July 15, 2002, 18:03
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Korea is better than a "civilization" conquered by a few Spanish guys. Heck, they just wanted gold. They didn't even plan on destroying the Aztecs, but the Aztecs were so weak and stupid they decided to put them out of their misery.
Korea, on the other hand, would require maybe a few more Spanish guys. Not a lot more, but more than was needed to kill off the Aztecs.
Exactly what did the Aztecs do besides sacrifice each other? Name a single great Aztec literature work. Huh? Can't do it? Then either you really do not know as much about the Aztecs as you think, or they really are the most pathetic faction in Civ 3. Their UU is just a stronger warrior, they never really went past that point. Even the Zulu were tougher to kill.
Wrestling is real!
July 15, 2002, 19:28
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I never said the Aztecs were a great civ, but I think they deserve their position better than Korea. First of all, I believe the Aztecs are somehow representing the Latin-American Civs. Firaxis chose the aztecs probably because their pyramids, but surely not for their combat power. They had an extremelly precise calendar. They mapped the sky. I cant tell you now any book writen by the Aztecs, but I can certainly tell you one the Mayas did (and they were conquered by the Aztecs): the Popol Vuh. Thats a world wide known piece of literature. I think their cultural influence cant be denied. You can say anything you want about their combat weakness, even about their ingenuity, but they had an interesting culture. I believe it would have been better if instead of the Aztecs, they put Mexico as a Civ. Someone talked about Koreas economy. Well, Mexico is worlds 8th economy. Mexico fought 3 times with the US. Pancho Villa, a mexican, was the only man ever to invade the continental territory of the USA. They won their independence war with Spain and owned also Texas and California - you cant judge them for losing those states against the US because every Civ would have losen that war - . Maybe it was a stupid idea but they fought instead of selling their territory. The big nations all selled their territory to the US under the menace of a war: Spain sold Florida, Rusia sold Alaska, the French ended selling Louisiana, the dutch sold Manhattan, etc. By putting Mexico as a Civ you could unite the advances of the civs that territory hold: the Aztecs, the Mayas, the Olmecas, etc. Mexico City - founded by the Aztecs as Mexico Tenochtitlan - is the worlds most populated city. If you wanted relevance in an american civ, after the USA this is the most. In Asia you have a lot of relevant Civs and thats why theres no place for Korea yet. And remember something: Asias most relevant Civs were not conquered by the european civs because they had a relevant obstacle in the middle: the Otomans. To reach China, Japan or Korea you had to pass across many warriors territories. And, after all, Japan was forced by the USA to open to free commerce in the 19th century. It took just a couple of ships to threaten the Japanese because 200 years before the Samurai prohibited fire weapons, so they had no chance to fight. Every Civ would have died fighting Spain at some moment or against the USA from 1850 to this time. Its not an excuse for the Aztec weakness, but as I said: combat strength is not all. See, if you leave out the Aztecs because of their combat strength, there should be no Zulus, no Iroquais, no Indians, not even China (because the Mongols would deserve better that place).
There has to be a geographical criterya to choose Civs. If not it would be very simple: Europe + USA + Japan + Persia + Egipt and stop it here.
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 15, 2002, 19:43
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If geography is why civs make it in, why isn't there a single civ from South America? Maybe because geography has NOTHING to do with it? Civs are put in Civ 3 because they stood the test of time, or to be pc. Japan wiped the floor with Korea. That's why Korea didn't make it in.
Yes, Mexico deserves to be in. Certainly more than the Iroquios. At least Mexico didn't get wiped out like the Iroquios did.
Wrestling is real!
July 15, 2002, 21:22
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Well then tell me something: the orginal Aztecs were wiped out about 350 years ago ¿Do you remember them? ¿For what? Korea is still here. ¿Do you think someone will remember Korea 350 years after an hypotetical extintion?
First of all: lets not look at the map with political frontiers - if so neither Rome, the Aztecs or Babylon should be in Civ3, because they do not exist anymore -. Watch the world map divided by cultural influences. Thats why I feel no big need for South-America to have a Civ in Civ4: because Im sure the Aztecs or Spain will somehow represent my culture - Im southamerican with no special relation with the aztecs but extremelly related culturally to the mexicans -. But let me tell you that if the Aztecs are taken out in Civ4, surely the Incas would make it in. ¿Why? Because to most of Civ players, those spanish-conquered tribes give the same. Its not to be expected a cosmopolitan game, just a wide spread number of civs to make it interesting. If its not with the Aztecs, it would be with the Incas, the Mayas, the Guaranis, even with Cuba and Fidel Castro :=). And the same thing goes for the Zulus. ¿What did they do compared to Spain, Holland, Belgium, the Vikings? Nothing, but black Africa has to be represented somehow.
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 15, 2002, 22:24
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Originally posted by King of Rasslin
If geography is why civs make it in, why isn't there a single civ from South America? Maybe because geography has NOTHING to do with it?
Come on, smart guy, try to use a little common sense. I said Aztecs were included mostly so America could have some neighbors for culturally linked starting positions. The Aztecs and the Iroquois weren't exactly major civilizations that "stood the test of time." They lasted as long as they did because the contenant was friggin empty.
To secure peace is to prepare for war.
July 15, 2002, 23:49
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yellfromhell, from your post, i can gather you didn't bother reading anything from at least before page before this one.
They had an extremelly precise calendar. They mapped the sky
the aztecs and the koreans both had this. flip back, oh, maybe two to four pages, and you'll find references to queen sondok's stellar observatory; you'll also find references to the world's oldest and longest continually running weather log, originally based from that observatory. true, that might appeal only to climatologists and meteorologists, but really, do supremely accurate calendars excite anyone but the most devoted horologist?
the Popol Vuh. Thats a world wide known piece of literature.
by the mayans, not the aztecs. irrelevant. plus, i've never heard of this text.
in response, there is one "world-famous" korean text: the tripitaka koreana, a massive text kept in a buddhist temple. of course, outside of buddhist circles, it's not as well known, but then again, in which circles is the Popol Vuh known?
I think their cultural influence cant be denied. You can say anything you want about their combat weakness, even about their ingenuity, but they had an interesting culture.
the aztecs? ok, so they can't. what makes their culture so unique?
and why is the korean culture NOT unique?
speaking of military weakness, ingenuity, and culture, aztecs and koreans have many similarities. at certain points, both civs were relatively powerful militarily against their neighbors, but at different points, both suffered a huge defeat at the hands of a more technologically advanced nation. aztec ingenuity and korean ingenuity have been questioned; suffice it to say, i can be very confident in saying that the koreans are very ingenious: regardless of how the metal type printing press was used, the fact remains, the koreans came up with it; same for the ironclads. as for culture? aztecs were no doubt unique in central america. koreans are also quite unique in east asia-- there are many things all east asian cultures share, but in the case of japan, china, and korea, the differences are so glaring and so vast, that one cannot say that they are the same.
this doesn't really help your argument here any; why are the aztecs more deserving?
Mexico is worlds 8th economy.
primarily by virtue of being right next to the US/California.
korea's trade with the us has to cross the pacific, not just the rio grande.
and it's important to note, that calling to light korea's economy is not a matter of size so much as startling growth; immediately after the korean war, skorea had suffered at least a half century of continuous and systematic economic disruption; its GDP and income per capita were below even the poorest of many agrarian nations-- including many african ones. and yet, in the span of only forty-odd years (economic growth did not begin in earnest until the late 1960s) skorea shot up from being the lowest percentiles in terms of GDP and income per capita to one of the highest; something which mexico has not duplicated (they did not have to go up as far).
this is not to demean the growth of the mexican economy; its growth has been impressive. it just hasn't been in the same ballpark as the korean economic growth.
[quote]Mexico fought 3 times with the US. Pancho Villa, a mexican, was the only man ever to invade the continental territory of the USA.[quote]
korea's never fought the us, but of course, that's because they're not exactly neighbors. on the other hand, korea has invaded china a few times (two or three); and has beaten back at least two japanese invasions on korean soil.
Mexico City - founded by the Aztecs as Mexico Tenochtitlan - is the worlds most populated city
and? seoul, founded in by koreans hundreds of years ago, is one of the world's ten largest cities, according to some counts. also, according to some counts, tokyo-yokohama is larger than the mexico city metro.
In Asia you have a lot of relevant Civs and thats why theres no place for Korea yet
let's see...
china (in); japan (in); india (in); babylonia (in); mongols (in)...
the main ones left? korea, thai, khmer... all of which are worthy, but not very familiar to the west.
And remember something: Asias most relevant Civs were not conquered by the european civs because they had a relevant obstacle in the middle: the Otomans.
china and india were under britain's thumb from the 1700s...
See, if you leave out the Aztecs because of their combat strength, there should be no Zulus, no Iroquais, no Indians, not even China (because the Mongols would deserve better that place).
actually, indians would be around; they managed to successfully beat of multiple mongol invasions with their mughal troops. zulus would be in because they managed to crush pretty much all of their enemies, until the brits came in with their guns. china would be in because at multiple times throughout their history, their armies have been at war and defeated many enemies from within and without.
of course, in a history book, you won't find that... because most history books in the west devote few chapters at all to asian and african history. otherwise, you'd be quite aware of military strengths in asia throughout time.
and as for your second post... enormously eurocentric. i can't believe it-- it smacks of a western superiority complex, one which isn't deserved. writing off all of africa's cultures because they "didn't do anything" that registered on a meager euro-centric history textbook...
July 16, 2002, 04:24
Local Time: 12:48
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Posts: 42
Why bring up Mexico when we talk about the Aztecs? Simply because Mexico is there where the Aztecs have previously lived? What are the relationship between those two? Does Mexico carries a single tradition of the Aztec? or even Mexican mentality has any similarity with the old Aztec one? their religion? their way of life? Art?
You can not justify that Mexico is a legitimate heir of the Aztec culture and I don't find any serious attempt from the Mexican government to preserve Aztec culture among normal Mexican people but mere keeping of the pyramid sites for tourism. Why so? Because there is nothing left to preserve.
Because the Aztec culture is dead and disconntected from Mexican culture for very long time thus even making such effort doesn't make any sense.
The Aztec civilisation is dead long ago and Mexico certainly did not derive from it but rather shaped by enormous Spanish influence with some addition of the American culture.
The transition of the cultures was so rapid and radical and most importantly no significant amount of Aztec culture was fused into today's Mexican culture to call Mexico the rightful heir of the Aztec civilisation.
It is also arguable that modern day Italy and the ancient Roman civilisation, Egypt and the ancient Egyptian civilisation and Iraq and Babylon/Sumer with varying degree of how legitimate they are to be called the true heirs.
July 16, 2002, 05:32
Local Time: 12:48
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Posts: 42
It didn't lead to them producing a full set of movable type and printing books, did it?
They did have a full set of movable type and printed many books.
Korea made a new phonetic writing system in 1443 to be different than China and Japan. So? Japan invented their phonetic writing system in the 900's. Written English goes back to the 700's. Egyptians and Mayans were using hieroglyphics a long time before that. In this context, how is Hangul the slightest bit significant?
It's not the date of the invention that makes many linguists and phoneticians fascinated by the Korean Alphabet but it's originality and scientific nature.
Yes, a Korean general armored his fleet in 1592, and thus technically the first ironclads belonged to the Koreans. You've actually found something that is legitimately accepted as a Korean invention ...I must point out, however, that this is another example of a good idea a Korean had that Korea as a whole never adopted. Yi Sun-Sin had the brilliant idea of protecting his ships, but the idea was not used again until it caught on in the 1800's.
Maybe they developed better ship design than the turtle ship or they didn't need the turtle ship anymore. Who knows? USA did not continue to build the same ironclad class 100 years later since it was developed.
It's also a cool fact that in the 1590's Korea had pottery nice enough to impress China and Japan, but again, keep in mind that plenty cultures had quality pottery thousands of years earlier.
You are grossly misunderstanding the term pottery and it's sub category called ceramic porcelain making. The old way of clay pot making is virtually a part of every culture whereas when it comes to sophisticated ceramic porcelain there are not so many civilisation to be noted for that. From Koryo dynasty to Choson dynasty Korea rivaled China, the only competitor, in terms of ceramic heating stove designs, quality clay extraction techniques, drying shelf designs and most of all the craftsmanship. Korea had cutting edge technology for a whole industry and it wasn't easy for the Japanese to just copy it thus leaving them no choice but kidnapping the master craftsmen from Korea to create their own industry.
Last edited by eric789; July 16, 2002 at 05:58.
July 16, 2002, 14:44
Local Time: 14:48
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i would only put civs in civilization that really changed the world.
korea resisted great powers like china and japan but did it ever really get aggressive and influenced their neighbours?
for example, the idea of the printing press got lost and was reinvented lateron in europe so that invention did not really change anything.
korea never played an active role in history so i don't think they deserve to be among the first civs even though they are important. but i don't think their role in history was important enough to compete with the role of the spanish, for example (i don't think that spain is more valuable or anything than korea or did better things but they just affected history more than korea).
as a matter of fact, usually only aggressive civilizations changed the world but there are some words for this: "war is the father of everything" (tried to translate it as good as possible  ).
only in the modern times war has become a threat to the whole mankind.
i agree that the aztecs also didn't change the world but it would be boring if there were just one american civ.
July 16, 2002, 14:58
Local Time: 07:48
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the idea of the printing press got lost
actually, no. it wasn't lost.
besides, you're looking at it from a profoundly eurocentric historical viewpoint.
by that reasoning, the aztecs, iroquoi, zulus all aren't worth putting in; india is dubious; japan also wouldn't make it as much, since it only became a world player in the 20th; whereas almost all european nations would make it in: england, spain, portugal, germany, france, greece, italy, rome, poland, netherlands...
July 16, 2002, 15:48
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It's difficult for me to understand why people get so emotional and angry towards people who say that Korean civilization made significant achievements and deserves more attention. If I could speculate, I would say that is because so much of the information revealed here is challenging orthodox viewpoints and the traditional education that some of you may have recieved. Often times, when someone is confronted by information that contradicts prior perceptions or beliefs, this leads to confusion and in some cases, anger. I don't want to give you any more psycho-babble, but that is my analysis.
Anyhow, one thing you must understand is that the divergence between the orthodox viewpoint of Korea and the actual facts is that Korea's history is largely "hidden". Partly because its height was prior to the 17th century when many Westerners began arriving in Northeast Asia and partly because much of Korea's history was erased by Japanese invasion and occupation.
Which brings me to a point that keeps on coming up. Why do so many of you think that Korea is an inferior civilization because it was invaded and occupied? Korea was UNSUCCESSFULLY invaded by the Japanese once and then occupied by DECEPTIVE strategic maneuvering by the Japanese for only 35 years. France was both invaded and occupied by the English many times and was defeated and occupied by the Germans twice. Does this all make France an inferior civilization?
While some of you are not impressed by Korean inventions you have to understand that they are remarkable because they were "firsts". That means that there was nothing like it invented before. It also means that what other people had were even more primitive at the time. Anyhow, that is not good wording because it would be hard to describe Korean society as "primitive" by any means in the 16th century. Just by looking at the cultural and artistic accomplishments during and prior to this time makes Korea one of the greatest civilizations in history.
There have been a few people talking about facts of modern Korea as arguments for its consideration as a major civilization, but I find Korea's latest achievements as nothing compared to those prior to the 17th century. They are significant, however, because they signify that Korea is one of the few civilizations to make a "comeback".
Regardless, I don't believe that anyone here is arguing that Korea was ever a world power or even wanted to be for that matter. But after you have all of the major powers such as England, France, China, Egypt, etc., who are you going to include? It is apparent that Korea had a far more advanced civilization than some of the civs already included in the game as well as many others proposed to be included in the game. It is also one of the few civs to have many "firsts" in invention, which I think is very important.
"I've spent more time posting than playing."
Last edited by siredgar; July 16, 2002 at 15:55.
July 16, 2002, 21:30
Local Time: 12:48
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I recognize I wasnt polite in my first reply in this thread. I beg your pardon for that. Now, about the discussion, I would prefare it to be a dialog (in the Gadamer sense), a 'chat' where positions could dinamically change theirselves. This doesnt necesary means one position to completely change its mind, but just recognize that the other MAY have some part of the truth. Im now recognizing the Korea supporters may be right. Why? Because I accept I know little about Korea. What took me to think Korea does not deserve to make it in Civ4? Well, the same error that I always criticize to the 1st world citizens. I though that my lack of knowledge of Korea was because there wasnt too much to learn about it. You see: instead of recognizing that I didnt know about Korean history because I wasnt interested in studying it, I thought I didnt know because the that information simply didnt exist or was not relevant. My line of thoughts was: "if the information does not come to me in someway, that must be because it is not relevant". Sorry for that.
Now, the other part of this reply: I still believe the Aztecs deserve their place and that they do better than Korea (at least of what I know about Korea).
See next replies
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 21:53
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I believe we are in front of a cultural barrier. You never heard of the 'Popol Vuh' and I never heard of the 'Tripitaka Koreana'. You believe this book is 'world-famous' and I believe the 'Popol Vuh' is world-wide known. ¿How can that be?
Let me tell you my part of the story: this book (the Popol...) is included in the formal programs of study in Literature in my country`s schools (and Uruguay is very, very far from Mexico). I have books writen in English that talk about it and I well know it has been printed in at least 17 languages.
You dont count the 'Popol Vuh' as an argument in favor of the Aztecs because it was writen by the Mayas. Well, let me tell you something: the Aztecs, as the Incas, had enormous empires. If you see the maps of these empires you could think all over those regions there were Aztecs or Incas, but thats not true. The empires were gigantic communities of tribes. The Civ is called "The Aztecs" because that was the tribe that ruled, but the empire included hundreds of different tribes. The Mayas, as well as the Toltecas, were conquered by the Aztecs, not eliminated. Therefore, you can see all this like a civil war more than a war between civs. The Mayas ruled hundreds of years before Cortez reached Mexico, so it is legitime to look at the Aztecs as their heir. They did not killed the Mayas, but instead they learned about their way of melting metal, their pottery, their calendars, etc. They adopted many traditions from the other tribes. You can they were despotic with the tribes they ruled, yes, but that does not mean they considered them stupids.
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 22:15
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Q-Cubed once again:
First of all every Civ is UNIQUE. But here we are trying to see who deserves better to be represented in Civ4 (for example). I understand that if Cortez would have arribe in Korea at that time, thing would have been much difficult for him. But I suppose, in the end, Korea would have dissapeared. Why? Because at that moment Spain was THE POWER and Cortez was a very, very intelligent stratega. We dont know much of the Aztec history because the Spanish burned books and living leyends, as I understand the Japanese did once in Korea. Actually, the remaining aztecs dont remember nothing else about their past than what you can find in a Museum or a in-depth study book. But they are now mexicans, and certainly Mèxico is the heir of the Aztec empire. As I believe that, I also believe that Mexico deserves to be in Civ as a representant of Latin-America in two ways: representing all the countries that were once ruled by the spanish in America and representing the civs that were spoiled by the spanish. Why the Aztecs and not the Mexican in Civ3? Because they have fame of being a "mysterious civ". There are lots of thing in their culture that are extremelly difficult to understand and so people look at them with some kind of fascination. I also understand Abe had to have a neighbour in Civ3, and thats why I said that if the Aztecs didnt make it, the Incas, the Mayas, the Cheyenne, etc would do it. You could ask yourself: But the Incas lived in South-America? Yes, but I believe anything would be fine for Firaxis from Rio Grande to the south. As today, for many 1st world citizens, a puerto-rican and a peruvian are the same, all under the etiquette of "latins" (and remember the french and some rumanians are also).
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 22:39
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You give value to Koreas discovery of the idea of making an Ironclad because they were "the FIRST". Well, I dont matter if Mexico is near the USA or not, I just say mexican economy is the 8th in the world, and I give value to this data because it clearly shows mexicans are in the group of "The most...".
You value Seoul for being one of the World`s ten largest cities, and I value Mexico because its the Worlds most populated city and, consecuently also in the Top Ten of the most largest cities (and it is one of them).
About europeans conquering the asians:
As you say, China and India were under Britain`s thumb. Thats way I said in a past reply that if it was for combat strength, then The Mongols deserve a place better that those nations. By the way, you know England is in Koreas opposite side of the world. Its impressive that the english could conquer India and part of China doing those extremelly long boat trips. That takes me to think that, if only Korea would had been a little closer to England, it would have dissapeared (its the same argument you use to under-estimate mexican economy: geographical situation).
You say this:
"(the Zulu deserve to be a Civ because...) they managed to crush pretty much all of their enemies, until the brits came in with their guns"
Then, my friend, ¿what do you think the Aztecs did? ¿they sang to their enemies? No, they crushed every enemy they found until the were crushed by the Spaniards. At the moment Spain was the worlds most powerfull nation, and when the english crushed the Zulus, they were the worlds most powerful nation. So, if one deserves it, the other too, dont you think?
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 22:46
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The Aztecs were a tremendously agressive Civ. What happened is this: Monctezuma thought Cortez was a god, and received him with arms wide open (the description fits perfectly with Cortez appearence). The agressive movement came too late when Cuatemoc made his people revolt.
By the way, here is a quote linked to what you say: its from Bertrand Russell: "War helps more to science than one hundred universities".
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 22:57
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"Why bring up Mexico when we talk about the Aztecs?"
The answer to this question is simple and Im surprised with the lack of knowledge you have about Mexico. You shouldnt talk like if you knew, then.
1/3 of Mexico`s population comes from the Aztecs, the Mayas, the Toltecas, etc. They keep many, many traditions. Have you heard about the "Zapatist movement". ¿Why do you think those tribes revolt? To keep their traditions. Mexico is the country with more tribes in it. I can also say that the average mexican (no matter if he is white, black or whatever) continues many rituals the Aztecs began. ¿Where do you think Tequila comes from? And Mezcal? Tacos? all of them are adaptations of what the Aztecs did. Talk to a mexican and then tell me if they are not proud of their native origin. Yes, they are extremelly linked culturally with Spain, but that doesnt make them spanish.
Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').
July 16, 2002, 23:17
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two things:
1. the tripitaka koreana has had multiple texts written on it; few of them have yet to be translated into english. in fact, few english texts have been written about korea outside of the korean war. again, because of a eurocentric historical view; korea wasn't "interesting" enough to be written about, so to speak. kinda like what your attitude seems to be. then again, most books about japan cover only the samurai period, and the world war 2 period, and precious little else; most about china focus on mao and the conflict of china against the western imperialists, with a dearth of texts on the older dynasties. all three civilizations have lasted over 5000 years; the aztecs, not even 1000; naturally, it's easier to write a comprehensive text on aztecs. besides, they're more "interesting" to westerners: a nation of people who sacrificed humans, etc., that were conquered by the good christian europeans.
2. you seem intent on hypothetical situations where korea may have disappeared, without realizing the true strength of the korean military.
problem is, for a good deal of its fivethousand year history (about 3000 years of it), china was the defacto world power in asia; its military might, comparatively, was far greater than britain's strength by the time it conquered china and india. many times it attempted to conquer korea; each time, it failed. furthermore, when japan finally conquered korea, it didn't do so militarily; it did so through diplomatic pressure and manipulation.
furthermore: the reason the aztecs lost so badly to cortez was not military might, as you say; rather, the fact that the spaniards carried with them smallpox, which the aztecs had no natural immunity to, eliminated a good deal of the populace. korea would not have suffered the same fate; smallpox was already there, and the people had a natural immunity. furthermore, the aztecs were not as technologically advanced; the difference, say, would be between a 8/6/3 cavalryman and a 1/1/1 militia in civ2 terms between the aztecs and the spanish; the 8/6/3 cavalrymen would have to face 3/3/1 musketmen in korea, if not stronger troops.
also: the aztecs, as you say, have almost no knowledge of their cultural history outside of what is preserved in their museums; koreans, however, maintained their cultural traditions, maintaing their language and other such cultural heirlooms under the jackbooted japanese thugs which tried to erase every last trace of korean culture.
also: i am not underestimating the mexican economy; i'm just saying, much of its growth has occured after NAFTA; thus, NAFTA must have had some beneficial effect on growth. thus: geographic location helped mexico's economic growth.
continuing: do not use a patronizing tone to me. yes, i'm well aware that england and korea are almost 180 longitudinal degrees apart; that is irrelevant. the british did not so much as conquer china as carve out a piece of it, in an attempt to swallow part of it. as for india's fall, it was mainly due to the fact that india was not unified when it was absorbed; the many different principalities were unable to form a unified front, and so some allied themselves with britain, and some were conquered by british-indian troops. such a situation would not have worked in korea; indeed, even if britain were closer to korea, it is highly unlikely that it would have been able to conquer it. and again, korea would not have disappeared.
now, this is referring to your form of argument:
don't split it up over so many different posts. it's dangerously close spamming, it's annoying, and it breaks up what could have been a cohesive (but incorrect and eurocentric) argument.
Last edited by Q Classic; July 16, 2002 at 23:24.
July 17, 2002, 00:20
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
Actually I heard of both Popol Vuh and Tripitaka Koreana. Popol Vuh is the creational story of the maya and Tripitaka Koreana is the Buddhist scripts carved into wood blocks for mass-printing.
The Mayas, as well as the Toltecas, were conquered by the Aztecs, not eliminated. Therefore, you can see all this like a civil war more than a war between civs. The Mayas ruled hundreds of years before Cortez reached Mexico, so it is legitime to look at the Aztecs as their heir. They did not killed the Mayas, but instead they learned about their way of melting metal, their pottery, their calendars, etc. They adopted many traditions from the other tribes. You can they were despotic with the tribes they ruled, yes, but that does not mean they considered them stupids.
You are putting a dangerous assumption here. The Aztecs conquered the Mayas so the Mayan accomplishment can be the Aztec one too? The Nazi Germany's occupation of Paris during WWII makes the Germany the rightful owner of the French cultural accomplishment? Furthermore the Popol Vuh is the creational story of Maya. Not just some kind of cultural thing that can be transferred to other civilisations. Also fair treatment after successful conquest gives the conqueror the right to own cultural accomplishment of the conquererd subjects? What a bizzare logic you are applying here.
I understand that if Cortez would have arribe in Korea at that time, thing would have been much difficult for him. But I suppose, in the end, Korea would have dissapeared. Why? Because at that moment Spain was THE POWER and Cortez was a very, very intelligent stratega.
I certainly don't think so. Cortez conquers the Aztecs in 1521 and The Japanese invasion of Korea took place in 1592. Korea had to fight off approximately 200,000 musketeers and Samurai warriors total during the invasion and how many men were led by Cortez? At 16th century Korea had the cannon armed fleets, regualr army armed with artillery and miscellaneous small fire arms and well-trained and battle hardened cavalry which had been fighting the mighty Manchus for centuries. Even the most scaring support fire of smallpox that the Spaniards heavily relied on would have no effect on Korea since her enduarance of resisting such an epidemic had been quite well developed already.
But they are now mexicans, and certainly Mexico is the heir of the Aztec empire.
Genetically maybe but the Aztec civilisation was not inherited nor fused into Mexico. Do not be illusive with people and political entity simply because they share the same territory with an old civilisation. Mexican culture is predominantly Hispanic(spanish). They speak Spanish. Their food are under heavy Spanish influence. Their religion is not even a compromise between the old customary belief and Roman Catholric but complete form of the latter one. Mexico itself has some uniqueness from other latin American nations but that's just within the Hispanic civilisation's boundary and it certainly doesn't make the Mexicans are the Aztecs. Do you seriously believe the Iraqis are the true heirs of Babylonian civilisation? The People and the place didn't change.
I believe the Aztec is a good decent civilisation already without borrowing someone else's accompplishments such as Mayan Popol Vuh or your linking up of Modern day Mexico. I certainly want to see Aztecs in the game but your statement of the Aztecs deserve better than some other civilisations went too far. And you even admitted the fact that you know little of Korea. To be very strict in academic term and based on my knowledge, I believe Korean civilisation is defintely older than the Aztec one and still continues, invented more things than the Aztecs and culturally and mentally more resilent than the Aztecs. But even with this kind of fact I would not dare to say Korean civilisation is more important nor more deserving than the Aztecs because they are all important and valuable pieces that comprise the World history jigsaw puzzle.
Last edited by eric789; July 17, 2002 at 01:14.
July 17, 2002, 00:44
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
"Zapatist movement" is quite self explanatory about that Mexico is not the legitimate heir of the Aztec civilisation. Why would some tribemen even revolt for the sake of their old tradition? Because Mexico does not have the form of culture that is well fused by old tradition of the Aztec tribes.
Where do you think Tequila comes from? And Mezcal? Tacos? all of them are adaptations of what the Aztecs did. Talk to a mexican and then tell me if they are not proud of their native origin. Yes, they are extremelly linked culturally with Spain, but that doesnt make them spanish.
Is there any more? Do you seriously think only an item of alchol beverage and two items of food can bestow the title of the rightful heir of an old civilisation? If you can bring handful of evidence that Mexico is influenced by the Aztecs then I can bring tonnes of evidence that Mexico is influenced by the Spanish culture. The ratio will be 1:9, I say. Not even 3:7!
Last edited by eric789; July 17, 2002 at 01:18.
July 17, 2002, 01:52
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 343
I learned that the Aztecs were only 5 feet tall! Lol, no wonder those wimps got wiped out! Same with Koreans. As for pure military might, Spain could beat both of them at once. Don't even try to show how Korea might last 2 months against Spain, or how their navy was ironclad. They didn't use it, did they?
Fact is, no one cared about that Korean generals ironclad ships. He didn't use them. Koreans were too peaceful. However, us Americans get the credit of creating ironclads because we actually used them! And they were not ignored because their power was demonstrated. Also, don't forget we made the first rotating turret. The Koreans used old fashioned cannons placed on the side of their ships, like pirates. Their ironclads were a modification of their previous ships, but ours was a whole new chassis!
Culture isn't culture unless it is noticed. You can make as many temples and libraries as you want, but isolationist civs (Japan, China, Korea, blah) will never be recognized. In fact, war is the best way to spread culture. European culture is in the East because we were the ones that bothered to explore there. They just sat there and smoked opium or crack or whatever.
You see, we get the benefit of writing history because we were the ones that influenced it. Not Korea. Not Japan. China didn't do much but trade us spices and get involved in the Opium War. We went out of our way to explore and civilize the world and spread Christianity. That's why we get credit for our accomplishments. You should be thankful that so many questionable civs are in Civ 3 because many others like Spain were ignored, and are sort of an afterthought in PtW.
Babylon... Why the **** did they put in Babylon? I think there are enough Mediterranean civs in Civ 3, or does Babylon count as an Asian civ? Anyway, they don't seem like much of a Civ to me.
Wrestling is real!
July 17, 2002, 03:10
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
I learned that the Aztecs were only 5 feet tall! Lol, no wonder those wimps got wiped out!
making fun of racial difference, aren't you?
Don't even try to show how Korea might last 2 months against Spain, or how their navy was ironclad. They didn't use it, did they?
What is your purpose of not accepting the fact?
Fact is, no one cared about that Korean generals ironclad ships. He didn't use them. Koreans were too peaceful. However, us Americans get the credit of creating ironclads because we actually used them! And they were not ignored because their power was demonstrated. Also, don't forget we made the first rotating turret. The Koreans used old fashioned cannons placed on the side of their ships, like pirates. Their ironclads were a modification of their previous ships, but ours was a whole new chassis!
The Japanese admirals and crews cared. Historians do care and people like me care and are interested to know more of it. How can you even compare things that have almost 300 years of gap?
Culture isn't culture unless it is noticed.
Please bring your own definition of culture to the Encyclopedia Britannica and we will see whether it is accepted or not.
You can make as many temples and libraries as you want, but isolationist civs (Japan, China, Korea, blah) will never be recognized. In fact, war is the best way to spread culture. European culture is in the East because we were the ones that bothered to explore there. They just sat there and smoked opium or crack or whatever.
Then why not saying the Mongols and Huns were the best warmongers and conquerors and deserve a spot in the game more than China and India?
You see, we get the benefit of writing history because we were the ones that influenced it. Not Korea. Not Japan. China didn't do much but trade us spices and get involved in the Opium War. We went out of our way to explore and civilize the world and spread Christianity.
Your claim of Europeans are the only major players in the world history only proves your total ignorance of human history. Sure, 19/20th centuries were mostly stirred by Europeans but there was time before that once Europeans were all throwing stone axes while others were building monumental wonders.
Babylon... Why the **** did they put in Babylon? I think there are enough Mediterranean civs in Civ 3, or does Babylon count as an Asian civ? Anyway, they don't seem like much of a Civ to me.
That just proves you never read a single decent history book. What a pity.
July 17, 2002, 03:37
Local Time: 12:48
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Excuse me? Why is it that so many people have the unique ability to disagree with everything I post? Of all of my points, can you agree with one? Just one? I think you could be right on a few but on others... NO.
The Korean ironclad was ignored. If it was as successful as you think, the idea would have caught on. But it didn't, so there.
As for culture, at least in the Civ 3 since, culture is how you influence other civs with your way of life. A lot of civs have made great monuments, temples, and cultural stuff, but they have gotten ignored. This means they do not have the "influential" culture that is implemented into Civ 3. It is more of a local culture.
Mongols are barbarians. The reason war is important is to spread the culture of the civ. Mongols didn't want to spread culture, like the Greeks did under Alexander the Great. They wanted gold, women, and luxuries. The motives for war are totally different in these 2 cases.
Asian civs are isolationist, just accept it! They didn't spread their colonies (and culture!) across the world like European civs did. The fact that they just sat there doing nothing hurts them. England is just a small island, but they controlled so much of the world through their colonies. The concept of colonies never really caught on to the Asian cultures...
Ok, Aztecs being 5 feet tall did give them a serious disadvantage in combat. That isn't racism, that is a cold fact. Sorry.
Babylon isn't as much of a civ that Spain, or maybe even your Korea! Babylon didn't deserve to be put in because so many other civs should be in. I guess it was the cultural start thing that put them in. Persia needed some neighbors to bash.
And I don't read books. I watch PBS if I want to learn something. And I would consider them to be a decent source for knowledge of the world.
Wrestling is real!
July 17, 2002, 05:03
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
Excuse me? Why is it that so many people have the unique ability to disagree with everything I post? Of all of my points, can you agree with one? Just one? I think you could be right on a few but on others... NO.
Ok, I'll try hard to agree with you from now on.
The Korean ironclad was ignored. If it was as successful as you think, the idea would have caught on. But it didn't, so there.
Just because we don't use things developed long ago doesn't necessarily mean the development or the invention are worthless to human history. The turtle ship was invented and successfully used in naval warfare.
You just keep saying that world wide appliance and continuous usage are the factors to decide historically acceptable invention. But the factors you are talking about applies only after 18th century or later due to advanced communication, transportation and active trade of thoughts and ideas.
Anyone still building tombs based on the technology which constructed the Pyramids? Have Triremes ever been built outside the Mediterranean? How come there were no Europeans building Viking longships except the Vikings even if they all knew the ship design was superb? Does the longship make good thing to study because it was wide spread around the world or even in Europe?
A lot of civs have made great monuments, temples, and cultural stuff, but they have gotten ignored. This means they do not have the "influential" culture that is implemented into Civ 3. It is more of a local culture.
Ok, Europe has influenced the rest of the world more than the latter did to the former. But that only applies only later fraction of human history. If the game spotlights 19th/20th centuries only, your point is quite valid. But what is the time span the game use? You wouldn't say Europe has influenced the World all along from BC4000, would you?
Mongols are barbarians. The reason war is important is to spread the culture of the civ. Mongols didn't want to spread culture, like the Greeks did under Alexander the Great. They wanted gold, women, and luxuries. The motives for war are totally different in these 2 cases.
Are you saying Alexander did plan for the long campaign for culture spreading? Aren't you confused the real motive of the conquest(expansion of the Greek empire)and the skills(culture swapping)to hold the conquered terriotory. Even in this case the Greeks did not impose their culture to the others one-sidedly but they too were influenced by the conquered cultures.
Asian civs are isolationist, just accept it! They didn't spread their colonies (and culture!) across the world like European civs did. The fact that they just sat there doing nothing hurts them. England is just a small island, but they controlled so much of the world through their colonies. The concept of colonies never really caught on to the Asian cultures...
Imperialism is more of like a socio-economic phenomenon that swept one fraction of the history and disappeared. Also if you think only Europeans had empires, you are mistaken. There were many Non-European empires existed throughout history and their size and influence were dependant upon the available transportation and military technologies at that specific time period along with geographical characteristics.
Babylon isn't as much of a civ that Spain, or maybe even your Korea! Babylon didn't deserve to be put in because so many other civs should be in. I guess it was the cultural start thing that put them in. Persia needed some neighbors to bash.
Please tell me that many other civs you think should be in then we can discuss whether they can kick the Babylon out of the game or not.
And I don't read books. I watch PBS if I want to learn something. And I would consider them to be a decent source for knowledge of the world.
I also love to watch PBS documentaries as well as BBC ones but that alone can not enrich our learning. I suggest you to read some history books then you will face whole new perspective of history learning
Last edited by eric789; July 17, 2002 at 05:15.
July 17, 2002, 05:11
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Triremes were very influential in war in the Mediterranean. The Korean ironclad was insignificant because Korea never did go on a massive invasion of an island. It might have been used in war, but it wasn't of huge importants. The vikings, however, were very influential on European history.
Alexander never planned to spread Greek culture, but that is what he did. The Mongols never did spread their culture because people saw them as barbarians. The Greeks had more influence over what they conquered because of their culture.
At 4000 BC, all of the civs were isolationist. When you look at the whole picture, did Asian countries ever colonize Europe, or the Americas? No. European countries did that.
Although there have been many empires, European empires stretched across the globe. "The sun never sets on the British Empire" is what I mean. You can't say the same for Korea, however.
Wrestling is real!
July 17, 2002, 05:39
Local Time: 12:48
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Posts: 42
The Korean ironclad was insignificant because Korea never did go on a massive invasion of an island. It might have been used in war, but it wasn't of huge importants.
From our point of view, no. But do you think the Koreans and the Japanese even care about Triremes and the longships? Triremes and the longships played significant roles in European history as well as the turtle ships did so in their Oriental history. Don't be so Euro-centric, man.
At 4000 BC, all of the civs were isolationist.
another sign of your ignorance.
When you look at the whole picture, did Asian countries ever colonize Europe, or the Americas? No. European countries did that.
You are comparing things regardless of time span. If we discuss things based on your manner how can you answer the questions like this "What were the Europeans doing while the Chinese were building the Great Wall and the grand canal?
Although there have been many empires, European empires stretched across the globe. "The sun never sets on the British Empire" is what I mean. You can't say the same for Korea, however.
This also comes from the same faulty logic of yours. 1000 years later one nation creates an inter-galatic empire and do you think it will diminish the historical value of the British Empire at 20th century? The comparison itself is totally ridiculous and we all know why. Because the available technologies are different between 20th century and 30th century.
Last edited by eric789; July 17, 2002 at 10:05.
July 17, 2002, 12:18
Local Time: 07:48
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triremes? who needed triremes in the east sea and the yellow sea? they would have been crushed by the tides, that's what.
triremes would have been worthless in east asia in terms of military use.
that's why they never developed it.
July 17, 2002, 17:57
Local Time: 05:48
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The sun never sets on the British Empire? I thought even Scots want their independence.
It's true Europeans had a good time during the last 300 years. But 300 years makes up only 5% in the total human history. Like your Civ 3's histograph, the average score matters more than your relative power at moment.
July 17, 2002, 22:55
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"From our point of view, no. But do you think the Koreans and the Japanese even care about Triremes and the longships? Triremes and the longships played significant roles in European history as well as the turtle ships did so in their Oriental history. Don't be so Euro-centric, man."
An invasion of triremes and longships could cripple or crush a whole country. The turtle ships simple didn't matter as much because sea invasions were not as popular in the East. Besides the Japanese, there really wasn't a need for the turtle ships because all of the Asian countries are connected well. However, triremes and longships were more important because naval warfare was more important that Europe.
"another sign of your ignorance."
Nomads were around at 4000 BC, but not civilizations. The first civilization in Mesopotania didn't emerge until 3500 BC. Before then, every civilization was nomadic. And they were certainly isolationist because nomads would avoid each other. A few cave men fighting didn't count as not being isolationist. Tribes stayed in their territory.
"You are comparing things regardless of time span. If we discuss things based on your manner how can you answer the questions like this "What were the Europeans doing while the Chinese were building the Great Wall and the grand canal?"
The grand canal is the Panama Canal, made by Europeans. Nothing else comes close, sorry. The Great Wall was a failure. It certainly didn't stop the Mongols from invading. If it actually worked, it would have been important. Believe me, there are plenty of European buildings and monuments out there to compete with a big 'ol wall out there.
As for time span, you do have to say that the Asians have never been big on colonizing the world and spreading their culture. However, they might do so in the future. But that hasn't happened yet, so we have to go on what we know now.
"This also comes from the same faulty logic of yours. 1000 years later one nation creates an inter-galatic empire and do you think it will diminish the historical value of the British Empire at 20th century? The comparison itself is totally ridiculous and we all know why. Because the available technologies are different between 20th century and 30th century."
Blah, blah, blah. I don't care if some other country in the future makes some inner space empire. The fact is, according to current history, imperialism (and power) has been with the Europeans for most of history. We pushed them, but they have never pushed back. Until then, we are on top. When you compare the influence of countries on others, Europe wins.
Wrestling is real!
July 18, 2002, 00:25
Local Time: 12:48
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
The turtle ships simple didn't matter as much because sea invasions were not as popular in the East. Besides the Japanese, there really wasn't a need for the turtle ships because all of the Asian countries are connected well. However, triremes and longships were more important because naval warfare was more important that Europe.
Naval warfare not important? Of course you wouldn't know the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 involved thousands of warships from each side and the fate of the war was sealed by decisive naval battles.
Furthermore the massive Japanese invasion was nothing like their previous pirate raids but something that could change whole Oriental history. This event had great impact on many including China, Manchus, Korea and Japan(the 4 major power brokers in that region) In this crucial historic event, the turtleship and the Korean fleet played decisive role.
Nomads were around at 4000 BC, but not civilizations. The first civilization in Mesopotania didn't emerge until 3500 BC. Before then, every civilization was nomadic.
Interesting new theory. Care to bring that theory to historians and archeologists? From 10,000 to 4000BC, There were development of settlements into cities and development of skills such as the wheel, pottery, and improved methods of cultivation in Mesopotamia and elsewhere. Very nomadic huh?
Predynastic Egyptian cultures develop (5500?100 B.C.); begin using agriculture (c. 5000 B.C.) Very nomadic indeed.
Earliest known civilization arises in Sumer (4500-4000 B.C.) Maybe they were all nomads then according to your account?
The grand canal is the Panama Canal, made by Europeans. Nothing else comes close, sorry.
Again you are comparing things that are thousand of years apart with total disregard to available technologies.
The Great Wall was a failure. It certainly didn't stop the Mongols from invading. If it actually worked, it would have been important. Believe me, there are plenty of European buildings and monuments out there to compete with a big 'ol wall out there.
The Great Wall wasn't built for stopping massive invasion but for keeping nomad raiders out of the Chinese border villages. The Great wall had succesfully achieved its goal to keep out of nomadic raiders for very long. The Ancient Chinese had relied on different mechanism for its defense when they faced a massive invasion. The complex network of the 'Kwan',valley gate, system or interception and field engagement after total levy/conscription. A frontal fortress such as the Great wall serves for only earning enough time for successful levy/conscription from the rear.
As for time span, you do have to say that the Asians have never been big on colonizing the world and spreading their culture. However, they might do so in the future. But that hasn't happened yet, so we have to go on what we know now.
Why talk about only future and present? The past is not a history at all? Why don't you measure or judge their success by ancient standard rather than modern one.
Blah, blah, blah. I don't care if some other country in the future makes some inner space empire. The fact is, according to current history, imperialism (and power) has been with the Europeans for most of history. We pushed them, but they have never pushed back. Until then, we are on top. When you compare the influence of countries on others, Europe wins.
Don't you know why I said that inter-galatic empire thing? It is meaningless to compare things that have thousand years of time gap. By ancient standard, there were many great non-European empires. In addition, Europe had been pushed several times by non-Europeans throughout history. The Huns, the Mongols and Saracen did that with varying degree.
Last edited by eric789; July 18, 2002 at 01:03.
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