March 4, 2001, 01:31
What unit is your "offensive call"
For me, my major offense comes with knights since chariots are simply not powerful enough and legion's move of 1 does not help. I usually take over most of the world with cavalry with ironclads or frigates. What about you?
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"The seeds of evil are the the same seeds of greatness so be evil and be great."
March 4, 2001, 01:43
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my main offensive unit is the dragoon. its not as good as the calvary but by the time i get it im ready to kick butt, and i usually have leo's so they upgrade to calvary when i get the proper advance
March 4, 2001, 02:01
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For minor aggression like trimming back a neighboring AI civ that is getting too big for its britches, the key for me is the diplomat. The ability to co-opt the forces (and cities) of your enemy is crucial, no matter what time period!
Of course, it is wise to back up the diplomat with combat units, but anything greater than warriors works as I usually bribe the big guns away from the enemy. I mean, why take the time to march a legion or roll a catapult all the way to the enemy, when they're already there, and soon to be in my service?
Now, when it is time for large-scale "cleanse the Earth" style total warfare, I tend to wait for tanks. Can you say blitzkrieg???
Of course, spies are a big part of my strategy in modern warfare as well. Aside from convincing enemy units of the superior benefits of citizenship in my civilization, my agents are crucial in sabotaging the fortifications of my enemies immediately before attack. And I love to smuggle in the occasional nuke...
March 4, 2001, 08:04
I'm hardly expanding on enemy territory at all... so if I'm actually going to attack, I'm using Tank and Artillery units. War before Industrial Age is for morons
March 5, 2001, 11:04
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vet Crusaders preferably backed by Ironclads do it for me - I guess I'm a moron
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
March 5, 2001, 12:36
That was a joke!
March 5, 2001, 12:47
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I’ve got to agree with Juggler_Bob about diplomats. So cheap and so versatile. Inciting revolts in unhappy cities is the easiest way to conquer AI territory early in the game. Bribing strong AI and barbarian attackers is the easiest way to defend. What more could you ask for? The ability to steal techs and to sabotage, I suppose.
March 5, 2001, 14:36
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Even when I'm in a "World Domination" game where I undertake to mop up six
AI civs, I seldom attack before the advent of Armour, and modern warships
i.e. after elecrity. I have so little faith in the effectiveness of anything earlier, after witnessing the AI's lack of success 'gainst 2 fortified Phalanxes/musketeers/fanatics, progressively, defending my cities.
I then bombard coastal cities with Aggies stacked to the skies, after slipping in a spy, or two, to dismantle any coastal fortresses, sending in the only troops able to enter a city from the sea - the marine, surprisingly despised by some posters - to mop up.
I approach inland cities with, in my retinue, a settler/engineer to build a fort neath the AI walls, while my tanks "rest" after their rumble across country, more spies, this time to knock down city walls (I used to have 'em poison the populace before I noticed that, in the end, there was no city left to take!)After that, it's tanks and howitzers, well stacked, and attacking, in turn, I hate to lose even one unit, so I'm careful not to let any overdo, blackening their shield. For the immediate garrison, I leave most of the attacking force in place, those AI partisans can launch a surprisingly strong counter -attack, sometimes. Later, I man the ramparts with cheap fanatics, too, I usaally wait til Fundy (SoL) before I go on the warpath.Altho I do have this thing about another unit derided within Apolyton, flying paras over to permanently garrison, behind my spearheads -highly handy to float them over 10 squares, free of forts, AI, rough terrain, and the like
At a pinch, I'll use mech infantry for attack, and defence...I've found them excellent for both, and cheaper, too.
March 5, 2001, 15:35
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Crusaders are my primary offensive unit in the early game. I generally research Mono way before Chivalry so the timeframe during which Knights come into play is quite limited.
My usual end game involves dozens of vet Cavalry and diplomats/spies, as those are usually enough to subdue cities that are defended by musketeers.
March 5, 2001, 16:47
Local Time: 18:53
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Posts: 267
I'm with Scouse Gits and Everyman. If I'm playing a take-over-the-world game, the advent of crusaders is my "call to arms".
George Garrett,
You're right, the AI does very poorly against a couple of good defenders. But that's due to it's strategy (or lack thereof). If you send in a bunch of attackers you can have great success even against four or more defenders. The trick is have many, many attackers (think barbarian pirate landing). If you come from a perfectionist "I'll wait until I have modern units so as not to have many casualties" mindset like I did - then prepare yourself for big losses with this strategy. With 2 or 3 to 1 odds in your favor, crusaders can even take out fortified musketeers (once the city walls are down).
Of course city bribing as Juggler_Bob suggests is a very clean and cheap alternative. And ironclads ignore city walls...
March 5, 2001, 19:54
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I have two different periods of offensives generally. The first begins when I discover Monotheism and build Crusaders. I attempt to overrun as many of the AI civs as possible with my Caravel/Frigate-Crusader army.
Once gunpowder and conscription are achieved by the AI civs though, their Musketeers and Rifleman can stop many units during their respective time periods, especially if augmented by veteran status and city walls. So I become a pseudo-expansionist (settler expansion) and perfectionist to develop high-production capacity. My next call to arms arrives with the advent of Mobile Warfare. I begin turning out Armor units, supplemented by Battleships and Fighters for that last push to conquer what remains of the AI civs
One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not skillful. Subduing the other's military without battle is skillful.
Sunzi, The Art of War
March 5, 2001, 21:32
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I usually play a perfectionist game, so my "call to arms" usually doesn't arrive until well into the modern age. I do, however, maintain three veteran defenders and two veteran offensive units in all of my cities, no matter the time, just in case the AI decides to get nasty early on. My capital city is usually even more fortified — four veteran defenders along with two to four offensive divisions.
When I do go to war, though, it's on a massive scale. It usually involves aramadas of warships, hundreds of armor and howitzer divisions along with strike groups of aircraft and choppers. I've even created a special division — Elite Corps — to add a bit more spice to the game. Also gave artillery the ability to blast over city walls.
In fact, here's a log of my latest game (I must warn you, though, that my emotions got a little rough at the end, particularly when the SIOUX began using thermonuclear weapons:
4000 BC — AZTEC nation founded with establishment of TENOCHTITLAN.
1950 BC — Settlers establish TEOTIHUACAN.
1250 BC — Monarchy ascends to power among AZTECS.
1000 BC — AZTECS, AMERICA make contact; sign peace treaty.
...AZTECS, AMERICA exchange technology.
0550 BC — AZTECS, SIOUX make contact; sign peace treaty.
0500 BC — AZTECS build Colossus in TENOCHTITLAN.
0125 BC — Golden Age of Philosophy begins in AZTEC city of TEOTIHUACAN.
0140 AD — AMERICA builds Hanging Gardens in BOSTON.
0160 AD — Settlers establish TLATELOLCO.
0220 AD — AZTECS, AMERICA exchange maps and technology.
0300 AD — Settlers establish TEXCOCO.
0600 AD — AMAZONS build Lighthouse in THEMISCYRA.
0600 AD — AZTECS builds Marco Polo's Embassy in TENOCHTITLAN.
0660 AD — ZULUS build Pyramids in ISANDHLWANA.
...VIKINGS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
0680 AD — AZTECS, AMERICA exchange technology.
0700 AD — VIKINGS build Copernicus Observatory in TRONDHEIM.
0860 AD — ZULUS build Great Wall in ZIMBABWE.
0880 AD — AZTECS, CELTS make contact; exchange technology.
0940 AD — SIOUX build Oracle in LITTLE BIGHORN.
0960 AD — AZTECS, VIKINGS make contact; sign peace treaty.
...AZTECS, VIKINGS exchange technology.
...CELTS declare war on AZTECS; former refused to pay tribute.
...Sacking of CARMETHEN ends independence of CELTS. They are now nothing
more than an occupied people whose lands are now VIKING provinces.
1090 AD — AMERICA, SIOUX declare war on each other.
1130 AD — AZTECS build Magellan's Expedition in TENOCHTITLAN.
1150 AD — Settlers establish TLAXCALA.
...AMERICA, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1190 AD — AZTECS exchange maps with SIOUX and AMERICA.
1200 AD — ZULUS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
1220 AD — ZULUS build King Richard's Crusade in ZIMBABWE.
...AZTECS receive 100 gold tribute from AMERICA.
1240 AD — SIOUX build Sun Tzu's War Academy in LITTLE BIGHORN.
1280 AD — AMERICA builds Adam Smith's Trading Company in WASHINGTON.
1300 AD — SIOUX forces wreak havoc as they occupy AMERICA's territory and
sack her cities; so far BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA have fallen.
AZTECS beginning to grow worried about possibility of unfettered SIOUX rule in
all of North America.
...AZTECS, AMERICA exchange technology; AZTECS receive 50 gold tribute as well.
1340 AD — AMAZONS, AMERICA declare war on each other.
1400 AD — AMAZONS, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
...VIKINGS, AMERICA sign cease-fire.
1420 AD — SIOUX sack AMERICA's capital city of WASHINGTON.
...SIOUX execute AMERICA's leaders.
1440 AD — AZTECS receive 100 gold tribute from AMERICA.
...Sacking of CHICAGO reduces AMERICA to shattered, outlying provinces of a new
and sprawling SIOUX empire.
1480 AD — AZTECS build Michelangelo's Chapel in TENOCHTITLAN.
1490 AD — Republic ascends to power among AZTECS.
1500 AD — AZTECS, Sioux exchange maps and technology.
...AZTEC offer of alliance is rebuffed by the SIOUX.
1555 AD — VIKINGS build Leonardo's Workshop in TRONDHEIM.
...VIKINGS' war against AMAZONS going well; two AMAZON cities have been sacked
by VIKING forces thus far. But the war goes on.
1560 AD — Settlers establish CALIXTLAHUACA.
1565 AD — VIKINGS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
1600 AD — AZTECS, SIOUX exchange maps.
1620 AD — VIKINGS, ZULUS declare war on each other.
1630 AD — ZULUS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
1640 AD — ZULUS, AZTECS make contact; sign peace treaty.
...AZTECS ante up 50 gold tribute to placate ZULUS.
1655 AD — AMAZONS, ZULUS sign peace treaty.
1660 AD — SIOUX, ZULUS sign peace treaty.
1665 AD — VIKINGS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
1705 AD — ZULUS, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1710 AD — Settlers establish XOCHICALCO.
1774 AD — SIOUX, ZULUS declare war on each other.
1776 AD — AZTECS, AMAZONS make contact.
1780 AD — VIKINGS build Women's Suffrage in CARDIFF.
1784 AD — AZTECS build Darwin's Voyage in TENOCHTITLAN.
1786 AD — ZULUS build Statue of Liberty in NGOME.
1788 AD — ZULUS build Eiffel Tower in WESTNESS.
1790 AD — ZULUS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
...VIKINGS, SIOUX sign cease-fire.
1796 AD — SIOUX, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1798 AD — AMAZONS, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1804 AD — ZULUS build Shakespeare's Theatre in ZIMBABWE.
1822 AD — AZTECS, SIOUX exchange maps; alliance talks fail again.
...ZULUS, SIOUX sign cease-fire.
1834 AD — AZTECS build United Nations in TENOCHTITLAN.
1836 AD — SIOUX, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1848 AD — AZTECS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
1850 AD — SIOUX, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
1851 AD — Settlers establish TLACOPAN.
...VIKINGS build Isaac Newton's College in UPPSALA.
...AZTECS, SIOUX exchange maps.
1855 AD — VIKINGS, ZULUS declare war on each other.
1858 AD — VIKINGS, SIOUX declare war on each other.
1864 AD — Settlers establish ATZCAPOTZALCO.
1865 AD — AZTECS build J.S. Bach's Cathedral in TEXCOCO.
1867 AD — AZTEC intelligence believes the AMAZONS are destined to join the
CELTS and AMERICA in oblivion. ZULU and SIOUX forces are sacking their cities at
leisure. The AMAZONS are probably regretting falling behind in the tech race.
1871 AD — AMAZONS, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1877 AD — AZTECS build Hoover Dam in TENOCHTITLAN.
1884 AD — AZTECS, SIOUX exchange maps.
1887 AD — VIKINGS sack AMAZON capital of THEMISCYRA and execute leadership.
...AZTEC intelligence reports that the AMAZONS are losing cities rapidly, mainly to
VIKING and ZULU forces. The AMAZONS have only three cities left.
1892 AD — AZTECS, AMAZONS exchange maps; former greased latter's willingness
with payment of 350 gold. AZTECS believe this will be the last contact we have
with the AMAZONS as an independent nation.
1899 AD — ZULUS, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1900 AD — ZULUS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
1901 AD — AZTECS, SIOUX exchange maps.
...AMAZONS, SIOUX sign cease-fire.
1905 AD — Settlers establish TZINTZUNTZEN.
1907 AD — ZULUS, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1913 AD — AZTECS discover Cure for Cancer in TLAXCALA.
1916 AD — VIKINGS, AMAZONS sign cease-fire.
1919 AD — Settlers establish MALINALCO.
1920 AD — ZULUS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
1922 AD — SIOUX build Manhatten Project in WASHINGTON.
1923 AD — VIKINGS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
1925 AD — AZTECS, SIOUX exchange technology.
...Sacking of MILETOS puts AMAZONS out of their misery. Their former lands and
cities are now roughly half divided between the VIKINGS and the ZULUS.
1928 AD — AZTECS build SETI Program in TENOCHTITLAN.
1930 AD — SIOUX build nuclear weapons and show off "prowess" to the AZTECS.
...AZTEC intelligence believes this may be an intimidation effort. If so, it's working
as we have no defense against a nuclear strike. If we're not careful, we might go
the way of AMERICA and become nothing more than outlying provinces of the
sprawling SIOUX empire. Thank goodness for the United Nations.
1932 AD — VIKINGS, SIOUX sign cease-fire.
1937 AD — SIOUX, ZULUS sign peace treaty.
1944 AD — SIOUX, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1952 AD — Engineers establish TULA.
...AZTECS are closing the technology gap with the SIOUX. We hope to be able to
erect SDI defenses as soon as possible. That would close the window to our
vulnerability to nuclear attack from the SIOUX or any other nation.
1954 AD — VIKINGS, SIOUX declare war on each other.
1962 AD — SIOUX forces sack VIKING city of CARDIFF, wresting control of Women's
Suffrage from the VIKINGS. The former capital of the extinct CELTS is something
of a key city, even 962 years after the CELTS were conquered.
1963 AD — ZULUS, VIKINGS sign peace treaty.
1970 AD — VIKINGS, SIOUX sign peace treaty.
1971 AD — ZULUS, VIKINGS declare war on each other.
1976 AD — Engineers establish TAMUIN.
1977 AD — SIOUX build Apollo Program in YELLOWTREE.
1979 AD — AZTEC intelligence notes that SIOUX attitude towards us has chilled big
time as they begin building their starship for eventual landfall on Alpha Centauri.
1981 AD — SIOUX launch starship. Estimate arrival at Alpha Centauri in 1996 AD.
1983 AD — ZULUS sack VIKING city of THEMISCYRA. That city, as all historians well
know, was the capital and heart of the conquered AMAZON culture, which has been
under the heel of her masters since 1925 AD.
1991 AD — ZULU forces roll across VIKING land in southern Europe. Cities have
fallen to or been utterly destroyed by ZULU and VIKING armies.
2005 AD — Fundamentalists seize power among AZTECS.
2010 AD — VIKINGS, SIOUX declare war on each other.
...AZTEC intelligence believes the VIKING empire is well on its way to becoming a
has-been power, if not outright conquered. The ZULUS have taken many VIKING
cities and now the SIOUX have joined the fray. Not a good formula for the future of
an independent VIKING nation.
2011 AD — ZULUS sack VIKING capital of TRONDHEIM. A civil war explodes across
what's left of the VIKING empire, tearing it asunder. When all is said and done, the
rebels have established the ENGLISH nation in many far-flung VIKING cities.
...VIKING government escapes to SKARA.
...ENGLISH establish capital at ODENSE.
2012 AD — ENGLISH, ZULUS declare war on each other.
...SIOUX, ENGLISH declare war on each other.
...Sack of SKARA and execution of VIKING leaders ends independence of VIKINGS.
They join the CELTS, AMAZONS and AMERICA as lands under a conqueror's boot.
2016 AD — ZULUS sack ENGLISH capital of ODENSE. Another civil war erupts as the
tenuous ENGLISH nation is ripped apart. When all is said and done, PERSIA has
emerged into independence.
...PERSIA establishes capital at HOLMGARD.
...ZULUS, PERSIA declare war on each other.
...AZTEC intelligence is a bit stunned at the "uncohesiveness" of the VIKING people.
Other nations have done a fine job of pitting VIKING against VIKING and then taking
them out one by one.
...Sacking of HEDEBY puts another segment of the former VIKING people under the
ZULU yoke.
2019 AD — ZULUS sack PERSIA's capital of HOLMGARD; PERSIA's leaders executed.
2020 AD — SIOUX, PERSIA declare war on each other.
...Sacking and obliteration of NONNEBAKKEN marks end of any remaining free
VIKINGS, no matter their self-serving identification, especially after the fall of
TRONDHEIM. That was when the splintering and bickering began. Well, they're all
under the ZULU and SIOUX heel now. Idiots. The AZTECS will not repeat the errors
of the conquered.
...AZTEC engineers covertly deployed to Africa to prepare landing site for AZTEC
ground combat forces.
2028 AD — AZTEC ground forces deploying to African base. We're preparing for our
move against the ZULUS. Must bring over at least 100 divisions before making our
initial assault into the heart of the ZULU empire.
2034 AD — PAX ZULU descends all across Eurasia. AZTECS are planning to cut that
"peaceful" time short. Very short. We have over 100 offensive divisions deployed
within a covert African base and connected by rail lines to the ZULU empire. Soon,
we shall rip the heart out of the ZULUS!
...AZTECS give SIOUX 6250 gold in order to get them to assault ZULUS as well.
...AZTECS sack NGOME, capturing the Statue of Liberty.
...AZTECS sack ZULU capital of ZIMBABWE. Ensuing civil war tears ZULU empire
apart as AMAZONS reemerge into existence.
...ZULU government reestablishes itself in HLOBANE.
...AZTECS gain control of Shakespeare's Theatre, which was built in ZIMBABWE.
...AMAZONS establish new capital at WESTNESS. It's apparent to AZTEC intelligence
now that the dream of an independent AMAZON nation didn't die with many of the
AMAZON people with the fall of MILETOS in 1925 AD to the ZULUS. They must have
simply "adapted" to life, seemingly assimilated seamlessly into the ZULU empire.
Not so, as AZTEC intelligence discovered. Instead, the AMAZONS have worked with
the conquered VIKINGS; as a result, the resurgent AMAZON nation includes many
former VIKING cities in addition to old AMAZON cities. Former CELTIC cities are
part of the fold as well, although the CELTS themselves really were assimilated
into the VIKING people. After all, the VIKINGS had 1013 years to digest the former
CELTIC people.
...It must be an insult to the AMAZONS, though, that their ancient political and
cultural center of THEMISCYRA remains under the ZULU yoke. Not to mention other
ancient AMAZON cities like ERETRIA, EPHESOS, DELPHI and TROY.
2037 AD — SIOUX, AMAZONS sign peace treaty; sign alliance against ZULUS.
...ZULU counterstrike against AZTECS was weak, to put it mildly. We shall now
resume our crushing advance; soon all of Africa will be part of the AZTEC empire.
...AZTECS sack ISANDHLWANA, wresting control of the Pyramids from the ZULUS.
...AZTECS sack HLOBANE, shattering the ZULU empire again. ZULU citizens living in
many outlying provinces and cities rise up in rebellion. PERSIA emerges anew from
the wreckage of the rebellion.
...ZULUS reestablish capital in EPHESOS.
...PERSIA establishes capital in ICA.
...All of Africa now lies under AZTEC rule! Our combat forces will now turn their
weaponry toward the Middle East and beyond.
...It's utter chaos across the tortured remnants of the ZULU empire. This time,
the sacking of a provincial capital by AZTEC forces prompts another split among
the ZULUS. GERMANS emerges from this split, while the ZULUS have been reduced
to helpless, but enraged, refugees in only three cities.
...Sack of DELPHI by AZTECS catches pitiful remnants of ZULU leadership with
their pants down in brothels. Damn animals. AZTEC forces execute ZULU leaders
to help the hookers save face with their new rulers; namely, the AZTECS!
...A third and final schism occurs as some ZULUS desperately rename themselves
ROMANS and try to pass off as a new nation. Whatever. AZTEC forces will put an
end to the ROMANS soon enough.
...AZTEC intelligence is absolutely stunned. Never in our wildest dreams did we
imagine that the ZULUS would break apart like they did after the fall of their
imperial center in ZIMBABWE. Well, they're no more and we rule the old heartlands
of the ZULUS. They shall enjoy the taste of our boot as outlying provinces!
...AZTECS, GERMANS sign peace treaty. GERMAN leaders are based in PUCURA.
...AZTECS, PERSIA sign peace treaty.
...PERSIA, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
...PERSIA, GERMANS declare war on each other.
...PERSIA, SIOUX declare war on each other.
...GERMANS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
2040 AD — AMAZONS, SIOUX cancel their alliance.
...The world once again is populated by competing nations instead of monolithic
blocs. AZTEC intelligence likes that, for it's a world where only them and the
SIOUX are true superpowers.
2042 AD — PERSIA, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
2043 AD — GERMANS, AMAZONS sign peace treaty.
2051 AD — GERMANS, AMAZONS declare war on each other.
2052 AD — AZTEC covert operations incite GERMAN-occupied THEMISCYRA to rebel
against its rulers. Effort is successful and now the heart of the AMAZONS belongs
to the AZTEC empire. We shall care for her gently. Really. We like AMAZONS. That
is, unless the bastards decide to attack us. Then it's holy war.
2056 AD — AMAZONS, SIOUX declare war on each other.
2061 AD — PERSIA, SIOUX sign cease-fire.
2064 AD — PERSIA, GERMANS sign peace treaty.
2070 AD — AZTEC intelligence cannot help but notice how the new AMAZONS seem
bent on remembering the past. They have established new cities, but carrying the
names of their ancient cities, many of which have been destroyed over the passing
centuries or remain under foreign rule. We wonder if they, too, will repeat the
mistakes of the past.
2073 AD — AMAZONS use nuclear weapons on SIOUX city of CUNAXA.
2077 AD — AZTECS attack GERMANS.
...Sacking of PUCURA puts end to GERMANS' independence. They shall be reunited
with their ZULU brethren under the AZTEC heel!
2077 AD — AZTECS attack PERSIA.
...AZTECS sack PERSIA's capital of ICA.
...PERSIA's leaders escape to COTOPACHI.
...PERSIA's leaders retreat to last holdout in LURIN.
2080 AD — AMAZONS, SIOUX sign peace treaty.
...AZTEC forces finally take last of PERSIA's redoubts. Sacking of LURIN puts end
to independence of PERSIA. They shall now be reunited with their ZULU and
GERMAN brethren under the boot of the AZTEC empire!
2088 AD — AMAZONS, SIOUX declare war on each other.
2091 AD — Engineers establish TEAYO.
2096 AD — AZTECS attack AMAZONS.
...Frightening rate of AMAZON expansion brings about snap decision by AZTECS. We
hope it won't end up being a rash one that costs us.
...AZTEC forces roll through the southernmost provinces of the AMAZONS. We've
also managed to sack a few of their cities deep in Eurasia. We are now taking aim
at their capital city, WESTNESS.
...AZTEC forces sack AMAZON capital of WESTNESS; we wrest control of the
Eiffel Tower away from the AMAZONS.
...AMAZON leadership reestablishes capital in KAUPANG.
...AZTEC advance comes to a close as our forces reach their maximum range; we
now await the counterstrike from the AMAZONS.
...AZTEC covert forces employ operatives to detonate nuclear warhead in AMAZON
capital of KAUPANG. Mission is successful!
...AZTEC armies sack blasted ruins of KAUPANG.
...AMAZON government wobbles away to THE UDAL.
...AZTEC covert forces strike repeatedly; by the time all is said and done, we have
bribed three AMAZON cities to switch to our rule. Our bank accounts may be dried
up, but we're that much closer to crushing the AMAZONS. Soon they shall be an
occupied and broken people again. And this time, there will be no second chance!
2097 AD — AMAZONS, SIOUX sign peace treaty.
...AZTEC forces sack AMAZON capital of THE UDAL.
...AMAZON leaders retreat to ODENSE.
...ODENSE falls to advancing AZTEC forces.
...AMAZON leaders desperately regroup in NEW THERMOPYLAE.
2098 AD — Attempt by AMAZONS to use nuclear weapons on occupied MILETOS
thwarted by SDI defenses.
...AZTEC combat forces sack AMAZON capital of NEW THERMOPYLAE and execute
the enemy's best and brightest.
...AZTEC intelligence expects to finish up our mopping operations against the
crushed AMAZONS by 2099.
...This time there shall be no resurgence. The AMAZON nation is dead forever more
and will not rise again so long as the AZTEC empire rules their former lands. We
shall not break up, either, as the ZULUS did.
2101 AD — SIOUX attack AZTECS.
...Enemy forces occupy CARMARTHEN.
...Enemy missile forces blow apart two AZTEC battle groups in harbor.
...AZTEC forces hit back and occupy CARDIFF, wresting control of Women's
Suffrage from the enemy.
...For the first time in centuries, war rages in the Americas as AZTEC armies
march into the heartland of the SIOUX empire. The first casualty is BOSTON, an
old AMERICAN city wrested from SIOUX rule and put under the AZTEC thumb. It has
been 531 years since AMERICA existed. Their bloodlines have pretty much been
assimilated by the SIOUX, much as the VIKINGS assimiliated the CELTS.
...AZTEC armies smash SIOUX forces guarding WASHINGTON and sack the former
capital of the assimilated AMERICAN people. We wrest control of the Manhattan
Project and Adam Smith's Trading Company from SIOUX control.
...AZTEC armies storm SIOUX capital of LITTLE BIGHORN.
...SIOUX leaders reestablish capital in WOOD LAKE.
...AZTEC armies have punched deep into North America. Our forces have taken the
entire West Coast, heartland and most of the eastern seaboard. The SIOUX still
control significant chunks of northeastern and north-central North America. Not
for long, though, if AZTEC armies keep moving the way they have been.
...SIOUX capital of WOOD LAKE falls before rampaging AZTEC armies.
...SIOUX reestablish capital at BEAR PAW.
...AZTEC forces sack SIOUX capital of BEAR PAW.
...SIOUX city of POINT OF ROCKS becomes newest home for SIOUX leaders.
...AZTEC offensive forces have exhausted themselves. The SIOUX bastards still
have control of a good chunk of northeastern North America and their domination
of Greenland remains uncontested at this point, along with Iceland and some other
islands just off the north coast of North America.
2102 AD — AZTEC armies roll into SIOUX capital of POINT OF ROCKS.
...SIOUX elite regroup again in FIRST WIND.
...AZTEC armies sweep into FIRST WIND.
...SIOUX rats jump ship and stink up YELLOWTREE. Yes, AZTEC respect for the
rats who call themselves SIOUX is at an all-time low. They started this war, and we
plan to end it. When that time comes, all of Earth shall be nothing more than mere
provinces to the mighty AZTEC empire!
...YELLOWTREE falls to AZTEC combat forces; fall of city also delivers the Apollo
Program's home city into AZTEC hands.
...SIOUX leaders retreat to MORNING ROCK in Greenland.
...The AZTEC military is proud to announce that its forces now control all of North
America. The evil SIOUX have been expelled from their birthlands and can now only
plot and grovel from Greenland, Iceland and a few other islands. Soon the AZTEC
empire shall snuff out these nests of rats as well.
2105 AD — AZTEC armies sack STANDING ROCK, eradicating the last SIOUX city in
the Eurasian continent.
2106 AD — SIOUX bastards use nuclear weapons against occupied THUNDERBIRD.
Intelligence reports 16 AZTEC divisions lost in addition to heavy civilian casualties
within the destroyed city.
...AZTEC nation draws up plan to eradicate remaining SIOUX through use of spies
carrying backpack one-megaton warheads. If the SIOUX wish to use nukes, then we
have no compunction about wiping their sorry asses with nukes in return.
...Last of SIOUX cities off the north coast of North America have been conquered.
The price was high, however, what with the THUNDERBIRD incident. If this is the
SIOUX endgame, then we must stiffen our resolve even more. So is the heavy price
of ruling an entire world.
2107 AD — SIOUX hit FIRST WIND with nuclear weapons.
...AZTEC forces make first landings in Greenland and fortify inside bases.
...AZTEC operatives destroy WHITEHORSE in a blast of thermonuclear fire.
2108 AD — SIOUX hit POINT OF ROCKS with nuclear weapons.
...AZTEC intelligence plans to wreak vengeance on remaining SIOUX; to that end, all
of Greenland will be returned to nature. That means killing every single SIOUX
bastard that survives our invasion of that land.
...AZTEC forces begin storming SIOUX cities located in Greenland. As each city is
conquered, OPERATION FOUR WINDS is initiated: namely, all citizens are enslaved
and the city is starved into non-existence. Surviving citizens will be converted into
slave engineer battalions, which will then begin erasing all traces of humanity's
presence in Greenland. Afterwards, the slave engineers battalions will be executed
like the rats they are.
...SIOUX capital of MORNING ROCK sacked by AZTEC armies.
...SIOUX war criminals escape to RED ELM.
...RED ELM falls to AZTEC forces.
...SIOUX war criminals scurry away to BADLANDS.
...BADLANDS occupied by AZTEC forces.
...NAPLES becomes last redoubt for SIOUX war criminals.
...Desperate rats manage to escape NAPLES as city becomes object of target
practice by AZTEC gunners.
...Liberation of CARMARTHEN from SIOUX occupiers puts end to SIOUX nation's
independence. Unlike other conquered powers, we intend to treat the fallen SIOUX,
especially in Greenland, as the ****ing cattle they are. To be used, then killed. The
SIOUX shall have no part in humanity's future whatsoever. In fact, AZTEC
scientists have a long-range plan now to return all of North America to pristine
wilderness. Only a few former AMERICAN and SIOUX cities shall remain.
2108 AD — Two deep-space military probes are dispatched to Alpha Centauri. Each
probe carries a pair of five-megaton thermonuclear warheads. We should hear
back within 30 years as to their success in destroying the SIOUX colonists clinging
desperately to an alien world so far away.
March 6, 2001, 01:24
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CW - no offence either taken or, I hope, given.
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
March 6, 2001, 01:37
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Depends on the year...
REALLY early, horseman can do big damage to those lowly warriors, but the window of opportunity is limited.
If you get iron works from a hut early (It's not a high research priority early for me), vet legions can kick butt.
Forget chariots... the only ones I ever have I get from huts. But, if you should meet somebody early with that chariot
If you race to Chivalry, vet knights can be VERY powerful.
A combonation of vet pikeman and vet cats may be slow, but almost unstopable until gunpowder.
Super Ironclads always work.
Vet Crusaders are my favorite.
The key is "what can you get" before anybody else... then use it!
March 6, 2001, 05:21
Veteran stealth fighter. He's amazingly effective!
He's relatively cheap (with 80 shields he's MUCH cheaper that the bomber), have 14 movement points, can attack multiple times killing a multitude of units during a single turn and ignores city walls. When he has done his work he returns safely to his home city (preferably with airport so that resting a turn there would restore his full strength) and is soon ready to attack again. If this isn't enough to glorify the mighty stealth fighter there is one nice feature more: he won't cause unhappiness in demo, because he is considered to be a defensive unit by game designers!
March 6, 2001, 09:26
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Granted, in the late game, Howies are almost unstopable. Their attack value, combined with their two movement makes them the ultimate weapon.
But Vet Stealth Fighters are the most versatile. I always love having a bunch of them available. Having them waiting over key defensive positions within enemy city limits when you take the city to keep partisans from appearing on them, and then using them to take out the partisans that are sitting in the open is just fun! They patrol, defend, attack... what more could you want from a 80 shield weapon
March 6, 2001, 15:31
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A most interesting, and informative thread...I'm very impressed with the remarks of Edward, and others, about the effectiveness of crusaders.
I must try them - in combination with Stealth fighters! - in my next game as warlord.
March 6, 2001, 21:29
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Bombers! With bombers, I can set carriers around the enemy and pound his cities to dust, then send in my Marines and armor. An unbeatable combination.
March 6, 2001, 23:29
The way I play depends on what kind of game I'm playing. If I'm going for High score, I mop up other civs ASAP so I can have more time to farm and irrigate. Crusaders with defense of 1 are to me, not as good as knights because If I fortify knights outside a enemy's city, he stands a good Defensive change, whereas crusaders fall apart way too easily. Catapults are too slow and I usually have 40-50 cities by the time Chivalry rolls around(Chivalry comes mighty early for me and I am a massive expansionist). So I crank out hordes of knights. It takes me roughly 5 knights to break a pike behind walls so I assign maybe 25 to a city and break the defense. When Dragoons comes, it becomes much easier. If I happen to get magnesium before leadership, then I mop up the coast with frigates(amazingly effective even under diety). So I have most of the world by the time industralization comes around. Then with cavalry, I just mop up whats left and leave one city, develop my civ and try to get the highest score.
Go post stuff at
Civworld forums
Go post now!
"The seeds of evil are the the same seeds of greatness so be evil and be great."
March 7, 2001, 00:17
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March 7, 2001, 00:43
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I used to wait for howitzers, but it is hard to win by 2020 on a large world if you don't get started earlier. Instead, I attack earlier with artillery and engineers. The engineers make it eady to build an instant fort just outside a city. I move in sufficient vet artillery and a defender or two, and blast them next turn. A vet artillery can usually defeat a rifleman or alpine unit behind city walls. It takes two artillery per defender if the city is on a river with vets. I prefer not to remove city walls. It takes resources, and you conquer less of a useful city. The two units of firepower(vs cavalry) makes all the difference.
The same technique can be done with settlers and cannon it is not quite as effective.
Earlier, I expand and bribe cities.
March 7, 2001, 05:24

Originally posted by geofelt on 03-06-2001 11:43 PM
The same technique can be done with settlers and cannon it is not quite as effective.
IMO, forts are not necessarily needed for the effective use of cannons. They are relatively cheap and have good fire power. I always build Leo's and prepare for metallurgy by building catapults to be upgraded. I also like Sun Tsu War Academy (STWA?) a lot and like to train my green cannons by attacking some weak units.
In my recent game (large world, a lot of water) I accomplished incredible results using a LOT of vet cannons against fortified musketeers behind walls. AI doesn't seem to build barracks too much so his city defenders are mostly greens.
I transport my cannons with my navy, drop them to a rough terrain next to an enemy city, along with a good defensive unit of course. Next turn I blast away the most of defenders with my cannons. The few remaining weakened defenders (if any) are finished off with my knights/crusaders/dragoons/cavalry or even with my defenders (musketeers/rifles). Next turn I (rush)build barracks to the town, move all my weakened units inside, let them rest there a turn to get them fully recoverd and then let them strike to the next city.
[This message has been edited by Marko_Polo (edited March 07, 2001).]
March 7, 2001, 10:33
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I can understand those who wait for modern weaponry as, for a long time, that used to be my approach too. But when I started to think of playing MP ( still haven't got around to that) I thought I should hone up my warmongering skills. So I played a succession of bloodlusts on small maps.
The result is that I support Ming's comments. There are a hundred and one windows of opportunity during which one or other unit, or one or other combination of units, has an edge.
Curiously the advent of the next generation of good defensive units triggers opportunities for aggression. That is because you can much more shelter your attackers to the target with greater ease and security. I used rarely to build musketeers because by the time I got Gunpowder my reasearch would be thundering along and riflemen would soon be available. But now I just love to get Gunpowder because those three hit points allow a musketeer to soak up the punishment. With one or two of these lads, stacked, and making use of terrain, I can shelter my best offensive units (catapults maybe) up to the gates of the city. You will hold off even multiple attacks from enemy catapults.
You can often get to this point before the A1 has walls and your attackers can fancy their chances against phalanx/pikemen/legion defenders. Even if your men fall into the red while attacking, and the city does not fall, the musketeers will shelter the attackers who emerge individually victorious but injured from any counterattack.
Same point with the arrival of riflemen. They will protect your cannons, knights or crusaders - even against opposition cannon, with modest help from terrain.
Oh, and the A1 doesn't, anyway, seem to use its artillery defensively. When it builds a catapult or cannon it dispatches it into open countryside to die an obscure death in some muddy field.
One tip is to move a solitary pikeman/musketeer/rifleman next to the target (possibly stacked with just one other low cost unit as insurance against bribery) and then only move the costly aggressive units up next move after he has got himself succesfully entrenched. This has more than one benefit. If the A1 doesn't attack him or attacks and does little damage, this is a sign of considerable weakness and should encourage you to press the assault. But if he is succesfully attacked by a powerful offensive unit you are entitled to think again. If he is killed off but only after the A1 has expended a ton of lower grade units then it is likely to have drained most of its defensive strength while doing so. And if he survives but falls badly into the red you repeat the cycle, finally moving up the attackers when there is a fit, entrenched defender in place
I used to think the window for the ironclads to be limited by the advent of the musketeer. Not so. A vet ironclad will often, even usually, win against a musketeer. The fleet will emerge taking on water and about to go belly up. Luckily, however, there will be a handy coastal city to effect necessary repairs within before it moves further down the coast.  And again, the A1 does not star at combined arms. The chance that you will face any serious naval counterattack exploiting your damaged condition is nil.
By the time the conquest generates partisans you need an undamaged ironclad or two to sail into the captured city and to take out the partisans not on mountains/hills. They won't be in forts because of the silly pattern to which the A1 always builds them.
George G - try moving in from the sea with units other than marines. You'll find any military unit can hop straight off its transport and take a city that has lowered its flag. The special characteristic of marines is not the ability to move into an undefended city but to attack from onboard ship.
One technique I picked up from the much maligned A1. I noted that it regularly offers peace after a succesful attack. Is it sated with victory and intent on peaceful enjoyment of its conquest? Not a bit of it! It is determined to attack again - and soon. What it sneakily wants is the sneak attack bonus!
So when the A1 sues for a cease fire or a peace while your attack is rolling, accept every time. Then promptly attack again within the same turn! If you think the best defender in the city will be a tough cookie to crack (a vet musketeer, say) this technique gives you an excellent chance of taking him out, or injuring him so badly he'll inevitably fall to the next attacking unit.
All in all I find the biggest contraint on my assaults come with the need to garison the captured cities. I never seem to bring enough units just to move in and hold.
And I now understand why all the warmongers go on and on about vet status. It seems to make much more difference, somehow, than the mere numbers would suggest. To demonstrate, try (or rather don't try) keeping your attack rolling straight after, with Leo's, all your vet ironclads turn into greenie destroyers. Suddenly it will be a case of, "Look mum no fleet".
(Instead, if you have STWA take the whole lot off to a barb spawning ground or the shores of a weakling civ replete with antique units. If you don't have STWA, they go over to convoy duty and you have to wait the next window with the advent of cruisers.)
Lasty, a couple of tips. In the very early diplomatic exchanges with neighbours, watch out for the military techs they offer to exchange and those they want to trade for. You can often tell from that how well or poorly their city/cities will be defended. As Ming points out, horsemen are favourites against warriors. Trick is to know it will be a warrior you face.
Second, if you embark on an attack and get a surprise first result there is a sense of annoyance which can lead you to throw in the next two or three units in rapid succession, each of which almost certainly also dies. So, when that irritation bites, stop; remember that this is a thinking man's turn based game not some mindless chicken shoot; give your back a break; get up; make a cup of tea; and when the irritation is well and truly gone; re-evaluate. Try to establish what it is threw your expectation off (have you missed a terrain factor? are you facing vets?). Re-examine your priorities. How important is the mission, how damaging will it be if the attack force is destroyed for no gain. I believe a military man would say "Don't re-inforce defeat". By which I don't mean that it doesn't pay to tolerate casualties. It does. It is surprising outcomes that call for a re-think.
March 7, 2001, 11:48
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EST - we might have to withdraw our offer of MP play - this sounds far too erudite! You seem to have correctly evaluated most of the windows of opportunity......
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
March 7, 2001, 14:12
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Nice post EST.
SG [1] ooops ... EST has found out about Ironclads (useless vessels - hope Civ 3 has none of them!!!) - but does he know the Ironclad/Diplo trick? If he does - we're out of here.
March 7, 2001, 14:36
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Originally posted by East Street Trader on 03-07-2001 09:33 AM
Oh, and the A1 doesn't, anyway, seem to use its artillery defensively. When it builds a catapult or cannon it dispatches it into open countryside to die an obscure death in some muddy field.
Really? Is this true? it never uses cats or cannon from inside city? (i know i should be able to figure this out on my own, but i usually play with sounds off) Thats very interesting to know, since it means that an AI that lacks crusaders or rifles (as most do for a very long time) will only attack my besieging forces with units with base attack of 4 (elephants typically, or knights) or less. This makes the prospects of building a siege force around a city much more feasible than i thought, using musketeers or even pikemen.
I am surprised as I normally put a cat inside an exposed city for use against besiegers - that seems to me usually the best use for cats.
Lord of the mark
March 7, 2001, 16:50
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Lots of good stuff here. I'll agree that all you need is an attacker who's a little better than the defenders you'll be facing (or a lot of weak attackers). That said, my landmark techs tend to be gunpowder and leadership. It's worth noting that if you turn off your science, the AI research rate will drop also. So if you're ready to go on a fundamentalist rampage with musketeers and dragoons, you don't need to worry too much about the AIs discovering labor union before you find them.
A cannon is a great offensive unit if you also have railroad and explosives. The engineers lay tracks up to the rival city, the train rolls up, and the cannons fire from their flatcars and blow up the defenders. Metallurgy comes at least two techs before tactics, so why wait for cavalry?
March 7, 2001, 16:54
Local Time: 18:53
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Posts: 267
Much agreed, Marko_Polo. East Street Trader's narrative style is always a pleasure to read.
One comment on East Street's essay: If you have musketeers, then catapults are (effectively) obsolete. The musketeer's 2 hitpoints combined with his 3 attack strength make him just as good an attacker as the catapult. He moves as quickly as and defends much better than a catapult. Plus he only costs 75% as much to build! A small management side effect - no more thinking about how many of each to type to build. The attacking power of musketeers is often underrated. (I still prefer the crusader/knight's movement.)
Great points otherwise. I didn't know about the sneak attack bonus. I've just recently started to let go of a good reputation and will have to try to use this to my advantage.
Archangel MasterBob,
Nice to know that with enough troops, not even wall-tumbling diplomats are necessary.
Magnesium is the elusive tech that lets you build Uranium caravans.
March 7, 2001, 17:22
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Originally posted by Edward on 03-07-2001 03:54 PM
The musketeer's 2 hitpoints combined with his 3 attack strength make him just as good an attacker as the catapult.
Exactly what I used to believe. But I've since become convinced of the validity of the dice roll combat model, which results in a bonus to a stronger unit. This means that a catapult should be able to destroy a musketeer on open ground (8.875:3.125), while a musketeer should lose when attacking another musket of equal vet status (2.875:3.125). I still contend that a non-vet musketeer is just as good on defense as a vet pike against horses, and better against all other units.
Edit: added italicized text in last sentence, corrected odds.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited March 07, 2001).]
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