Hello. At STC, we are forming a team for a project for Civilization II; creating a new Star Trek mod. We have a few members already, but would like to invite anyone else who wants to help develop this mod, or who is simply interested in it. Please feel free to read the information I am posting, and if you are interested I will provide a link to our dedicated forum at the bottom of this post. Thank you for your time.
There have been a few Star Trek mods for Civilization II before, however this will be a true total conversion; totally original, and completely thorough. Here is what we hope to do:
- create 7 fully playable races. My first recommendations are the following: Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Breen, Dominion, Ferengi. 7 major races from the Deep Space Nine time period, and would allow us to create a large Dominion War Scenario (Federation, Klingon, Romulan vs Dominion, Cardassian, Breen, with Ferengi as neutral).
- completely recreate new units from the Star Trek universe. With a total of 54 units (not including the hero slots), this would allow us to make approximately 6-7 units per race. This would leave room for universal units such as Colony ships, Troop transports, Trading freightors, Covert Ops forces, etc. Each side will have a few ground troops and some starships, all unique to each race. We can also have hero units for the Scenario (Defiant, Rotarran, Deep Space Nine, etc).
- redone Terrain; to make it a space-based game, with planets instead of ground, and space instead of water. Things such as roads/railroads will take alot of work to redesign, but it shouldn't seem too weird. This terrain system will work well I think; it would keep it playable and explainable, while giving it a more Star Trek feel.
- other various changes, such as setting up new governments, technologies, structures, wonders, etc, will all be done. We can't actually change the effects of the wonders, however we should be able to find equivalents for most from the Star Trek universe.
That is a basic summary of what I can think of now; mostly just an introduction. For the Mod we'd need people who can do the following:
- concepts, suggesting ideas and specifics for all of the moddified elements. This takes alot of work itself, and has to be done before the actually modding can begin.
- graphics. Every image file in the game will have to be changed, from the units to the build-menu images. There are ALOT of graphics that will have to be redone, and this will likely take most of the work for the mod. The more people who are willing to help here the better. The good thing about this is that you don't actually need to have the game to help; it is just drawing new artwork. Anyone who would be willing to help with this would be greatly appreciated.
- sounds; we of course will not want Galaxies attacking with a machine-gun sound. This is one thing I am not an expert with; the only way I know how to do this is using the feature from the Fantasy expansion. There are ways to do this without it though; people who can do that are needed greatly.
- modding of the .txt files. This is one of the harder parts; often times a simple little mistake can make the game unplayable and crash right away. There is also alot of tedious work involved here, though 2-3 people should be able to do it without any real problems (though the more help the better, of course. ).
- scenario work, from setting up the situation to writing the events, this is what makes the mod really enjoyable. I hope to be able to create a Dominion War scenario, which should be an interesting game.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope you are interested in providing help in any way. If you would like to join or follow up on the project, here is a link to our forum at STC:
Thank you for your time.