October 30, 2001, 20:53
Local Time: 22:50
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seems drake was getting paranoid anyway. how do we know all the polls havent been affected. ANSWER we dont...
I will honeslty state I sent ICQ messages to all my list of civ 2 players and asked them to vote the way i wanted in your first election , is that cheating too or just good lobbying ??
i havent tried one of these poll things as it concerned me what if my way of palying wasnt selected.. it now appears that khan has one vote too many (deity DL) so simply remove one vote, dont throw out a candidate simply because of one bad vote..
in real life you would jsut count the real votes (as in last years US election) you dont remove the nominee jsut because it was illegally voted..
I would prefer to see the elction continue , but i know you have an in game plan and war with china doenst suit that....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 30, 2001, 22:07
Local Time: 08:50
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Zulu intelligence reports that Khan may have enabled australia to rig the mongolian elections by providing access to the ballots.
This news cannot be confirmed, but Khan has been known to stoop to low levels to get what he desires.
I will honeslty state I sent ICQ messages to all my list of civ 2 players and asked them to vote the way i wanted in your first election , is that cheating too or just good lobbying ??
Good lobbying.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
October 30, 2001, 23:21
Local Time: 22:50
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The WAAR High Council ( still in Hiding due to the Anarchy in the streets) has applyed pressure to Mitchell Auldinsky to enter the UAS war on China. They were reportedly unhappy with Chinese interfernece in relation to negotiations between WAAR and UAS.
Mr Auldinsky was heard to reply that perhaps the necessity of the High Council had passed and that once a new election was held the new president should dissolve the HC and implement his own policies.
The High Council upon hearing this reportedly said that Mr Auldinksy better watch his back !!!!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 30, 2001, 23:53
Local Time: 12:50
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EU Transmission to the Entire Planet...
<img src="http://members.aol.com/lbpslacker/presidentmedici.jpg">
Paris, France. European Union.
12:30 pm GMT
President Lazlo Medici --
Good people of this planet. The world has entirely fallen into the most pathetic dump it has ever seen. The Zulu Federation has now pulled out all the stops, they are now in perpetual war with Australia until this "menace" has been topped. The Union of Asian States has unofficially made it clear that China is their next target, as they are "an affront to all things Asian." For their part Australia has said they would attack Mongolia, but not as harshly as they will attack the Zulus, who they claim are using the construction of the UN as a ruse, they claim the UN building will be used as a Nuclear testing facility, however these reports can neither be confirmed nor denied. WAAR has split our country, Europe, into two halves; one is a Democracy under my Presidency, the other is an Anarchaic Communist state ruled by God know whom; for Lenin is in our custody.
I do not come to you as a man with any intent on exploiting these incidents, surely the very existance of these events has been enough exploitation upon this Earth. I am going to reiderate my deal to WAAR; 700 Gold and Bosporus in return for our territory. To the Mali I must apologize for my hateful words, but they were natural words, I as President was angered that your armies razed Valencia to the ground, a once thriving port city has felt the sting of war. To the Mali we offer peace, perpetual peace, and partnership in staving off what could very well become Nuclear Holocaust.
And, not as an affront to our allies the Zulus, we would like to reiderate their point; if Australia feels that it must conquer this planet, if it feels that reason and honor are things that are unnecessary we must, as a world, as a global community, unify in order to expel this menace and its line of thinking.
This may truly be a war to end all wars, good people of Earth, whether Australian or otherwise; rise up to end this blatant violence, rise up to end this terrible imperialism. We must foster peace in the face of war, we must broker rational thought in the face of rage. We musn't stand down, this is no longer a war of defense, we must attack, we must fight.
Thank you and good night, and may your God, whatever God, bless you and your nation.
October 31, 2001, 00:17
Local Time: 12:50
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Manchester, Britain; Euopean Union...
(Blatant rip off of Patton alert)
It had been a week since Otto Herzog returned to Manchester. Upon hearing that a cease-fire was indeed signed with WAAR his unit was returned home to Britain. But in that week a lot occured, his President was a Prince, and his nation divided in half. Eurkorps was re-established now to fight Australia, not tht Europe had any real means of doing so, at least for now. It didn't matter though, he was proud of his post, he was proud of is nation. Torn by war, torn by conquest and torn by ideology he was proud of Europe; it was still willing to fight Australia.
As he approached his unit on the last day of boot camp he felt a tear come to his eye, but he was Otto Herzog, he couldn't cry. So he held it back, and looked them over. He recieved them as nothing more than a hodge podge of dreamers who wanted to make a difference, poor peasants who needed the money, and guys that just wanted to kill Aussies. Regardless of their reason for being there they were his divsion, and although he never said it in so many words, he loved these men like sons.
He paced, his hands locked behind his back, staring at the floor before stopping in front of a map of he world. He looked it over breifly and turned to them... "Boys" he began "I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other dumb bastard die for his country. All this stuff you've heard about Europe not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of this war, is a lot of horsesh*t. Europeans love to fight. All true Europeans love the sting of battle. When you were kids youall admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big time soccer players, and the toughest boxers. Europeans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Europeans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. The very thought of losing is hateful to Europeans. An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps and fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of bullsh*t. The bastards who write it for the Paris Post, don't know any more about real battle than they do about f*cking. We have the best spirit and the best men in the world. I pity those poor Aussie bastards we're going up against. We're not just going to shoot the bastards, we're going to rip out their living goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Aussie bastards by the bushel basket!" he said pacing around.
He paused shortly to look at his troops, throughout his tirade they had yet to faulter, they were steady as stars in the sky, solid as mountains. Herzog continued "Some of you men are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you'll do your duty. The Aussies are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand in a bunch of goo, that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know exactly what to do. There's anoher thing I want you to remember. I don't want any messages saying we're holding our position. We're advancing constantly and we're not interesed in holding onto anything except the enemy. We're going to hold him by his balls and kick the hell out of him all the time. We're going through him like sh*t through a goose!"
He stopped and looked at he ground, a smile broke accross his face "There's one thing you men will be able to say hen you get back home. Thirty years from now, when you're sitting by your fireside, with your grandson on your knee and he asks; 'what did you do in the great world war three?' you won't have to shift him to the other knee, cough, and say 'well, I shoveled sh*t in Russia.' Ya know, I'm not supposed to be commanding this army. I'm not even supposed to be in Britain. Let the first bastards to find out be the Australians. I want them to look up and howl; 'Ach! It's the goddamn Eurokorps and that son-of-a-b*tc Herzog again!' All right - you sons of b*tches. You know how I feel, I'll be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anywhere, anytime." he paused and hesitated, finally he said "That's all." and calmly left the room...
October 31, 2001, 01:13
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 08:50
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Re: Manchester, Britain; Euopean Union...
Originally posted by The Capo
(Blatant rip off of Patton alert)
Don't worry a few of my posts have been modified from other sources. Bogd Khan's inaugural address was really W's.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
October 31, 2001, 06:05
Local Time: 00:50
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
Rasputin and the rest:
It is very much true. Ask Drake or Chris for proof. Chris as a moderator for CivFanatics confirms that Deity did a double login to vote.
I am highly ticked off about this but I will handle it in game. I really put my neck on the line trusting all the players in this game by starting these polls, hoping that they would be conducted fairly and Deity has proven that he will stop at nothing to get his way in this game. I would consider this tantamount to cheating but others have cautioned me to cool down and handle it in game. I will do that Deity but I am very dissapointed with you and I will question whether to play future Diplogames with you.
Rasputin it is absolutly true, ask Chris for proof. As I indicated in character, watch out, Deity will stop at nothing to sabatoge the rest of us and take home an exclusive HOTW2 crown.
For goodness sakes ozzy. Anyone could have voted in any of the polls; and scheming behind the scenes is representative of the political landscape. There were no clear rules about how to vote or who was in the electorate - anyone in the forum could vote, influenced or otherwise...
I'm really annoyed about your commrents here. It's all part of the "diplo" fun as I see it! I've done lots of things in this game, from trying to build a city on Sicily in ancient times, that has added a real edge to the game - I would have thought?
I would like to be "allowed" to contine with my game-playing manipulations in the broadest sense. I know others are. Look at Prom's manipulations 
What about all our in-character and not so in-character discussions on icq about strategy etc? Is that OK?
Why does everyone get so serious after an event that doesn't suit them? The analogy in civ of the real world is all about dealing with unexpected events and situations. I'm happy with in-game and in-character seriousness but not this OOC post of ozzy's and a few others. And I certainly do not want to lose such great group of players like you to play with again
More important than winning is being respected as a good player and I know if I was in any of your shoes I'd be accepting the game situation as it unfolded. My style of play depends on the relationships established between players and not just using the civ engine to max out trade/science like Markus and others do. That's why I can come back from a situation like Capo's or drake's ans still win! Witness the aborted Tourney game. Hydey attacked me with a huge number of cavalry and I lost 3 cities in the first round. Then I did in-game deals and convinced Hydey to attack Markus, who then quit and screwed up that game forever. None of you are like that and I respect every one of you guys and gals and all the previous players and subs.
I'm really hurt here
Who is this rebelyell anyway? Did you organise that Raz?
And if it was meant to be unnoticed do you think he would have posted????
Get with the program guys! Kill an Aussie
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
October 31, 2001, 09:26
Local Time: 08:50
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(ooc)Deity.......I'm willing to keep this ballot stuffing in an in game sense.
Letter to China....
The point remains that Australia was stuffing ballots to elect Khan, enemy of the chinese.
Basically, Australia would like to see his competition weakened. The Zulus have to ask, what kind of friend would deliberately try to get his own so-called ally involved in war? That is exactly what Australia is trying to do to you. The Zulus hope, no...we pray, that for once in their fine history, the Chinese do the right thing for the world.
Even remaining allied to such a nation is dispicable. They are blatant murderers. You know this. Hell, even Australia doesnt try to deny this. By associating with them, you are in a very real sense, killing us as well. If that is your intention, then we are sorry to hear it, for we always thought of you as peaceful people. If that isn't your intention, let it be known. Stand up and be your own Nation. You are not Australias side kick as they like to treat you.
The Zulus can offer no bribes. No scientific knowledge. No military aid. We can offer China nothing. We are a bruised and battered people who have lost everything. Australia will try to get you on their side through threats and bribes, and lies. But the truth is, all Australia ever took interest in China for is to create a tonto. An un-thinking and blind to the real world side kick. Australia does not and never will see you as equals. To them, you are merely a tool. Examine their last public statements to you. Every word rings with condescendence.
It's either now or never China. The world needs you. Not just the Zulus, the <i>world</i>. If you ever wanted to be a great nation, now is your opportunity......
Bunkered down in Zimbabwe, preparing for the end of the world
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
October 31, 2001, 10:32
Local Time: 12:50
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Personal Letter to Australia...
President Lazlo Vittorio D'Medici VIII
Duke of Venice, Duke of Austria, King of Spain, Crowned Prince of the Adriatic League, and Regent of Bavaria.
The Medici Estate, Corsica, Italy.
Dearest Dame De Notre;
As you are well aware this is a message offered towards you as leader of your nation. It is a personal letter and any and all future statements will not be regarded towards this letter, as far as I am concerned this is merely a letter from a citizen of Europe rather than one of a leader.
I will readily admit that there was a time, under which Gustav Adolph held sway over the Republican government that we attempted to gain your support in stamping out the Israeli armies that occupy much of our nation. Unfortunantly Gustav did not win the election, therefore my policies will now be utilized for Europe. Therefore any consideration you have towards this idea should be rescinded, Europe will never house Australian soldiers.
We do not wish to attack Israel, we wish to bind together with them and force your horrible regime out of power. You aren't a nation, you aren't a leader, you are a criminal. You are an abomination to humanity and all it stands for; you comitted mass murder in South America. Raping and pilliaging as you went along the way, destroying everything that once stood proud. You attempted to tamper with the ballots of the Mongolian election, such a horrible deed, nay - such horrible deeds will not go unpunished.
Be it known that no matter how many allies you get to back your wretched and sinful activities, Europe will, I repeat WILL destroy you and your coalition. I hope that before you sign anything into effect you offer this note to them, that you tell them that Europe, pathetic and weak Europe, has vowed to obliterate you and anyone that even mildly supports you.
Don't be worried, we will refrain from using Nuclear weapons. We want to face your vile visages as we cut into you and rip your mighty army to shreds. This will not be a war, this will be a massacre, European troops will comitt wholesale murder against your armies. Not a single damn one of your legion of death will survive, they shall fall upon their swords and perish under our justice.
I am a Medici, my great great grandfather fought against your passed Paul Keating. Keating was a man of reason and honor, he may have been a brash egotist, but this latest activity perpetrated by your nation would have killed him before his disease had it happened earlier. We will save your people from their own demise, you will never lead your nation again.
As a final plea we ask that your cease with this activity and hand back a substantial amount of the cities you've taken in South America. We would ask for a full return but we understand that a greedy vulture such as yourself would find it impossible to do something so just and so right.
May God have mercy upon you, for we shall not.
Prince Lazlo Vittorio D'Medici VIII
October 31, 2001, 19:31
Local Time: 22:50
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Anarchy continues in WAAR
"Damn those citizens , dont they realsie its time to get back to work?" asked Mitchell auldisnky.
"It would appear members of the High Council are stirring them up, perhaps with support from the Eastern Europe Communists."replied Kim Beazly the leader of the Labor party from the Solomon Islands. "The people are beleiving the lies sold to them by the Liberals and are refusing to obey order."
"if things dont improve soon, we wont be able to help our allies in this struggle agaisnt oppresion, I need them to rally behind my cause to overthrow the tyrant."
"Well perhpas if you routed out the High Council you might get them to publicly call for order."
"I would like to do more than that to the High Council, time to sort them out once and for all"
"I cant get involved in that sort of planning Mitch, I am all for Democracy but not by murdering the High Council!"
"It looks like the only way to get there Kim, I must do whatever I can to get order in our nation, if that means the people hate me , so be it, some one else will lead this mighty nation, but we must get order.!!!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 31, 2001, 23:36
Local Time: 12:50
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Location: Washington D.C.
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A Desperate Plea to the Israeli People!
(This message posted on a plain white poster all around WAAR)
Israel and Europe have never been friends since the Great War. Today they aren't friends, in fact today Israeli armies occupy a vast amount of territory in Europe. Good citizens of Israel have you ever wondered why this is?
Europeans blame Israelites, and Israelites blame Europeans. But in fact neither nation is wholly to blame, there is a third. The third is hidden behind secrecy, he would be ashamed to have his identity shown to the world, but now more than ever it is time to face the facts. Both Europe and Israel have fallen victim of an elusive puppet master. This puppet master's name is Australia.
Simple common sense will tell the sad tale of this ancient hatred. Many centuries ago, WAAR and the EU (then known as Israel and the Adriatic League respectively) were the best of friends. Their alliance, known as the Mediterranean Pact, was the only thing willing to recognize Eastern influence as a presence that will one day attempt global domination. In fact the Eastern pact felt it necessary to leave Israel and the Adriatic League OUT of all American land claims. In order to defy the Eastern attempt at political dominance the Mediterranean Pact sent Adriatic ships to settle Mexico, a blatant affront to Australian imperial ambition. Succesful the Mediterranean Pact forced Australia to recognize Western sovreignty. The AL secured the Panama Canal and offered free traversal to all Western nations, this was a clear sign to the world: Western action was more powerful than Australian words.
This would soon prove to be false. Australia quickly began manipulating the Israelites. After the SunTzu Lineage deposed Dimbleby the Great of the Zionist Tribes the Australians convinced Israel to turn on their Adriatic and Mali allies, allowing a ship into the Mediterranean that should not have been there. Australia convinced Israel that Mongolia would give them India to help expand their empire. Records of the SunTzu and Easthaven dynasties will clearly show that this is true; it was Australia and NOT Mongolia that said Israel would recieve India. As Australia was in NO POSITION to offer Mongolian lands they lied and decieved Israel into starting the first World War and turning on their allies in Europe. These European allies not only helped secure Egypt as Israeli territory, but also gave countess technological advances and countless money to Israel during their alliance. The European-Israeli borders were the most peaceful until the deceptive Aussies tricked Israel, and in doing so made Israel the black sheep of the Western World.
These facts alone, the begining of Israel's reputation based on Aussie lies should be proof enough that Israel's lot in life is totally based on Aussie deception which is now being shown globally, should be enough to prompt the Israelites into the Euro-Afro-Asian Coalition. The latest WAAR-EU war is also the work of Austalian puppet masters; WAAR and the EU reestablished the old DMZ as per the PCA Treaty (the Prometheus City Accords, which ended the Great War). The ancient animosity estabished by Aussie puppet masters was used by the Australians as a reason to house troops in Turkey. These troops incited European and WAAR tensions, some peacekeepers they were: They caused another war! It is a great coincidence that they didn't help stop a war as peacekeepers against the ally of someone they invade soon thereafter. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize what is going on.
The Israeli-European animosity is not due to our own people, it is entirely due to Australian manipulation. We must bind together, like brothers, like we once were, to crush Australian imperialism just as we did together in the colonial era. The time has come to throw away our pretend, Aussie made differences and see that we are brethren. Let us unite the world and deliver freedom and justice from this Orange Menace!
United we stand noble Israelis, divided we fall!
November 1, 2001, 05:15
Local Time: 22:50
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"sir have you seen the posters being distributed by the Europeans?"
"Yes " replied Mitchell Auldinsky, securely hidden in the Israeli palace. "There is much truth in there, but also much lies"
"But the people are beleiving it !! They call for retribution agaisnt you as you led the last war against the EU and the people are calling you a "Aussie Galah" "
"The people know nothing of why things happen, they are foolish. I will do what I have to do and history will be my judge, not this people of this time, they cannot see what I have saw, they cannot hear what I have heard"
"You speak of the Voice!!"
"I must fight it I know, we must be our own people, we will not be oppressed, even if I agree with the Voice, I must make my own decisions"
Loud crashes and sounds of gunfire came to the room.
"Sir time for us to get you out of here, the rioters have stormed the Palace."
"Yes lets go, I must fulfill my destiny"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 05:32
Local Time: 00:50
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Delusions of the paranoid...
"My dear Paul, I did try to work with the Chinese and your friend but they were working against me. ME. ME. I AM AUSTRALIA NOW. Ww were too successful, we had no war plans, we were to support our friends and allies but now we are left with my homeland and Australia. They are all out to get me. They are not interested in admitting the truth. The truth that the Zulus and that gerrycan were planning our demise, regardless, and stopping all nations from travelling in space. This has been a Zulu excercise in gross manipulation.
They are using our Chinese endorsed Zulu war as a means to paint us as the menace of the world! AND that annoying gnat in Europe who will son be squashed is stirring such nonsense.
None of them can see their straytegic advantages. As friends we saw into their cities - the newly acquired Chinese cities in Asia. They are so weakly defended that the UAS could take themn out with no problem. The chinese have spent their forces. They continue to talk about peace but all the time they want to see the world unite against ME so they can build their spaceship and flee this planet...
Oh, my dear brethren in Persia, in greater WAAR, in my heart of hearts this is OUR hour of need. We face a peril far greater than even the one represented by the Medici in ancient times. They talk of trouble making yet no real wars started until trhey blatantly invaded Mongolia! Sun Tzu's flash of insight saved Israel from a fate so bad I can't imagine - I was so young. Oh my country I need my country. I yearn for peace but it can not be. Together we must stand against the might of the whole world and let my prophecies unfold. They seem clearer now. But there are strange obstacles yet. Saul, I see you in my country. I love thee stil, yet, yee shall burn in hell for your traitorous acts! For I have written it! It WILL be done.
My captains of war, my dear Breaker, you have not failed me but much more difficult tasks are yet to be accomplished! I must charge you with the duty of the "Mission Zimbabwe" in 1650. Succeed here where Captain Kelly failed and you will be immortalised. HMMM Captain Kelly, he was a little unlucky but stupid too. I may execute him, then again, I may charge him with the complex Asian 'project' for my sights are focussed tightly on Africa.
However I remain impressed with the new regime in Mali land, Dicator Rashid, I like her. I'm so glad Breaker Morant refrained from killing her envoys and trade in South America, a very wise and astute move. I choose to trust them and they are trading with us. I know they will be upset with the annhilation of the Zulus but we will make much better neighbours! I will leave Greenland to the Zulus and Gerrycan... and Britain for Medici, IF mt brethren in my homeland so chooses for Europe is WAAR's!!!
Save any parts that they agree with Rashid may be Mali territory.
Ahh, the UAS, Paul's Pact of old. His plans have failed us, yet if they refrain from building nukes and maintain localised warring we may yet leave norher Asia alone, BUT India MUST become WAAR territory and SEAsia, for security reasons must be under my control.
Prince Saladin, keep a watchfill eye on the north. And remember that those who speak too strongly of peace have other agendas. If the UAS do not act now whilst they have the edge they are doomed."
SHE looked up at the stars and was engulfed in the concave eternity of HER future.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2001, 07:56
Local Time: 22:50
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
somewhere in Africa
In the jungles of Africa, two camoflagued jeeps arrived almost simultanously at the encampment. Two dark men alighted from the first jeep and three bedouins lept from the second. The dark men were tall and muscular, at their side they had the traditional Warrior Sword, but slung over their shoulders were the latest in modern technology guns. The Bedouins too carried their traditional daggets and also some high powered machine guns. After scouting the general area the two teams spoke into their repsective radios and out of the jungles approached two more jeeps.
Again two similar dark men alighted and joined their comrades but also a fifth coloured man disembarked, he wore a suit rather than the traditional native costumes. He went strainght over to the other jeep, where two more bedouin guardsmen sat i nfront of another well dressed Arab.
"Are you sure this place is safe Ahab?"
"Yes Hakim, no one ever comes this way"
"It is good to see you again Ahab, it has been too long"
They hugged each other then enterd the building nearest them, after closing the door they sat at a table with many maps on it , more maps were on the walls around them.
"So Hakim your people are stationed as per the plan?"
"yes Ahab, we only await your troops entering into the zone."
"This will be our finest hour Hakim, the others have ignored us for too long. First the Jews rules our nation, then the Europeans, then the Jews again. This is the end times spoken of by Allah, and he foretold of th egreat uprising."
"Yes Ahab, this Jihad will see the oppressed fianlly set free."
Ahab studied the maps some more before continuing.
"You have thought of everything Hakim, you truly are a great soldier."
"We are outnumbered at present , but once your people join us we cant lose."
Ahab picked up a glass containing his favourite red wine.
"To the end of oppression!!" He toasted
"To the end of oppresion!!" Rejoined Hakim.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 09:19
Local Time: 08:50
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Letter to Mali,
Dearest friends. It is a time of great tension in the world. No doubt, the murderous Australians have already tried to persuade to join the dark side. They have much to offer. But what they don't have is goodness. Decency. Honor. Respect. None of these attributes do the Australians hold. They may act like your friends, as they did to us, but if you were to oppose them; stand up to them, you will see the un-fortunate consequence.
The Zulus have always been the Malis closest ally and we will continue to fill that role. We have helped defend your country countless times, and we were highly influential in getting your lands in Africa returned. While other science rich nations balked at your need for the latest technologies, there we were to help you stay current.
We understand that your army is small and that the last thing your people want is more war. But unless you stand with the world and help to stop the Australians, you will be crushed under the boot of genocide as the 6.5 million innocent Zulus were in South America. These were people just like yours, trying to improve their country, so that one day, we could be atleast slightly competent on the world scene. We dared to build an army of 100 units and the Australians, with their 250+ units, saw us as a threat? Can anyone seriously believe this was their motive?? There was no other reason but to grab land. Greed.
We will continue to trade with your country as we have been and help to improve your economy. We will continue to share all modern technologies. We will continue to stand for the smaller and weaker, and common human decency as we have always thrived to do.
Do not associate with the Australians. They have the blood of innocents on their hand.
Look around Mali. The Australians have their sites on Europe and Mongolia, and probably China and Israel as well. Do you honestly think your nation will be spared?
Please contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss a plan to defend our coasts from the impending invasion.
Thank you.
Soldier of Freedom
PS- We kindly ask that you remove your troops from Spain. Our EU allies have informed us that they have the immediate capability to destroy these units if they are forced. And this would be a waste to both you and to the world.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Last edited by drake; November 1, 2001 at 09:38.
November 1, 2001, 10:00
Local Time: 08:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Letter to Israel:
Dearest Auldinksy,
It appears the Aussies have bought into the notion that we are going to build the Manhattan Project. Our aim to show the world their true intentions, in destroying peace and stability will suceed.
The United Nations will be built as scheduled and we will begin talking to other Nations about forming a UN peacekeeping force to defend the world from in-justice. Israel, for their generous contribution to the project will be given a secondary leadership role in the UN council.
We will nominate China, Europe, Mali and Mongolia to hold seats in the UN, but the Australians will have to earn their seat. This will only happen when they have returned South America to us and promise a gradual de-militarization project. The Dame De Notre must also be handed over to be tried on war crimes, of in-discriminate genocide. She is responsible for millions of deaths and she must be put to justice.
Richer nations such as yours, ours, Mongolia and China will be asked to contribute to funds that will help strengthen war torn countries, such as Europe and Mali and help them to become competitive in todays harsh market. We urge that you to take the EU's offer to restore their nation. If a true EU leader takes the reigns of Europe, I truly believe that peace can be manitained in your region. However, if Europe allows Arty Inerri to be re-elected in the coming years, they will lose their bid for a seat on the council, as that man has singlehandedly destroyed the European country.
The Nation that we once saw as criminals and rogues, has grown into our eyes as a nation of great leadership and potential. You have shown fairness in dealing with Europe and Mali in the past and now you show rationality in contributing to a fund for the UN. For this, we shall be ever grateful.
The UN building will be built in Zimbabwe, but it will be our building...and the worlds.
Thank you, and may god Allah show us the true road to peace for this scorched earth.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 1, 2001, 11:42
Local Time: 12:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
DL the new mod!
You guys have to download the new mod, Ozzy and Drake have already done it so if we are all going to be in order everyone should get it.
Everyone has updated country names and flags, so its better, a few mistakes were fixed within the rules, but nothing that should change anything. And the wonders have better pictures to show the culture of the nation that built them.
That should be the URL, alright guys, sorry I was late with this.
And I WILL be there tonight...
November 1, 2001, 11:58
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
well done capo , been waiting for the update.....  and glad to see finally you wil lbe back, will be good to fight a human again !!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 12:17
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Translation from Zulese to Hebrew
Letter to Israel:
Dearest Auldinksy,
It appears the Aussies have bought into the notion that we are going to build the Manhattan Project. Our aim to show the world their true intentions, in destroying peace and stability will suceed. [COLOR=dark-blue] Now that the Aussies discovered we may be building Manhattans whilst concealing it by building the UN, we have chickened out and decided to actually build the UN[/color]
The United Nations will be built as scheduled and we will begin talking to other Nations about forming a UN peacekeeping force to defend the world from in-justice. Israel, for their generous contribution to the project will be given a secondary leadership role in the UN council. [color=dark-blue] You were a fool for giving us that money but thanks anyway. We want to form a global alliance to crush the Aussies and we will do it under the banner of the UN peacekeepers
We will nominate China, Europe, Mali and Mongolia to hold seats in the UN, but the Australians will have to earn their seat. This will only happen when they have returned South America to us and promise a gradual de-militarization project. The Dame De Notre must also be handed over to be tried on war crimes, of in-discriminate genocide. She is responsible for millions of deaths and she must be put to justice.[color=dark-blue] We cant get our lands back by ourselves so this world alliance will do it for us, we will crush the stinking Aussies till they are as weak as the Mali and EU. Dame de Notre we will keep and sexually abuse for years.
Richer nations such as yours, ours, Mongolia and China will be asked to contribute to funds that will help strengthen war torn countries, such as Europe and Mali and help them to become competitive in todays harsh market. We urge that you to take the EU's offer to restore their nation. If a true EU leader takes the reigns of Europe, I truly believe that peace can be manitained in your region. However, if Europe allows Arty Inerri to be re-elected in the coming years, they will lose their bid for a seat on the council, as that man has singlehandedly destroyed the European country.[color=dark-blue] once again the Israelites will be screwed and will be forced to prop up the weak by being robbed by this UN.
The Nation that we once saw as criminals and rogues, has grown into our eyes as a nation of great leadership and potential. You have shown fairness in dealing with Europe and Mali in the past and now you show rationality in contributing to a fund for the UN. For this, we shall be ever grateful.[color=dark-blue] You have become to strong to take over militarily so we are now going to use Diplomacy to rip you off of all your gold
The UN building will be built in Zimbabwe, but it will be our building...and the worlds.
[color=dark-blue] It will b ejsut ours!!! [/color]
Thank you, and may god Allah show us the true road to peace for this scorched earth.
Jerokam [color=dark-blue] May our God make us the winner[/color]
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 12:25
Local Time: 08:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Is it christmas time raz?
Zulu translation of hebrew translation :
Sorry for trying to keep this a diplo game. We'll make sure to keep it a war game and ruin the diplo genre.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
November 1, 2001, 15:56
Local Time: 12:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Euronews Report...
Lana Aguilera: With war looming on the horizon European forces prepare in Britain for what may be the end of all civilization. Hello I am Lana Aguilera reporting from Paris with Piero Montecito. WAAR officials today lambasted a Zulu Federation letter today, citing that the Zulus have chickened out on their hardline stance and attempted to use peaceful discussion as a means to gain Israeli support. The message is perfectly clear; Israel will not join the Global Coalition against Australia. Many punidts are worried that this "Globabl Coalition" may not be that global after all. Mali has yet to state its stance thus far, and there is concern over remaining tensions following the Sino-Mongolian war. With us today is a very special guest, President Lazlo Medici. Hello President Medici and welcome to Euronews.
President Medici: Amongst such frustration in the world it is a pleasure to be here Lana.
Lana Aguilera: Thank you Mr. President. Well let's get down to the main flux of this program. Will there be the unified Coalition you wanted?
President Medici: At present is sure doesn't look that way. WAAR has made it clear, as you've pointed out, that they do not intend on joining the alliance or respecting the Zulus statements. Whether or not they will accept our peace treaty is still up in the air, but in the light of these recent remarks it doesn't look like they will.
Lana Aguilera: On a related note will the EU repsect the Cease-Fire with Israel in the event that they do not sign the treaty?
President Medici: We are a nation of trust, we have a cease-fire agreement with Israel that remains in effect and we intend on keeping it that way until peace is achieved. Its a very tepid situation, the invasion that is, we don't know who to play it and with no control over our eastern territories its hard to gauge exactly our position. But as of right now we intend to remain in a state of cease-fire.
Lana Aguilera: President Medici, rumors are flying that WAAR may in fact ally with Australia, how would this effect the cease-fire?
President Medici: Although we do not want war with Israel, we would have no other choice in such an event but to attack WAAR. As I've stated before, the world MUST defeat this brand of Australian imperialism. Attempts are being made to put Saul into place as the new Australian leader, we need peace to achieve harmony in this world. Australia is disrupting this harmony, and I've stated time and time again that anyone that mildly aides Australia will be dealt with very severly. An alliance between WAAR and Australia would be based on nothing but greed, Intelligence from the Zulus reports that it would be ill advised for Australia to trust in WAAR.
Lana Aguilera: What do you mean by that Mr. President?
President Medici: That is a matter of national security for both Europe and the Zulu Federation. But I will say this; it will paint a very bad picture of WAAR as a just nation. Believe me, they will not like the information I am aware of.
Lana Aguilera: They being Australia?
President Medici: Yes, Australia, Israel, among others. Very horrible statements were made.
Lana Aguilera: What is the situation in Asia? We understand Mongolian and Chinese forces are still at odds.
President Medici: I trust in the UAS and People's Republic of China to make a wise decision. They know what's on the line, and they know what is most important at this juncture, sights have been set on their nations and this is an understanding that the entire coalition shares.
Lana Aguilera: There is growing concern over Mali armed divisions in Spain, what is your official stance on this presence?
President Medici: I've stated before to the Mali and to the Zulus who have a very good relationship with this nation. We have the means to obliterate these units, we don't want to do it, we want to live with Mali as brothers in our quest to save the planet. But if they intend on continuing their meaningless rampage we will have no choice but to destroy these units.
Lana Aguilera: Are there any last words you have for the people of the world?
President Medici: Anyone who supports Australia in its vile campaign will be treated not as a nation, but as a vile monster that will be destroyed completely. This is our stance, nothing short of death will prevent us from achieving this goal, we are fully prepared for the worst.
Lana Aguilera: Thank you President Medici.
President Medici: A pleasure.
Lana Aguilera: Strong words from the outspoken Monarch. Piero.
Piero Montecito: Thank you Lana. Many people wonder just what is going on in Russia? With the collapse of Lenin's communist regime, and the dispersal of such leaders as Che Guevera, Louis Blanc and Leonid Trotsky there is growing concern over what route the eastern portion of the Union will take. Reporting from Moscow is Carlo DeTucci-
Carlo DeTucci: The snowfall and grim overcast of Moscow tell the tale of a world foreign to Europe. A world where anarchy prevails as small pockets of Republican and Communist partisans do battle for control.
Citizen 1: No news comes from the West, nothing. We are left in the dark about everything right now, there is no order, there is nothing but lawlessness.
Carlo DeTucci: Armed bands of rogues set the tone for order in this state, murals and makeshift posters tell the tale of the people's dreams; for Lenin's release and for the return of Communism to Europe. They believe this will help foster the war against Australia and finally put down capitalist driven imperialism.
Citizen 2: Lenin told us, he told the world that Imperialism was coming from Australia, nobody believed him until it was too late. Now we're left with nothing, Israel owns half our country and we've got no way to fight them. President Medici is learning to walk before he crawls, we're doomed.
Carlo DeTucci: I had a chance to speak with one Communist partisan leader who wished to remain nameless, he said "We are fully prepared to join the Republicans in crushing the Australian scourge, we want to help, but they give no words, they give no promises, they don't even come. Its as if they have forgotten us, like we aren't part of Europe." Piero.
Piero Montecito: Stirring words from Moscow indeed. Alright well up next the weather and following that news you can use, how to save yourself from Ralfitzer shells, when Euronews Nightly returns...
November 1, 2001, 17:49
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Still in the Jungle....
Ahab waited for the warriors to leave before grabbing his radio from under hs coat and pressed the send button.
"This is Sly Snake to Holy One. Sly Snake to Holy One"
The Radio crackled for awhile then came the reply.
"Sly Snake this is Holy One, report."
"Holy One, Sly Snake says Zebras are gathering in herds, the Monkeys are cool in the pool and the Aligators have awoken in their own crap"
"Holy One would like to know how goes the Chimpanzees and the Monkeys?"
"Holy One , Sly Snake says the Apes are behaving like humans"
"Copy that Sly Snake. You are ordered to proceed to World Zoo and squash the Koalas who are urinating on the tourists."
"Roger that Holy One, Over and Out"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 18:14
Local Time: 00:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Re: DL the new mod!
Originally posted by The Capo
You guys have to download the new mod, Ozzy and Drake have already done it so if we are all going to be in order everyone should get it.
Everyone has updated country names and flags, so its better, a few mistakes were fixed within the rules, but nothing that should change anything. And the wonders have better pictures to show the culture of the nation that built them.
That should be the URL, alright guys, sorry I was late with this.
And I WILL be there tonight...
Fixed a few rules eh?
Cyber Infantry,nil, 0, 1.,0, 9a,6d, 2h,2f, 6,0, 0, no, 000001000000101
Mech. Rover, nil, 0, 1.,0, 0a,1d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 5, no, 000000000000000
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2001, 19:10
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
hey deity , we got to catch you up some how... those cyber infantry should be good, oh and by the way only non-aussies civs can build them *LOL* j/K
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 19:15
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
i see not much interest in our polls at civfanatics !!!!  a bit like the inteest shown here
Well any way, its 50% of th epeople polled think WAAR should ally with aussies the other 50% think we should ignore all and go our own way.. nobody want sus to ally with western coalition
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2001, 19:31
Local Time: 06:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
Private communique by diplomatic pouch
To: President deMedici of the European Union
From: Rashid bin Hakeem of the Mali Provisio
Congratulations on your election to the Presidency of your country. Please be advised our interests in Spain were twofold; to free the resources of the Mediterranean for the use of Mali cities who border that sea from the historically long domination of your coastal cities, namely Palermo and Valencia, and to prevent the total takeover of every European city by WAAR at a time when they were sweeping unchecked across the continent. The fact that Valencia was totally leveled during this campaign came as a rather unexpected consequence and was distasteful to us.
Should Palermo consider sharing in the whaling industry there that it has dominated for such a long period of years, the Mali would be happy to withdraw those units still lingering in Spain.
We wish you well in your negotiations with WAAR.
Rashid bin Hakeem
November 1, 2001, 19:49
Local Time: 06:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
Wanting to join a world organization that is basically an Anti-Aussie collation General Tao has been discredited in the eyes of the Chinese Public, a collation of Isolationist and the write in votes has formed to reinstate Prometheus who has decided to come back. His future plans are unwritten as of now, but he says he will defiantly reject the pitiful, Mongolian peace offer. Citing the reasons for coming back he said “The Chinese owe much to the Aussies and I don’t want anyone to lead the Chinese in any anti-Aussie collation. Also what was General Tao thinking when he thought he could bring together a world, when even the west can’t get along? No we are still friendly to the Aussies, the Zulus think they can build a U.N. when they wont even bring in the worlds greatest power.”
The next five years will show definite interest, we can only sit and wait to see Prometheus’s future policies.
November 1, 2001, 19:50
Local Time: 00:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
OK, If a majority of players think that I'm operating outside the diplo 'genre' then I need to know.
I read somewhere that it's a good idea to play the bad guy sometimes, so I thougt I'd give it a go in HOTW2 through characterisation. I'm playing totally outside my normal style I can tell you! I think drake is the first player I've EVER attacked first.
I can either keep playing Dame de Notre or bring Saul back into it.
It seems dumb to post this but I don't want to wreck a game and lose buddies if that's what I'm doing...
I wonder what CapTVK would say about this?
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2001, 20:20
Local Time: 00:50
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
From Captain Morant to Jerokam
"Ahh, we are in a pickle! But I see you have calmed down now. Without causing too much trouble with the DAME I am considering delaying my Mision Zimbabwe by 5 years to see if you can gain the world's trust and build the UN rather than Manhatten... "
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2001, 20:20
Local Time: 06:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
Umm.. no new units, none of us were aware of these changes... dont we need to vote or somthing like that...
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