September 28, 2001, 02:00
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ooc ,, save game
didnt see any one posat one,m this one is just before my turn ended and belinda crashed... !!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 28, 2001, 05:01
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International Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
All undersigned nations agree to never test Nuclear Weapons. More specifically this calls for the fabled "Manhattan Project" to never be built by any undersigned nation.
No provision of this treaty shall be construed to indicate war between the undersigned and any un-signed or signed nation that tests nuclear weapons. Direct measures in response to any violator nation or any un-signed rogue nation is left to individual nation's foreign policy to decide.
The Zulus are ready to cooperate with the rest of the world in this account, but first the world must cooperate with a similar idea.
The most aggressive and selfish thing a country can do is not building the Manhattan Project, or even using nukes. It is building a space program. To work alone on a project that cuts out the rest of the world with selfish motives is much worse than building the Manhattan Project. Therefore, any nation that decides to persue the building of the Apollo Program should be regarded as a threat to humankind and should be treated as such.
Until the Eastern Nations agree to such a treaty, the Zulus will sign no documents. Why just the Eastern Nations? Well sadly, the Western Nations have been so caught up in war that our technology is quite lacking. No one has the technology to even attempt persuing such a project. And we certainly won't for many many years.
Once the East collectively signs such a document, the Zulus will sign the International Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. Until then, we cannot promise anything. Thank you.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
September 28, 2001, 05:45
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the other posts!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 28, 2001, 05:48
Local Time: 06:50
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A clarification:
The Mali have ceased hostilities with the hated jackboot oppressors of WAAR and we have abided by the heavyhanded so-called "peace-keeping" of the EU who have now been established all over Africa, even though they park troops all over our fields within our remaining city boundaries
We have done these things despite the fact that WAAR has not made ONE single gesture of conciliation; indeed, they have renamed our cities, all of which they continue to hold, continue to spread wholesale lies and misconceptions, actually attacked us without provocation on the southern coast, openly called for our complete dissolution and partitioning amongst the other world powers, and have not _negotiated_ for peace at all, other than to issue forth proclamations and demands that they assume will be followed. Also, despite public announcements to the contrary, and in keeping with their longstanding traditions of loudly and publicly speaking one way and then acting in another, no more than two build opportunites were ever available. Fine.
The single word missive referred to in the WAAR propaganda, which was wholly given out of context and without telling any other part of the exchange at all (in other words, deliberately misleading as is always their way) was given in reply to the demands that the Mali will relinguish their entire American popluation (HALF of our remaining population, I should point out) over to WAAR in exchange for A PORTION of our decimated, raped cities of Africa (i.e., those only in Western Africa not already split and looted as spoils of war by them and their allies the EU).
Let me make myself perfectly clear on this subject since it seems NOBODY is listening to me on this despite the fact that I have been repeating it for weeks.
Under NO circumstances -- for ANY reason -- will ANY Mali controlled American territories be conceded to WAAR or anyone else. NONONO (get it now?) You want to run the Mali out of Africa? Fine -- we'll take America.
If WAAR wants our breadbasket of production so much, they will have to spend their resources in war to come and take them openly and by violence so the world can see the rapaciousness of their greed for land
oh, I forget. They've already seen and don't care.
(editing for spelling)
Last edited by belinda9; September 28, 2001 at 11:49.
September 28, 2001, 05:51
Local Time: 07:50
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Re: the other posts!
Originally posted by deity
I tried to start the next thread cos this one is over the limit but Ming closed it!
Uhhhh.... what limit???? There is like a 500 post limit on threads now. If you want to start a new thread... please state in the first post that it is time to close the old one, and for all people to use the new one. Then there will be NO confusion on what you are doing!
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
September 28, 2001, 05:52
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Disaster or enlightenment?
Originally posted by drake
The Zulus are ready to cooperate with the rest of the world in this account, but first the world must cooperate with a similar idea.
The most aggressive and selfish thing a country can do is not building the Manhattan Project, or even using nukes. It is building a space program. To work alone on a project that cuts out the rest of the world with selfish motives is much worse than building the Manhattan Project. Therefore, any nation that decides to persue the building of the Apollo Program should be regarded as a threat to humankind and should be treated as such.
Until the Eastern Nations agree to such a treaty, the Zulus will sign no documents. Why just the Eastern Nations? Well sadly, the Western Nations have been so caught up in war that our technology is quite lacking. No one has the technology to even attempt persuing such a project. And we certainly won't for many many years.
Once the East collectively signs such a document, the Zulus will sign the International Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. Until then, we cannot promise anything. Thank you.
Zulus will not sign a treaty to save the planet unless humankind bans itself from the enlightenment and spiritual uplifting of exploring space??? Something that will benefit the entire planet!!
You are kidding?
Shakeem, this is not Epik and Suas you are up against
And it's not Monday night tales either.....
Prepare to meet your maker
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 28, 2001, 06:26
Local Time: 08:50
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Saving the planet is exactly what the Zulus are trying to do. Are the Australians trying to save the world? I have to ask the world community if they agree.
Would a country that is "trying to save the world"  always sit back and do NOTHING as the rest of the world is at war? Is it possible that a country trying to "save the world"  , might offer their aid in finding peace? Perhaps send in troops to aid in peace keeping efforts? Nope, they're all garrisoned next to Aussie cities. Every city in the Aussie nation is guarded like it's fort knox. Why is this? Why couldn't some of these soldiers be put to good use for once instead of gathering collective dust defending against an imaginary enemy?
The Australians <i>enjoy</i> seeing us all rip each other apart people of the world, do not think they don't. It's part of their plan. They are counting on us hot heads killing each other over petty, meaningless crap. Australia would not offer military assistance to stop any war, save a war against themselves. They don't look out for anyone but #1.
The Zulus present a statement very similar to that of the Aussies, making a ridiculous request as they have. Yet we acknowledge thiers and respond in a civil manner. But all the Aussies acknowledge our statement with is aggression. Why is this?
Is it because we don't have the power to back up our words? Is it because we don't "have the right"?
I know other members of the international community feel the same as the Zulus do. Well goddamit it's time to weed out who's with us and who's not. Stop cowering and beating around the bush. There will be no element of surprise countries of the West. The Australians are already prepared for war from every angle. They have been building up for this for a long time. Don't anyone let them convince you that they're not preparing for war. Look at their numbers for chrissake!
The Zulus are not declaring war on Australia, all we are doing is standing up to them. Those who wish to live free, let it be known. Those that wish to be Paul Keatings b1tch, let it be known. Stop riding the fence and come out with it.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
September 28, 2001, 07:06
Local Time: 12:50
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Paris Post
March 3rd, 1575
1/3 Gold
Churchill: "There remains much work to be done..."
Berlin, Germany - After Parliament voted unanimously to return the vote of the executive to the people rather than individual states Prime Minister was elected President of the European Union. He is the first since Giuseppe Mazzini to hold this title. "There remains much work to be done" said the new President "A lot of infrastructure has to be repaired and diplomatic avenues must be reopened." The former Prime Minister signed into effect a bill that would create an army of Engineers for the purposes of rebuilding Europe's lost infrastructure as well as implimenting new railroads and agricultural centers. There is also a public works bill that would garauntee base improvements in all major cities. When asked about his plans towards recent Nuclear test ban treaties he simply said "We will do what we deem prudent."
Turkish Rebels Executed!
Istanbul, Turkey - Members of the TUA (Turkish Union Army) have been executed for their conspiracies against WAAR in their invasion of Khurdistan. "We have done no wrong, it is an afface to our nation that it is split between WAAR and the EU, if I had to choose between one I'd go with Europe!" exclaimed convicted rebel Gorlu Attaturk, he was executed days later. Recent reports indicate that the same organization may have been involved in the attempted assassination of WAAR President Roberto Audlinsky, however an investigation is pending.
European Forces Called Back in Africa!
Al Kush, Sudan - European Peace forces were called back last week when threats of another war with WAAR resounded throughout the area. WAAR Officials complained about an Israeli library who's books were sold, and was converted into a base of operations for occupation officials of Khurdistan. A fort that was used by both WAAR Troops and TUA rebels was also dismantled. When the words became even more volatile, with WAAR officials claiming that these acts were indeed "Acts of War" European forces on rounds in Ethiopia and Chad were called back to their Sudanese bases. "We don't see how peace will ever be achieved with such petty complaints" said Secretary of State Vittorio Rossi "WAAR uses any excuse for aggression, Europe simply refuses to allow this, we will not go to war over a library." When asked what may occur in the future Rossi said major attempts will be made to repair relations with WAAR, however they may prove difficult with the amount of tension in that particular nation.
"Peacekeeping" Riots in Moscow!
Moscow, Russia - After the statement by WAAR that actions may be taken against the EU for their occupation of Khurdistan, riots broke out all over Russia especially in Moscow. Protestors complained that their loved ones, and the soldiers of Europe were in a situation they did not want to be in and would be unable to fend for themselves far from their homes. "They don't have artillery, they are merely Eurokorps forces, Israel will destroy them!" exclaimed one protestor. A man known only as "Lenin" was apprehended by the EU Investigation Assosication after evidence pointed to his link with the Communist party which prompted these riots. Gustav Adolphus, head of affairs in that area gave no comment when asked.
September 28, 2001, 11:42
Local Time: 06:50
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Posts: 95
Re: Disaster or enlightenment?
Originally posted by deity
Zulus will not sign a treaty to save the planet unless humankind bans itself from the enlightenment and spiritual uplifting of exploring space??? Something that will benefit the entire planet!!
Perhaps we could hear the reasoning behind this statement? Exactly how is one nation running from the planet rather than working on the myriad of problems facing the planet enlightening, uplifting, and beneficial to the whole planet? Inquiring minds want to know
September 28, 2001, 11:59
Local Time: 08:50
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Because it is
Do you expect the all knowing Aussies to answer such a petty question....
The answer is: just because it is......the giant has spoken.....stop asking questions
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
September 28, 2001, 14:15
Local Time: 12:50
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European Statement
The European Union finds it disheartening that the world, in such modern times, would take a simple omission as a way of being aggressive. The term "aggressive" has been applied to so many things by modern humanity that it loses its meaning and thus becomes redundant and void.
Thus, merely calling someone aggressive loses its meaning, especially when applied to this situation.
The European Union practices no forms of aggression; our efforts to maintain peace in the Sahara is seen as aggressive by Mali, and WAAR and maybe others. We contend this on two points (a) we were in fact deemed the buffer state in this area of the world, a simple border between Zulu Sudan and Israeli Egypt is not sufficient to keep peace and (b) the constant complaints from Mali and Israel of units in improper locations further warrants a neutral presence there to maintain order.
Secondly our omission from signing any uninational Nuclear treaty is also seen as aggressive. Our nation has stated since the discussion even began that we value the sovreignty of others, an above that our own nation. It is against our very nature to sign into effect such a rule when it is concieved in a single nation, that is our only complaint to this. Further the very research and development it serves to protect the world against is neither (a) detrimental to society in and of itself and (b) an unproven theory about the ability to use atomic energy as weaponry. The European Union sees no solid and sufficient evidence for us to prematurely end this type of research. Why should we, being logical people, assume that this area of research is going to be a detriment to society? Human Genetics, which were thought by many pundits as a way to undermine the divine plan by "playing God" resulted in the cure for Cancer, thanks to our Zulu allies.
Therefore, who is more aggressive? The nation who blindly states it shall strike at anyone who researches an area of natural science, or the nation that peacefully states it shall make a decision when it recieves enough evidence to warrant that decision?
Again, it seems we stand alone in this simple form of reasoning, save the Zulus the world has deemed us a deceitful and aggressive nation. We feel this is unfair.
Further, the Israeli and Australian nations contend that the European Union is deceitful due to the actions of our military in Khurdistan. For all intents and purposes that military strike was made in a period of great chaos and strife within the European Union, a period that in many ways continues to this very day. Being racked by foreign invasion and administrative miscommunication rebels with our military's backing attempted to liberate Khurdistan and unify all of Ottoman Turkey. Our military had to intervene on the side of the Government and return the territory back to WAAR. During the course of this action the works of literature in the library were looted and sold off to private investors, the facility was then changed to a base of operations and now the Israelites claim that this activity was an act of war upon their collective population. Who, in this situation, would be the aggressive party; he who states a library is sufficient backing for an attack against a nation? or he who returns a province that it controls to a nation who was unable to keep it?
The European Union feels that the world has injustly jumped at propoganda no doubt funneling from Australia as a means to explain the evil they see in their own worlds. WAAR wishes to establish for its people a nation of aggressors so they may ignore the smoldering rubble and marching divisions in their cities that they must witness day in and day out. The Mali suffer the same pangs; their nation lies in war constantly.
As a means to help this phenomenon end, the European Union is attempting to remove the greatest contributor; armed forces. Yet we are called aggressive?
Due to these truths the European Union will move all four peace garrisons and will turn the Sudanese city of Al-Kush over to WAAR and will return the city of Ft. Leopold back to Mali. We will further claim neutrality in this conflict in case it rises towards war, we will omit any support to our allies the Zulus who in turn support their allies the Mali and will remain neutral.
Thank you.
September 28, 2001, 14:52
Local Time: 08:50
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Some nations would take offense and call you aggressive if you farted in their presence Churchill....don't sweat it.
The Zulus are historians, just as the people of the EU. We are aware that Europe has often been used as a scapegoat, in the past, and now once again, some nations are trying to tag the EU as scapegoat in the present. Other leaders have a problem with a leader that is honest and tells the harsh truths. Honesty is not rewarded in this world of ours Churchill, which is un-fortunate. As a world we reward liars and those that write the best fiction. Israel has always been great at it. Masters in fact. Their stories are always entertaining, much like a storybook. But far from historically accurate.
The Zulus support EU withdrawal from the region based on the fact that they have been disrespected by the very people they were sent in to protect. The EU was set in place to act as a policing agent in the region and to neutralize threats on both sides, African and Israeli. They were there to help. But instead of respect, they were treated with hostility.
It is not a coincedence that Israel has been at war more often than any other country in the world. Israeli leadership has always been very hard to deal with on a diplomatic stage.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
September 28, 2001, 18:07
Local Time: 00:50
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Re: Because it is
Originally posted by drake
Do you expect the all knowing Aussies to answer such a petty question....
The answer is: just because it is......the giant has spoken.....stop asking questions
"Paul, I better handle this now, as your Foreign Affairs Minister... you meant well but your words are being twisted."
"I've got better things to do anyway. I'll go back to Broken Hill and see my scientists - the tests they are doing are so fascinating!"
In a Radio/TV feed to the world Saul was being grilled about Australia's attitude:
"Well, I can understand that. The Mali are old sparring partners but we are looking forward now. We wish to join with them, the Zulus and ALL nations to make the world a safe place. Paul has seen the tests and test models show that a proliferation of these nuclear weapons would destroy the planet. We ask the world to join together and sign the World Treaty banning development of such powerfull and evil weaponry. This could herald a new era of peace! The Australians do not wish to flee a ruined planet. We wish to live in peace and harmony with all nations. If our peace-keping troops are required in Africa or the Middle East we are prepared to send several divisions - a couple of Armoured Units plus several Mechanised Infrantry. We will send them to the location as directed by the democratic outcome of the talks in the EU."
"What about the Zulu proposal to not research space flight?"
"We understand their concerns because theoretically space could be used as a strategic advantage, even with conventional weapons but we re-assure the Zulus that this would NOT be our intention. It is most important to us that all nations sign the Treaty. Australia has pledged NOT to build the Manhatten Wonder because it is not a Wonder. It is the Manhatten Terror!
We also will refrain from building the Apollo Wonder until such time as the whole world feels secure in space exploration.
We are so keen to get the whole world to sign the Treaty which in itself may precipitate a new era of peace."
"Thankyou Mr Saul de Notre, the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister speaking live via cable." (since satellites will probably not be built)
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 28, 2001, 18:15
Local Time: 22:50
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We have done these things despite the fact that WAAR has not made ONE single gesture of conciliation
1.The WAAR has handed over to the EU two Provinces to insitgate the peace process.
2. The WAAR removed all units back within the borders of each province.
3. We handed over one defender (yes a weak one but it was the closest and only free one, the others having already been killed by Mali forces) as requested by the Zulus. (Not part of original peace plan)
actually attacked us without provocation on the southern coast
According to EU philosophy any attacks conducted whilts under the control of AI are not to be atributed to the main leader. The Zulus have also seemed to approve this by their silence. So the standard has been set.
openly called for our complete dissolution and partitioning amongst the other world powers
This was due in main to the fact that no agreement apears to be forthcoming as to how to achieve peace. Not even your allys the Zulu have com up with a suggestion.
The single word missive referred to in the WAAR propaganda, which was wholly given out of context and without telling any other part of the exchange at all
if others want the whole icq transcript they can have it !!! The No {Repeated} was a direct response to the peace paln suggested by the Chinese in which all America is given to WAAR i nexchange for african territory. That is 4 Colonies for 10. An offer definatly in favour of the Mali. We would prefer keeping African Territorys but the Zulu dont wish that.
Under NO circumstances -- for ANY reason -- will ANY Mali controlled American territories be conceded to WAAR or anyone else. NONONO (get it now?) You want to run the Mali out of Africa? Fine -- we'll take America.
As indicated in my resposne to the previous quote, the WAAR dont now nor never had intentionsof any land grab, we were attacked in an unprovoked manner and feel justly that punishment must be doled out. Handing back ALL conquered territory would be not only sayiung to the Mlai you can rebuild and do it again , but would be very foolish on our part. The only reasojn, and I again state that , the only reason the American colonies were mentioned is becasue theZulus refuse to allow WAAR expansion into Africa. If you wish to retai nthe Americas that is fine by me but speak to your Zulu allys to offer up a new proposal.
on to the zulus ....
The Australians enjoy seeing us all rip each other apart people of the world, do not think they don't. It's part of their plan. They are counting on us hot heads killing each other over petty, meaningless crap. Australia would not offer military assistance to stop any war, save a war against themselves. They don't look out for anyone but #1.
and yet despite this your rhetoric and that of the EU continues to drive wedges into any Western Coalition. Instead of chastising the Mali for attacking us and actively supporting us in the conflict you seemingly took great delight at the WAAR once again being called the World Aggressors. This type of verbal abuse and non support when attacked, is what is driving in wedges to the Western Coalition, this is what is making it soeasy for Paul Keating to leave this planet on the next Space Shuttle. All the propoganda in the world is not going to stop the Australains launching the SS. We are at the crossroads of humaity and need agreement not propoganda.
The Zulus are not declaring war on Australia, all we are doing is standing up to them. Those who wish to live free, let it be known. Those that wish to be Paul Keatings b1tch, let it be known. Stop riding the fence and come out with it.
The WAAR High Council beleive that peace is the only way the people of this world will win, so far the Australains hav enever attacked us nor have they in many centuries been involved in any war. Nor do they publish propoganda written in such a way to enrage the WAAR readers. So tell me once agian which side you think you would turn to. If you want friends be friendly!!
Due to limited time and space, that is all for now, we will repsond with more later!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 28, 2001, 20:44
Local Time: 08:50
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Since I've been so lazy about the site...
I'll put this up.....I will keep the site updated so it can serve as reference, but the novelty has worn off I think, thats why I'm not so worried about keeping it current every week......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
September 28, 2001, 23:29
Local Time: 00:50
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Great graphic! Thanks Sir Francis.
An interesting point is that 4 civs are now level at the top of the pg with the Chinese zooming up in the last session.
So much for the big Aussie
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 29, 2001, 04:05
Local Time: 22:50
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Posts: 14,475
one unfortuante thing with civ 2 is that is doesnt rescale the PG as time goes by so eventually all the major players appear tied at top , when i nrelaity the Australians in this game are far and away way in fornt, just look a the direction their climb was taking them beofre they hit the top scale mark....
No hiding from it deity you are the best so far....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 29, 2001, 04:19
Local Time: 22:50
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Posts: 14,475
Re: Great graphic! Thanks Sir Francis.
Originally posted by deity
An interesting point is that 4 civs are now level at the top of the pg with the Chinese zooming up in the last session.
So much for the big Aussie
Another interesting point is that for a "PEACE" loving natio nthe Aussies sure have lots of units !!!! 50% more than the combined Zulu/EU/Mali forces... Also looks like UAS (Mongols) have been building army for awhileoo as they have streaked ahead on size... Any combination of Aussie/Mongols or Aussie/Chinese would be very hard to beat.
Easpecially with the WAAR switcihing to Neutrality....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
September 29, 2001, 10:13
Local Time: 07:50
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Tribes is getting ready to begin at
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
October 1, 2001, 16:36
Local Time: 12:50
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Berlin, Germany; European Union...
President Churchill entered the conference room, his Security Advisor Andre Sully and his Vice President, and former General, Adriana Alessi flanking him. The room was quite dull, white walls with a large map of Europe on one side and a large World Map on the other. The table was round and grey, with six comfortable-looking chairs surrounding it. There were already two men in the room; Intelligence Chief Gustav Adolphus, and Admiral Francisco Franco.
"Gentlemen" said President Churchill "We have issues to discuss and not much time to do so, I have a meeting with a Union in Amsterdam in less than twenty four hours.
The two men nodded as Sully and Alessi took their seats, still flanking their President "The first order of business is intelligence, we have many groups attempting an insurrection of Europe, as well as some rebels causing problems to our neighbors. With the political situation at its current point we don't want to take chances. Our relationship with WAAR has almost diminished beyond repair due to the Turkish Radicals." started Vice President Alessi.
"Well" replied Adolphus "You have to understand that regardless of how much pressure we put on these people they are going to act towards their goals, its going to be impossible to totally stop them, but we can diminish their abilities to effect anything on a global scale. For example, we are currently in a huge mission against the Sons of Erin, an Irish Liberation Front."
"Not to be rude" said Churchill "But what I want to know is how Lenin was able to get away from his charges, I mean are our intelligence forces that shoddy?" he said, speaking of Lenin's acquittal based on lack of evidence.
"Sir, I-" stammered Adolphus, but he was interrupted by the President.
"The Turks have been neutralized, all Ireland is going to do is, if anything, lose an insignifigant island from the Union. But the Communists are doing the best out of the radical minor parties, not to mention their love affair with Mali. If they gain any power, any influence, any resources they'll be a problem. I mean they openly defile Jews and talk of WAAR Imperialism; if they took control they'd cause war with WAAR. We can't afford anything like that right now." said the President.
"If I might intervene here." said Admiral Franco "The Communists lack the resources to attain such influence, and if I might digress; our biggest area of concern should be modernizing our military. We must develop a New Model Army. We must use the latest technology that we have, develop an air force, a fast and potent navy. Our nation does not require a ground force, we want no wars of conquest, any war we would fight would be to incapacitate an enemy of freedom. Thus naval and air forces reduce both our lost manpower as well as our potency to disable our enemies rather than overrun them."
"I understand that Admiral, but that requires money." said Sully "We have Communists to catch, we have houses to rebuild, roads and rail-lines to construct, agriculture to improve. Security is important, but there is just no money. We have to figure out a way to make money and resources for these projects without dropping them alltogether."
"Yes, I agree Security does need more money." said Adolphus "We are very low on capabilities as it is, if you wish to catch these guys money has to be there, it won't work any other way Mr. President."
Churchill rubbed his temples "Ugh, now I know why Metternich did what he did. Listen, we can't raise taxes anymore, because right now we've pushed them too far up, and we're still lowering our scientific research to open up room. I'm afraid making it any higher would cause rioting." he looked up "We need a new form of income."
"Well sir, as we've suggested we should Federally support international corporations, to foster trade, which brings in taxes." said Vice President Alessi.
"And do what? Leave Athens full of potholes and trash heaps?" asked Franco.
"What else would you suggest Admiral?" she said "You know, this isn't your area of knowledge, it doesn't involve guns, drugs or women who you aren't married to."
"Jesus!" exclaimed Churchill "Adriana, please, we're not here for our personal qualms we have a job."
"I'm just sick of this sh*t, these guys did the same thing when I was in the service, they think the entire nation revolves around our military." she said shaking her head "With all due respect sir, we brought a Security Advisor, an Intelligence Official and a f*cking Sailor to determine what we should do about our current crisis!"
"She's right, this is ridiculous." said the President "Trying to take a stand in world events has only alienated us, its time for an isolationist approach, one that does not rely on the military as much as this one did."
Franco slouched in his seat "I had no clue I was here so we can all pat our asses about how wrong we are. Look, this is a military situation. When the non-military officials make a decision we have to answer for it, they decided to make a buck off of the Israeli's books. Guess what? We were called up, we had to go scurrying back to our safehouses in Africa because of that. Now what? We're ignored again." he shook his head "The power rested in the military, that's why Metternich and Pagniacci were so successful in rebuilding this country from what the Fascists did to it..."
October 1, 2001, 21:36
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Letter from Eurokorps to President Churchill
Eurokorps Domestic Office
1500 Maynard Street
Paris, France
TO: Mr. Winston Churchill, President of the European Union.
FROM: Commander Igor Grozny, Eurokorps.
Dear Commander in Chief,
The following is a report of activity conducted by Eurokorps Brigades during the occupation of the Sudan following the hostilities of the Israeli-Mali War;
The first "incursion" we encountered were Zulu units west of the Sudanese capital Al-Kush. These units were boarding a transport in the Red Sea, despite this we let them know that we were there and kindly asked them to depart. They complied without any resistance. It is my personal opinion that they were leaving anyway, and may not even have recieved our message as no verbal or written response was proffered.
The second were Israeli units occupying northern Sudan, they were promptly told to head back towards Egypt. They stated that they would not be a problem and would rather stay in the area, when it was discovered that Israeli forts were just miles north of their position we asked that they relocate to those areas and they complied without problems.
No Mali units were encountered during the stay.
WAAR and the Zulus offered the services of their divisions towards the effort. The Zulus offered a regiment of infantry which were most helpful in securing the area of "Northern Chad," the Israeli nomads who still used spears (!) offered their support as well, this unit was disbanded in Ft. Leopold and reassigned a new position in our Alpine division.
From our nation three Alpine Brigades skilled in desert tactics were used to patrol. One of which headed east towards the Red Sea for possible straggling units from Mali and WAAR as well as a possible Zulu insurrection of the peace treaty, none of which was experienced. The other two were headed towards the Benin Basin where reports of tresspass and actual gunfights between Isrealies and Mali were recieved, as well as northern Africa respectively. The Zulu brigade escorted the Israeli soldiers in Sudan to their forts.
Upon the announcement of a possible attack from WAAR following the Khurdistan crisis, all units were ordered to return to Ft. Leopold and Al-Kush to avoid any ambushes. Thus our units never arrived in northern Africa or the Benin Basin.
The following is a political map of the situation following the War, involved alliances and other information is provided on this map:
<img src="">
Thank you for your time sir, I bid you a pleasant day.
Commander of Eurokorps,
Igor Grozny
October 2, 2001, 08:01
Local Time: 22:50
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WAAR High Council
" I tire already of the burden of leadership Madam Sarah, I now know why you so quickly withdrew."
"Yes Roberto, it isnt all beer and skittles being head of the most hated nation in the world"
"I always thought that was the Adriatics, but since their reformation into the European Union they have grown in stature in the eyes of the world. What must we do to achieve the same?"
"I think nothing we could ever do save self mutilation would please the world and even that would upset the ones who would rather they got the pleasure" she spat.
"Yes, we have been regarded as a rogue nation ever since Sun Tzu broke from the Adriatics and joined the Pacific Pact. We have moved away from the Pacific Pact and yet still the Zulus and EU regard us with distrust. Will our citizens ever know peace Sarah?"
"Probably not Roberto, the Mali are now our main enemy and they spread propoganda like a fire, and much faster than we can put out that fire with the water of truth. We are no match for their propogandists. "
"You are right there Madam, we struggle to keep news getting out to the world and ven when we get it out, we get no response from the world to know if it was effective."
"So your next plan Roberto?"
"Total isolationism. It is not where I wanted to head, but we have been forced into it."
"Isolationism?? What does that entail?"
"We shall no longer be involved in worldly affairs, we shall not hinder nor help others in their struggles. We hear of the Aussies apaprently researching to discover a way of this world. Whislt we too would love to get away from it all, we will not hinder nor help them. We also will not help others who's aim is clearly to attack the Aussies if they try to launch to space. We also will not hinder them by joining the Aussie side. We shall sit back and watch"
"But is that not likely to incur the wrath of the EU and the Zulus, they will claim not helping them is tantamount to helping the Aussies."
"We shall protect our own, and no one else"
"But Roberto--- "
"I have spoken Madam Sarah, the WAAR will close all national borders, the only exception being the transportation of Trade Commodities in or out"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 2, 2001, 08:54
Local Time: 22:50
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OOC - archive of HOTW threads
I saw OZZy asking about the HOTW threads in Apollton General and he was informed to save them himslef, I have taken this task upon myself and will save all the HOTW threads , then I will clean them up a little to remove all the Crappy OOC comments and then send them to Drake for inclusion on the home page.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 2, 2001, 08:57
Local Time: 08:50
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Yaounde, Africa: Zulu discussions of the Mali Nation
<b>Mayor Jina Tattu</B>: General Shakeem, the people of my city are scared. They have never been so close to war before. It has never hit so close to home. We are only several miles from the Mali front and we saw the smoke in the distance when the Mali cities were hit by artillery. Our relief workers have seen scenes of great carnage and gore. There are hundreds, if not thousands of Mali refugees living on the outskirts of town, as you must have seen upon your arrival. We have the necessary provisions to feed them currently, but in time our surplus will run out. These people need their homes back and they need them now.
<B>General Shakeem</b>: Agreed Mayor, these people must be allowed to return home, but their leader is making it very difficult for them to do so. The Israelis have a firm grip on Northern Africa and I say the Mali should let them keep it. But they <i>have</i> to negotiate the return of everything south of the Sahara, particularly Timbuktu. Their government will never again have stability until the Capitol can be re-established. The Israelis want the Mali colonies in America and are willing to deal for them with African holdings. So why won't the Mali deal? Intelligence reports that the Mali's American holdings are small and un-developed. SO why the attachment?
<B>Foreign Minister Kaliid</b>: Shakeem, the Mali's pride has been extensively bruised. They have, in many senses of the word, been conquered. The Mali no doubt feel very resentful towards Israel. The Israelis surround them in Africa and they surround them in America. Israel wants America for their own and the Mali are refusing to give into this demand, not because it makes sense, but because it is further submitting to Israeli dominance. By accepting the Israelis demands, they probably feel as though they would be kneeling down to them as a slave would. Though I can understand this perspective, they need to be realistic and do what is best for their people. And that is getting back their African holdings. For such a small nation, they just cannot afford to be split in half. They need to consolidate and cut their losses.
<B>General Shakeem</b>: Obviously easier said than done though. The Mali are stubborn as hell and their pride is enormous. But we must figure out some sort of way to help persuade the Mali to do what is best, not only for them, but for Africa and for the west. We will keep our peace with Israel and abide by our cease fire, but that does not change the fact that we don't like or want them on our continent. America is foreign soil, tainted by many many people. Africa has always been pure of outside influence save the Nile Basin and we would like to see the outsiders leave as soon as possible. Let the damn Jews have America I say. Kaliid, you will be leaving for Nigeria on Thursday to meet with the Mali's temporary head council. Please do the best that you can. It is essential that Africa be restored.
<B>Foreign Minister Kaliid</b>: I will do my best General. Though I fear that the Mali's stubborness will continue. I have a proposition for you Shakeem. I believe the Mali are sick of hearing only words from us. If we were to offer some incentive, however slight to persuade the Mali, perhaps they would agree to the Israeli deal. The province of Skopje on the island of Greenland is a great outpost for trading in the Northern Seas, but it's strategic value that we had once anticipated hasn't been realized. Though it will not bring the Mali any glory, it is a good sized city that can accomodate many of the homeless Mali refugees. It could be a new beginning for many Mali people. What do you think General, do you authorize my proposition?
<b>General Shakeem</b>: I find that to be a most adequate idea Kaliid. Put it on the table. See if the Mali will deal. Good luck.
<b>Mayor Jina Tattu</B>: Good luck minister.
Kaliid nodded his head and left......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
October 2, 2001, 11:11
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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ooc - first attempt at Archive of threads
ok Drake, I have jsut run through HOTW part 1 .. please check it out and let me know if it looks ok, then i will do the other parts..
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; October 2, 2001 at 15:42.
October 2, 2001, 11:35
Local Time: 08:50
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Thanks for helping raz
Good work.
Keep sending the pages and I will make sure they will all get up.
I've set the ones you sent up on a simple page:
<a href=""></a>
This will ensure that the posts are in an easily accessable area. I'll link it to the front page too.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
October 2, 2001, 15:40
Local Time: 22:50
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
just did some reformating and added new pages Drake not sure if the formatiing will work on your webwsite !
D/L the new file as attached above ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 2, 2001, 16:55
Local Time: 12:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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The outskirts of Moscow, Russia; European Union...
<img src="">
The Guard looked curiously at the arrest records, Vladimir Lenin stood looking down at them himself. He could not believe that he was under arrest, that his civil rights were being violated; it was so perfect he thought, the people would see this and know the error of their ways.
"Alright Vlady, gimme your hands." said the officer grabbing his handcuffed hands and running their fingers on an ink pad.
"You know, one day you'll praise me." said Lenin, staring down at the ink pad, his strong jaw and brow jutting fiercly forward.
"Hah, the day you get me a day off from this dump is the day I praise your ass, c'mon, whipe your hands off." replied the Guard.
"That's exactly what I'll do, get you away from this dump..."
October 2, 2001, 23:37
Local Time: 06:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
Emergency council session
an undisclosed location in Accra
Presiding: Rashid binHakeem
Attending: Jabar Mouhmet
Akien Mwandu
Rasheeda Johnson
Claude DeBlule
Rashid: Gentlemen, lady (a nod to Rasheeda). Too long have the Mali people suffered from a loss of leadership; as a people we have been not only been decimated but demoralized. We five, representing our respective regions albeit without any authorization at all, have decided someone must take up the mantle to try to salvage what we can for the Mali people or decide to just give it up as hopeless and allow ourselves to be partitioned and cease to exist as a nation. Akien and I have been in En Nahud talking with our Zulu allies, and they are very anxious that someone take control and resume some form of government for the Mali. So let us talk amongst ourselves and see if we cannot arrive at a plan of action.
Akien: The Zulu leadership has been urging us to accept some form of the so-called Chinese Peace Plan --
Rasheeda: What?! Just turn over all the Mali in America to the hated WAAR? This is your leadership? To betray 1/3 of our remaining population and make them slaves?
Claude: Shut up, Rasheeda! The American Malis were already spreading dissension and revolutionary talk about becoming "free" from the motherland. Well, here's their chance. They can just concentrate on freeing themselves from WAAR instead of from the rest of US. (a glare to Rashid). Those of us on the Mediterranean never wanted to be separate -- if it means we get back our Med ports, why not? We no longer even have the capability to transport people and goods from here to there anyway-- don't you realize not one ship remains to us? Of course you do; that's why you're here instead of in New Timbuktu.
Jabar: But Claude, she has a point. Even without transoceanic access, America produces a huge amount of what trade we still produce. Even if we get back our African cities, they will have been raped and pillaged...if we get them back after WAAR has looted them, how are we to sustain ourselves?
Akien: Well, we could make that conditional as part of the transfer: that they return them with their infrastructure intact, just as we would leave the American cities as they are with the infrastructure they have.
Claude: Most of the infrastructure of the region still exists, though I hear there are rogue partisans in the desert pillaging the railroads. I believe we can get by until they get back on their feet. The Med ports and many of the cities on the southern coast can be productive for us again once we have them back.
Rashid: the damn WAAR is not even taking care of them -- they are just using them as factories to generate wealth for themselves. Have you not seen the pollution around Timbuktu? And they do not even care! And they have the gall to rename them! Damn, it sticks in my craw to have to deal with them at all!
Akien: No doubt, Rashid. We've all heard your hotheaded proclamations about what the Mali will or will not ever do, even though you have nothing whatsoever to back it up with. And what has it gotten us? Now we have Europeans roaming all over Africa, occupying Central Africa and policing the place while WAAR does basically whatever they want to, anyway. And though the Jews talk a good game in the world media on their willingness to be concilitory and work out a peace, they have done nothing but demand. Spies have been reported, too -- mark my words, we will lose more yet through bribery in the years to come if we do not do something.
Jabar: That has been internationally proscribed for centuries! Surely the world would not let them get away with that?
Claude: The damn world doesn't care, Jabar! That has been amply proven: didn't you hear of Dakar?
Rasheeda: The Malis in America will never accept being turned over to WAAR.
Akien: Well, then that would be WAAR's problem, wouldn't it? It's not like we're giving them a vote on it, anyway. Once the deal is done, they can accept their new place or they can do something about it themselves. War has not touched them with the heavy hand Africa has had to deal with.
Jabar: Well, then, if we agree to an exchange of all the Mali cities in America for the return of all African cities, what about the two cities the Europeans still hold?
Akien: With peace established, and the WAAR presence removed from Africa, there would no longer be a reason for them to remain in Africa.
Claude: What about Egypt? WAAR has stated they will never again agree to live within "striking" distance of any Mali. And you know they are not going to include Egypt in any exchange; not when it gives them control of both sides of the Suez Canal and they claim an ancient right to it.
Jabar: And what about military attached to these cities? You know WAAR will never turn over any troops based in these cities, and since we have no way to transport any American troops or engineers from America to here, we would be basically enlarging their army for them.
Akien: We could work out an exchange on that, too. They could reimburse us unit for unit what they gain in America to sustain our homelands against possible incursion by any other country that might seek to take advantage of our weakness, and/or give us back our engineers there. I believe there's only a couple of divisions left of them anyway. Any others they have could be withdrawn to Egypt within a prescribed time. And maybe they would agree to a mutually fortified border outside Egypt. That might be a sticking point -- but I don't think they really want the Europeans to stay in Central Africa anymore than we do, and the cities EU controls are not really geoprahically located all that well as a shield for Egypt against anyone but the Zulus.
Rashid: Maybes! This is useless talk. WAAR will only ever agree to what suits them, and they show no sign whatsoever of any kind of discuussion -- only demands. They spread propaganda that they show their willingness to negotiate because they have withdrawn troops into respective cities -- like that makes any difference when those troops are still only hours away from any city on the continent by rail! The Zulus talk and talk and talk, urging peace and a unified West, but what have we seen from them? Words. You can draw up whatever fancy documents you want, Akien, but unless they return Timbuktu to us as a sign they recognize us as a people to be negotiated with instead of rabble to be stomped upon it's all just useless talk and nothing will be accomplished. And if that's the case, they can just deal with rabble. All the west can deal with rabble. OK, maybe I shot my mouth off about my unwillingness to give up America -- it's MY home, after all; but unless we are negotiating in Mali-controlled Timbuktu, the world can go to hell in a handbasket as far as I'm concerned.
Jabar: I agree with Rashid on this. Return Timbuktu or nothing. Hard enough to back down from some fool declaring 'never' but this should be non-negotiable before we agree to work out any kind of settlement. And intact! War may have accounted for some damage, but Timbuktu had alot of city improvements, not to mention our national Wonders, what few we had.
Claude: That's right, Akien. Unless WAAR returns Timbuktu to us, we are not a people at all, and their failure to do so illustrates all to well to the rest of the world we were right all along when we say they show no willingness to negotiate with us. And I don't call giving EU African cities negotiating with us, either, despite what they say. Especially after they turn around and start squabbling with each other immediately afterwards.
Akien: (heavy sigh) What about you, Rasheeda?
Rasheeda:Why ask me? I was told to shut up! I categorically decry ANY plan that includes betraying American Mali to WAAR. Rashid should stand up to his original proclamations -- who is going to take you seriously now if you go back on a stand you insisted was unequivacol? Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say after you renege on that 'read my lips' crap?
Akien: So, what's your counterproposal, Rasheeda? No one has ever come up with any other plan; WAAR has always been greedy for land in the first place and they are not going to just give us back Africa because we say "oops, sorry" after Chaka went and played right into their hands! Don't get me wrong, I think Chaka was absolutely right in her assessment;however, I believe the outcome would probably have been the same, except her plan didn't work so we come off as the aggressors. If she'd have just let it alone, when the inevitable came at least the world could have been witness to WAAR's true colors
Claude: (snorts) Big deal! Screw world opinion -- it's not like it means anything! Blah, blah, blah. What are any of them going to do? They all have their own concerns, and it isn't what happens here.
Akien: Except the Zulu....
Rashid: The Zulu have a vested interest only in the proximity of it all. They just want it to go away so they can continue their world posturing; that's why they want us to make a peace regardless of how poorly the Mali come off. If we would just sit here until the end of time and meekly submit to anything WAAR or EU decrees, that would suit them just as well, as long as they do not have to be bothered with it. Which is why all we get from them is talk.
Akien: Still, they are the only ones who give us even that. They are all that speak for us to the rest of the world, harsh as it is. But I will pass this through the diplomatic channels. I may work up some notes on what we have come up with here, just in case, even though I personally think it's hopeless. But I guess we can at least come away with a general consensus that we may be willing after all to consider negotiations along the lines of the Chinese plan but that nothing whatsoever will come but anarchy and more war and upheaval unless Timbuktu is returned.
Raheeda stands so violently her chair crashes over backwards to the floor. She fixes them with a cold glare and declares:
"Well, I will NOT be party to any of this!"
And with that, she stalks from the room, slamming the door. The men watch with some bemusement and cocked eyebrows amongst themselves.
Jabar: What do you think she will do? Swim over to America and stir them up to arms?
Claude: Who cares? She could always travel east far enough to book passage on a Chinese ship if she wants to get there so bad. Let her do what she will. If we strike a peace, it makes no difference because what will America do anyway should we decide to concede it to WAAR? Any trouble they cause would be WAAR's worry. And if not, it matters even less, for there will be no Mali at all anyway.
On that note, they all solemnly looked at each other and then rose and went their separate ways.
Last edited by belinda9; October 2, 2001 at 23:49.
October 3, 2001, 06:54
Local Time: 22:50
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Somewhere in Sudan
"See the engineers have committed themselves to a complete rebuild of the ancient city Commander Keen. The rail is already completed from Egypt and more supplies wil larrive soon."
"You have done well Mathew, how goes the rebuilding in Mali territory?"
"We have repaired all the buildings that can be repaired and removed the desolated buildings. Once those Proud Mali people finally agree to peace they should be pleased with how we hav elooked after their beuatiful citys. Not like the way the EU dealt with Khurdistan."
"Yes we are similar to the Mali in that we value honesty in handling the conquered territories."
"We still have lack of Engineering Units to complete the Rail line and remove the pollution that is coming from the Mali territories. "
"Yes I cant understand how they let them citys grow so big without adequate pollutiion control. And now the pollution is spreading all over Africa. Our African Engineers had been based in Egypt and Sudan and so we lost them all in the war. Hopefully once we hand them all over to the Mali they can utilise whats left of their Engineers to work on the pollution."
"Any word on peace Commander?"
"Not yet Mathew, hopefully your sons will be home by Christmas though, i hope so for my own daughter too."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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