(C)1998 by St. Leo
I. Introduction
The goal of this text is to inform people of all the ways
to declare war and keeping your reputation spotless.
II. The Best of the Best of the Best
The best way to declare war is to ask another civilization
to do it(Diplomacy Screen). The AI has sources which almost
always lead him to declare war after this persuasion. Often
your co-conspirator will ask for money, so keep some around.
Generally, your allies ask for 50+ gold. On the other hand,
some civs may ask for upwards of 10000+ gold. If you lack
sufficient funds they will taunt you, that's all.
III. Espionage
A less immediate way to declare war is to bribe a couple
of the AI's cities. Others will still hold you in highest
regard, but the victim is somewhat less tolerant. Espionage
is also helpful in representatice governments of scenarios.
If you commit a particularly nasty act, a scandal in senate
will cause a revolution.
IV. Provocation
Demanding tribute or troop withdrawal from your enemy is one
of the best ways to have them declare war on you. Most of the
time the desired outcome will be achieved, othertimes they will
spit in your face or give in to your demands.
V. Lurking in Dangerous Waters
You can talk to civilization who are currently at war with your
victim to have them ask you to declare war. Certain sources tell
me that the damage is smaller if your ally offers you money or
advances in return for the war. But be careful, some of your
"friends" may be at war with your other "friends".
VI. Ohmmmm, ohmmmm! Give me luck, Ares!
Certain religious government, which goes under the name of
Fundamentalism, has very small punishments in terms of
reputation after a betrayal of any form or an extremely
violent act. Some players also play with it due to the
profits and production associated with it.
VII. World Fairs with Big Metal Towers
Building the Eiffel Tower wonder improves your reputation and
makes other civilization love you. Survey the circumstances
as to whether the shield investment is worthwhile.
VIII. Conclusion
This text has shown how to obtain a state of armed conflict easily
and rapidly. Hopefully, you can defeat them before some imbecile
civ builds the Manhattan Project.
St. Leo