Hey all, its nice to check back here and see there is an announced release date

I would like to know about a few things that might be known about the new game/engine. These things are just for my curiosity.. I will buy/play the game regardless of the answers, but still I'd be interested in knowing beforehand.
In Civ2 there were certain variabletypes used (bytes/ints) to hold the amount of items there were in the game. Like nr of cities, units and money. Another one was the max population count, which was put in an integer.
Because of these types used, there was a maximum value that could be handled.. max cities/units/etc was 255, max population 320.000.000 (i think!). For 'normal' play.. winning the game long before those numbers were reached, this never became a 'problem'.
For the never-ending-builders (like me) this was annoying, esp the pop max.
Then came CTP (and 2) and there things were done quite differently: no more could one build endless things, but just an amount based on your goverment type. This should have made the micromanagement 'easier'.. but in my opinion was just plain silly.
I am one of those Civvers that LIKE to MICROMANAGE

Okay, my questions about Civ3 are: is it known if, and if yes how what, there are limits to the numbers of pop/cities/money a player can have?
I'd like to be able to 'win' a game, and then keep on playing way past 2100 ad.. to a point where the entire planet is covered with ppl

. And be challenged by pollutions and other problems.. not be limited by too narrow variables that just don't allow for higher numbers.
I apologise to you if this question in some form was here already, but since I don't check these boards every day, I think its interesting to know.