'm rewarded with a $15 savings for my enviromental prudence. Maybe I'll take my savings and buy some more plants.
August 26, 2001, 13:56
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Originally posted by Mister Pleasant
Would be true except for one small fact - you still need a paper mill. Ever lived next to one? I have. That's one thing that made me a "tree-hugger".
I doubt living next to a plastic factory would be any nicer.
August 26, 2001, 14:15
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I believe we may now have the answer to Ralf's original question ("Do ALL combat-units need access to resources?") -- in the latest Gamespy preview:
"In addition to required technologies, each unit has a requisite resource you must have or trade for before it can be built."
Hmmm. Many of those resources better be pretty easy to come by...!
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