another stupid AI trick - UN location
Diety, restless, 7 civs, no restart. medium real world map. Its 1912. Im zulus, only other survivors are Aztecs and French.
My empire includes my home base of Africa, southern europe, the conquered persian empire (Greece to Southeast Asia) and Brazil, which ive colonized against intermittent Aztec opposition.
Me and the French are tied for Supreme. We're both in demo. tight tech race. French empire sprawls from France to Pacific coast of Russia.
I was about to found a city in central China (reaching out from my ex-Persian city in southeast asia) when he stops this with a sneak attack, afer centuries of peace (for him, not for me,ive just finished conquering the Persians). OK so far.
Meanwhile Ive sent a spy on a transport to explore Australia, look for huts, city sites. what does she find but a French city on the east coast (roughly Sydney). Well thats not so unusual. She investigates it. A couple of units, a couple of improvements, and ....... the UN!!!!!!!!
Sitting out there all by its lonesome, isolated from the rest of the French empire!!!!!!! A WOW that is at the core of their "strategy".
Now its just a question of whether I can assemble an assault force before the UN forces a ceasefire.
Perhaps there is a way to keep them fighting by offering fat targets? Or just do the usual provocations to restart the war.
Lord of the Mark