Suriname: Superpower or Nation of Toads? The Next Episode
Within all human beings is a desire to "return to roots". Within all Grenzlandvolk there is a desire to "return to Suriname". Here is our return, comrades.
Far, far away from Earth, just a couple of skips across the galaxy, the small planet-nation of Minotaur rotated around its own particular red star in the sky. Maintaining a Planetary Defense Force, it was able to defend itself against all attacking foes... until one lucky shot and the planet was destroyed.
Several ships of refugees were able to escape, in search of a better life. Barreling toward the small planet of Earth, they crashed near the city known as "Paramaribo" in the nation known as "Suriname". This is their story...
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
July 14, 1789