September 1, 2001, 15:58
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Prediction of Civ Unique Units.
So, we've had 4... that leaves 12 Civs left. So, let's start a prediction pool on the unique units of the other civs.
We already know that the Americans have the F-14 fighter, the Russians have the MIG fighter, the Germans have the Panzer tank, the Romans have the legion, and the Zulus have the Impi (personally I would have made the American UU a Carrier), so that leaves us 7 Civs that we are unsure about the UUs.
Here are my thoughts:
Aztec: Spiritual Warrior
Iroquois: Brave (?)
English: Dreadnought or Man-of-War
French: Cavalry (?)
Persians: Advanced Horsemen (?)
Indians: Elephant warriors
Japanese: Samuri
Contribute what you will. Some of you know much more about the armies of these nations than I do.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
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September 1, 2001, 16:33
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I would think some sort of napoleon era Infantry could be the French unique unit.
Edit: I think the name is Line Infantry or something like that.
Last edited by Yog-Sothoth; September 1, 2001 at 16:51.
September 1, 2001, 17:22
Local Time: 13:01
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French- Musketeers
English- Man-o-war
My predictions:
Persians- Inmortals
Japanese samurai? umm, that makes the japanese golden age unhistorical.
September 1, 2001, 18:02
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Originally posted by Alfonsus72
French- Musketeers
English- Man-o-war
Hola, Alfonsus!
Where can we find the confirmation to these ones?
September 1, 2001, 18:42
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Hola, Fiera.
That info is in civfanatics CIV3 information center (a compilation of info about CIV3):
I think that they took that info from the Computer Games (an US maganize) cover story dedicated to Civ3.
There are lot of fine details and info about the game, so check it and will comment.
September 1, 2001, 18:48
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Gracias, hombre.
Normally I don't take info based on magazines previews too seriously, 'cause I know how journalists love to made up things just to get lager articles  , but I guess if they say that the French unique unit is the Musketeer, that must be true.
September 1, 2001, 19:06
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I believe it cause its logical: if golden age starts when your special unit wins a combat, the units must be from the historical age of the historical golen age of that civ. So english Man-o-war and french musketeer are good units for both of them.
What I´m not sure is about japanese Samurais, cause Japan started his expansion historically about 1860. Samurais are very famous units, but they fighter mainly in what we could call now japanese civil wars. I would prefer a japanese unit of WW2, like Zero fighter, but I guess that info is also accurate and finally it will be the samurai.
September 2, 2001, 01:20
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Originally posted by Alfonsus72
I believe it cause its logical: if golden age starts when your special unit wins a combat, the units must be from the historical age of the historical golen age of that civ. So english Man-o-war and french musketeer are good units for both of them.
What I´m not sure is about japanese Samurais, cause Japan started his expansion historically about 1860. Samurais are very famous units, but they fighter mainly in what we could call now japanese civil wars. I would prefer a japanese unit of WW2, like Zero fighter, but I guess that info is also accurate and finally it will be the samurai.
Not true on the expansion front. The Samurai/bushi class came to the fore in the Japanese middle-ages, particularly during the Taira-Minamoto wars over the Shogunate. Samurai defended Japan against Mongol/Chinese invasions in the time of Kublai Khan, and invaded Korea in the 16th Century. That leaves a couple of opportunities for the Japanese to trigger a Golden Age.
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September 2, 2001, 02:08
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i think a Zero fighter would be great for the japanese, but i suppose it doesn't reflect their golden age, which seems to be the point of the CSUs.
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September 2, 2001, 02:26
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aztec unit | japanese unit ?
looks lioke soem weird spirit guy and a samuari.
"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
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September 2, 2001, 04:03
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IIRC, I think the name you are trying to think of for the Aztec unit would be the Jaguar warriors, or something like that. I remember them, and another type of Aztec warrior being mentioned in another thread.
And as for the French, yes, I would agree that the King's Musketeers are a good choice. But... If it had to be a Napoleonic unit, it wouldn't be a Line Infantry unit. It would be the Old Guard of the Imperial Guards. These were men who were with Napoleon's army from at least 1803, if not all the way back to the battle of Marengo(sp?). These are the ones who were with him through practically everything, and to my recollection were only really routed once, and that was at Waterloo. They were the best trained and best equipped of Napoleon's army.
Many of the French Line Infantry units, especially in the later half of his reign, just weren't that good. The British Peninsular army under Wellington regularly pounded on the French. The only real trouble Wellington really had in Spain was that his Spanish allies were often perfect examples of the saying "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" [No disrespect intended to anyone from modern day Spain. Its just a fact of history that the Spanish army in the first twenty years of the 1800's was one of the worst in Europe.]
September 2, 2001, 04:06
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Yeah, but Musketeers are confirmed...
Personally, I would have given the French cannons; the Hundred Years War was (in the opinions of some) ended by them.
September 2, 2001, 04:59
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Originally posted by Bleyn
The only real trouble Wellington really had in Spain was that his Spanish allies were often perfect examples of the saying "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" [No disrespect intended to anyone from modern day Spain. Its just a fact of history that the Spanish army in the first twenty years of the 1800's was one of the worst in Europe.]
Probably that´s why in 1808, at the begining of french invasion of the peninsula, the french army were defeated by spanish at Bailen, taken 20,000 prisioners of your beloved veteran guard of Napoleon, with no help of that Wellington, whose troops has in fact orders of non colaborate with spanish resistance and destroy all the spanish industrial facilities they could.
That spanish army (worst of europe for you) alson won many battles in the early XIX, before french invasion they won an small war against Portugal (both spanish and portugese didn´t wanted to fight, but french and english forced them to did it), and they defeated Nelson at Tenerife, where he lost many ships and men and one of his arms.
The problem was that the regular army collapsed soon under the french invasion, and resistance was done mainly by civilians.
September 2, 2001, 07:27
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Re: Prediction of Civ Unique Units.
Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
We already know that the Americans have the F-14 fighter...
F 15
Some ideas:
English: Ship of the Line
French: Corvette or Frigate
Persians: Armoured Cavalry or Elephants
September 2, 2001, 16:30
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I think that they took that info from the Computer Games (an US maganize) cover story dedicated to Civ3.
Just got Computer Games Magazine, and they said UUs to be American F-15s and NEW Russian Cossacks!
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
September 2, 2001, 19:35
A young Mexican lad told me two year ago that the Aztec warrior would drink cactus juice before going into battle.
This one Cactus produces a drug like juice and you will not feel pain.
So when the braves were high, they then would go into battle and unless you kill one, he would keep fighting with little or no pain. That in it self made them very tough to defeat.
As this young man told us, each cactus produce a difference type of liquid. His Father had taught him about each and every cactus.
You can only eat some, not all.
September 2, 2001, 20:13
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they dumped the MiG? I thought it was in for sure.
Seemed a little odd first time I heard it, considering the yanks have the F-15, but as others pointed out, it does make sense, especially if the MiG is a cheaper (and slightly less effective) version of the F-15.
Not to mention that post WWII USSR was a Golden Age of sorts for the Soviets (Russians), with their huge empire and global influence.
The cossack is very cool as well, and quite famous.
But it's a bummer to see something that was completed, had a lot of work put into it, get dumped from the game. I imagine we'll see it pop up in an expansion sometime down the road tho.
As for the Aztec unit, I prefered the earlier Eagle Warrior they had in the screenshots over the spirit priest guy who just stepped out of a Rio parade.
The French special unit is the musketeer, which has been in several screenshots, one with the unit selected and the attributes readable: 3.4.1
Which seems a little weak considering the Chinese special unit (lower tech) is 4.4.3.
The average pikeman is gonna be what, 1.3.1 at least? So the normal arquebus/musket dude default unit has to be . . . 3.3.1? or 2.4.1? Hard to figure how it is going to be less than the musketeer strength wise compared to the other units.
Perhaps the musketeer will be really cheap. If firepower is still in it makes more sense but I haven't heard anything about it still being in . . .
There is a archer soldier in what I believe is Persian attire in an early screenshot, but that doesn't mean much. They've changed their minds before. Indians will probably get the elephants.
And as for the Japanese, I agree the Zero might be a more appropriate choice (matches with the German panzer, too), but the Samurai is just so famous I think that tipped the scales. Ditto with the Cossack and MiG, perhaps?
Maybe the game will even ship with some Scenarios with different units in them. That'd be cool. They could use the biplane that doesnt seem to have made it in.
September 2, 2001, 21:17
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Originally posted by joseph1944
A young Mexican lad told me two year ago that the Aztec warrior would drink cactus juice before going into battle.
This one Cactus produces a drug like juice and you will not feel pain.
So when the braves were high, they then would go into battle and unless you kill one, he would keep fighting with little or no pain. That in it self made them very tough to defeat.
As this young man told us, each cactus produce a difference type of liquid. His Father had taught him about each and every cactus.
You can only eat some, not all.
Tequilla is made from cactus juice.. dates back to the aztecs. so they go into battle drunk. just like a crazzy scotsman  .
And a huge precentage of warriors didnt die in battle. The majority of soldiers were wounded and taken prisoner to be scarificed later. Another reason why spanish had an advantage, they were going for the straight kill and the Aztecs were going for the capture so they could be sacrificed.
And I would rather see Jaguar Knights as Aztec UU. Having nice Jaguar skins and the Aztec sword with pieces of obsideon. Medicen man??? er?
September 4, 2001, 03:47
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Can the elephant resource be both luxury and strategic? Maybe it can, but if it can't the special unit isn't elephants. I think there is lots of other choices for an indian special unit. Just don't remember their names.
The musketman (if he's something like 3.4.1) seems weak compared with other units. But if fireaxis is aiming for realistic on this one, it's OK. The first muskets didn't shoot longer og damage more than bow and arrow. The great thing about guns is that it require much less training to fire one than a bow. I hope this means the musketeer and the musketman will be real cheap.
The musketeers of Louis XIV was considered invincible in Europe, the only reason there were defeated where due to Marlboro's tactical and strategic skills. The musketeers were used for offensive campaigns by Louis and I hope this means they will get an extra point in attack, though I doubt it.
These units must be based on ancient units. Not knights, pikemen or swordsmen. Please Fireaxis!!
September 4, 2001, 11:31
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Originally posted by Phutnote
The French special unit is the musketeer, which has been in several screenshots, one with the unit selected and the attributes readable: 3.4.1
Hmm, that must be the "normal" Musketeer unit, just as there are normal Knights that are weaker than the Chinese Riders.
So perhaps the French unique unit is called "Royal Musketeers", or "The three musketeers"  or something like that, and they'll have higher attributes. Something around 4.5.1, or 4.4.2, I guess...
September 6, 2001, 09:31
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I sure would like to see a Grenadier style special French unit which, if I'm not mistaken(and I could be, since French mil. history is not my "forte") it was quite important in Napoleonic wars.Eventually when defeated in Waterloo British troops took over their hat style(that tall fury thing).
September 6, 2001, 10:28
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If the original Musketeer unit is 4-3-1, then the Royal Musketeer should be 4-4-2 or 5-3-1? Also, aren't there more attributes now for each unit in the txt file, even though Firaxis still talks about those three? Is that those extra attributes are not important for resolving combat?
September 6, 2001, 10:36
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Originally posted by Steve Clark
Also, aren't there more attributes now for each unit in the txt file, even though Firaxis still talks about those three? Is that those extra attributes are not important for resolving combat?
I guess Firaxis got rid of fireponts altogether and assigned hitpoints to levels of morale.
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