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Old September 26, 2001, 13:49   #181
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a junior officer came running through the halls of the WAAR high council, his clothes were half ripped off , blood was everywhere.

He ran straight into the Presidnets offices and the gurads were too starlted to stop him.

"I must speak to Madam Sarah ..." He jabbered out.

"Calm down son " said President Auldinsky " Madam Sarah is in her office what do you want?"

"Her office? Isnt this th ePResidnets offfice?" he looked around in confusion

"Yes son it is, I am the new Preisdnet, Madam Sarah Ben-Judah resigned after the war was prolonged. Can I help you?"

"Yes sir, I am sorry I didnt know what happened here, i just got back from the front, it is a mess sir."

"Sit down son," he turned to his guards" Get this man a drink and some food". he sat next to the dishevelled soldier " You should be please to know we are close to peace son"

"Peace sir!!! PEace ??!! How can we get peace from those murderous bastards ??"

"Settle down son, we have killed many of thme too, unfortuanlty many die in a terrible war, they have paid their punishement"

"War is one thing sir, but the genocide they perfromed in Sudan should never be forgiven, how can you even think that sir?"

"Genocide ??" interupted the PResident "what Genocide? I was informed Sudan was already retaken and is ok"

"Sudan doesnt exist any more PResidnet!!!! The Mali extermianted them all, every last citizen is now dead."

"All of them ???" asked a very perplexed Presidnet "No body would do that, taking a city is one thing , but detryoing a whole province of ovr 800,000 people!!!"

'Sir it is gone, why dont you people know anything??!~~"

"I gues tihs explains our lack of communicatio nform the front. You stay here son I am going to gather the high Council, this changes everything. Those ****en Mali will pay for this, you mark my words !!!!!!$$@#%$#%$%$^$#!!!!#%$"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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Old September 26, 2001, 17:19   #182
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I just realized that this is correct.
The Sudan is gone from the map.

But so is previously Mali held Erteria.

The city was probably as much destroyed by Israeli retaliatory strikes as it was destroyed by the Mali.

So even though this is an important fact, it shouldnt change the basic peace agreement. A subsitution will simply have to be provided for the Sudan. That is all.

Don't blow things with rage now Israel.
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Old September 26, 2001, 23:30   #183
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Hey Raz;
before you go calling people names:
Ozzy is the one that leveled call the names at the right people
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Old September 27, 2001, 00:15   #184
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Diplomatic Transmission...
European State Department
110 Metternich Way
Berlin, Germany

TO: The foreign emissary of Khan Ozzy of Mongolia.
FROM: Secretary of State Vittorio Rossi of the European Union.

Dear sir, it has come to our attention that your natoin has a vested interest in the conflicts in the Sahara. Clearly your ally the Israelies has been aggressed, and we share the same diplomatic relationship as you do with them. However we feel that if sides are taken this situation has the opportunity to develop into something that would be detrimental to our allies.

Thus, the European Unions suggests that the Union of Asian States joins the European effort at peace. We request that your nation stands shoulder to shoulder with ours in maintaining peace and order in the Sahara desert.

We understand that this undertaking may not only be expensive and bothersome, but may also be against the wishes and intentions of your populous, however we feel that the only way to end this war is to force the end of the war. Thus we believe that in your great munificence you will find it prudent to help the European cause in this scenario.

We anxiously await your response.

Secretary of State,

Vittorio Rossi
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Old September 27, 2001, 04:25   #185
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What to believe?
Mali attacks WAAR and says WAAR were going to attack.
It is rumoured this is all a Zulu plan to justify their attacks on WAAR.
WAAR says they never planned any attacks and that the Mali pre-emptive strike was blatant aggression, maybe based on fear but probably not very accurate intelligence. Many nations hold mighty armies but don't plan on using them. Paul thinks that if someone attacks Aussies and then says we were going to attack first is going to get it in the neck!

Saul and Paul seemed in agreement on this matter. WAAR was attacked by a fear ridden and paranoid Mali who then complains that the nation they attacked dares to respond! How ridiculous?

Any nation that dares to take just one Aussie city, when we plan NO aggression what-so-ever, will be eradicated from the planet. We would have done exactly as WAAR has done, maybe more. Mali has lost much in this episode and Paul is not bothered if no cities are returned to them. However, if mutually agreeable peace terms are negotiated then so be it but we warn the WAAR that they have built up their nation from nothing to become a great nation - don't be deceived by your enemies and/or your neighbours.....

In the wake of so much violence and aggression by all nations of the world in the recent era, save the Chinese and the Aussies, a new Australian Foreign Policy is now dictated to the world:

The powerful weapon, as seen in the vision of Dame de Notrre, is now within the grasp of our great nation.
But we will not build such weapons.
Any other nation attempting to build the Wonder required to precipitate such weapons of mass destruction will be automatically at war with Australia and will be eliminated from humankind before they even build their first weapon. This is necessary to protect all other nations and indeed the planet from the chaos and pollution of such weaponry. The nation that does attempt to do this will pay the ultimate price but this is FAR preferable to the unleashing of global devastation beyond conventional arms.

Think carefully nations of the world.

Follow this advice and Australia will harm no other nation. You have the word of Paul.
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Old September 27, 2001, 06:59   #186
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European Statement
Athens, Greece; European Union
3:45 pm
October 15th, 1570

An interesting position was taken by Australia last night in which they promise the eradication of a nation who attempts to work upon the scientific study of atoms that may lead to large scale weapons of mass destruction.

While the European Union agrees that these weapons, if possible, would be wholly destructive to our planet and would cause great loss of life and human strife; we must contend that Australia's position is far too aggressive and imperialistic and is on par with the very activity they condemn.

Did Australia not say that pre-emptive strikes without proper intelligence or actual knowledge of attack were immoral? Did Australia not condemn actions that are taken against the potential of assault or destruction? Did Australia not applaud the sovreignty and assumption of power that WAAR achieved despite the fact that it was done so in an aggressive manner?

The answer to all of these questions is yes. Australia is now taking the same stance that it JUST CONDEMNED in its own statement!!! Australia is a very powerful nation, some pundits would argue stronger than the rest of the World combined and is in a very powerful position to make and enforce such edicts. Their power is maintained by the lack of military power in the world, nay the lack of standing military power in the world. If the soldiers lost in Western wars were combined it would be a very mighty army. Australia has now removed another possibility of growth, while the weapon in theory may be one of devistation the likes of which humankind has yet to witness, does this ALLOW Australia to enforce such an imperialistic and controlling edict?

How important to your people and your government is your nation's sovreignty?

With this said the European Union makes no promises as far as nuclear study goes, however we do promise, despite our military impotence, that any nation who's sovreignty is challenged by the Australian's in this very imperialistic manner will have our full cooperation and support; regardless of our political standing.

We do not wish to see any nation suffer the pangs of slavery and control, thus we condemn the statement of Paul Keating and hope the World follows suit. We would like to remind the people of the World that we too do not agree with the possibility of nuclear holocaust, however we feel that this concept should not be under the control of any one nation. Especially one capable of laying its control upon any of our neighbors. Therefore we will outrightly ignore Australia and their attempts at imperialism and feel that THIS ISSUE should be up to the global community and not the ravings of a senile man from BC ages.

Thank you.
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Old September 27, 2001, 07:18   #187
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Originally posted by belinda9
Hey Raz;
before you go calling people names:
Ozzy is the one that leveled call the names at the right people
This is absolutely, absolutely a bold faced Lie. On the Mali's first turn, their first attack they destroyed Alabama, they destroyed the Sudan, and they captured Egypt. This is the truth.

If Belinda claims I destroyed the Sudan she is either greatly mistaken or attempting once again to lie to the world.
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Old September 27, 2001, 08:12   #188
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Well how do you explain destroying a size 8 city in one turn ozzy? Unless she had to kill 8 units, there's no way she could have destroyed the city.

I don't know who's right, but I'm trying to figure it out.
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Old September 27, 2001, 08:23   #189
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I just looked at a save right before our last session, there were 10 units in that city. Many defense, offense, outdated, you name it. 10 units. So her claims that she captured it, or claims that I destroyed it are absolutly lies.

Come on folks, it is plain to see how Mali is trying to manipulate things. Now she is even lying to try and get her way. I thought it was already general knowledge that she destroyed Sudan, I would have made a bigger deal out of it if i knew people doubted that.

Sudan, one of Israel's largest cities was burned to the ground by the Mali and the Mali alone.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer

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Old September 27, 2001, 08:25   #190
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Here is the Map after the last session
Thanks to Drake I now know how to do this properly.
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I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer

When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

Last edited by OzzyKP; September 27, 2001 at 08:32.
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Old September 27, 2001, 08:53   #191
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Map from before last turn
This map posting thing is cool. I like doing maps. Here is a good sequential progress for you Drake. I want the glorious Israeli conquest up on your page, hehe.

This is 1550 AD. The other map was 1570 AD.
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I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer

When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
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Old September 27, 2001, 09:05   #192
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The West anxiously awaits the answer..........
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Old September 27, 2001, 12:10   #193
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Radio News:

Developments in the Mali-Israeli conflict today threaten to destroy all chances of peace in that troubled region of the world, the loss of many cities on both sides especially the prior city of Sudan seem to have infuriated the Israeli people, many who are calling for a continuation of the war and greater revenge against the Mali government. With such hate on two sides many Chinese officials in the area who had hoped for peace fear that none will be coming to the region anytime soon. In related news the Chinese government has offered to take in as many refugees as they can to ease the pressure they cause on the Mongol, E.U. and Zulu governments, a limited number will be offered citizenship if they wish to accept the offer.

The Chinese government this month also extended congratulations to the new leader of the UAS, Ozzy Khan, and expressed hope that the millenniums of peace between our two people will be continued and trust will be restored after the unfortunate missteps of his predecessor.

Later today the Chinese government will be issuing its response to both the Australian and the European Union’s statement to the world. The Australian statement summed up contained the following:
1.) Any attack on Australia will bring a strong, swift and deadly attack that will destroy the guilty party.
2.) Also fearing the development of nuclear weapons as a threat to their national security, they pledged to destroy anyone who is planning on building such weapons before they can accomplish such a task.
The European response was as follows:
1.) Nuclear weapons are terrible and we have no plans to build them. But that should be left to the world to decide not the Australians aggressive manner.
2.) The introduction of the Churchill doctrine (though it is believed to be based on the writings of a old European American named Eisenhower) stating that the E.U. will help and support anyone who under the assault of Australian imperialism.

When asked if Australia could support such a position most Chinese Military Analysts agreed that any nation could technically build a nuclear program before complete annihilation but the number of bombs that could be produced would be few. Continuing the Analysts said that while China would not build such a program if they did they would be in the most danger from the Australians followed by Mongolia, Zulu, Mali/Israel and finally the E.U. When asked why that order the analysts replied “While the Australians reach is far it would be ludicrous to believe that it could touch the far reaches of the E.U. with out significant help from the Mongols. There is no doubt that Australia is strong but any war that far away would be long, drawn out and costly.”

Now time for the Chinese Statement:

A weapon of such destruction should never have to be used in this world and while we disagree with our friends the Australians on the harshness of their statement, we agree that no nation should undertake such a project. But we will not force you to adhere by our beliefs, and if a nation builds such a project we will not undertake an arms build up instead we will build schools, libraries and temples.
But we fear for the safety of our children’s children and propose all sign a treaty to ban the testing of Nuclear Weapons all those who sign will agree never to build or test nuclear weapons.

We are one planet and must start to act like it, in recent years the wars grow more and more deadly, a war with nuclear weapons must not happen or it will be the end of us all.

On that note we also ask the nations of the world to decide what type of world system would be prudent to govern over disputes and bring a full peace to the world, when the U.N. building is done, we will need a governmental system to bring order to the world. Soon our countries will be heading up to space and no matter who arrives first we must have some sort of order on Earth so that there will be peace in space and earth.

With that said the Chinese government pledges not to build Nuclear Weapons and will remain on our coarse of peaceful coexistence with all nations of the globe.

OCC: I will be slightly later than I usually am tonight, I should be back by 730EST but I might not be able to make it till 8EST I will try my best to make it by 730EST but I doubt I can do any better than that, so you can load up if you want but I will be back by 8EST for sure.
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Old September 27, 2001, 14:58   #194
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Presidential Address to the Nation
My Fellow Western Asians and Americans. Many of you by now would have heard rumours of the atrocitys that have occured in Africa. Whilst our nation has been at war many times in our history, we have never seen the level of mass murder raised to such high stakes. In our past we have seen the destruction of the Yemen province, that was a sad day in the history of the Arabian Peninsula, 50 000 Yemenese dies as shells from both sides rained down on the citys and finally left the whole province burnt to the ground. But we were able to survive that event and even rebuilt the Yemen province and were able to return 10 000 refugees to a new and better province. We have even ourselves during the current war with the Mali unfortunatly attacked such small Provinces that were shabbily built to withstand a war, that we regrettably had to attack due to the presence of Mali Ralfitzers. On two occasions unfortunalty the towns were left smouldering and we regretably inform our people that 15 - 20 000 Mali citizens were killed defending their towns. We could list throughout history similar stories of sad losses. Venice, the champion Province of the Adriatics suffered much losses as nearly 100 000 citiezens were killed in the fighting as over half the province was destroyed, but to save it from complet destruction, the Israeli and Adriatics formed peace, and Venice today stands as a memorial of those that died on both sides, as does the great province of Bosporus/Turkey.
However , never in the anals of history has so many innocent civilians died in one war, in one attack, in one province. I do announce that the rumours of 800 000 lives lost in the Sudan area are true. The final reports are comin in now and the pictures of devastation described by the few survivors is terrible. Sudan was the largest province in Africa under WAAR control, it was also the fourth largest province in all of the WAAR nation.
It is understable that our people are angry and filled with rage, so am I . But justice has been served as the Mali governemtn has flalen and we ar eled to beleive that the former hateful leader may be dead now under the rubble. If she is not, we will seek her out and destroy her where ever she hides. We ask the Zulu government not to aid her in her flight from us. Justice will be served.
It was the WAAR high councils intention to return all captured Mali territory in Africa to the Mali. We stated it was our intent to only retain all our previosly held territories. This we shal ldo upon the announcemnt of the formation of a new Mali government elected by the people of Mali. Despite the anger and real justification we feel and me myself more so, justifiication to continue fighting, for the sake of my sons and daughters and your sons and daughers, I am going personally to visit the Zulu leaders to sign the agreed peace treaty. The so called "Chinese Treaty of Africa", with a slight modification to put in EU peace keepers instead of Chinese. The following points are the main articles.

1. All hostilities will cease immediatly.
2. All military units from both sides, Mali/Zulu and WAAR, will immediatly return to the nearest province of their control, using the most direct path. Any deviation form this will be presumed to be an act of war.
3. Upon the first two activities being met, ALL American colonies of the Mali will be handed over to the WAAR.
4. The WAAR, upon receipt of the above colonies will return all of West North Africa to the Mali.
5. The WAAR will hand over the provinces of Ghana, Central Afr Rep and Libya to the EU as peace keeping zones.

Added the following article due to the destruction of Sudan

6. The Mali will send one engineer to the site of Sudan province and construct a new province and immedialty hand it over to the WAAR.
7. Due to loss of Mali territory and provinces, the World agrees to no new Provinces being built and the Mali will be the only Nation allowed to build citys till the full number of 255 is met again.

I aslo will be signing the following Alliance treaty with the EU.

1. The Province of Khurdistan is to be immediatly returned to the WAAR.
2. All EU military units must be removed immedialty to EU provinces.
3. A rebuilding fee of 200 Gold is to be paid to the citiezens of Khurdistan at a time as agreed by the two nations.
3. The WAAR will activley pursue any enemies of the EU and the EU will do the same for the WAAR.
4. As part of this agreement the WAAR will pressure its ally the Mongols to abide by the peace treaty it signed with the EU.

I am going to activiate our allacne with the Mongols and remind them of the following sub clauses.

5.4 Any attacks on either soverign nation shall be deemed as an attack on the other.
7.3 The FULL military might of each nation shall be thrown at the enemies of the toher nation once at war.
8.11 A cease fire signed by one party during a war is binding on the other party too.

We beleive the above should meet the peace targets as set by all our neighbours except the renegade Mali who hav eno leadership at present. We fully expect the Mali to continue this war. If the ydo , we expect the Zulus to remain out of any retaliation we deem necessary. If the Zulus break the peace again we fully expect both our allies the EU and UAS to come to our aid immediatly. We would also clal on the Australians to join in such a defence of freedoms as that is their professed beleifs.

My fellow Western Asians and Americans, be prepared for war, but pray for peace .... God Bless WAAR!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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Old September 27, 2001, 15:27   #195
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WAAR response to Austrlaains threat!!!
To Presidnet Paul Keating
From Preisdent Roberto Auldinsky

It is with much joy that I first received your letter, the first contact between our tow nations for almost 200 years. I felt gladdened at heart that you had seen our recent Democratic leections and the final outcast of all Nationalist and Socialist regimes. I was fully expecting a congratulations for this achieevement . But you made no mention of this.
You did however mention our recent struggle with the Mali. If you had read any of the thoudands of letters sent to you in times gone past or listned to the many appeals made by our people living in your nation, you would hav eknown we suspected much collusion on the Continent of africa for centuries. We had asked often for your aid, but you refused to speak to us. We are glad however that perhaps finally the sleeping giant has woken and looked around and seen there is more to the world than just Australia and South America. We are glad you supporrrrted our actions with your words that obviously was snet to all nations. However, if we are to maintian our hard fought for freedom, we ask that you put more than words behind you, and offer us finaicial nad technolgical aid to recover the lost ground we have caused by many centuries of war.
We see that you speak of weopons of Mass Detruction, you would be aware that centuries go our scientists led by Albert Einstein were discussing this very same thing, when his ship was suddenly lost on its voyage to Australai to discuss matters of scientific exchange, all experimentation ceased.
However we have discovered through our spy networks that now many nations have the knowledge of Atom splitting and the power it unleashes.
As the austrlaians technical knowledge is way i nadvanc eof any other nation, we fear that is may be the Asusies who build this weopon first.

We call on the world to sign the following Proposal

1. No nation will encourage research leading to the making of weopons of mass destruction.
2. Any nation who actually researches this capabiltiy will be regarded by the rest of the world as a renegade and action wil lbe taken to prevent the testing of any weopons.
3. Any nation not signing this agreement wil lbe regarded as a renagade and actio nwill be taken to force agreement.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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Old September 27, 2001, 15:53   #196
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EU Response to WAAR Response to Australia...
Dear sirs,

We hope and pray that the edict on nuclear weaponry that you have signed into effect and attempt to gain signatures for is at worst a bad joke, and at best an attempt to test diplomatic waters.

The European Union refuses to sign an agreement which deteriorates the sovreignty that our nation enjoys, if you see this as a sign that we will construct and utilize these weapons we take great offense as your friends and allies.

We seriously fail to understand how a nation of your wisdom and munificence would stoop to the level of threats and forced edicts. It is unfair for a nation to offer this sort of blind aggression to the world and expect only one type of response.

We shall await your delegations in order to iron out the situation in Africa, Khurdistan and Russia. However we feal wholeheartedly that you should repeal your edict so that the global community can begin discussing these issues without blind threats. It is nice that Australia and WAAR wish to serve as the police officers of the world, however it is unneccessary.

Thank you.
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Old September 27, 2001, 15:55   #197
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Response to EU
Having just experienced what happens when renegades get control of a nation we wish to not see these type of weopons ever be built. You nation ttacked us in Khurdistan for no reason and apparently it was renegades not your own government, if it was your own government behind the Khurdistna invasio nwe may need to rethink our stanc eon our relationship. But this serves as an example as to waht can happen. If these weopons of mass destruction are allowed to be built in any nation, one day a foolish renegade may launch some. To the detriment of all. Whilst you may say , lets wait till that happens, we dont want to see more of our citizens die like the Sudanese before the world takes action.
The WAAR are not , unlike the Australians, offering to be the world police, we are asking for a coalition to be formed to do that poilicing, if no one signs the agreement we have mooted, we will actively pursue these weopons so we will have the same bargaining power as others. However if we get a coalition together, we wil ljoin it and actively detroy those opposed to the coallition.
We hope this explains our position better.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

Last edited by Rasputin; September 27, 2001 at 16:02.
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Old September 27, 2001, 16:12   #198
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WAAR Response to Mali Secret Memo
The WAAR High Council recieved early this morning a hurriedly hand written note with just the following word repeatedly scriblled across the page in reference to our peace offer ..

NO ~~~~~~~~

may the world judge whther we have been fair or not !!!!!
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Old September 27, 2001, 16:21   #199
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WAAr Awaiting Zulu response
The WAAR High Council needs to see the official response of Zulus to our peace proposla , especially in light of the Mali repsonse
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Old September 27, 2001, 16:38   #200
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Common sense NOT policeman...
Can you imagine what might have occurred in the current conflict had there been nikes?

The Mali would have pre-emptively desrtroyed WAAR!
Zimbabwe would be no more etc etc......
Aussies have less to gain than all the warring countries of the world.

Get real - Paul is serious here.

Use common sense leaders of the world!
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Old September 27, 2001, 16:59   #201
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As the Mali refuse to lsitne to listen to reason and peace, i propse the following joint effort in cleansing the world of this meance. The proposed partiion sees
1. the EU get 8 new Provinces
2. the Zulus 6 new Provinces
3. the WAAR relinqueshes all those teritories it controls in the peace zones to the two nations as namd above
4. The Mali territorys in america are taken by the WAAR...

The mali then no longer exist !!!

Awaiting anyone elses proposal for peace, or agreemnt to this action of joint war on Mali !!!
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Old September 27, 2001, 17:06   #202
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Mali updater
The mali have no agreed to the first two steps of agreemnt ,
1. All hostilities will cease immediatly.
2. All military units from both sides, Mali/Zulu and WAAR, will immediatly return to the nearest province of their control, using the most direct path. Any deviation form this will be presumed to be an act of war.
Further negotiations continue to implemnt the rest
3. Upon the first two activities being met, ALL American colonies of the Mali will be handed over to the WAAR.
4. The WAAR, upon receipt of the above colonies will return all of West North Africa to the Mali.
5. The WAAR will hand over the provinces of Ghana, Central Afr Rep and Libya to the EU as peace keeping zones.

Added the following article due to the destruction of Sudan

6. The Mali will send one engineer to the site of Sudan province and construct a new province and immedialty hand it over to the WAAR.
7. Due to loss of Mali territory and provinces, the World agrees to no new Provinces being built and the Mali will be the only Nation allowed to build citys till the full number of 255 is met again.
The WAAR high Council wishes to sit round the table with EU/Mali and Zulu to discuss further
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Old September 27, 2001, 19:45   #203
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The Rasputin dynasty has finished in WAAR.... Roberto Auldinsky last night shot himself and handed cotnrol over to the Arty Intelli Clan and hoped they do well...

Bye all , the personla chides and insults are too much for me, I pushed for peace and got no where


Ok i have cooled off (been to WetNWild Water World with fmaily for the afternoon) I needed it, I apologise again guys for my childlike behaviour, I get pushed too far by what I deemed a personal attack on my beleifs and judgmenets. However, after a good cold swim and a clearer head I realsie I was pushed too far by the greatest minds in Psychlogical warfare.

But that episode is in the past I am back to play again.

However dont expect more of the smae, I have lost some of my faith in the type of players I am palying with. I thought one thing but another turned out to be the truth.

Play on ~~~~~~~~~~
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

Last edited by Rasputin; September 27, 2001 at 23:58.
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Old September 27, 2001, 20:32   #204
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An Open Letter To All Nations:
Much talk has been made of late about the possibilities of weapons of mass destruction. The leadership of the Union of Asian States fully condemns the development of any such weapons. While not condoning a war to seek their removal the UAS proposes that the following international treaty be signed by all nations. This treaty is simple and to the point.

International Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty

All undersigned nations agree to never test Nuclear Weapons. More specifically this calls for the fabled "Manhattan Project" to never be built by any undersigned nation.

No provision of this treaty shall be construed to indicate war between the undersigned and any un-signed or signed nation that tests nuclear weapons. Direct measures in response to any violator nation or any un-signed rogue nation is left to individual nation's foreign policy to decide.


1. President Ozzy Khan, Union of Asian States
2. President Paul, Australlia
3. President Prometheus of the People's Republic of China
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer

When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

Last edited by OzzyKP; September 29, 2001 at 19:57.
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Old September 27, 2001, 20:53   #205
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Re: An Open Letter To All Nations:
Originally posted by OzzyKP
Much talk has been made of late about the possibilities of weapons of mass destruction. The leadership of the Union of Asian States fully condemns the development of any such weapons. While not condoning a war to seek their removal the UAS proposes that the following international treaty be signed by all nations. This treaty is simple and to the point.

International Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty

All undersigned nations agree to never test Nuclear Weapons. More specifically this calls for the fabled "Manhattan Project" to never be built by any undersigned nation.

No provision of this treaty shall be construed to indicate war between the undersigned and any un-signed or signed nation that tests nuclear weapons. Direct measures in response to any violator nation or any un-signed rogue nation is left to individual nation's foreign policy to decide.


1. President Ozzy Khan, Union of Asian States
2. I, Paul, son of deity and mighty ruler of Australia, do hereby agree to this Treaty...
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Old September 27, 2001, 21:07   #206
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3.) President Prometheus of the People's Republic of China
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Old September 27, 2001, 22:31   #207
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Good God!
Originally posted by Rasputin
The Rasputin dynasty has finished in WAAR.... Roberto Auldinsky last night shot himself and handed cotnrol over to the Arty Intelli Clan and hoped they do well...

Bye all , the personla chides and insults are too much for me, I pushed for peace and got no where
Raz, there were no out of game insults!

It's all in-game. You dish it out so you better take it too.

All this is part of the game. Just because you want peace doesn't mean others do, despite what they try to make you think.

It's even in the manual, "Caesar, you are a fathead!"

BTW - Are you actually back in the game for good now that you came in for that last turn?
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
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Old September 27, 2001, 23:34   #208
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Re: EU Response to WAAR Response to Australia...
Originally posted by The Capo
Dear sirs,

We hope and pray that the edict on nuclear weaponry that you have signed into effect and attempt to gain signatures for is at worst a bad joke, and at best an attempt to test diplomatic waters.

The European Union refuses to sign an agreement which deteriorates the sovreignty that our nation enjoys, if you see this as a sign that we will construct and utilize these weapons we take great offense as your friends and allies.

We seriously fail to understand how a nation of your wisdom and munificence would stoop to the level of threats and forced edicts. It is unfair for a nation to offer this sort of blind aggression to the world and expect only one type of response.

We shall await your delegations in order to iron out the situation in Africa, Khurdistan and Russia. However we feal wholeheartedly that you should repeal your edict so that the global community can begin discussing these issues without blind threats. It is nice that Australia and WAAR wish to serve as the police officers of the world, however it is unneccessary.

Thank you.
You have deceived many throughout the anals of time but we are not fooled by the EU. If one city attempts to build Manhattens you are dead. End of story. Nukes in your hands will see the end of the World, just like fanatics who care little about humankind.... destroy all if you cannot conquer - ever since your ill-fated Mongol invasion.

This is not hypocritical because any nation that builds nukes is going to use them. They will be destroyed as a single nation rather than the whole world be destroyed.

As a sign of good faith any nation that signs the Non-Nuke Treaty proposed by the Mongols East Asian superpower will receive the tech of Nuclear Fission for free from the Aussies....

We can be wonderful in peace and prosperity but we are as hell when confronted with war.

With our firepower and brilliant strategic planning our words are not hollow.

Yes, we sound a *little* arrogant but I'm trying to wake up the world to the impending terror!!!!!

We are not fooling around here, build Manhattens and you are no more.

I hear the wise words of my friends who have signed the Treaty but I must make a stand here. There is too much mistrust in the world for me to believe the words of the likes of the EU... Ha!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
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Old September 28, 2001, 00:16   #209
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WAAR National Enquirer
Repsots released yesterday startled the nation as it was revealed that Preisden Roberto Auldinsky had shot himself. This was not true, it was in actullity an assaination attempt allegedly funded by the Turkish rebels. Fortuantly the bullet that hit Presidnet Auldinsky passed clean thorugh his neck and emergency surgery has saved his life.
From his hospital bed though he released the following statement.

This assasination attempt whilst slowing me down wil lnot stop our peace process. We have now withdrawn all WAAR troops from open territroy and have palced them in furlow in their appropiate barrack. We now await th enext offer from the Mali. We humbl apolgise for the slight disorder caused by my sudden rushing to hosptial and have disciplined all necessary officers of the army who sent word to attack.

But we must move on. The EU has now got 3 Provinces under their control in Africa and are using that as a base t ocinduct "policing" issues. They didnt want the Aussies nor the WAAR to conduct this type of policing when it came to preventing Nukes, but are happy to do this in Africa for a cause that suits them. We now regret having involved them as all we wanted was a buffer between us and the Zulus. But they have gone one step further. Too late to stop them now , but we urge our populace to be on guard for any EU incursions into WAAR territory. Any such incursions will be regarded as aggresive and unncessary. Please refrain from trying to justify presence in our territory on policing matters, we dont want nor need poilicing there.

To the Mali we ask that you consider the future as to how we cna finally end the war in Africa and America. We firmly beleive a swap of Province for Province is the only way out now.

To the Zulu we ask that you apply whatever pressure you have on the Mali to agree to some form of peace, and convince them that as the aggressors of th eprevious war they must pay retribution.

Finally in repsonse to the UAS proposal that there be ban on the "testing of Nukes" we had already proclaimed our abhorence of the actual research leading to this point , but have been ignored . We therefore will not sign this treaty but will activly pusue the knowledge ourselves. We can not allow any of the nations which have shown such a hatred for oursleves to gain these instruments of war without us having them too. It appears t ous that is will only be by mutual abiltiy to destroy al lthat peace may be discovered.

We will not be the first to build them, but if any one builds them we wil lbe ready for mass production
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Old September 28, 2001, 00:47   #210
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Australia pledges it will NOT build Manhatten!
It will hurt us more than it hurts you if we have to annhilate former friends and allies to prevent the constructin of Manhatten......
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