Firaxis!! Three weeks from the site openning and the screenshots are the SAME!
By the way....
I'm very interested in know how many city types are,
I believe that there are 5 cultural types:
Native American, Classical, Bronze Age, European Medieval and Oriental.
And 2 extra types: Industrial and Modern.
But the problem is that some types are used by some civs, and another ones not, the city evolution could be customable for each civ? I propose the following basic types:
1.- Barracks,
2.- Grecorroman Classical,
3.- Oriental,
4.- Precolombian,
5.- Mesopotamia-Egypt (Monolitical Bronze Age),
6.- European Middle Age,
7.- Arabian Classical-Middle Age,
8.- Renaissance-Colonial,
9.- Industrial,
10.- Modern.
For example, Aztecs could be:
Barracks -> Precolombian -> Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial Modern.
Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians:
Barracks -> Mesopotamia -> Arabian Classical - Middle Ages -> Industrial -> Modern.
Barracks -> Mesopotamia -> Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial -> Modern.
Greeks, Romans:
Barracks -> Grecorromans Classical -> Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial -> Modern. (Italians/Romans and Greeks haven't truly "castles", more renaissance palaces!!)
Chinese, Japanese:
Barracks -> Oriental -> Industrail -> Modern. (China probably without Industrial, its development is really fast and modern)
Iroquois, Zulus:
Barracks -> Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial (??) -> Modern (??)
Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial -> Modern (They haven't any castle! No castles and NO CLASSICAL TEMPLES!! Washington City Rome-copy Style isn't the basis of all american cities!!!)
French, Germans, Russians, English:
Barracks -> European Middle-Age -> Renaissance-Colonial -> Industrial -> Modern
I believe that this model is more realistic, not all the civs have the same architechture evolution!!!
Seeing your (OLD!!!) screenshots I think that you have the same idea, is correct?