Special units, golden ages (one more)
I decided to start a new thread about civ-specific units and golden ages (after reading a lot of posts regarding this topic)
Here are some of my ideas:
a) Special units:
I like the idea of special units, but why are they strictly bound to the civs ?
I would suggest that:
The player can choose WHEN he wants to use a special unit (one time per game only)!
Example: If you have a good opportunity to crush your neighbour (or are attacked by your enemy) right at the start of the game,
you can "activate" your special unit early in the game:
Because you have not discovered a lot of techs until then you can choose only between the "bowman","war chariot" or "impi" as your special unit (selection depends on what you have discovered so far).
Or you decide to try to survive the situation with the standard units only and save your "activate-your-special-unit" bonus for the endgame (to crush your enemies with Panzers/F-15's then ?!)
This way:
i) Special units support each players play style.
ii) Special units would not be tied to one civ only and there would be the possibility of "German War chariots" and "Egyptian F-15's". (i like the idea)
iii) If (for example) the Zulu nation starts on an island, they will
probably wait for the "Man-o-war" special unit technology and are not forced to get nowhere with an impi 3500 B.C.
b) Golden ages:
I also would give players the option to choose what they want to happen during their golden age:
Increased production OR increased happiness OR increased research OR (*put your ideas here*) for 20 turns.
So both warmongers and peacekeepers could support their style of play.
I must admit that I have not found a satisfying "golden-age-trigger" yet, I will only note some thoughts here: (feel free to discuss)
i) I am not happy with the "attack-another-civ" solution: Its sounds babaric and opposes the whole culture idea (= how to win with fewer (without) wars).
ii) I foresee the day when I will encounter a Zulu player in multiplay who keeps his impi until 1980, kills a diplomat then and triggers his golden age.
iii) If you can choose WHEN you will make use of your special unit (above idea) why not choose WHEN to trigger your golden age also?
iv) Must the golden age be "connected" to the special unit ? Why not a early golden age and a late special unit ?
Never mind the dog, beware of the owner !